Harvey Weinstein

What was George H W Bush's involvement with the CIA when President Kennedy was assassinated? He says he doesn't remember where he was that day. He was in Dallas. He was also friend's with Lee Harvey Oswald's closest friend, a mysterious "Russian baron". What was GHW Bush's involvement with the attempted assassination of President Reagan? The Bush's and Hinkleys had been close friends for decades. In fact Bush's son, Neil, was scheduled to have dinner with Hinckley's brother the day after the shooting. Bush and his cabinet determined that Hinckley was a "lone nut" and there was nobody else involved just five hours after the shooting. Now Hinckley has been released from the psychiatric facility but his records are still kept secret.

It's difficult for me to feel sorry for any of these far-left Hollywood actresses who were allegedly raped, groped, molested, talked dirty to, and forced to give him a massage or to see (((Weinstein))) either naked or/and masturbating. These "victims" didn't mind cashing their paychecks, though. The allegations date back almost 35 years, so why didn't anyone report him to the authorities until 2015? As Don alluded to, Weinstein's feral depravity must've really pushed the envelope if his long-time Hollywood allies and fellow Tribesmen were forced to cannibalize him.

Thrashen -

The sudden spates of “revelations” made by all of these “actresses” (hang on, don’t they now refer to themselves as “actors”…), “models”, and other “entertainment industry” sperm dumpsters have actually exposed them as the stupendously hypocritical slags they’ve always been.

Those nipped, tucked, botoxed, liposuctioned, and implant-laden Hollywood “actresses” who are marketed as - and who delight in marketing themselves as - driven, uncompromising “feminists” making their iconoclastic marks in a "hostile man’s world” by nothing more than sheer talent, intelligence and heroic, “you go girl” determination aren’t exactly what they’re cracked up to be, are they?

The arrogantly self-righteous “female role models” and “moral authorities” who emerge from their high-walled mansions in heavily policed, impregnably-gated, Jewish-and-1%-White-only estates to condescendingly instruct the masses - particularly the female masses - about how they should lead their lives and who endeavour to openly influence the outcome of elections via their “celebrity status” are anything but “uncompromising”. Their so-called “feminism” is nothing more than a charade, for instead of “smashing” the “traditional gender stereotype” of the sexually servile starlet who must perforce acquiesce to regular sweaty exploitation on the proverbial “casting couch” in order to “make a career”, these “strong women” are confirming that they not only participated in but also - even more significantly - tolerated and kept quiet about this practice. The high-profile “victims” were so selfless and oh so concerned for their fellow females that they accepted hush money in order to retain employment. Pass the dictionary, because I want to check the definition of “whore”.

By the way, have you noticed a certain something about the manner in which these Weinstein stories have been chronicled by the media? Isn’t it “odd” that whenever a Jew is portrayed in a positive light the first thing which is inevitably mentioned is his ethnicity / religion. Celebrity Yid X or Yid Y was always “born into a Jewish family”, et cetera. Yet now that Weinstein’s unsavoury “activities” have been exposed he is magically no longer a “Jewish-American” or a “Jewish” producer. He’s just a plain ”Hollywood producer”…
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Isn't it odd how this story popped up and the so obviously false Las Vegas mass shooting story abruptly vanished from their so called news?
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Isn't it odd how this story popped up and the so obviously false Las Vegas mass shooting story abruptly vanished from their so called news?
If that is indeed what they did, then that was a dumb move. People still don’t believe the Vegas narrative which I hear normies mention often, to my surprise. By exposing Weinstein they have put a serious dent into heavily jewish, heavily anti-White Hollywood. They are also red pilling a lot of people on jewish degeneracy. Overall we are winning on both fronts.
The Left continues to eat their own as Kevin Spacey basically conflates his coming out "gay" as the reason for his sexual assault of a 14-year old boy thirty years ago. The LGBTQ(WTF) "community" is "outraged" at him for doing that.

Also, Spacey is good buddies with Bill Clinton and they went to the "Lolita Express" together.

Kevin Spacey is one of the true Great Actors of our time. I am glad he decided to conflate his being gay part time and feeling bad about an attempt hook up with a gay boy 30 years ago. Anything to get the true rotten LGBTQ freaks panties in a bunch. :campeon:
I think he is covering his ass as we have seen with Weinstein's predatory behaviour and Cosby and others the behaviour only ends when these guys are locked up or too old and feeble to do their degenerate acts.

