Hollywood Pushes Liberal Agenda

"Snow blossoms into a brave young woman determined to save her country from the queen. She's not going to cook and clean and wait for Mr. Right to come galloping long. She's mounting her own Occupy Kingdom movement and speaking truth to power."

"Mirror Mirror" makes its heroine a more liberated, empowered young woman. But will it be the fairest Snow White of them all? We're still betting on Uncle Walt.

The original “Snow White and Seven Dwarves” film (circa 1937), like several other famous Disney movies, was inspired by a Brothers Grimm fairy tale entitled: “Schneewittchen und die sieben Zwerge. This German folktale (which was read to me as a child many times), is far more violent than the Disney film, but the main elements of the original story (jealous stepmother, magic mirror, poison apple, glass coffin, accommodating dwarves, etc.) remain fully intact. For instance, in the original Brothers Grimm story, I remember the evil stepmother attempting to murder Snow White (while she was living in the dwarves’ cabin) on three different occasions, not merely once like in the Disney film. Also, in the folktale, the seven dwarves didn’t have individual names, and the evil stepmother died at Snow White’s wedding to the prince, not from being crushed by a boulder.

Recently, my wife and I had the great pleasure of viewing the “digitally remastered” version of the 1937 film on TV. The stunning artwork was far lovelier than that which I had remembered from my childhood. The captivating plot of this wondrous Disney film adaptation is outshined only by the penetrating gift of gentle femininity, which is effortlessly exuded by the exquisite “Snow White” character. She’s so innocent when contrasted against her vile stepmother, so playful and hard-working, so shy and compassionate, so polite and sweet, so ladylike and maternal, so dependent upon a man for love and security, yet able to fill his weaknesses with her own womanly talents. She is the utter antithesis of the fundamentally abhorrent, degenerate, white hell-harpies that have since inherited her deoxyribonucleic acid.

Today, the images contained within the 1937 film paint with the forbidden colors of today’s ever-greying realm…a dead sexuality long since raided of its emotive treasures. In the opening scene, a young woman is seen angelically singing as she performs her daily chores. Compare this to modern “women” (slovenly, lazy, miserable, etc.)…


CAPTION: Opening Scene of “Snow White”

While cleaning, she begins signing and encounters a prince…


CAPTION: Young White Love

The young woman is shown picking flowers while happily frolicking in a field near the castle. The huntsman (seen the background), who has been tasked by her evil stepmother with murdering Snow White, realizes that he is incapable of harming such purity. Today’s “women,” of course, have been so utterly bastardized that they’d certainly find no solace in a quiet afternoon of harvesting wild florae...


CAPTION: Snow White Mesmerizes the Huntsman

When the huntsman spares her life, and tells her to run away, she is seen frightened by the forest, by the animals, by the world without a man to protect her. Meanwhile, here in the “Neo Dark Ages,” all of the “women” portrayed in modern films are smashing testicles, kicking ass, and fearlessly assuming the “leadership” role whenever placed in precarious situtations…


CAPTION: Snow White, Frightened By the Forest

Following the scene in which she is frightened and fleeing in the forest, she is seen crying. Of course, this natural female emotion is rarely shown in modern cinema…


CAPTION: Crying Like a Little Girl (Which Is a Good Thing)

The scene in which Snow White first discovers the dwarves’ cabin in the woods has always stuck with me. Particularly, when she looks over the home (which she believes is inhabited by 7 children) and discovers it to be very unclean, saying: “Why, they've never swept this room! You’d think their mother would…well, maybe they have no mother? Then, they’re orphans. That’s too bad. I know! We’ll clean the house and surprise them!” Thus begins the famous “Whistle While You Work” song/scene in which she is shown cleaning, doing laundry, dishes, cooking, and baking. These innate female talents are currently laying dormant amongst modern hermaphrodites (sorry, “women”)…


CAPTION: Woman Merrily Cleaning For Men


CAPTION: Breathtaking Baker

While living with the dwarves, she tells/sings them a story about her prince charming… “Well, once there was a princess. And she fell in love. Oh, it was very easy. Anyone could see that the prince was charming. The only one for me. There's nobody like him...anywhere at all. He was so romantic, I could not resist. Some day, my prince will come. Some day we’ll meet again. And away in his castle, we’ll go. To be happy forever, I know. Some day when spring is here, we’ll find our love anew. Some day when my dreams come true.”

