High Schoolers

Karsten Warholm is clearly inspiring the next generation in his native country ... such is the impact of role models the young can aspire to be like!

unfortunately, the power of the Caste System, the associated narrative, and its enablers/perpetuators has removed the heroes for many young people in the West.
All three of these fine young sprinters like to double up over the 100 and 200 meters. Reuda only runs the 100 but he is 16 so that may change in the future.

So going forward I like the potential of Zakrzewski, Wallstein and Farkas the best. Zakrzewski will probably be average height when he tops out but Wallstein and Farkas both have that Lemaitre type build. They may have a higher
potential if they can get their stride turnover to match Zakrzewski with alot longer stride. Who knows for sure but I am going to root for all 3 sprinters. I must say though tthat Zakrzewski just has that star look & swagger about him and
the results are eye popping! That is lightning fast for 16 year old and he did it with ease. I hope all three of these guys continue to run both the 100 & 200 as that helps them to reach their optimum potential. :)
Roko Farkas of Croatia, who was one of the favorites in the 100m (got 5th place), also competed in the decathlon.
He was the leader after the 1st day, but fell back on the 2nd day and finished 11th.
Still, very impressive to be a contender in two, non-related events.
He obviously has a lot of talent and ability. Let's hope he finds the right home (event) for it.

It's also worth mentioning that Dafne Schippers and Karsten Warholm, both started as multi-eventers as teenagers, before specializing in their respective individual events.
finally! there’s an available video of the European girls u18 400m that we talked about yesterday, and what a thrilling finish it was!

and here’s the boys 200m that we briefly discussed:

you can clearly see the disappointment on the young Italian after coming up second. i'm going to guess that his fire will burn hot after this, and that we’ve not heard the last of Longobardi ...
I love how Eduardo Longabardi was so unhappy winning the silver. That is the sign of a kid with a competetive streak and it's what champions are made of. He knew he should have won but he faded badly over the last 50 meters or more.
yes he was disappointed and slightly shocked he was caught. He tied up badly after a blistering 160m or so. He will learn from this race and come back even stronger. Does France have any white sprinters at any level anymore? I even saw a negro running for the Czech Republic in the girls 400m. Europe is turning into a cesspool of negro sprinters. France, Netherlands, Sweden, Germany even Israel all with mostly Black athletes.
a video of the boys 400m was finally posted, and it was an absolutely DOMINANT win by the Spaniard, David Garcia, who won by over a full second ahead of second place, set a championship record (46.67), and was one of the top European efforts of all time.

That Spanish kid has some mighty fierce competitive fires in his belly! The yells he let out after the finish were awesome. Lets hope he continues on his journey injury free and keeps setting PB's. Well done to the second and third place finishers as well. The black kid running for Spain has an obvious pseudo Spanish name lol
Somebody we missed here in the US, is Bellingham, Washington high hurdler, Andre Korbmacher.
He was the winner of the Nike Outdoor H.S. Nationals in a great time of 13.44.
That was the 2nd fastest time of the year.
Carter Birade, also of Bellingham, came 2nd.

Andre was a junior, and comes back next year, as the nation's fastest high school hurdler.

Here is an article about him:

And there is a video of his race on his instagram:
Somebody we missed here in the US, is Bellingham, Washington high hurdler, Andre Korbmacher.
He was the winner of the Nike Outdoor H.S. Nationals in a great time of 13.44.
That was the 2nd fastest time of the year.
Carter Birade, also of Bellingham, came 2nd.

Andre was a junior, and comes back next year, as the nation's fastest high school hurdler.

Here is an article about him:

And there is a video of his race on his instagram:
Outstanding. Possibly the next Trey Cunningham. Who would have thought that the US would finally see some of our kids
break through. Andre Korbmacher should have a very bright future!
Mikey McClain is the 100-meter champ in Illinois.

Mikey McClain won with ease. That's an incredible time for a high school kid! Was it wind legal? I hope so but either way the
kid looked like he was shot out of a cannon.

Two-time Iowa HS Class 4A State Champ in 100m & 200m Dash
This month, set Iowa state records in both 100m (10.33) and 200m (20.97)
Well done by McClain! Doesn't matter if our guy's are from small state like Idaho or a more heavily populated state like Illinois! Our guy's can compete and dominate.
I think Bucky met to say Idaho or Iowa. The two sprinter discussed above are from those 2 states.
Pretty amazing for a high schooler. I believe it was Jimmy c who pointed out that states with far fewer whites but where whites are a high percentage of the population tend to produce talents like this.

I don’t know if a white man will ever win the 100m gold again (especially w Jamaican drug cheats), but when you see kids this fast that are this young it reminds you that whitey isn’t as slow as some would like us to believe.

An encouraging sign to be sure.
To go along with Andre Korbmacher is Hudson Hergenrader who won the USATF Junior Olympics 110mh with a time of 14.94. He is a class of 2025 kid
Here is a kid I am sure you will like WL. A senior this year in Washington by way of Canada I think. Tyler Floyd. 100m 10.52 200m 21.01 400m 46.84. Very tall and lengthy by the looks of it.
Ethan Olivier from New Zealand won the triple jump at the u20 world athletics championship. With a 16.04 jump. Is the u20 and u18 New Zealand record holder. 17 years old.
Thanks for all of the updates. Much appreciated TheBigDawgV2. Keep up the great work! Not enough people post on the track
threads. I know's it's not gonna get good again until January to Feb. for Indoor Track but it's so much fun to follow these men and
women from here in the US and from around the globe. Glad to have you here and you will enjoy many other good posters both
in this thread and the other sports. I can't wait to see what some of these young athletes do in 2023!
I can't wait either WL. We have many more that I will post about. Sadly I haven't been able to be on as much as I used to be and also. And sadly lost the email to my old account. I plan on being as much as possible though
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