I thought the most impressivething was the way Van Persie controls it so beautifully - it was the kind of touch you dream of. Yet the commentator barely mentioned it. He just kept going on about the pass, which while good would not normally (at least 9 times out of 10) have been [COLOR=#009900 !important]controlled by[/COLOR] the forward running onto it, so for my money it was the control that deserved most praise.
He couldn't have caught it and placed the ball down in a better position.
I am tired of the announcers, especially the analysts. The English ones are way too negative. They never give the offense any credit. There also is way too much talking. I would rather just have one announcer and no color guy like they have on the FA CUp telecasts.
I like Ray Hudson on BEIN. Everything isn't a mistake to him. He gives credit to the offsense.
I also like David Pleat.