Good Music Videos

Here's a young guy with some talent. Southern Rock still going strong.

The way I remember it Creed was very popular with teenage girls who attended church, but they were a "spiritual" not a Christian band. Scott Stapp had grown up Christian, but he had rejected that belief for "spirituality" in general. They were into American Indian spirits and stuff like that. They certainly were openly engaged in the rock star lifestyle as well.

I was a teenager when Creed was at the height of their popularity.

Big Tyler Childers fan and you like some Upchurch :beer-toast1:
Except once in a blue moon alternative takes on songs never sound as good as the original release to me. All these unplugged sessions etc. usually come off as a waste of time.

Even though "Let It Be" was the last Beatles studio album released "Abbey Road" was the last time they recorded together as a band.

The alternative less dressed up version of "Let It Be" ( called "Let It Be Naked") is a revelation. The rare occasion where the non original release versions of songs are superior to the original release. For a lot of die hard Beatles fans "Let It Be" is tainted by the production of nut job Phil Spector who is currently rotting in jail for murder at 80 years old. Indeed there is a slightly gooey gloss on the album that softens up the edges.

The Naked version of the songs are much more dynamic, immediate and vibrant sounding. "One After 909" here is an awesome rave up and Lennon's gorgeous "Across The Universe" is performed in a much simpler and effective setting here. It includes "Don't Let Me Down" ( which wasn't on the original) and does away with the couple of snippet songs that were on the original release.

Speaking of snippets there is an added another disc of basically the Beatles noodling around performing raw off the cuff half songs in between snippets of conversations that I can't really make out much. The bigger problem is they programmed everything for one track which means you can't skip forward on your CD deck. It lasts 22 pretty much useless minutes. Although a version of "Dig It" is dredged up and that Lennon Dylan pastiche is a neat ditty that can be found on the original. There was a longer version recorded called "Can You Dig It."

But the more important point is the "Naked" version of newly mixed tracks has a much better rock and roll feel to it and places the unreal talent of the Beatles at the forefront instead of half hiding it with a glossy finish which is what you get with the original.
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This one might not be everyone's cup of tea but I've been listening to it a lot. Basically about a working man frustrated with inflation and the economy that turns to crime. His Bullet has a name on it, the US Govt. At least that's what some guy in YouTube comments said. Makes sense to me though once I listened closely. The song came out in Obama unemployment years..

"I'm working harder than a 100 Black Mules out in Mexico!"

I've always found Billy Corgan of the Smashing Pumpkins to be a cracked genius. Exactly what he believes I've never deciphered, but he's engineered some great songs and has been interviewed by Alex Jones at least a couple of times, which hopefully speaks to Corgan being enlightened, or at least willing to separate himself from the mind hive pack in his communist industry.

Tom Petty was Florida born and bred. Although parts of Florida are cosmopolitan and South Florida is now an extension of Cuba and the state itself is about to turn irreversibly Democrat under the watch of our great leader Trump, other sections are as redneck in orientation as anywhere else in the South. For a number of years, Petty and his band the Heartbreakers proudly flew the Rebel Flag in the background during concerts.

Although he was quite mainstream, it was shocking when Tom Petty died from opioid abuse, the same plague that has killed millions of White working class Americans while Big Pharma reaps evil profits in the endless billions of dollars and the system gives it scant notice. What's happening to working class and rural White Americans is almost identical to what occurred in the USSR after the fall of their empire as (((oligarchs))) mercilessly plundered Russia's resources and human treasure while the drunken stooge Yeltsin obeyed orders. And now here in the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave, drugs, alcohol abuse, depression and suicide are combining for a declining lifespan for White Americans, along among ethnic and racial groups. Tragically, American politicians and supposed "leaders" are no better than Yeltsin.

Petty's sudden and shocking death after 40 years of rock stardom garnered about 1/1,000,000 the media attention Kobe Bryant's death has. Tom Petty was at heart "one of us" and composed many classic songs that will live on and on.

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Tom Petty is one of my favorites without a doubt. I caught him several times and had a feeling that it was nearly over with ( the touring at least) right before he passed.

Petty apologized several times for the confederate flag years ( but it never really felt sincere). He has an old youtube interview somewhere with Gary Shandling, where he ironically looks like a refugee which was tied up taken away and held for ransom. At one point during this awkward encounter, he mentions hoping to not have an Anna Nicole Smith experience on tape, he looks trapped like a child in the principals office. They did this same thing to Ricky Gervais with Gary Shandling after he had to apologize for a nazi joke. Dave Chappele had to apologize on Howard Stern multiple times years back for having his own thoughts. Ive noticed these things play out in public for the chutzpah effect or something weird.

Im currently hooked on the old Turnpike Troubadors stuff, of course there lead singer had to go and have a Meltdown. Same thing happened to the Damn Quails. These guys must be subjected to some crazy stuff.
I saw Tom Petty a few summers ago at Summerfest right before he passed. Chris Stapleton opened up for him, hell of a show but as DWFupside mentioned you could tell the end was near.