When the evil stepmother discovers that Snow White is still alive, she disguises herself (with a potion) as an old hag, a façade which closely resembles a stereotypical “ugly Jew face,” the opposite of Snow White…


CAPTION: Shylock-Nosed Hag Attempts to Extinguish White Beauty

When Snow White falls under the coma of the poison apple, those around her experience a deep mourning. And the world so loved her because she was all that was good in womanhood…because she deserved to be loved. Modern women are loud and crude, senseless and ignorant, mean and malicious, materialistic and intoxicated, sad and numb. They deserve no such grieving in life, nor in death…


CAPTION: A Genuine Female Soul

Riding through the woods, the prince comes upon the earthen mound which bares her glass coffin. In a moment of true masculinity, he awakens his beloved Snow White with a single kiss, and they are married...


CAPTION: Saved by Her Prince

Today, New-Age films such as “Mirror, Mirror” provide a modern bite of the proverbial “Poison Apple,” eagerly swallowed by all the future gold-diggers, pornstars, prostitutes, hookers, strippers, divorcees, career women, female chauvinists, child support recipients, and mothers of interracial children.
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Today, New-Age films such as “Mirror, Mirror” provide a modern bite of the proverbial “Poison Apple,” eagerly swallowed by all the future gold-diggers, pornstars, prostitutes, hookers, strippers, divorcees, career women, female chauvinists, child support recipients, and mothers of interracial children.

Great post as usual, Thrashen. What's especially ridiculous is that today's toxic, highly unfeminine, man-hating ball-buster is still told that she deserves a prince -- well, not exactly a prince, but a handsome, wealthy, "sensitive" type who can be a brute when she wants and submissive when she wants, and who has a big weener, and that she should "settle" for nothing less no matter that she has nothing to offer him other than a vagina.

And when she's ready to discard him while still milking him financially, this can happen:


Stellar post, Thrashen. Hilarious, insightful, and endearing. Your wonderful illustrations and narrative provided me with a brief yet much-welcomed escape.

Like I've mentioned a couple of other times, the films of the past provide us with a perspective of how people thought, behaved, dressed, and related to each other at a particular point in time. Obviously, as you so astutely pointed out, the contrasts of culture between that time and now is extremely stark and disturbing. This hasn't happened by chance.

Of course the ultimate goal is to "re-imagine" all of these old films (and thus the reminders of a culture that once was and the values they once espoused) into ones that are more perverse-friendly ("inclusive"), mind-numbingly banal, and soulless to fit the tastes and trends of a "modern audience".

I first became aware of this in 2004 when I went to see the new "Manchurian Candidate" and almost walked out on it. While the original from 1962 was a heartfelt tragedy of Shakespearean proportions, that included the classical themes of love, betrayal, deceit, revenge, and death, with the "true love" theme between Lawrence Harvey's character and Janet Leigh's character (feminine, loving, caring, happy, fun, supportive, loyal) being played out with genuine authenticity (which ultimately provides for the great tragedy of the film), the 2004 version "stars" Denzel Washington (of course) in Frank Sinatra's role and the genuine love interest of what was Harvey's character in the original replaced with a cold and distant (and "empowered") female acquaintance. The contrast between the two women could not be more stark...the difference between just 1962 and 2004.

Don, that video was very disturbing. This is the law in Colorado, eh? :icon_sad:

One thing is for sure, a civilization with laws like these is a civilization that certainly won't stand the test of time. One that marginalizes, criminalizes, and then incarcerates men at the very slightest whim of a woman is a civilization where the men will (and already are) choose not to participate in or contribute to. Although, of course, that is the goal of the PTB as well.
Great post as usual, Thrashen. What's especially ridiculous is that today's toxic, highly unfeminine, man-hating ball-buster is still told that she deserves a prince -- well, not exactly a prince, but a handsome, wealthy, "sensitive" type who can be a brute when she wants and submissive when she wants, and who has a big weener, and that she should "settle" for nothing less no matter that she has nothing to offer him other than a vagina.

