Is a race war coming?

Anytime you are dealing with systemic problems and issus that have to deal with large groups of people it will take work and much effort to solve problems that arise. Especially here in a place as complex and large as the US. I am actually for cutting welfare to people just abuse it and use it to buy flat screen tvs or trick our their ride. I have absolutely no respect for folks like that.
Westside said:
You may be the exception. And WTF do you mean you don't know where I am coming from? I think over a hundred years is long enough time for your peps to unscrew yourselves and become productive and peaceful members of this country. How come immigrants from Asia and Europe never seem to have all the so called baggage that precludes your peps from being a constant pain in the ass on all fronts?

People are long sick of it. You people have enough time to unscrew yourselves. Most smart whites want nothing to do your peps. It just something called White man's burden. Its something we will have to live with for ever. A big pain in the ass. Feeling Me homie?
Very Valid point my friend. But there are a whole host of issues and problems that have beset the black community in our history. And believe you me I am not gonna vouche and make excuses. Thats stupid. But I think there are many in the black community who see the problem and honestly want to fix it. And many many blacks across the nation are doing this on a small scale. It takes time and effort thatsall.
Here is some prudent advice. Tell the Democratic Party to go to hell. They do nothing but enable Black mediocrity and dependence on government. Work hard to defeat Obama and his enablers. This would be a start.

And like I said Black people have had enough time already. The time is now.
True. And Im not for the democrats but dont think the majority of blacks are going to give up voting for them anytime soon. And the reason is that you have to be in a certain mindset to vote conservative. In other words you have to have something to 'conserve' and since many blacks are poor and on welfare they have nothing to conserve other than their damand for more social services. Like I said, itsa problems we blacks are not proud of and want to fix.
Hey Bro, I was born in a ghetto, I have lived amongst you. There are some cool black cats, but the majority are being led astray by the likes of Jackson, Sharpton, white libs and the smooth tongue dummy Barack.

Go on Sirus Satellite and listen to Larry Elder. He will show you the way. And you can pass on what you learn.
Westside said:
Hey Bro, I was born in a ghetto, I have lived amongst you. There are some cool black cats, but the majority are being led astray by the likes of Jackson, Sharpton, white libs and the smooth tongue dummy Barack.

Go on Sirus Satellite and listen to Larry Elder. He will show you the way. And you can pass on what you learn.
LOL Good one dude but I have no intention of listening to Larry Elder. I feel thats he's just toooo far to the right. Why would I listen to him when I can listen to Rush Libaugh and get the real thing LOL. Anyways Im more of a libratarian. Im not real big on party cheerleaders likehannity and the retard Olberman. He's trash. They are just ideologues who say what people pay em too. I wished more american were libritarian or at least voted independent. Because its the only way I believe we can get these washington clowns to do whats best for everyone.
Ok, then I all I can suggest is the TEA party. And Larry Elder is not to far to the right. He hits almost a perfect balance, other that his views on freedom of illicit drugs. Larry is a libritarian but vote Republican because a third party is futile right now. But if the in coming congress fails to deliver or fight for Conservative values, F them all!!
The trouble is the media and liberals are pushing negros into place's they don't belong, because we are not equal, the parts that the white and black race play in life can be complimentary, but not
identical. we can help, and love the mentally ill, but we dont put them in medical school.
I think simply altering the paradigm that whites are the only group that can't take any pride in white people, and that white people can't be referred in anything good but can be mentioned for something bad/racist. This includes the elimination of white guilt, phony praise by whites of minorities "he speaks well, he's so articulate, he's handsome, I have black friends, etc." It is already becoming more acceptable to call out anti-white racism without ironically being called a racist yourself for doing so. If we got this under control things would be a lot better. If all this happened along with eliminating the promotion of blacks for ANY racial reason whatsoever, including media, sports, academics, movies, tv, music, advertising then we would truly have the equal society and if some blacks are able to make it then fine, if not fine also.
racially unconscious white people are in fact white people's biggest problem. some non-whites may be held responsible, but the lack of cohesion amongst europeans is THE issue.
Mace Windu said:
Anytime you are dealing with systemic problems and issus that have to deal with large groups of people it will take work and much effort to solve problems that arise. Especially here in a place as complex and large as the US...

The problem is not really "systemic" or complex. Unassimilable groups living in close proximity will always clash -- even when they are of near-equal average ability. In North America, we have a sizeable minority race (Negroes) which is intellectually-deficient and behaviorally-divergent. Not that this is a negative...

