God help us all!


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
The USSA is far and away the most drugged up and doped up society in history. Werewolf is right about the drugging of the best and brightest young boys of our race, just one of many daily heinous unspeakable crimes that are never opposed and usually not even noticed or mentioned.

I agree that too many kids are drugged up as well as too many adults. However I still think medicating genuinely mentally ill people is a good idea. Who's to say that the people that do stuff while medicated would not have done worse with out it? I think it is more the culture then the chemical that causes these heinious types of crimes.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
The media's talking point on Obama's speech was "america must change". In other words gun confiscation here we come. He couldn't come right out and say it until he has that one other Supreme Court seat to wrap up unconstitutional gun grabs. So all you gun grabbers out there you are going to have to wait until one of the partially conservative Supreme Court members retires or dies.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I agree that too many kids are drugged up as well as too many adults. However I still think medicating genuinely mentally ill people is a good idea. Who's to say that the people that do stuff while medicated would not have done worse with out it? I think it is more the culture then the chemical that causes these heinious types of crimes.

I agree, don't think anyone is advocating that all medications should be banned. Of course there are genuinely mentally ill people, probably more than ever before given the madhouse of a society we live in. That doesn't change the fact that far too many people are on powerful prescribed drugs, all of which have side effects, beginning with millions of children (overwhelmingly young White boys) who shouldn't be.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Adam Lanzas father gave a statement to the media. Of course the media will make Adam Lanzaout to be whomever they want to fit their agenda. Remember the Columbine shooting? Well, I've actually read articles that state the entire media story was complete bs. First of all, Klebold and Harris weren't the loner types the media described them as. Secondly, that Trench Coat Mafia nonsense was way over hyped.
Dec 29, 2011
How naive, or disingenuous, can you be. Does it have anything to do with the fact that the United States is no longer an homogenous society? Forcing all the world's races, tribes and religions together, under the always benevolent eye of Big Brother, equals what? Utopia? More like Dystopia. The Great Unwanted Multicultural Experiment has been an utter failure, much as, to relate it to this site, the Great Eight Year Kordell Stewart Experiment was an utter failure. Yes, they are very much linked.
Regardless if we had a homogenized society or not there are still going to be crazy people out there even in an all white society. Maybe just not as many. If the kid did not have guns he could have just rammed a car into a crowd of people. Good call on the " Chris Rock " reference DWID. I however might be a " guru " in a few things. Just not many.


Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
Jaxvid, that's the truth but why is it so hard for most of the white US population to understand that blacks are extremely violent? Why do the gullible whites believe that white oppression is the reason for black violence rates?

most people where I live seem to understand it, even if its mostly behind closed doors. It seems like this should be the case for Whites who live around other cities with a large black population like Atlanta, Detroit, even Chicago. I know its a little different with Atlanta, most of the blacks live in a certain part of town it seemed, at least the worst of them. In New Orleans you can have million dollar homes and the ghetto only 7 or 8 blocks away. I mean where Peyton Manning grew up wasn't that far from the Magnolia projects, (gone since Katrina) and leading up to the projects it starts to get bad well before you get to one of course, I am talking like 4 to 5 streets away from St Charles, while the left side of St Charles (coming from downtown) are extremely nice houses. Only a few streets outside of the French Quarter you have the Iberville projects. Maybe having to live so close to the bad elements makes it different here, but I don't know how people from those cities think.

As far as medications, yes people are given too many medications. If you have a kid who acts up, its not hard to get him on ritalin or adderall, both are similar to speed, well adderall is the closest being that it is actually made of 4 different types of amphetamine salts. I think I read somewhere that these kids are more likely to be drug addicts later in life. These types of drugs spike dopamine temporarily, but tolerance builds, dopamine decreases, it can cause problems with the person. Working with those who suffer from addiction, I know a good deal of crack addicts seem to have psychosis, and its not always clear what came first, the psychosis leading to crack addiction or crack addiction leading to psychosis. I know crack addiction is on the extreme end, but the drug does the same thing as these prescribed medications, just on a stronger level. Id imagine being on this since a child cannot have a positive outcome.

