Hollywood Pushes Liberal Agenda

There are various profanities and other words and an acronym or twothat are filtered out, since some posters like to ignore and/or skirt the posting guidelines. For some reason werewolf goes batty over that one acronymin particular, though he has virtually complete freedom to post whatever he wants here.
Don Wassall said:
There are various profanities and other words and an acronym or twothat are filtered out, since some posters like to ignore and/or skirt the posting guidelines. For some reason werewolf goes batty over that one acronymin particular, though he has virtually complete freedom to post whatever he wants here.

OK, forget it. The guy brought it up again, that's all. You could have just said "we prefer not to deal with certain incendiary or controversial words or phrases" (assuming that's the case) or something like that in the first place and i would have understood that.
Don Wassall said:
I think it mostly depends on how much pressure is exerted on the U.S. externally, combined with how bad things get here economically and socially.  White Americans are still very far from rebelling as even the Tea Party movement is still hopelessly enamored with the Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, Fox News neo-con shill crowd.  As I've mentioned in other threads, White Americans are the most apathetic and ignorant group of people in the world when it comes to understanding what's going on, other than black Africans and some other third world groups.  The information needed is out there now on the internet, but the older demographic doesn't use the internet much and the younger demographic uses it for porn, games and other diversions.  </div>
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<div>The military has been completely neutered at the high levels for a long time.  The top generals are often members of the CFR and other globalist groups, and their phone calls and emails are likely surveilled.  </div>
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<div>The objective of much of U.S. policy since the end of WWII has been to make the U.S. the epitome of "anti-nazism" in order to  ensure "nazism" never thrives here.  Dramatic change can come to the U.S. but it won't be through the expected ways as those have all been carefully thwarted.  Secession, localism, regionalism, and withdrawal from the large, lumbering, corrupt mega-institutions that are trying to dominate life on a global level is the real battle, or nationalism vs. globalism, or freedom vs. dictatorship.  The U.S. system is more and more becoming broken and dysfunctional, so the coming days should be very interesting.    </div>

Let me take issue with a thing or two here, Don.

#1 White Americans may be apathetic but they are not quite ignorant about what is going on. They are apathetic because they are decadent and care more about holding on to what they have. What you call ignorant I say is intimidation; white Americans are cowed particularly on the subject of race.

#2 Frankly, I would rarely trust any military brass hat at any time in U.S. history. Military leaders at almost every level are politicians eager to please whoever can advance their careers or just crap on them. As a Marine I saw the officer corps were a bunch of jackasses. It was disillusioning to say the least. Commanders exist to carry out orders and orders come down from pols. Think William Tecumseh Sherman.

#3 The objective of much of U.S. policy since the end of WWII has been to expand and consolodate the American empire.

Otherwise, good post.
Bronk said:
Let me take issue with a thing or two here, Don.

#1 White Americans may be apathetic but they are not quite ignorant about what is going on. They are apathetic because they are decadent and care more about holding on to what they have. What you call ignorant I say is intimidation; white Americans are cowed particularly on the subject of race.

#2 Frankly, I would rarely trust any military brass hat at any time in U.S. history. Military leaders at almost every level are politicians eager to please whoever can advance their careers or just crap on them. As a Marine I saw the officer corps were a bunch of jackasses. It was disillusioning to say the least. Commanders exist to carry out orders and orders come down from pols. Think William Tecumseh Sherman.

#3 The objective of much of U.S. policy since the end of WWII has been to expand and consolodate the American empire.

Otherwise, good post.

We'll have to agree to disagree on number one. The huge bloc of "Judeo-Christians" are woefully ignorant. Maybe misled is a better word. Then there is the "Idiocracy" bloc of uneducated, low-class Whites who don't care about much of anything beyond their next beer or sporting event. And there's alsoa bloc of strongly "anti-racist" liberal-oriented Whites who despise racially aware Whites with a passion. Add these groups and others together and they far outnumber the Whites who understand what's going on and why.