Also a big Turnpike Troubadour fan. I discovered them late, and as mentioned above their lead singer is battling substance abuse. Here's one of my favorites from them

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Pretty cool song and video by a Mongolian group opposed to what Globohomo is doing to their culture and history. Make sure you have cc on to get the English translation of the lyrics.

Excellent. 1st time seeing the original video, well done by the HU! my local Rock station has actually been playing this version of the song with the Ashes to New frontman on vocals. The song rocks! Definitely has a tribal/warrior vibe to it, great workout song.


These guys are really good, I found them accidentally online years ago when I was living out of a suitcase. Turns out they were across the street from my motel at a crappy outdoor BBQ place. Would have missed one of the better small performances ( free at that). If not for pure boredom and having good timing to check a bands schedule.
Excellent. 1st time seeing the original video, well done by the HU! my local Rock station has actually been playing this version of the song with the Ashes to New frontman on vocals. The song rocks! Definitely has a tribal/warrior vibe to it, great workout song.

Glad to know it's getting some radio play in the U.S. In my market there's only one station that plays rock that doesn't recycle the same ancient crap over and over again, but they don't play the Hu.

These guys are really good, I found them accidentally online years ago when I was living out of a suitcase. Turns out they were across the street from my motel at a crappy outdoor BBQ place. Would have missed one of the better small performances ( free at that). If not for pure boredom and having good timing to check a bands schedule.

Pretty good song! They should do themselves a favor and change their band name.
Hi Don, That was some video. Great stuff. I really liked it. They did try "diversity." The girl they tried got suspended for something unsaid and the black guy "resigned."
Hi Don, That was some video. Great stuff. I really liked it. They did try "diversity." The girl they tried got suspended for something unsaid and the black guy "resigned."
Return to the Blue Angels[edit]
In November 1994, Cochran assumed command as the first African American commanding officer and flight leader of the Blue Angels at a ceremony at National Naval Aviation Museum at NAS Pensacola, Florida. Cochran led the team for 16 months until May 1996. in May 1996, Cochran made the decision to “step down as flight leader”[This quote needs a citation] to minimize the safety risks to the team and spectators. Cochran believes his lessons learned on leadership, team dynamics and individual performance are vital to anyone in a leadership role or a member of a high-performance team:

  1. Your work environment matters and when the values of respect, integrity, honesty, and loyalty break down, so does your performance!
  2. When team members lose sight of their purpose and values, they often engage in hidden agendas, deception, and narrow-minded pettiness.
  3. When in a leadership role or command, you cannot accept or accommodate any behavior, comments, or actions that undermine your authority as the leader. You must take actions and hold offenders accountable.
  4. You cannot lead anyone who will dishonor you!

This quote captures the essence why leaders must hold those reporting to them accountable for their performance, attitude, behaviors and actions
I'm replying to myself here. This guy, Cochran resigned under shady conditions. Something went on but I guess we'll never know what.
Hi Don, That was some video. Great stuff. I really liked it. They did try "diversity." The girl they tried got suspended for something unsaid and the black guy "resigned."

I went to an air show at Nellis AFB when I lived in Nevada. There was a precision act during the show, not the Blue Angels and I can't recall their name, but they were superb also. And not surprisingly all White men as well.
Here's some good Plague Music.

Outstanding music! Young whites need to mine the past for the great works of art created by their ancestors. They'll find wonderful things like this.

Compare this to modern gangster rap. This is light years better.
Also spiritual and Christian but in a different vein, a traditional instrumental of a beautiful hymn:
INXS was a six-man Australian rock band that presented a masculine appearance. The band was dominated by lead singer Robert Hutchence, who died at the age of 37 in 1997 from what was officially ruled suicide by hanging. Many think it was a sexual auto-asphyxiation act, which has done in a few celebrities over the years. As with the sudden death of seemingly all celebrities there are various theories of how and why he died. He dated super-models and was apparently depressed over the ending of a relationship.

Hutchence had a lot of charisma, more so than Kurt Cobain, whose charisma emanated from his chronic depression. Hutchence died three years after Cobain. The 1990s was the last decade where rock was popular and popularized in the "mainstream" media, though even then it was being eclipsed by the system's agenda to present everything and anything black as mainstream.

I was just watching an INXS concert at Wembley Stadium in London in 1991 on the Audience Network. I went to many concerts when I was young and have seen many on TV, but the audience reaction to this concert -- 72,000 strong -- was amazing, the best I've ever seen and deservedly so as INXS did Australia proud.

If you want to see it type in INXS Wembley Stadium 1991. This is an INXS song I always liked. It's about a relationship, but maybe much more if all the factions created from the top down can quit hating each other so much and start respecting each other.

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