Now with the newer drugs like SSRI's (anti depressants) things are much more complex. I really don't see any benefits from taking them, at least the average person with minor depression (a majority of people prescribed them fall in this category). The idea is that you overload the brain with serotonin so you don't feel depressed. People are meant to feel ups and downs. I mean from my understanding, they stop serotonin from being released, which I believe causes us to feel "happy". MDMA which many people take to feel great for a brief period (if anyone remembers back in the 90's all of those happy go lucky raver ****), releases a crap ton of serotonin in your brain all at once, and I have read that the drug really doesn't work when taking an SSRI. Of course your serotonin gets depleted over time if you take MDMA causing depression, it leads me to wonder, how do you feel happy while on an SSRI? most people say they feel no downs, but no ups. Many people that are taking ONLY ANTI DEPRESSANTS, do not really need to be taking medication. I did not want my wife taking an SSRI, even for a short period but we wound up agreeing that she take a lower dose than prescribed, and it still led to a seizure, and I saw no benefits in the brief period she took them, she feels worse now after getting off. My solution to those with depression, take 5-htp, its the precursor to serotonin, and it leads to an increase in the brain. You could take tryptophan (which is found in meat at small doses) but I think only half of it gets converted to serotonin, and the other half, I forget what, but at high doses causes negative side effects, most of 5-htp gets converted to serotonin, which some of converts to melatonin, regulating sleep. Its a natural alternative without the weird side effects. Of course there is more to feeling happy than serotonin, there is dopamine, endorphins etc, but can be achieved with a good diet and exercise.

Now if a person has bi polar, any type of schizophrenia, even if its a mild schizoaffective disorder then they need to be on medications, anti psychotics combined with anti depressants. SSRI withdrawal can cause physical symptoms comparable to that of opioids, I'd imagine not as intense but they have one added feature, BRAIN ZAPS. Never had it because never taken an SSRI but can't imagine that feeling very good, and looking from the list Werewolf posted many crimes were committed while withdrawing from SSRI's. The doctors don't tell you this addiction (not simply dependency) will happen when they get you on it. Any minor thing you have can wind up with being prescribed medication. Most people trust their doctors, they think they always have your best interest in mind and know better than you. Yes many probably do know a great deal, but I have met quite a few quack doctors. My last recent doctor swears to have graduated from Harvard but looking him up, not so, not even close. He, like many others, can't tell you how many of these drugs work, drugs that they prescribe frequently. Have anxiety, take a benzo like valium, klonopin or xanax, all drugs like them cause terrible withdrawal when you quit, not to mention problems with memory while on them. The instructions say do not take more than a few weeks, yet they will keep you on them for months, if not years. They want us to be dependent on THEIR drugs. The pharmacutical industry is big, and they have a lot of money. Doctors get perks for prescribing the newest drug on the market. Just stay away from the newest drug, Lyrica. Supposed to work great for pain and a bunch of other things, but can actually cause mutations in your sperm from what I have read. Pretty much all of these drugs decrease sperm count and lower the sex drive.

Im sorry but SRRI's by themselves are not going to stop any type of crime. Only anti psychotics will stop those who are seriously mentally ill from harming others, and even those fail at times. They really haven't advanced that far in treating those with serious mental illness, the main idea is to keep them sedated and not sedated in "fun" sense. Many schizophrenics I have talked to still hear voices on those meds, they are just more lethargic. Most anti pyschotics are primarily dopamine antagonists, and some others are serotonin antagonists as well. Those with MAJOR depression should be on anti depressants like an SSRI but should probably be on some anti psychotic, maybe a mild one like Abilify, which is now being marketed as an anti depressant but is also an anti psychotic. The idea that we should dope up anybody who may have a minor problem is absurd. SSRI's are simply anti depressants and most people who take them do not have serious problems. There have been studies that shown those who are severely depressed and those who have committed suicide have a higher number of 5ht2a receptors than regular people. I don't know if there is way to test for that if the person is alive, because the the study was done on dead people. Either way, the only way to treat that would be an atypical anti pyschotic that is a serotonin antagonist, not simply a Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. Its not that hard to tell minor depression from very serious depression in most people. Major depression can stop people from getting out of bed, increased pain etc not simply "feeling blue". Now I don't know if everyone on that list that werewolf provided was simply on an SSRI, or if they were on that combined with an anti pyschotic for some other illness, but it is known that ssris can cause an increase of suicidal thoughts/behavior but its usually associated with the first 4 to 6 weeks of starting the medication. I think also higher among those younger than 25.

