Don Wassall said:
The Forbes 400 thing is so stale and irrelevant. There are well over 200 million whites in America. For every white person who owns a big business there are probably 100,000 who live below the poverty line. The majority of poor people in the U.S. are white.
The vast majority of white people are like me. I don't have any connections and my family isn't wealthy. Whatever I have or haven't achieved has been the result of my own efforts or lack thereof. I haven't expected anything from the government or any individuals, and I don't blame my shortcomings on others.
Many white people are not doing well. In some cases it's because they're lazy or otherwise not capable of much, but many others work very hard and are getting nowhere. That's far more typical of the lot of the average white person than the "Forbes 400" crap.
Connections do benefit some people, but not most. That's classism in action, not racism. The wealthy white elites don't have a higher opinion of whites than they do of blacks. Every white group of immigrants that came to this country started off at the bottom and worked their way up. Same with all non-white groups. You are right about the legacy of slavery and other historical conditions that black people have faced in this country. But the reality is that all the institutionalized barriers that used to exist have been broken down. Why was this done if not to benefit blacks?
Do you think the Vietnamese would have succeeded if they were always finding "racism" everywhere, which they would if they used the ultra-sensitive racial antennae of many blacks? The most "racism" most whites are guilty of these days is unintentional pandering to blacks by being goofy nice to them.
Good race relations is a two-way street. Whites get no credit or appreciation for affirmative action and other programs which are designed to help blacks move upward economically. Are you aware of how often whites encounter openly hostile black people? Do you know how many young black males love to intimidate whites and worse? Blacks as a group need to take a look in the mirror and take more of the blame for their plight. The crime and broken down family structure in many black communities wasn't caused by me or any other white person. Always blaming Whitey is a sure-fire recipe for continued failure.
The crime and broken down society that is noticeable in some black communities,as well as the ultra sensitive "racial antennae" that they possess are direct results of the legacy and history of slavery and racism in America.The fact is,that legacy is the reason why black americans are in the situation they are in.It is also the reason why blacks can have a sort of hostility toward whites.
You are correct in your assumption that whites are more tolerant now than they have been in past decades.This is evident in the way many of them go against open racism.
While you may not believe me on this,the fact is whites have more power in this society than anybody else.Most police officers are white,most government officials are white,most of the elites in this society are white.Since these people run the country,it is only conceivable that some of the more prejudiced and racist whites are inhabiting the top positions in our society.From these positions,they do try to put out subtle acts of prejudice:they might not hire minorities,or they may simply downgrade them anyway they can.These people are still very much alive,and they have more of an effect on the lives of minorities than you think.
You also seem to want to purvey the fact that whites are poor and underpriveledged,when on the whole,the truth is that they do not have nearly the same issues that minorities do.Minorities are called minorities for just that reason:they are minorities.They do not control this society.Whites have a much higher average income than the average black or hispanic male.While you are right,there are whites who are piss poor and live in trailers and I have seen a few of them,the fact is on the whole they are better off than minorities.
It simply is not conceivable that a nation which before 1980 had some of the most repressive racial laws in the world(second to south africa),whose leaders had connections to openly racist organizations(up until the 70's,many of the state officials in Indiana were affiliated with the KKK) and whose history included some of the most enduring,and brutal systems in history(slavery) can simply turn around,and do a total 180 degree turn and become a society that loves blacks,and keeps whites down in the matter of a decade.That is simply too short a time span for such a drastic revolution to occur.
Change has happened,and the fact is we are much better off racially than we were before.However,as I have said before,it has only been 35-40 years since the civil rights movement ended.Mending such an enduring and painful act such as slavery,which lasted for 4000 years,will take more time.
I can understand,however,why you are mad about the way blacks are openly hostile to whites at times.I do not like it either.It is just another annoying component of the cycle of hatred that has been in continuos motion since the end of slavery.
Many blacks from the days of the civil rights movement remember the days of Emmitt Till,the Death of MLK,the Bus Boycott,etc.They arent dead yet,and they have passed their teachings and experiences on to their children.Many of these children,when they first see this react with anger.They get angry at whites after seeing videos about segregation and the KKK.I will admit that I myself,when i was younger,first reacted with anger after my first exposure to racism in history.
While I studied the matter,and eventually realized the truth,many blacks have not and will continue to react with anger towards whites.Those are the blacks you will see beating up white guys when they stray into the bad parts of town,and those are the blacks you will see who use the phrase crakka,or honkey.
The truth is,we still have a long way to go to achieve racial unity.The fact is,serious racial hatred did not end all that long ago,and you cant expect the majority of blacks to simply forget it when their predecessors who lived through it are still alive.
In the end,if we all want racial peace,we will have to learn to live together regardless of history.However,we may need to give that some time.It will take longer than just 40 years.In the meantime,we can all learn to work together to make that day come a little sooner.We need to break this cycle of hatred.