And when she's ready to discard him while still milking him financially, this can happen:


Thanks for the video post regarding "Briffault's Law". It is poignantly true and I was unaware that it had been codified into a law, not unlike the other laws of nature. It is difficult to fault a woman for merely acting on her instincts. However, if men were properly educated on Briffault's Law, then women might be forced to evolve.
Wow...unbelievable. I'd no idea that such a "law" existed. That's far beyond a mere miscarriage of justice. Another example of the far reaching influence of cultural Marxism & it's verminous spawn...feminism. :icon_evil::mmph:
Another Feminist Snow White Rendition and DC Goes Gay

"Ladies" First:

Ass-kicking, Independent, Masculine, Warrior-like Heroine, Saves the Day...Again:

LOS ANGELES -A modern-day twist on the 200-year-old fairy tale, Snow White aims to be The Lord of the Rings meets the Brothers Grimm. And while the battle scenes are fitting of a Tolkien tale, the performances prevent the story from having the resonance of either movie or fable.

Directed by feature-film freshman Rupert Sanders, Snow White wastes little time plunging us into the story, overlong at more than two hours.

We are introduced to the beautiful, cunning Ravenna (Charlize Theron), the evil queen who dispatches her husband and overtakes the kingdom within the first 15 minutes of the movie. If only the rest were as briskly paced.

As in the fairy tale, the queen locks her late husband's beautiful daughter, Snow White, in a tower prison while plunging the realm into chaos. And like the fable, the queen grows discontented when a computer-generated mirror tells her she is no longer the fairest of them all.

The epiphany triggers the film's formidable action, which sends Snow White on the run and the studly huntsman Eric (Chris Hemsworth) on her trail. But he soon declines his mission, opting to protect the princess - and face the queen's wrath.

This should be slam-dunk stuff. The twist is believable and a gateway to jaw-dropping fight scenes. But as soon as the film starts to hum, it's slowed by psychoanalysis and manic acting.

Stewart, in particular, seems miscast. She is as sullen and morose as she was in the Twilight franchise, and we need more verve from a hero meant to embody the modern woman. But the script gives her little to do but sulk.

Theron sits at the opposite end of the emotional spectrum. With a scream that sounds like nails on a chalkboard, Theron's over-the-top villain plays a little like the Wicked Witch of the West. And it's debatable that Stewart bests Theron in the beauty department.
The strongest performance belongs to Hemsworth, who seems more comfortable than ever as an action star. This follow-up to his roles in Thor and The Avengers allows him to display a little frailty and humor, though we could use more of both.

The film includes nods to the fairy tale, but they don't always work. There are dwarfs (eight instead of seven, for some reason), and they have many of the film's most humorous scenes. But they are too few and far between.

None of this may matter to the Twitter generation, for whom this was clearly made. Snow White is gorgeous, and the message - that women don't need to be the damsels in distress - should appeal to parents not put off by the dark imagery.

Still, maybe someone should have asked that mirror, "Who are the fairest screenwriters of them all?'' - and hunted them down.

"Gays" second:

Green Lantern Relaunched as Brave, Mighty and Gay:

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Green Lantern, one of DC Comics' oldest and enduring heroes no matter what parallel earth he's on, is serving as a beacon for the publisher again, this time as a proud, mighty and openly gay hero.

The change is revealed in the pages of the second issue of "Earth 2" out next week, and comes on the heels of what has been an expansive year for gay and lesbian characters in the pages of comic books from Archie to Marvel and others.

But purists and fans note: This Green Lantern is not the emerald galactic space cop Hal Jordan who was, and is, part of the Justice League and has had a history rich in triumph and tragedy.

Instead, said James Robinson, who writes the new series, Alan Scott is the retooled version of the classic Lantern whose first appearance came in the pages of "All-American Comics" No. 16 in July 1940.

And his being gay is not part of some wider story line meant to be exploited or undone down the road, either.

"This was my idea," Robinson explained this week, noting that before DC relaunched all its titles last summer, Alan Scott had a son who was gay.

But given "Earth 2" features retooled and rebooted characters, Scott is not old enough to have a grown son.