Your number two I agree with. Military officers are trained with tunnel vision and are rarely well-rounded in their understanding.

Your number three I also agree with. I was being a bit facetious with my "anti-nazi" statement, but it's part and parcel of a policy of trying to run the worldby not allowing any effective internal or external counterforces to challenge the U.S. power structure.
Doesn't seem to me you guys are disagreeing about anything really, and I agree with you both - and a lot of white Americans are just plain fat, mentally and physically fat. And if you get too soft and fat evolution just weeds you out, like hasta la vista baby.

Agree with #2 too, except my feeble hope for salvation - chances of it actually happening being someplace between zero and nought - is a coup d'etat starting in the middle levels of the military, as the higher levels are quite well purged. Many of those people know the score - know what happened to the USS Liberty, the marine barracks in Lebanon, all these bullsh*t wars without end based upon devils lies, all the false flags, especially 911, and they also see how the occupational government is systematically destroying the US military.

Dr Sabrosky again:


- Dr. Alan Sabrosky, former director of Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College

Dr Sabrosky is Jewish, but an honest and righteous Jew. Admiral Boorda was another one. Jewish and a real admiral who actually worked his way up through the ranks. He spoke out about the USS Liberty cover up. They fosterized him.

Edited by: werewolf
If you can actually believe the following, then Hollywood must certainly have had a hand in this statistic as well...

Poll: Americans massively overestimate prevalence of homosexuality, by John Jalsevac, June 7, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com)

Even though the best data available puts the prevalence of homosexuality at less then 4% of the U.S. population (possibly considerably less), on average American adults believe that 25% of the population is homosexual, according to a new Gallup poll.

Over half of Americans estimate that 1 in 5 (20%) are homosexual, and thirty-five percent estimate that 1 in 4 (25%) are homosexual, according to the poll, which involved interviews with 1,018 U.S. adults in all 50 states.

"Americans perceive that there is a large U.S. gay populationâ€"one far larger than is likely reality," concludes the pollster, observing that the tendency to overstate the population is likely due, at least in part, to the level of exposure that Americans have to homosexuality.

Despite their status as a small minority, in the past several decades homosexuals have built a well-funded and politically powerful activist movement that has placed homosexuality at the forefront of political and popular culture. Besides the public gay pride parades that take place in many cities across the country, popular media is increasingly saturated with positive portrayals of homosexuals and homosexuality.

"Americans' current collective estimate "¦ is likely driven more by perceptions and exposure than by scientific measurement or reality," said the pollster.

The pollster also said that, in conjunction with recent poll numbers showing an increased support for gay "marriage," "it is clear that America's gay populationâ€"no matter the sizeâ€"is becoming a larger part of America's mainstream consciousness."Â

Interestingly, the poll found significant differences between the estimates given by those of different levels of education, sex, and gender.

"Americans with lower incomes and less education give the highest estimates, on average, of the U.S. gay and lesbian population, and far higher estimates than those with higher incomes and more education,"Â Gallup found. "Americans aged 18 to 29 give a higher average estimate than older Americans, and women give a far higher average estimate than men."Â

The most recent study to look at the question of how much of the population is homosexual was released earlier this year by The Williams Institute of the UCLA School of Law. It found that approximately 3.5% of the population is gay.

The main researcher behind that study was recently asked by The New Civil Rights Movement how his figures jibe with the oft-cited statistic that 10% of the population is gay. Gary Gates observed that the 10% figure was pulled from a non-scientific work by sexologist Alfred Kinsey, and that it was latched on to by gay activists as a useful "political strategy."Â

"It was a brilliant political strategy as a figure that was large enough to ‘matter' but hopefully not so large as to threaten the general population," said Gates.

The University of Chicago's National Opinion Research Center has also been conducting research into the prevalence of homosexuality for many years. Their 2008 survey found that only 2% of the population was homosexual, a number that was consistent with previous findings dating back to the 80s.
I think so many amerikans give such incorrect answers about the percentges of gays because they are just dumb about math. You can probably ask most people what fraction of the population is 25% equal to and they would tell you 1/10th. Go ahead and ask someone to estimate a percentage of something and they will usually get it way wrong.