Now as far as the media giving it more attention than Columbine or Virginia Tech, I can kind of see why, since it was little kids. But wasn't the shooting at the Amish school a bunch of little kids ages 6 to 13? I guess nobody give a damn about THOSE kids, leading me to wonder, do people really care about these kids that got killed? or does it hit close to home because they are worried something might happen to their own children?
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Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
While this is a mess, It's also very curious. For example, I'm puzzled at the ratio of dead to wounded. There seem to be very many more dead than wounded (almost none wounded). That is very unusual. for the most part, you have very many more wounded than dead. Was this guy that good? Secondly, these things are getting to be media events anymore. Somewhat like everything is choreographed. Just shooting from the hip. Let's wait and see about this. It's still very early.

Tom Iron...
yes this was odd as well, didn't this kid have autism? I would't think an autistic kid would be that great of a shot. Reminds me of Virginia Tech, how did he manage to kill that many with two handguns, with no practice at a range from my knowledge. Of course every time this happens I hear the usual "people shouldn't be allowed to have automatic weapons", automatic weapons aren't allowed and I don't think any of these shootings had automatic weapons, only semi automatic, which shoots just as fast as you can pull the trigger. The ones that get the negative rep, like the ak 47, aren't exactly that accurate, and people usually have the cheap kind like the mak 90 which is really not accurate.

If guns were banned, and lets say they managed to somehow remove all guns. Whats to stop someone from building a bomb? and white defensive back had an even simpler idea that would harm many people, simply running a car into a large group of people, although I don't know how well it would work trying to ram through a building.
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Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
Gentlemen, A couple of questions

1 - Does anyone know if this guy was employed, or was he a student?

2 - Do any of you know yet if he was taking some sort of medication?

Tom Iron...


Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
Gentlemen, A couple of questions

1 - Does anyone know if this guy was employed, or was he a student?

2 - Do any of you know yet if he was taking some sort of medication?

Tom Iron...

From what I read he had a high school education but nothing further, and no job history. They lived in an expensive house where he had 2 rooms, 1 just for his computer and to play video games. He had aspergers syndrome, which is a form of autism but most are still functional. They described the mom as some gun nut "survivalist". Yes a survialist that lived such a nice life receiving over 250,000 dollars a year in allimony.


Nov 28, 2009
2 men about to testify in Libor scandal have 2 medicated sons who go on murderous rampages

In the wake of the mass murders that took place in Newtown, Connecticut on Dec. 14, information on the shooter, and his family, is slowly being discovered by law enforcement other sources. One interesting connection to the tragedy that took place at the Sandy Hook school is that the father of Adam Lanza has a connection to the theater shootings that took place in Aurora earlier this year by James Holmes.

Both fathers of the shooters were allegedly expected to testify in the Libor scandal that rocked the banking world in June.



Nov 28, 2009
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
Threads like this make me glad to be a member of this site. There are so much intelligent, non-mainstream, politically incorrect thoughts here and I'm just happy to read this thread and consider everyone's opinions.

Personally, of course the tragedy is sad. Its heartbreaking for the parents. However I absolutely do not agree with the way the media sensationalizes this topic. These kids' deaths are becoming propaganda to suit a leftist, liberal, and totalitarian government agenda.

I actually got into a verbal argument with someone in real life because I said that I didn't feel Obama's tears were sincere.

This is a tragedy. But another tragedy exists in the way this story is being propogated and politicized.

I am of the opinion that grievance should be done privately with the families. These kids' death has turned into a circus on TV and its distasteful.

Thanks to everyone for their comments in this thread. I read them all and this thread demonstrates why this is such a great nontypical website!
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
Arming teachers would be a disaster in this country, given that most of them are anti-gun feminist types that have never fired a gun and would likely freak if there was a genuinely dangerous situation. There's a huge difference between armed airline pilots and relying on Ms. Goodlib to mow down gun-wielding lunatics.

Arming teachers isn't the answer, nor is leaving guns only in the hands of criminals and militarized police. The problems are forced multiculturalism, multiracialism, Cultural Marxism, feminism, soulless consumerism and materialism, isolationism, alienation, apathy, rogue unaccountable government, the constant portrayal of extreme violence and death, a digustingly perverted "popular culture," and on and on. The sicknesses are too many to list; which is why the Second Amendment must be protected at all costs.

Agree 100%.