"By making him younger, that son was not going to exist anymore," Robinson said.

"He doesn't come out. He's gay when we see him in issue two," which is due out Wednesday. "He's fearless and he's honest to the point where he realized he was gay and he said `I'm gay.'"

"It was just meant to be - Alan Scott being a gay member of the team, the Justice Society, that I'll be forming in the pages of `Earth 2,'" he said. "He's just meant to be part of this big tapestry of characters."

It's also another example of gay and lesbian characters taking more prominent roles in the medium.

In May, Marvel Entertainment said super speedster Northstar will marry his longtime boyfriend in the pages of "Astonishing X-Men." DC comics has other gay characters, too, including Kate Kane, the current Batwoman.

And in the pages of Archie Comics, Kevin Keller is one of the gang at Riverdale High School and gay, too.

Some groups have protested the inclusion of gay characters, but Robinson isn't discouraged, noting that being gay is just one aspect to Scott.

"This guy, he's a media mogul, a hero, a dynamic type-A personality and he's gay," Robinson said. "He's a complex character."
I've never been interested in comic books, but isn't that yet another 95% Tribe controlled form of "entertainment"? Given how perverted cartoons are on television, even ones supposedly for children, I would imagine comic books are even worse.

I watched arch-liberal Charlize Theron the other night on Stephen Colbert's show. She was there to do a plug for Snow White but found time to do some whining about how men age like fine wine and women like an old carton of milk. "This has to stop!" she declared, as if the way men and women age can be altered simply by a feminist decree. Another reality-challenged Hollywood blowhard (by way of South Africa), and btw she herself isn't aging all that well at 36.
I've never been interested in comic books, but isn't that yet another 95% Tribe controlled form of "entertainment"? Given how perverted cartoons are on television, even ones supposedly for children, I would imagine comic books are even worse.

Sure but what isn't???

Comic books, like old time movies and Christmas Carols were largely created by Americanized jews that wanted to profit from supporting the White society that could be so good to them. So we got pro-White, or at least pro-White society movies, comics, songs, etc. from the creative jewish minds in this country. There were a few subversive types but there was no profit in it so it did not attract the best and brightest of the jewish talent.

As we have documented over and over on this site that philosophy has been turned on it's head and the main goal of cultural entertainment is to tear down the old morality and those institutions that supported it. For the most part it's Mission accomplished but the thinking has a long way to go before it changes.

I read comic books, mostly the ones with "heroes" when I was a kid. The idea then was to present to young men the image of a heroic man with the desired morality that society wanted to inculcate in their youth. Sex was hardly even acknowledged. At that age sex was a far away thing that you would expect to deal with in adulthood.

In society today the idea is to sexualize every person at a young an age as possible. Both because sex is a method of social control and also because sexual modesty is another concept that must be destroyed. And also because the people that help push this agenda are frankly perverts and get a kick out of spreading their perversions like a mental virus.

So you can expect more and more gay "heroes", more and more sex in comics aimed at younger and younger crowds. It's the way those that control society want it to be. I imagine it will get much worse and probably never return anything close to what it used to be. You cannot put the genie back in the bottle, and short of a complete society reset, a scenario that is highly unlikely, this is the new reality.
I collected comic books as a child but stopped as I entered my mid-teens in the early-to-mid 80's as other things started to fancy my attention more. That, and by 1984 (oddly enough?), I noticed the themes and "classic" feel of the stories and characters started to change as (I can recognize now) the early stages of political correctness started to appear in the greater culture at large.

I remember complaining a bit to a friend about that but just attributed it to a bad batch and that everything would return to "normal". Obviously, that was naivety and wishful thinking on my part. There were themes of "love" and commited relationships between some of the male and female "heroes" and some between the male "heroes" and regular female (non-heroine) characters. Overall, good values and positive role models as a jaxvid states.

So, it was just good timing on my part to stop anyway, and, heck, that was almost 30 years ago now (and which is why I've stated in the past that the early 1980's was the last era of traditional White culture and I like jaxvid's analysis on this.) By the end of the 80's it would all be turned on its head. This, as we've stated before, is reflected in the NFL as well.

