Good Music Videos

I've wondered if Trent Reznor is Jewish. He was brought up in rural Pennsylvania and he's never said he is, so he likely isn't though he can definitely "pass." His band Nine Inch Nails has produced some good songs, including this one:

I've wondered if Trent Reznor is Jewish. He was brought up in rural Pennsylvania and he's never said he is, so he likely isn't though he can definitely "pass." His band Nine Inch Nails has produced some good songs, including this one:

This is one of my favorite gothic groups. I remember one of their epic jams " A hole in your Head". Hey, Don can you upload it, always have trouble with that on this site. Thanks
I've always liked this one visually, a brawl among a bunch of Asians, which is presented backwards -- the very end of it shows how the fight started.

Here's my favorite Soundgarden song. Chris Cornell had one of the most powerful rock voices ever:​

Nine Inch Nails, Head Like a Hole:​

Thanks, Don. To me, NIN's Head like a Hole was so cutting edge twenty years ago. and today it still is.
I remember when this song and video came out, I thought Scott Weiland was a macho type man. But there was pushback from the usual suspects because the song had shades of date rape in the lyrics. Next thing you know, Weiland is wearing dresses and makeup and eventually died an early death from being a junkie.

I remember when this song and video came out, I thought Scott Weiland was a macho type man. But there was pushback from the usual suspects because the song had shades of date rape in the lyrics. Next thing you know, Weiland is wearing dresses and makeup and eventually died an early death from being a junkie.

Now, this was an All-Time Jam (ATJ). In this, the lead singer Weiland was not yet hooked on meth/heroine or coke. Several years after this he was a walking skeleton. Too bad, he was lost too soon. Interestingly Pennington, the lead singer for Linkin Park toured with Stone Temple Pilots for awhile after Scott Weiland died. There is a YouTube video of Bennington rocking this on YouTube.
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The lead singer of Linkin Park was Chester Bennington. He sang the above song with the same grit and swagger of Scott did when he toured with STP. Its a shame a young man with the great looking family and the world at his feet decided to kill himself. He will have to answer for that.
The world would be a dull place boy
If it was all work and no Play Boys

Good song at Bar close. Remember when we used to be able to go to a bar or restaurant? That was nice.

The background on this song, or at least the rumored background, is that it's about Budd Dwyer. Dwyer was Pennsylvania's state treasurer in the mid-'80s and was indicted on several corruption charges. Strongly maintaining his innocence, Dwyer shockingly pulled out a gun at a press conference in early 1987 and committed suicide as the cameras were rolling. (Search Budd Dwyer on YouTube if you want to see it, but it's pretty gruesome.)

There were other rumors that this song was about Kurt Cobain, but the group has said that it was written in 1991, three years before Cobain's death, though it didn't come out until I believe 1995.


I just listened to most of this 17 minute song. Werewolf, what do you or anyone else make of it? It took Dylan 56 years to come up with it. . . Does it mean anything and will it register at all with the public, especially coming out at this time when popular culture has been shut down? JFK's assassination was the signature event in understanding where we are today.
The lead singer is a bit on the fruity side but some good music from The Cult:

This guy definitely has a throwback style. Different but I like it!

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I've never understood why so many registered posters are so shy to post, but let's bring Caste Football back to life as today has been a slow day.

This is a song which appears to be about American influence. I guess it's supposed to be against it, at the end they say, "this is not a love song," but the video sort of gives me the impression that American influence is good. America is relentlessly attacked by the liberals, and it may have done some things it shouldn't, but it's done a lot of good things it doesn't get enough credit for.
Anyway, here it is. Rammstein. Amerika.

I remember when this song and video came out, I thought Scott Weiland was a macho type man. But there was pushback from the usual suspects because the song had shades of date rape in the lyrics. Next thing you know, Weiland is wearing dresses and makeup and eventually died an early death from being a junkie.

My favorite STP song! First time seeing the video after hearing it on the radio hundreds (thousands?) of times.
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Some good choices! Made me think of Zac Brown Band so I’ll share one of my favorites by them.

Excellent I've seen The Zac Brown Band twice and easily the best concerts I've been to. The 2nd one even involved JJ Watt in a spoof where he speared a guy running on stage !
A tad of relief from the chaos outside and all over the airwaves...With my reputation in place of musical tastes all over the map:
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