I will also reiterate Leonardfan's point that society and popular cultre are both morally bankrupt. Society has normalized abnormal across the board (equality racial police, gays, feminazis, leftists, public display of violence and sex) and mass killings are a representation of that.

I also believe there is atleast some truth in what werewolf says about killers being on government-mandated drugs.

I absolutely do not trust, believe, or have faith in the government and losing the 2nd ammendment would give them freedom to abuse their power in anyway they see fit.

The government is a confirmed liar in many cases (War In Iraq WMDs being an example) and through these lies they already have abused power. They will do so tenfold if the 2nd ammendment is gone!
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Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Threads like this make me glad to be a member of this site. There are so much intelligent, non-mainstream, politically incorrect thoughts here and I'm just happy to read this thread and consider everyone's opinions.

Personally, of course the tragedy is sad. Its heartbreaking for the parents. However I absolutely do not agree with the way the media sensationalizes this topic. These kids' deaths are becoming propaganda to suit a leftist, liberal, and totalitarian government agenda.

I actually got into a verbal argument with someone in real life because I said that I didn't feel Obama's tears were sincere.

This is a tragedy. But another tragedy exists in the way this story is being propogated and politicized.

I am of the opinion that grievance should be done privately with the families. These kids' death has turned into a circus on TV and its distasteful.

Thanks to everyone for their comments in this thread. I read them all and this thread demonstrates why this is such a great nontypical website!

The complete wallowing in the tragedy of it all is something I have a hard time with and don't quite understand. I believe it is primarily a "woman thing" as I have seen that type of thing only with women. For example a young woman I work with, who has a young child, came in today and told me that all she did this weekend is watch news about the incident and cry about it. WTF? Why would someone put themselves through that?

I try to ignore these types of mass sorrow events. Mostly because the political posturing is always in a direction I oppose but also because my personal feelings are: life already sucks, why add more misery? Especially about something that has virtually no effect on my own life (unless they change the laws).

Sure I'm sad in a detached kind of way, and when I spend some time to think about it, like trying to imagine the thoughts of a 6 year old kid as they watch their friends get blasted to bits and as this nut swings the gun around to them....well I just don't like to do that. Why torture oneself? What's the point? It won't bring anyone back, it won't heal anyone's pain. It's pointless. I have no idea why there are news stations and websites and other media that go over and over and over this story. I knew all I needed to know about this story from listening to 5 minutes about it.

And I do think, that because there are so many people (mostly women) who love to immerse themselves totally into the complete misery of the event, that the politicians know there is a lot to be gained by manipulating those people by showing empathy with them.

I read today about someone who said that the did not understand the event until they heard Obama talking about it and how it was so important for the President to clarify these types of national tragedies and I thought 'how retarded is that'. I listened to about two minutes of Obama yesterday and then couldn't take it any more and switched the channel. I thought he sounded phoney but I don't like the guy so I can't judge impartially. But what does the President have to do with this anyway? And why would I care? Sure he's sad about it. We all are. Now go do your job. Unfortunately in these Feminist States of Amerika, the President is now the national therapist. God help us all, indeed.
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
Most gun crimes are commited by blacks. Every now and then a white man goes nuts with his gun/guns, and thats always front page news. The fact is that the vast majority of guns crime, or crime in general is because we have a huge non white population.

+1, I was speaking about this just about a week ago on this site. In 2010, blacks accounted for 48% of all homicides (stellar when you consider blacks only makeup 12% of the national population) in USA which as I recall amounts to about 7500 murders per year according to the FBI. (1500 to 2000 of which involved a negro killing a white).

Going back to 1995, I honestly cant remember a single time a black non-celebrity murderer has received national coverage. OJ and Jovan Belcher made headlines, but in those situations they are celebrities comitting murder and the media is thus forced to cover them due to their fame. I also remember the media covering the sniper killings in the early 2000s carried out by Blacks, but once again the media was forced into this position as coverage began without even knowing the killer's identity.

On the other hand, in that same timeframe I can recall many times in the past few years Ive seen white murderers featured nationally. Moreover, the media is not forced to cover white murderers, rather very often they choose to and sensationalize things over the top. Also, I remember reading that there have been mass killings in the US by blacks which have been unreported by the media ( a black man recently killed several people in a Wisconsin mall)

This is racially-biased censorship and in doing so, the media fabricates a sense of crime in the Usa. The media absolutely does not report on black crime unless they absolutely have to or are forced to.