One of my laments is that, as a big comic book fan back then, there wasn't the technology then to bring it to the big screen the way they can do it now. To combine the technical capabilities of today with the stories, classical themes, and moral characters back then would've been a grand experience. Now it's all icing without the cake.
Comic books, like old time movies and Christmas Carols were largely created by Americanized jews that wanted to profit from supporting the White society that could be so good to them. So we got pro-White, or at least pro-White society movies, comics, songs, etc. from the creative jewish minds in this country. There were a few subversive types but there was no profit in it so it did not attract the best and brightest of the jewish talent.

As we have documented over and over on this site that philosophy has been turned on it's head and the main goal of cultural entertainment is to tear down the old morality and those institutions that supported it. For the most part it's Mission accomplished but the thinking has a long way to go before it changes.

I read comic books, mostly the ones with "heroes" when I was a kid. The idea then was to present to young men the image of a heroic man with the desired morality that society wanted to inculcate in their youth. Sex was hardly even acknowledged. At that age sex was a far away thing that you would expect to deal with in adulthood.

In society today the idea is to sexualize every person at a young an age as possible. Both because sex is a method of social control and also because sexual modesty is another concept that must be destroyed. And also because the people that help push this agenda are frankly perverts and get a kick out of spreading their perversions like a mental virus.

So you can expect more and more gay "heroes", more and more sex in comics aimed at younger and younger crowds. It's the way those that control society want it to be. I imagine it will get much worse and probably never return anything close to what it used to be. You cannot put the genie back in the bottle, and short of a complete society reset, a scenario that is highly unlikely, this is the new reality.

I agree to the extent that the older generation of Jews was a little more conservative than the all-out subversion and perversion from the younger Jewish generation during the past 45 years, but it was much more a matter that they knew they couldn't get away with it moreso than there not being a "profit" in it.

They were dealing with a public that had considerably more moral backbone and racial awareness than today (though obviously not enough as the U.S. has been the leading anti-White, pro-porn, pro-homosexuality, pro-feminist force in the world for a long time).

Hollywood moguls consistently tested the boundaries of what they thought they could get away with. A media executive back in 1960 said something to the effect that "television would show hard-core pornography tomorrow if we thought we could get away with it." In the '30s a few movies showed bare-breasted women, but there was a swift and strong reaction and it wasn't until the mid to late '60s that Hollywood successfully overpowered its previous opposition. There was an explosion of topless women in movies beginning in 1968 (the year the Permanent Cultural Marxist Revolution kicked into high gear in all areas, including sports); the MPAA reacted by instituting the ratings system, which merely sped up the process of subverting the values of Western civilization and Christianity, as R and X rated movies quickly allowed almost anything that had been taboo previously.

Now, topless women seem quaint as movies, TV, comic books and everything else promote sexual deviance of all kinds, with homosexuality replacing heterosexuality as what's cool and "politically correct" in this conquered and very sick country.
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In the late teens and early '20s, Henry Ford used to write regularly in his newspaper The Dearborn Independent about the Jewish distortion and perversion of the media (back then it was mostly the stage as Hollywood was in its very early days). But his observations remain fresh and accurate nearly a century later, yet if on a scale of 1 to 100, with 100 being today's homosexualized, feminized debauchery and deracination, in Ford's day it was more like a 2 or a 3.

The agenda and desire to pervert and destroy all that was good and wholesome about America and Western society is of long standing. The problem was, and is, how few people have the eyes to see combined with the intellectual independence and curiosity to want to know.
The steady (raw sewage) stream from das juden von Hollyweird continues. The putrid propaganda to tear down the morals and values that made our Republic great is and endless. This nation is on a crash course with hell...and there's no turning back. We can only try and stand for the last remains of decency and values.
The Batwomen comic has been cancelled. Homosexuality does not bring in the sales. Soon Kevin Keller and Alan Scott will be gone.
I watched arch-liberal Charlize Theron the other night on Stephen Colbert's show. She was there to do a plug for Snow White but found time to do some whining about how men age like fine wine and women like an old carton of milk. "This has to stop!" she declared, as if the way men and women age can be altered simply by a feminist decree. Another reality-challenged Hollywood blowhard (by way of South Africa), and btw she herself isn't aging all that well at 36.

