Is a race war coming?

The piece was writes a part of a discussion at another site but I decided that it would fit well here and at the ANU forum. The map might be 12 years old but it was the best I could find online at quick notice and though things change over the year, only a few zip codes likely fell in the last 12 years and if by darker you are including "Hispanics" or "browns" as they often called themselves the likelihood is that black and browns, far from being allies against Whites, will fight each other as much if not more then Whitey.

Basically, reading a post at another site where they were talking about Whites having to flee the South and after having heard that before and it never seems to make sense since in all the deep south states Whites outnumber nonwhites.

There seems to be an assumption even in the White nationalist movement that Whites will just give up and let blacks kill them. Of course, no one seems to ever ask why buy so many guns if you are just going to surrender. So I looked for maps though the best I could find were from 1990 but they showed that the Whites had the blacks surrounded. Although, basic military thinking is to assume that the enemy will fight like the best army on Earth, but that is not realistic when dealing with nonwhites. Reports from World War II is of blacks fleeing combat and reports since "integration" aren't much better. In the Mexican -American War Mexicans were looking forward to crushing the Americans and taking over but things worked out differently. The best fight that the Mexican put up was by cadets, probably, mostly Whites, who fought to protect a hill. With Mexican taking 10 to 1 casualties at the Alamo, the Mestizos will need better than a 10 to 1 advantage over Whites. Blacks are very good at beating up little old ladies or handicapped kids but in a race war odds are they will be facing armed White men who shot back.

I have gotten tired of hearing people say how bad Whites fight, which is basically, the same thing as saying as Whites can't box, jump, etc. even thought they have clearly dominated at the Olympics. I have, also, notice how many who say Whites won't fight either are preparing to flee to the hills or already there.

As the saying goes, no plan survives contact with the enemy. I merely use the assumption that blacks and "browns" will behave like they have in the past in a future race war and that White will behave like Whites.
An article entitled "Detroit Police Say “Enter (Detroit) At Your Own Riskâ€￾"

Detroit used to be called “the motor cityâ€￾. It was the heart of automobile production for decades. The population of Detroit swelled to two million people. Today Detroit produces almost nothing, but welfare recipients. It’s population is 82 percent Black, a staggeringly high percentage for what-used-to-be a major White industrial city.

Detroit today is known for abandoned auto factories, and buildings that look like they were on the losing end of a war.

Detroit and other American cities have been destroyed in a war--the Race War--but it is not lost it is ongoing.
American Freedom News