Two more woman came out to the press today against Weinstein and one stated this happened in the late 70's.
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Guys so far we have Weinstein who should be doing 20 years to life, Toback who should be doing a similar sentence, now we have allegations against Dustin Hoffman, Jeremy Pivin and director Brett Ratner who has done alleged solo sex acts in front of female actresses and assistants. It seems like the playful Seinfeld skit on this has a darker side......
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Below is a good, bottom line summarization of this mess via Baptist preacher Jason Cooley. He rightly stated this (largely contrived or exaggerated) ordeal is being leveraged to further promote the scourge of feminism. He calls out Weinstein for being a dirtbag, but also points out these Hellyweird “victims” for their hypocrisy. That is...feigning “shock” when they’ve allowed themselves to be filmed nude (whilst simulating fornication). These skanks have (largely) sold out to Satan, but are (now) playing “innocent” to propel the feminist narrative.

Below is a good, bottom line summarization of this mess via Baptist preacher Jason Cooley. He rightly stated this (largely contrived or exaggerated) ordeal is being leveraged to further promote the scourge of feminism. He calls out Weinstein for being a dirtbag, but also points out these Hellyweird “victims” for their hypocrisy. That is...feigning “shock” when they’ve allowed themselves to be filmed nude (whilst simulating fornication). These skanks have (largely) sold out to Satan, but are (now) playing “innocent” to propel the feminist narrative.

I completely agree and meant to make a point about the female "victims" in this entire situation. Although I'm ecstatic that Hollywood is finally being exposed and brought down, it appears these women were OK to go along with it because of the potential and ultimately, actualization, of a high payout.

They made their multi-millions over the past few decades but are only now bringing this to light? Why didn't they call the authorities and report sexual harassment or sexual assault after it happened so at least a record of it existed. None of them did. Some were actually sending Weinstein nude photos and sexual videos of themselves to help their chances to get the part.

There was an article on Breitbart a couple weeks ago about some fairly well-known 42-year old American actress that was in Italy and started talking about what happened to her. The Italians and the Italian media were having none of it. They actually called her and others like her out, calling them "high society prostitutes", knowing exactly what they were getting into and accepted it at the time in exchange for advancement in that industry and the millions they would make from it. She ended up "fleeing" Italy and went to Austria (I believe), where she said, "they know how to treat women, unlike Italy, which is stuck in the past" (paraphrasing).

Just another example of where it's, again, the "big bad men" doing this to the "innocent, helpless women".
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Just look at the roles these actresses, oops "actors," play. Sluts, whores, feminist superheroes, just very unfeminine women in general. And a lot of them are of the same anti-White tribe that founded and promote the hate-filled communist ideology of feminism as the men who acted inappropriately.

Henry Makow has a pretty good article today called "Let's Distinguish Between Sexual Assault and Bad Behavior." https://www.henrymakow.com/2017/11/distinguish-between-assault.html This scandal of "Jewish Boys Behaving Badly For a Very Long Time" is of course being misdirected into a continued assault on healthy relations between men and women (not to mention the homosexual pedophilia rampant not only in Hollywood but throughout the devilish ruling class is being swept under the rug as much as possible). The (((PTB))) are as ruthlessly determined to stamp out the heterosexual family and harmony between men and women as they are to replace the White race in all Western countries.
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I completely agree and meant to make a point about the female "victims" in this entire situation. Although I'm ecstatic that Hollywood is finally being exposed and brought down, it appears these women were OK to go along with it because of the potential and ultimately, actualization, of a high payout.

They made their multi-millions over the past few decades but are only now bringing this to light? Why didn't they call the authorities and report sexual harassment or sexual assault after it happened so at least a record of it existed. None of them did. Some were actually sending Weinstein nude photos and sexual videos of themselves to help their chances to get the part.

There was an article on Breitbart a couple weeks ago about some fairly well-known 42-year old American actress that was in Italy and started talking about what happened to her. The Italians and the Italian media were having none of it. They actually called her and others like her out, calling them "high society prostitutes", knowing exactly what they were getting into and accepted it at the time in exchange for advancement in that industry and the millions they would make from it. She ended up "fleeing" Italy and went to Austria (I believe), where she said, "they know how to treat women, unlike Italy, which is stuck in the past" (paraphrasing).