Theron’s role in the testicle-shattering film, “Monster,” proved how effortlessly the vast majority of Hollywood’s “gorgeous leading ladies” could be transformed into plain-Janes (or in Theron’s case, thoroughly repugnant) without the magic of airbrushed photos or a sleepless army of human-cake-decorators…




Yes, she was wearing fake teeth, brown contacts, and had gained weight for the role…but seriously, she doesn’t look much better when simply failing to wear makeup…


Quite naturally, being a white South African, she eagerly adopted a member of the very race which has relentlessly raped, tortured, terrorized, molested, and murdered (in the most viscous, ruthless, perverted, monsterous, and disturbing manner in human history) the members of her tribe, the great Boer people, with a feral zeal...


CAPTION: Boer Bitch Bundles Black Brat

However, her role as the wife in the fantastic film, “The Road” (a movie based on a brilliant novel of the same name), was well done. For those who haven’t seen the 2009 film, or read the 2006 novel, I’d highly recommend both.

The general premise consists of a man and his son (both of whom remain nameless throughout the novel and film) struggling to survive in the years following some unknown, worldwide disaster that essentially destroyed every basic function of humankind. For humanity’s few survivors, the aftermath consists of massive starvation, perpetual-scavenging, cannibalism, and extreme violence. Every plant and animal species on planet earth was sent into extinction, every seed unable to germinate, and all soil rendered permanently-infertile. The man and his boy decide that they cannot survive another winter season in their present location (presumably in a northeastern state such as NY, PA, or somewhere in New England) and have taken to “The Road,” travelling ever-southward toward everlasting warmth…

The Road movie poster.jpg

CAPTION: “The Road” Movie Poster


CAPTION: Viggo Mortensen as “The Father”

Anyway, in the novel (which I read several years back), the man has many disturbing “flashbacks” of his former life, most of which are the ponderings of his odious former wife, who was pregnant with his son at the time of the disaster. The fact that the boy never knew the world as it once was makes for even more fascinating plot. Though the wife's sickeningly-abusive dialog in the novel has been slightly toned-down in the film, Theron perfectly embodied this “modern wife,” who callously commits suicide (abandoning her husband and son) alone in the woods, despite her husband’s frantic pleas to reconsider…

charlize theron in The Road.jpg

CAPTION: Theron in “The Road”

Dialog from the novel…

Woman: “I don’t care. It's meaningless. You can think of me as a faithless slut if you like. I've taken a new lover. He can give me what you cannot.”

Man: “Death is not a lover.”

Woman: “Oh yes he is.”

Man: “Please don’t do this.”

Woman: “I'm sorry.”

Man: “I can’t do it alone.”

Woman: “Then don’t. I can’t help you. They say that women dream of danger to those in their care and men of danger to themselves. But I don’t dream at all. You say you can’t? Then don’t do it. That's all. Because I am done with my own whorish heart and I have been for a long time. You talk about taking a stand but there is no stand to take. My heart was ripped out of me the night he was born so don’t ask for sorrow now. There is none. Maybe you'll be good at this. I doubt it, but who knows. The one thing I can tell you is that you won’t survive for yourself. I know because I would never have come this far. A person who had no one would be well advised to cobble together some passable ghost. Breathe it into being and coax it along with words of love. Offer it each phantom crumb and shield it from harm with your body. As for me my only hope is for eternal nothingness and I hope it with all my heart. You have no argument because there is none.”

Man: “Will you tell him goodbye?”

Woman: “No. I will not.”

Man: “Just wait till morning. Please.”

Woman: “I have to go.”

She had already stood up.

Man: “For the love of God, woman. What am I to tell him?”

Woman: “I can’t help you.”

Man: “Where are you going to go? You can’t even see.”

Woman: “I don’t have to.”

He stood up.

Man: “I'm begging you.”

Woman: “No. I will not. I cannot.”

