Watched the Wilder-Firtha fight and these are my observations: wilder is 29-0 with 29 KOs, so why is he fighting a guy who is 21-10? The announcers stated Wilder couldn't get a better opponent because of money issues. This stinks to high hell! He's obviously avoiding better fighters. Wilder is all offense...he got tagged multiple times by Firtha, who quite honestly looked like a very slightly above average pro. Any upper echelon fighter will be able to hurt Wilder. He's been floored in the amateurs and it will happen in the pros. Wilder stands flat footed and throws bombs...this won't work against upper echelon fighters. I won't say he's a horrible fighter because he isn't. That said, I think his handlers know he will taste the canvas eventually and probably want to make as much money on him as possible. If they thought he was capable of winning a title they would have got him an opportunity long ago.