Although I agree the high profile of homos is what drives the perception that there is a lot of them, heck it seems to me like jews are 33% of the population and blacks 40%! After all you only know what you see on TV.
Highlander said:
<H3 ="post-title entry-title">Thomas Jane "Too White" to Star Opposite Sly Stallone in 'Headshot'?</H3>(Even though he has signed on to do the project, WB wants to replace him with an actor that is more "ethnic")


I knew White action stars were being phased out but didn't know it was this bad as I rarely watch the mainstream crap Hollywood churns out.

Too bad that site continues to blame this on "Black Run America." As if blacks were remotely capable of running the media. The distinctly Jewish names sprinkled throughout the piece tell the real story of who is charge and what their agenda is.
Don Wassall said:
Highlander said:
&lt;H3 ="post-title entry-title"&gt;Thomas Jane "Too White" to Star Opposite Sly Stallone in 'Headshot'?&lt;/H3&gt;(Even though he has signed on to do the project, WB wants to replace him with an actor that is more "ethnic")http://stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com/2011/06/thomas-jane-too-white-to-star-opposite.html
<div> </div>
<div>I knew White action stars were being phased out but didn't know it was this bad as I rarely watch the mainstream crap Hollywood churns out.</div>
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<div>Too bad that site continues to blame this on "Black Run America."  As if blacks were remotely capable of running the media.  The distinctly Jewish names sprinkled throughout the piece tell the real story of who is charge and what their agenda is.</div>

Hollyweird churns out their endless bilge stream passed off as "entertainment" by das juden. I rarely spend a red cent for ANY movies (theaters or rentals), and only do so (on occasion) to take the kids to a (pre screened) movie. Even if it's a G or PG movie, I won't take my children if the cultmarx propaganda is over the top.
The thing is, there is ample evidence, in the form of box office receipts, that clearly shows audiences will go and see movies that feature a kick-ass White male as the leading star, or one that has a majority White cast. It's always been that way, and continues to be even today as much as the cultural marxists hate to admit it. That recent movie from the Fast and Furious franchise is one of the rare exceptions which featured a so-called dream "multi-culti cast" and actually did well.

I still remember how little publicity the movie 300 received, including poor reviews by the "critics", and yet, the public was very much taken by the story of 300 brave White men who stood their ground against the Persian invaders. The themes of strength, bravery, and honor easily resonated with everyone.

The lack of a bankable young, white American male action star is a pathetic development and is par for the course within the CM agenda. It reminds me of the situation in sports such as Golf and Tennis, in which Americans once dominated the world, but thanks to the Caste system, they have become almost extinct, as Europeans, Asians, South Americans and the rest of the world have taken over.

Similary, there are plenty of White male action stars today, but the young ones generally hail from Australia, Britain or elsewhere in Europe, while some of the old ones tend to be American actors left from their glory days in the '80s/90s, such as Stallone, Bruce Willis, and Tom Cruise. Matt Damon and his friend Ben Affleck are the only Americans I can think of who aren't your typical emasculated manb*tches among the "young Hollywood" crowd Edited by: foobar75
Strange enough, the antagonist (or villain) role remains practically white. It remains a must to portray whites as the ultimate movie villains.

Besides Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, there are still several other white American action stars age 40 below...

Mark Wahlberg,
Chris Pine,
Shia LaBeouf,
Johnny Depp,
Christian Bale,
Leonardo DiCaprio, etc..

Most movies nowadays are targeted towards TEENS, movies like the Harry Potters, Twilight Saga, Kung Fu Panda, Marvel & DC Super Hero films, etc..

Movies featuring tough white male heroes/anti heroes are becoming quite rare, considering how TEEN, Feminist, and LGBT driven the film industry is fast becoming. So don't expect tough black, Latino, or Asian male heroes to around much longer either.
j41181 said:
Besides Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, there are still several other white American action stars age 40 below...