She was gone and the coldness of it was her final gift. She would do it with a flake of obsidian. He'd taught her himself. Sharper than steel. The edge an atom thick. And she was right. There was no argument. The hundred nights they'd sat up arguing the pros and cons of self-destruction with the earnestness of philosophers chained to a madhouse wall. In the morning the boy said nothing at all and when they were packed and ready to set out upon the road he turned and looked back at their campsite and he said: “She's gone isn't she?” And he said: “Yes, she is.”

In one flashback scene, Theron’s character is giving birth to the man’s son, which was some of her best acting.

But my personal interpretation of the “The Road” has little to do with Hollywood's agenda, nor Charlize Theron, nor the diseased perversion generally masquerading as “womanhood” and “motherhood” among modern white “females.” No, it is the love and devotion that real white men have for their children…

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Gentlemen, The only reason I'm putting this here is to show that hollywood is a really liberal place. I just watched the movie, "John Rabe," about the Nazi who helped the Chinese during the 1937 "Rape of Nanking." It was an outstanding movie and even Steve Bushemi was in it. Of course, no one in hollywood would ever want anybody to know there were decent men in the Nazi party (a movie should be done about the cozy relationship between the Nazis and zionists before and during the war - see Rudolph Kastner). Very interesting movie and well done.

Tom Iron...
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Not technically, Hollywood "pushing Liberal agenda".. but it's still a keeper. (Will Smith's son gettin' jiggy wit' it.. denouncing the value of an education.)

This is a funny sidebar from the original article:

"Ironically, Will, 44, and wife Jada, 41, founded their own school, the New Village Leadership Academy, in Calabasas, Calif. back in 2008. With the Smiths donating millions of dollars into the private elementary institution -- which employed a wide range of untraditional educational methodologies -- the academy shut down last June."
He does have some nuggets of truth in his rants, such as this:

"School Is The Tool To Brainwash The Youth,"
That it is. The solution though eludes him, but then again, he's only a spoiled rotten 15 year-old.

He does have some nuggets of truth in his rants, such as this:

Fair enough.. But I assume Smith Jr.'s assessment of the brain-washing would be different from ours.. Especially when Dad is talking about the on-going effects of slavery on modern child-rearing in Black homes :sleep:

The other thing that struck me, I've driven out to Calabasas a couple times (well-off suburb not too far from LA), and you almost never see a brotha' out there.. Strange location for the Smiths' untraditional school (?)
For about five seconds, I was intrigued by the Electric Joo's latest offering, a modern-day adaptation of the classic short story "Sleepy Hollow". The protagonist, Ichabod Crane, awakens in present times to help the police track down a re-emerged Headless Horseman.

Here's the twist: the small-town police chief is a sassy black lady and the lead detective is also a member of the permanently-aggrieved demographic. Ichabod Crane must OVERCOME HIS OUTDATED PREJUDICES to help them defeat the demonic spirit. The rest of the town sees Crane as a raving madman, since both racism and the claim of being reborn after 250 years are equally outrageous.


I can just imagine the look of bewilderment on Ichabod's face when he catches his first white criminal who has been victimizing Sleepy Hollow's underprivileged black working class. Perhaps he can steal a kiss from the strong nubian authority figure before this show is banished back to Hell along with the Horseman of lore.
Gentlemen, The only reason I'm putting this here is to show that hollywood is a really liberal place. I just watched the movie, "John Rabe," about the Nazi who helped the Chinese during the 1937 "Rape of Nanking. "Very interesting movie and well done.

Tom Iron...

Tom, thanks for the heads-up on this..
On your recommendation, I watched it recently. Interesting piece of history, well-done movie. I kinda' struggled focusing on the sub-titles (I'm one of those guys), but 'Rabe' is must-see for ppl interested in the Pacific war, and the rise of Imperial Japan.. Those guys were cold-blooded.
Since I’d never subject myself to the diabolical inanity of an “awards” show such as the Grammy’s, I didn’t actually see this supernaturally-abominable filth live…but I did hear some Minions-O-Marxism gleefully discussing the matter on the radio the other day. Apparently, Seattle-based wigger rapper, “Macklemore,” performed his vile, homosexual-supremacist song called “Same Love” at the Grammy Awards last Sunday night. During the performance of this lewd song, dozens of sodomites and lesbian couples emerged from backstage, all clad in decadent wedding attire, and exchanged rings. Of course, the Hollywood-Marxist crowd in attendance was flogged into a tizzy of fundamental faggotry. If you plan to watch the video below, I’d advise you to have a retching-receptacle within close proximity…