Without a doubt, media portrayal of race and murder is incredibly far removed from the actual statistics of race and murder.
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Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
A lot of the non-stop wallowing has to do with who won the election and how they feel a tragedy like this is very useful to push for gun control. And part of it is because this is a tightly controlled and regulated society in which the vast majority of sheeple live vicariously through the media and its messages and celebrities. There are vast over-reactions to some events, while many other sad and bad things are ignored or trivialized, depending on how they fit into the Cultural Marxist narrative.
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
The complete wallowing in the tragedy of it all is something I have a hard time with and don't quite understand. I believe it is primarily a "woman thing" as I have seen that type of thing only with women. For example a young woman I work with, who has a young child, came in today and told me that all she did this weekend is watch news about the incident and cry about it. WTF? Why would someone put themselves through that?

I try to ignore these types of mass sorrow events. Mostly because the political posturing is always in a direction I oppose but also because my personal feelings are: life already sucks, why add more misery? Especially about something that has virtually no effect on my own life (unless they change the laws).

Great comments and fully agreed, I take the same position as you!

I would go one further and say that I find the media's coverage to be disrespectful. I feel they should show the families respect by not bombarding everyone with their disingenuous coverage. The media is insensitive to the victims

If it was my child that died, I think I would want to grieve in private. The media hounds, and disingenuously sensationalizes the issue and I think I would feel disrespected by that had it been my child that was killed. Then again everyone deals with pain differently, maybe some parents are happy that the media reports on their child, maybe it gives them a comfort.

In any case, this thread has been a great read for me and I feel glad to read many peoples' opinions here. Great thread, and thought provoking discussion!
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Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
Watching that speech Obama made and all that came to mind was his little crony Rahm Emanuel's quote "You never want a serious crisis go to waste". Obama was setting the stage for his power move to go after guns. He used 20 innocent murdered children as pawns in this power move to garner national sympathy.

This tragedy has really bothered me more so than any other event. I feel tremendously bad for those families who lost loved ones and the children.

The media absolutely disgusts me, they just swarmed into that small town like parasites. Once the story loses its appeal they will move on and just forget that town after milking the tragedy for all its worth. They intrude on grieving families privacy in a time or mourning. They lack any integrity, ethics and respect.

The media and power brokers in Washington are latching onto gun control and ignoring every other factor in the equation. No one is talking about how this kid had no social skills or responsibility. Both are issues of bad parenting and broken homes - the lack of a father figure in his life to set him straight and make him a responsible adult. Those days are gone in this country. The media itself is to blame more so than any other aspect. They whore themselves out marketing on violence via Hollywood movies and terrible rap "music" that has been pushed on the youth of America by all these media "moguls". The "news" outlets chomp at the bit for the next big tragedy to exploit. I am so damn sick of the media having so much control without any checks and balances in place to expose that industry for the fraud it is. It markets death and exploits it on a daily basis. The media is responsible for the decay of the nuclear family and the lack of a moral compass that exists in this country yet they will never be called out or brought to their knees for the sins they have committed.

Sorry for the rant...


Nov 28, 2009


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Jaxvid said:
The complete wallowing in the tragedy of it all is something I have a hard time with and don't quite understand. I believe it is primarily a "woman thing" as I have seen that type of thing only with women. For example a young woman I work with, who has a young child, came in today and told me that all she did this weekend is watch news about the incident and cry about it. WTF? Why would someone put themselves through that?

I try to ignore these types of mass sorrow events. Mostly because the political posturing is always in a direction I oppose but also because my personal feelings are: life already sucks, why add more misery? Especially about something that has virtually no effect on my own life (unless they change the laws).

Sure I'm sad in a detached kind of way, and when I spend some time to think about it, like trying to imagine the thoughts of a 6 year old kid as they watch their friends get blasted to bits and as this nut swings the gun around to them....well I just don't like to do that. Why torture oneself? What's the point? It won't bring anyone back, it won't heal anyone's pain. It's pointless. I have no idea why there are news stations and websites and other media that go over and over and over this story. I knew all I needed to know about this story from listening to 5 minutes about it.

And I do think, that because there are so many people (mostly women) who love to immerse themselves totally into the complete misery of the event, that the politicians know there is a lot to be gained by manipulating those people by showing empathy with them.

