Greatest White Heavyweight of All

I heard that he was making a comeback too, but I also heard that the HIV test was wrong and that he doesn't have it at all. The test screwed up and gave a false positive. Who knows what really happened. Anyway, I say, if he doesn't have it, he should get back in the ring. Otherwise, I wouldn't let him back in. Its too risky.
Colonel_Reb said:
The test screwed up and gave a false positive. Who knows what really happened.

Thatblood test forced him out of boxing at a very young age. I wonder if Frank Rizzo ever worked as a lab technician?!
Rizzo you are full of crap.Morrison outboxed and just plain beat up Foreman.During the latter stages of the fight Tommy did turn his back on George on a few occasions and looked like he was on his bike,but he didn't do that for 12 rounds or anything close to that.George was wearing shades at the end of the fight to cover up what Morrison had done to him,no not with his legs but with his fists.
speedster said:
Rizzo you are full of crap.Morrison outboxed and just plain beat up Foreman.During the latter stages of the fight Tommy did turn his back on George on a few occasions and looked like he was on his bike,but he didn't do that for 12 rounds or anything close to that.George was wearing shades at the end of the fight to cover up what Morrison had done to him,no not with his legs but with his fists.

Then why was the crowd booing during the middle rounds?
I have this fight on tape and it was entertaining until Morrison built a huge lead on the scorecards and played the prevent defense. Foreman just couldn't catch Tommy. The crowd booed because like most crowds they wanted to see a ko.
Rizzo,you said Tommy ran from George the entire fight and going by your last comment you're implying that it may have been during the middle rounds now.I guess you'll now change it to the latter rounds like I had said at the beginning.
Tommy Morrison won the fight over Foreman!!{end of story}Tommy didn't have to stick and move like Ali in every fight because Tommy had good power unlike the weakling Ali.Foreman ducked Quarry for years-not a high point in the history of ******* boxing.Hey Frank you gotta love those Russians!!Four Championships!!How many Champs are black?That right-OOOOOOOO-None!!!!
speedster said:
George was wearing shades at the end of the fight to cover up what Morrison had done to him

Foremanquit boxing afterTommy pounded his face into raw hamburger.He needed - grille - work after that fight.
white is right said:
I have this fight on tape and it was entertaining until Morrison built a huge lead on the scorecards and played the prevent defense. Foreman just couldn't catch Tommy. The crowd booed because like most crowds they wanted to see a ko.

Yeah, but they still booed. That ought to tell you something.
I just thought of somebody, a white guy, that was NOT a "great" fighter, but he WAS a "good" fighter, and he was a white guy, and he would have beaten both Gerry Cooney, or Tommy Morrison.

You guys remember Gerrie Coetzee? Not a great talent. But he was tough. He had a fair chin, and a right hand that would have knocked the daylights out of Cooney and Morrison.

I'm just trying to put things in perspective. Cooney and Morrison sucked; they were all hype. In the case of Cooney, his slick Jewish promoters conned you. How does it feel to be conned by a couple of Jews? I don't have anything against most Jews (save for Sabbatean Zionists), but I'm betting many of you guys do, right? Well, they pulled one over on you, and his name was Cooney.

Coetzee was a tough white guy who actually fought people; he didn't duck anybody and he didn't spend long months outside the ring having "anxiety attacks" and sleeping with whores and catching AIDS and making rotten movies.

I'm not saying Coetzee would have knocked those guys out in the 1st round; but I am saying Coetzee would have knocked those guys out eventually, had they ever fought.

Hypothetical prediction?

Coetzee would have KO'd Cooney in 6 rounds; Coetzee would have KO'd Morrison in about the same.

You scoff, but I'm telling you, THAT is how talented your two white hype boys really were.
Frank Rizzo said:
In the case of Cooney, his slick Jewish promoters conned you. How does it feel to be conned by a couple of Jews? I don't have anything against most Jews (save for Sabbatean Zionists), but I'm betting many of you guys do, right? Well, they pulled one over on you, and his name was Cooney.

You should make your baiting a little less obvious, Rizzo, if you want the fish to take the bait.

Frank Rizzo said:
You scoff, but I'm telling you, THAT is how talented your two white hype boys really were.

Finally out of the 'closet,' huh, Rizzo? No more beating around the bush pretending to be a fan of white athletes.

p.s. I'm not going to debate you about Coetzee, et al. Its not because I disagree with your assessment, I think its just a waste of time because you're simply trolling. You don't seem to be seriously interested in where the fighters you've mentioned would stack up against other heavyweights. You merely want to insult and demean white athletes, while throwing one a bone here and there to make yourself appear to be legit. Nothing I've seen you write on this board is any different than what one reads on any other sports board.

No thanks.
Frank Rizzo said:
In the case of Cooney, his slick Jewish promoters conned you. How does it feel to be conned by a couple of Jews?

Those darn Jews! First it was international banking then Isreal and now this! Fooled again! When will we ever learn!
Frank Rizzo said:
I just thought of somebody, a white guy, that was NOT a "great" fighter, but he WAS a "good" fighter, and he was a white guy, and he would have beaten both Gerry Cooney, or Tommy Morrison.

You guys remember Gerrie Coetzee? Not a great talent. But he was tough. He had a fair chin, and a right hand that would have knocked the daylights out of Cooney and Morrison.

I'm just trying to put things in perspective. Cooney and Morrison sucked; they were all hype. In the case of Cooney, his slick Jewish promoters conned you. How does it feel to be conned by a couple of Jews? I don't have anything against most Jews (save for Sabbatean Zionists), but I'm betting many of you guys do, right? Well, they pulled one over on you, and his name was Cooney.

