Mace Windu said:
Anytime you are dealing with systemic problems and issus that have to deal with large groups of people it will take work and much effort to solve problems that arise. Especially here in a place as complex and large as the US...
The problem is not really "systemic" or complex. Unassimilable groups living in close proximity will always clash -- even when they are of near-equal average ability. In North America, we have a sizeable minority race (Negroes) which is intellectually-deficient and behaviorally-divergent. Not that this is a negative...
A race war, whether one of outright open violence, or one of unyielding-but-civil hostility and refusal to feign integration, is FAR preferable to "getting along," integrating, and "becoming one." That my descendants might perish in a race-based conflict is a far more tasteful thought than that their genes may simply whimper into some miscegenized remnant. THAT is truly FRIGHTFUL!