Speaking of homosexuals in positions of power, I noticed that Pope Francis was on the cover “Rolling Stone” magazine with a caption reading: “Times, they are a changin!” I didn’t read the article, so I assume that the homosexual, manic depressive paramecium went on another rant about loving Negroes and sodomites and Muslims and Hindus and gleefully encouraging them to move to the whitest nations on the planet…


CAPTION: The Antichrist Rising

Pope ****** is being overwhelmingly heralded by their media for his malevolent views on, well, every single subject. He is one of them, through and through.
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Since I’d never subject myself to the diabolical inanity of an “awards” show such as the Grammy’s, I didn’t actually see this supernaturally-abominable filth live…but I did hear some Minions-O-Marxism gleefully discussing the matter on the radio the other day. Apparently, Seattle-based wigger rapper, “Macklemore,” performed his vile, homosexual-supremacist song called “Same Love” at the Grammy Awards last Sunday night. During the performance of this lewd song, dozens of sodomites and lesbian couples emerged from backstage, all clad in decadent wedding attire, and exchanged rings. Of course, the Hollywood-Marxist crowd in attendance was flogged into a tizzy of fundamental faggotry. If you plan to watch the video below, I’d advise you to have a retching-receptacle within close proximity…
Good commentary as usual Thrashen. That sort of homosexual propaganda is the exact reason that Russia passed their law. Wanting to allow homos the same legal rights ($$$) to marriage as straight people is one thing but pushing this in people's faces, especially impressionable young children, is something I could never support.

So I never watch these awards shows but I am well aware how Hollywood and the Jewish controlled entertainment industry uses them to promote Marxism and anti-Christian imagery. Other than the homo stuff, the Grammy's included Katy Perry performing an occult / witchcraft ceremony for all the world to witness. She performed "Dark Horse" which features negro rapper Juicy J from the Three 6 (666 get it?) Mafia. This was one of the more obvious and "in your face" examples of satanic / Illuminati garbage that I've seen on TelAvivsion. There are some truly evil people running things and it seems to get worse and worse.

Check out this site for an excellent recap of agenda-pushing Grammys: http://vigilantcitizen.com/musicbusiness/2014-grammy-awards-still-pushing-illuminati-agenda/
Good commentary as usual Thrashen. That sort of homosexual propaganda is the exact reason that Russia passed their law. Wanting to allow homos the same legal rights ($$$) to marriage as straight people is one thing but pushing this in people's faces, especially impressionable young children, is something I could never support.

So I never watch these awards shows but I am well aware how Hollywood and the Jewish controlled entertainment industry uses them to promote Marxism and anti-Christian imagery. Other than the homo stuff, the Grammy's included Katy Perry performing an occult / witchcraft ceremony for all the world to witness. She performed "Dark Horse" which features negro rapper Juicy J from the Three 6 (666 get it?) Mafia. This was one of the more obvious and "in your face" examples of satanic / Illuminati garbage that I've seen on TelAvivsion. There are some truly evil people running things and it seems to get worse and worse.

Check out this site for an excellent recap of agenda-pushing Grammys: http://vigilantcitizen.com/musicbusiness/2014-grammy-awards-still-pushing-illuminati-agenda/

Yeah, we never watch award shows either and television as much in general. Even the MSM media called Katy Perry's performance occult like. I wonder what her Father who is supposedly some kind of Pastor thinks?

Christian gospel singer Natalie Grant found the Grammy's so offensive, her and her husband walked out shortly after performing. I believe she was up for 2 Grammy awards for Christian singers. I'm certainly glad she made a statement by walking away and handled questions regarding her departure with class.

Here is an article about Natalie walking out on the Grammy's!

We don't have "TalmudVision", but (if we did) one of the very last things I'd (ever) subject myself to is one of these obnoxious, cultmarx loaded, pop culture lauding "awards" shows. The vile filth described above is a prime example of such deviancy.
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