Mark Wahlberg,
Chris Pine,
Shia LaBeouf,
Johnny Depp,
Christian Bale,
Leonardo DiCaprio, etc..

FYI, Christian Bale is British.
I wouldnt class Shia Labeauf as an action man,i've only seen him in the Transformers films but he seemed kind of wimpish and small in stature.
Chris Evans is a good upcoming American that could be classed as an action guy.He plays Captain America in two future films aswell as the Avengers.
Don Wassall said:
Christian Bale's stepmother is Gloria Steinem
. Lucky guy. . .
Wow, no wonder he went off that one time during the filming of the last Terminator. He found out that his father was a mangina. I'd be pissed off too. Imagine having to give that cold, hateful, b*tch a present for "Mother's Day".

I wonder if that c*nt ever had any kids. I doubt it, unless it was from some sperm bank, which is becoming very popular these days. That used to be considered radfem lunacy just thirty years ago, now it's mainstream. I'm also shocked she married a "rapist" since that's all that men are.

BTW, can't remember who said Depp was "under 40". The dude is about 47 now, I believe. Also, sadly, Fast Five did very well overseas, especially in Australia. It actually beat out "Thor", I believe. Come on, Aussies. Although I heard they also flocked to see Tiger when he showed up a couple years ago there and also when the main Karda$hian wh0re did as well. I see now that she is expecting a baby (out-of-wedlock, I believe) and that her fiance is White. I hope he's not met with an oreo surprise. What a whacked-out world it is now in the Anglosphere.

Edited by: Highlander
Highlander said:
I see now that she is expecting a baby (out-of-wedlock, I believe) and that her fiance is White.  I hope he's not met with an oreo surprise. 

He ain't white.

It might be just me, but I don't see any good FAMILY movies or TV shows out there. If reality shows like "American Idol", or sitcoms like "How I met your Mother", "Glee", "The Simpsons" are family friendly material, then so much for the next generation. Several very silly "family" shows out there now, like "American Dad", "Futurama", etc..

The Simpsons was quite decent in it's first 10 years (1990-2000), but it really got bizarre after 2000 (stopped watching around 2004). As for movies, "Meet the Folks" was the last decent one I can think of, but the last really good was "Father of the Bride 2."

It's appalling how they experimented into turning classic children stories of "Red Riding Hood" and "Hansel & Gretel" into horror flicks. Good thing both flamed out at the box office, just because of the success of the equally silly remake of "Alice in Wonderland."
j41181 said:
It's appalling how they experimented into turning classic children stories of "Red Riding Hood" and "Hansel &amp; Gretel" into horror flicks. Good thing both flamed out at the box office, just because of the success of the equally silly remake of "Alice in Wonderland."
Arrghh, I happened to watch the new "Alice in Wonderland" at a friend's house a couple of months ago. It was pure Feminist ("I don't need a man/husband") propaganda garbage
. I should've known better. Yes, indeed, they are (intentionally) polluting all of the old classics, instilling them with Cultural Marxist tripe.
Riddlewire said:
Highlander said:
I see now that she is expecting a baby (out-of-wedlock, I believe) and that her fiance is White. I hope he's not met with an oreo surprise.

He ain't white.
Amazing at what "air brushing" can do for people on magazine covers at grocery store checkouts. That's the only source of my "pop culture" learnings, otherwise I'd have no idea who this f*ck is, nor care, although he does appear to resemble the archetype of the new "Ken" doll. What a country. What a culture.

Edited by: Highlander
Although, I haven't taken the shotgun to it as of yet?

I haven't had cable TV (Talmud Vision) since 1994 and I don't miss it one iota! Not one.

PS. I have a t-shirt that say's, " Kill your TV", LOL!
We 86'd the cable last year. I grew tired of the inbound (raw) sewage line...via das juden von "Hollyweird".
American Freedom News