A race war, whether one of outright open violence, or one of unyielding-but-civil hostility and refusal to feign integration, is FAR preferable to "getting along," integrating, and "becoming one." That my descendants might perish in a race-based conflict is a far more tasteful thought than that their genes may simply whimper into some miscegenized remnant. THAT is truly FRIGHTFUL!
C Darwin said:
racially unconscious white people are in fact white people's biggest problem. some non-whites may be held responsible, but the lack of cohesion amongst europeans is THE issue.

Amen, brother. Deracinated whites are the problem, not the lack of "good" nonwhites. Now, it's not entirely the fault of most whites that they are brainwashed with integrationist, egalitarian propaganda. Nonetheless, they are the problem.
Deus Vult said:
Mace Windu said:
Anytime you are dealing with systemic problems and issus that have to deal with large groups of people it will take work and much effort to solve problems that arise. Especially here in a place as complex and large as the US...

The problem is not really "systemic" or complex. Unassimilable groups living in close proximity will always clash -- even when they are of near-equal average ability. In North America, we have a sizeable minority race (Negroes) which is intellectually-deficient and behaviorally-divergent. Not that this is a negative...

A race war, whether one of outright open violence, or one of unyielding-but-civil hostility and refusal to feign integration, is FAR preferable to "getting along," integrating, and "becoming one." That my descendants might perish in a race-based conflict is a far more tasteful thought than that their genes may simply whimper into some miscegenized remnant. THAT is truly FRIGHTFUL!

Do you really believe this? Blacks and whites are not Unassimilable in my opininion. We must remember blacks and whites were among the first Americans. We have lived and coexisted in this nation since 1619. Even though one group was a slave class at first. And the other largely free.Also blacks and whites in the U.S. are not like Hindus and Muslims in India. They are the same ethnicgroup but are constantly at each others throats over religionand political influence. Often clashes between them turn to violence.Blacks and Whites in the U.S. share the same religion, eat the same food, go to the sameschools, go to the same colleges, play on the same little league team, play on the same HS football team, and of course their isoccasional racial jostling and rivalry that goes on here and there, but thats part of being in America. We are not all the same Goddammit!!!God did not intend usto be. Andyour feeling of miscegenationwiping out your race is just plain hystaria man. In the early 1900's movies like 'Birth of a Nation' stirred up much racial controversy inAmerica with the idea of blacks raping white women which was present in the film. And Im not saying thatrape between races doesnt happen, it does. But black men in america donot gather in large groups to raid white neighborhoods anddrag all of the white women and girls out of their homesto be transported to 'Regional Rape Centers'where the evil negro males rape them!! Thats just plain hystaria man! 'Birth of a nation' was cancelled in many cities because it causedrace riots and local governments just didnt want to deal with thatkind of civil unrest. Chill out dude! There will always be whites, you guys wont getbreeded out. Just like there will always beasians, hispanics and Eskimos LOL
Whites and blacks can only live together if the percentage of the population of blacks is small and their effect on the culture is nil. That was the case for a couple of centuries. It isn't anymore. Blacks can not function in large numbers in a complex developed society. We see that around the world, from africa to Haiti to Detroit. When you are able to recreate the pre-1960's America--let me know.

When blacks reach a certain percentage of the population their natural social instints take over as the ruling paradigm and the society becomes a "black" one. Whites cannot exist in any meaningful way in a "black" society. It is not in our nature. As Thoms Jefferson said: "Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are to be free. [But] the two races...cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion has drawn indelible lines of distinction between them."

To expect or want otherwise is to bring disaster upon both peoples. If the condition of the US and other mixed race places around the globe have not convinced you of this yet then you are unable to be swayed. And I am the same way. So stop trying.
jaxvid said:
Whites and blacks can only live together if the percentage of the population of blacks is small and their effect on the culture is nil. That was the case for a couple of centuries. It isn't anymore. Blacks can not function in large numbers in a complex developed society. We see that around the world, from africa to Haiti to Detroit. When you are able to recreate the pre-1960's America--let me know.

When blacks reach a certain percentage of the population their natural social instints take over as the ruling paradigm and the society becomes a "black" one. Whites cannot exist in any meaningful way in a "black" society. It is not in our nature. As Thoms Jefferson said: "Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are to be free. [But] the two races...cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion has drawn indelible lines of distinction between them."

To expect or want otherwise is to bring disaster upon both peoples. If the condition of the US and other mixed race places around the globe have not convinced you of this yet then you are unable to be swayed. And I am the same way. So stop trying.