Just another example of where it's, again, the "big bad men" doing this to the "innocent, helpless women".

The problem with Heretic here is he is describing REALITY. But since when has that ever gotten in the way of mass hysteria? For the record I do not condone say Weinstein's repulsive behavior and in my personal life would never conceive of behaving with women like that. Sadly with me when confronted by a pretty woman I turn into a babbling idiot. Pathetic I know. But it is true that men cannot live without women, which is why this modern female trend of trying to act and or look like men thing will kill off the male species in no time. Albeit women can probably live without men ( except for baby making) although that wouldn't last long because they would die from something that only men could save them from. Then again women probably end up killing off men one way or another at the end of the day so it all goes around like a big circle. Ha. Kind of like the bee world.
That said where do people think the term "casting couch" came from or the old saying "how to get ahead"--pun is intended? All of a sudden these Hollywood women have come down with a Catholic School case of innocence years after the fact.
The truth of the matter is more than a few Hollywood starlets over the years have risen to the top because of "favors" to the boss man. And I am not talking about running out and getting coffee and donuts.
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Below is a good, bottom line summarization of this mess via Baptist preacher Jason Cooley. He rightly stated this (largely contrived or exaggerated) ordeal is being leveraged to further promote the scourge of feminism. He calls out Weinstein for being a dirtbag, but also points out these Hellyweird “victims” for their hypocrisy. That is...feigning “shock” when they’ve allowed themselves to be filmed nude (whilst simulating fornication). These skanks have (largely) sold out to Satan, but are (now) playing “innocent” to propel the feminist narrative.


Boo hoo hoo you slut$!!
Charlie Sheen raped 13-year old actor Corey Haim on the set of the movie Lucas' back in 1986.

Haim battled drug addiction for years and died in 2010 at 38-years-old
Charlie Sheen raped 13-year old actor Corey Haim on the set of the movie Lucas' back in 1986.

Haim battled drug addiction for years and died in 2010 at 38-years-old

Just gotta hope this continues to set off a long-running chain reaction of ever nastier and more revealing accusations and counter-accusations, with those being accused seeking to even the score by naming more and more of their fellow scumbags and psychopaths. Maybe the whole damn rabbit hole will be revealed, and the Amerikan Hollow Empire will start to seriously implode in various ways.
Mark Dice‏ Verified account@MarkDice 11h11 hours ago
I think everyone should be aware of Charlie Sheen's divorce papers in light of the Corey Haim rape allegations circulating.

This is when he was still married to Denise Richards

Wow, that is some truly amazing reporting...something the “very fake news” media has long forgotten. If it continues to come to light that everyone in Hollywood is either a rapist, groper, molester, harasser, pedophile, or far-left Trump-hater, we might finally see the demise of one of the most effective propaganda tools our enemies have against us.

A few years back, when Sheen was fired and black-balled from Hollywood for making “anti-Semitic” remarks (in reality, what he said was lame - see video below), he claimed he was partially Jewish in both his mother’s and father’s side...


That’s right, it’s “anti-Semitic” to call a Jew by their Hebrew name instead of the fake name they choose to be called.
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Mark Dice‏ Verified account@MarkDice 11h11 hours ago
I think everyone should be aware of Charlie Sheen's divorce papers in light of the Corey Haim rape allegations circulating.

This is when he was still married to Denise Richards

No wonder that debase deviant has AIDS! It wasn’t enough to fornicate with two-bit harlots, but he went about popping kids’ keisters like a world class miscreant f@990t pedo. These “Hellyweirdos” are vile, disgusting degenerates. They deserve their own “day of the rope”.
Anti-Trump "comedian" Louis C.K. is accused of masturbating in front of multiple women. Previously-scheduled appearances on propaganda talk shows like Colbert and others have been cancelled.

According to Wikipedia, he is one-quarter jew and hispanic. I've only seen the creep 2 or 3 three times. Each time he managed to make a disparaging "joke" about White people. Take him down, girls!
I recall reading an interview with Louis C.K. in the corpo/globo/homo rag Rolling Stone. Despite being red-haired and obviously White, Louis considers himself to be "hispanic,"even though hispanic is merely a linguistic categorization and not an ethnic or racial one, and like everyone in show biz is anti-White to the core.
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