Coetzee was a tough white guy who actually fought people; he didn't duck anybody and he didn't spend long months outside the ring having "anxiety attacks" and sleeping with whores and catching AIDS and making rotten movies.

I'm not saying Coetzee would have knocked those guys out in the 1st round; but I am saying Coetzee would have knocked those guys out eventually, had they ever fought.

Hypothetical prediction?

Coetzee would have KO'd Cooney in 6 rounds; Coetzee would have KO'd Morrison in about the same.

You scoff, but I'm telling you, THAT is how talented your two white hype boys really were.
... Coetzee had the same problem that the"Russians" have, he was seen as colourless and boring. But he did have to prove that he could fight top opponents once he lost his second shot in South Africa(one of the best heavyweight titlefights ever against Weaver).
JD074 said:
Frank, why are you obsessed about something so trivial? Get a life!

Ad hominem attacks are the surest sign that someone is losinga debate.
Frank Rizzo said:
JD074 said:
Frank, why are you obsessed about something so trivial? Get a life!

Ad hominem attacks are the surest sign that someone is losing a debate.

Pot, meet kettle.
Frank Rizzo said:
JD074 said:
Frank, why are you obsessed about something so trivial? Get a life!

Ad hominem attacks are the surest sign that someone is losinga debate.

Frank you're actually kind of fun to have around, but that was not an ad hominem attack.This is more like it: Go back to your Sesame Street Sewer you shifty cheese eating rat. You're not fooling anybody.

<DIV align=center>
<DIV style="WIDTH: 164px; HEIGHT: 225px">
<DIV =thumbcaption>Rizzo the Rat
Frank Rizzo said:
JD074 said:
Frank, why are you obsessed about something so trivial? Get a life!


Ad hominem attacks are the surest sign that someone is losing a debate.

LOL! What debate am I losing to you? You didn't even respond to a post that I wrote to you about two weeks ago. I guess you're winning in your own mind.

I'll reiterate what's already been said, and hopefully you'll understand this time: Morrison and Cooney were not all time great fighters, and nobody said they were. But they were solid fighters who have been unfairly criticized- not because they were the worst fighters ever (although you make it sound like they were,) but because they were white.

The point of this site is to celebrate white athletes, and we're doing just that. Some of us like Morrison, some of us like Cooney, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. But you're not here to celebrate white athletes, you're here to troll. If you're opposed to white people celebrating white athletes, then this board is not for you. I'll say it again: stop obsessing and get a life!

There. Anything else? Am I still losing a debate that you and I were supposedly having?
I just saw the Morrison vs. Ruddock fight. Saw it online. I had never seen it before.

Previously, I had only seen Morrison vs. Foreman, which did not impress me at all. And I saw Morrison get creamed by Mercer in a worse way than I've ever seen Morrison cream anybody else. And, the only other Morrison fight I ever saw was when he literally fought a guy who had just been invited up out of his ringside seat and offered a job, because the real opponent didn't show. And Morrison beat the tar out of this Joe Six-Pack regular shmoe, but it was embarrassing that Morrison would even stoop that low for an opponent, in my opinion.

However, as I said, I just watched the Ruddock v. Morrison fight. And I thought Morrison, though clearly tiring too early as was his penchant, hung in there fairly tenaciously and yes, landed that beautiful bomb which turned the fight around, and he was able to stop Ruddock. It was also gutsy that Morrison got up off the canvas in round 1 and didn't give up.

So, now that I've seen Morrison in the Ruddock fight, I am willing to concede that Morrison was a very good fighter. Not a great fighter, but the next step down. Had he hit his prime nowadays, it's a lock that he would have beaten one of these 4 alphabet-belted Russian guys who are dubiously labeled "champions," despite the fact that 4 is 3 more than 1, if my arithmetic is right.

Now, Primo Carnooney, I HAVE seen a lot more footage of him, than I ever saw of Morrison. And while I have had a change of heart about Morrison, I'm telling you, Cooney was a puffed up media legend only, not a fighter. Morrison--he was all right. Too bad he didn't keep fighting and had the whole aids thing. Now that he's 38, I don't see him coming back.
This thread is dead.
White Shogun said:
This thread is dead.

C'mon, man, I didn't spank you that bad, did I?

You had a couple good points in there too, I thought.
Frank Rizzo said:
Had he hit his prime nowadays, it's a lock that he would have beaten one of these 4 alphabet-belted Russian guys who are dubiously labeled "champions," despite the fact that 4 is 3 more than 1, if my arithmetic is right

Frank you need to go away now. We celebrate white athletes here, you do nothing but insult them. Sorry your racial self esteem is so low.

Here people, is Frank Rizzo, the face of destructive white self hate. He insults his white brothers whenever he can. At first he tried to insinuate that he was just about criticizing "non-deserving" white fighters.

Now he criticizes ALL white football players, and ALL of the Russian boxing champions (that have destroyed ALL of their black competition) He is sick with the illness that infects our people. Wish him a speedy recovery. Somewhere else.
And Frank Rizzo makes his way through cyberspace back to
Hey Frank,you need to keep putting the sunless tanner on every day until you reach the desired tone.It is clear that you are ashamed of being white.You are ashamed of supporting even true champions like Wladimir Klitschko.You are ashamed of your own heritage.It is really sad.I truley feel bad for you because it's a sad way to live your life.Just like blacks support black athletes,hispanics support hispanic athletes,we as whites can and will support white athletes and the discrimination they face.We are very proud of our heritage just like the minorities are and should be.It was nice seeing you make yourself look clueless.
I think Frank and his other alter egos will back, he has a love hate relationship with this site.....
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