Look, I don't know if you noticed or not, but if you touched Tommy Gunn Morrison on the chin with a feather, his eyes would roll up in the back of his head, and the next thing you know, you better be reaching for the smelling salts.
It's got nothing to do with black/white. As a matter of fact, that is one area where white guys have for sure been shown to be comparable to black guys--the ability to take a punch. I mean, yeah, white guys' skin gets cut easier. Maybe that's got something to do with gloves, as opposed to bare-knuckling it. I don't know.
But what I DO know is, there seems to be just as many glass-jawed black guys as white guys. Remember Clifford Etienne, Donald Curry, and Mark Breland? Hell, even Tommy Hearns, for that matter. All black guys with glass jaws.
Conversely, you could name some white guys with granite chins, like Tex Cobb (who was drunk in his last fight, otherwise he would never have been knocked off his feet his entire career), Chuck Wepner, etc, etc.
So quit your inferiority-complexing on me. Chill, bro. Glass jaws go both ways, black, white, yellow, whatever.
But if you can't admit that Tommy Morrison had a weak chin, then you have a serious bigtime problem calling a spade a spade, bro.
freedom1 said:
Yeah, I agree that calling Morrison glass jawed is an exaggeration Edited by: Frank Rizzo