Great post, jaxvid! I agree 100%
Research the south African government and how they have treated Afrikaners for a practical example of what jaxvid wrote.
Miscegenation is what blacks and the jewish media want from the white race, but only "maybe" 3% of white people are willing to do, because for the most part the black race is, ugly, stupid, lazy and violent...........
lost said:
Miscegenation is what blacks and the jewish media want from the white race, but only "maybe" 3% of white people are willing to do, because for the most part the black race is, ugly, stupid, lazy and violent...........
If we are soooo ugly then why did white slave masters back in the day impregante (many times against their will) their black female slaves thus creating the mulatto or light skinned black person in America huh?
jaxvid said:
Whites and blacks can only live together if the percentage of the population of blacks is small and their effect on the culture is nil. That was the case for a couple of centuries. It isn't anymore. Blacks can not function in large numbers in a complex developed society. We see that around the world, from africa to Haiti to Detroit. When you are able to recreate the pre-1960's America--let me know.

When blacks reach a certain percentage of the population their natural social instints take over as the ruling paradigm and the society becomes a "black" one. Whites cannot exist in any meaningful way in a "black" society. It is not in our nature. As Thoms Jefferson said: "Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are to be free. [But] the two races...cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion has drawn indelible lines of distinction between them."

To expect or want otherwise is to bring disaster upon both peoples. If the condition of the US and other mixed race places around the globe have not convinced you of this yet then you are unable to be swayed. And I am the same way. So stop trying.
Its funny how you bring up thomas Jefferson to support your message my friend. THe same thomas jefferson that hat children with Sally Hemmings, one of his black female slaves.......Was thomas thinking that the races could not live together or coexist while he was banging Sally?? Huh??
he said "for the most part"....
lost said:
Miscegenation is what blacks and the jewish media want from the white race, but only "maybe" 3% of white people are willing to do, because for the most part the black race is, ugly, stupid, lazy and violent...........
Where are you getting your 3% stat from man. Because when I step outside in my area Im seeing a great deal of interracial dating these days. And what about all the under the table interracial relationships??
I myself prefer black women( especially with some european admixture over east asian most of the time, but everyone has his own taste.

Slave masters didn't had that much kids with the black female slaves but the mulatto slaves were populair. Average African american is 18% white let say 15% from slavery and 3% from recent admixture.Let say 24% peternal and maternal from slavery.Blacks were 10% of US population in that time that means like 2.4% of white men had a kid with a black women.Its maybe even lower becuase mulatto's were seen as exotic so they got more children then the close to pure ones.
waterbed said:
I myself prefer black women( especially with some european admixture over east asian most of the time, but everyone has his own taste.

Slave masters didn't had that much kids with the black female slaves but the mulatto slaves were populair. Average African american is 18% white let say 15% from slavery and 3% from recent admixture.Let say 24% peternal and maternal from slavery.Blacks were 10% of US population in that time that means like 2.4% of white men had a kid with a black women.Its maybe even lower becuase mulatto's were seen as exotic so they got more children then the close to pure ones.
Very well but realistically there is really no way of putting an official percent on the amount to white dudes that had kids with a black women back then. Remember it was 'against the rules' especially in the south and was swept under the rug and done in complete secrecy. But as far as percent wise I think the number was much higher in reality. Remember, this type of thing went on back then but its not really mentioned a whole lot in the history books.
In Europe most of the time Arabs are more anti white then blacks.
A thing a lot of blacks everywhere seems to have is to see everyting as racist.In europe we can't even give them a name becuase every word for them is racist, I sometimes call blacks then ones that are not white or oriental but the ones you can't give a name lol.

Blacks are now often called (translated) coloured and even then whites look often with a nervous face.
Mace Windu said:
waterbed said:
I myself prefer black women( especially with some european admixture over east asian most of the time, but everyone has his own taste. Slave masters didn't had that much kids with the black female slaves but the mulatto slaves were populair. Average African american is 18% white let say 15% from slavery and 3% from recent admixture.Let say 24% peternal and maternal from slavery.Blacks were 10% of US population in that time that means like 2.4% of white men had a kid with a black women.Its maybe even lower becuase mulatto's were seen as exotic so they got more children then the close to pure ones.
<div></div>Very well but realistically there is really no way of putting an official percent on the amount to white dudes that had kids with a black women back then. Remember it was 'against the rules' especially in the south and was swept under the rug and done in complete secrecy. But as far as percent wise I think the number was much higher in reality. Remember, this type of thing went on back then but its not really mentioned a whole lot in the history books.

So this means you think the white admixture is much higher then 20 or 30% on average in black american like most test concluded?
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