Hall of Famer
Disney leaning towards making Elsa, the lead female children's cartoon character in "Frozen", a lesbian in the highly anticipated "Frozen 2". And that "Frozen" was just a metaphor for her not wanting to "come out of the closet" and admit that she's really attracted to girls, not boys.
Now your six-year-old daughter can be propagandized with an "alternative" lifestyle while in her formative years when you take her to see this movie; and if you don't take her, then you're just a "homophobe" like you are a "racist" for not wanting to see "The Black Panther". I have a feeling Rotten Tomatoes will give this a 100% "Fresh" rating.
Pure evil at work.
I'd love to have all the Disney Corporate leaders simultaneously in my presence just once, to lay on them the harshest, most condemnatory rebuke and unsheited hell on them pronouncing them damned sons and daughters of their father the devil and that their damnation will justified and that I will delight in it in the spirit of Psalm 58:10 " The righteous ones shall rejoice when they see the vengeance of the Lord. They shall bathe their feet in the blood of the wicked".
And yes, I will rejoice in that day.