I read today about someone who said that the did not understand the event until they heard Obama talking about it and how it was so important for the President to clarify these types of national tragedies and I thought 'how retarded is that'. I listened to about two minutes of Obama yesterday and then couldn't take it any more and switched the channel. I thought he sounded phoney
but I don't like the guy so I can't judge impartially. But what does the President have to do with this anyway? And why would I care? Sure he's sad about it. We all are. Now go do your job. Unfortunately in these Feminist States of Amerika, the President is now the national therapist. God help us all, indeed.

Another very nice post from a wise man.

Every aspect of the “Newtown Incident” is steeped in cultural darkness. The wretched psychosis of the shooter, the needless death of innocent (predominantly white) children, the politically-driven lamentations of the ******* Teleprompter-In-Chief (leader of a Z.0.G responsible for murdering children and adults daily), the hive's national pouring-out of Kosher-contrived heartache for people they’ll never meet, and the live-feed NewsJews helicopters providing round-the-clock sorrow-ridden coverage of the story from the “point of view” of a Corporate Media that incubates violence, degeneracy and death when it is chic and profitable and entertaining...while pontificating and mourning and shunning violence when it has become a “taboo de jour.”

If I knew a victim of this tragedy, or God forbid was the parent of one of the children, all the attention it was receiving (and the corresponding shekels generated for “Malevolence, Inc.”) would greatly augment my state of misery. But, hey, at least a monstrously ugly, Kenyan-born, hyper-unqualified, cigarette-puffing corporate lawyer mulatto dunce with ties to Communism, Socialism, Marxism, and the Black Power Movement would have shed a Teleprompted tear on behalf of my loss, effectively assuaging my pain…


CAPTION: Androgynous Mutt Tears With Feigned Sorrow

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
2 men about to testify in Libor scandal have 2 medicated sons who go on murderous rampages

In the wake of the mass murders that took place in Newtown, Connecticut on Dec. 14, information on the shooter, and his family, is slowly being discovered by law enforcement other sources. One interesting connection to the tragedy that took place at the Sandy Hook school is that the father of Adam Lanza has a connection to the theater shootings that took place in Aurora earlier this year by James Holmes.

Both fathers of the shooters were allegedly expected to testify in the Libor scandal that rocked the banking world in June.


This link disputes the accuracy of that, at least as far as Holmes' father is concerned: http://www.dailypaul.com/246383/hol...iginates-from-known-disinfo-agent-sorcha-faal


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
There are 3 things certain about this horrible incident. A male with mental issues went on a murder spree. Probably knowing right from wrong and subsequently killing himself. 2nd, the left will exploit this incident with full force to favor their government control agenda. 3rd, our 2nd amendment rights will be curtailed in some manner, with the Repubs caving in.

Yes, God help us.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
This letter to the editor was in today's fishwrap:

I have been in the military, I've been a policeman, I have a concealed weapon permit and I've carried a firearm for 40 years. As a result of Friday's Connecticut school shooting, I am now willing to give up my guns and rescind the Second Amendment to our Constitution.

The gun nuts in our country won't even discuss something as simple as having background checks at gun shows, much less restrict the size and scope of firearms. It's time to pick them all up. All of them.

I'm willing to allow police to be the only people allowed to be armed, and to give them the power to stop and search anybody at any time, and to get warrants to search any home. I want the penalty of owning or carrying a weapon to be life in prison. And I don't want any further discussion on that. The time has come.

Jerry Sturdivant
Las Vegas


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
This letter to the editor was in today's fishwrap:

I have been in the military, I've been a policeman, I have a concealed weapon permit and I've carried a firearm for 40 years. As a result of Friday's Connecticut school shooting, I am now willing to give up my guns and rescind the Second Amendment to our Constitution.

The gun nuts in our country won't even discuss something as simple as having background checks at gun shows, much less restrict the size and scope of firearms. It's time to pick them all up. All of them.

I'm willing to allow police to be the only people allowed to be armed, and to give them the power to stop and search anybody at any time, and to get warrants to search any home. I want the penalty of owning or carrying a weapon to be life in prison. And I don't want any further discussion on that. The time has come.

Jerry Sturdivant
Las Vegas

This idiot is a BO supporter and proud parent of grown DWFs or feministas. When I get a chance I will goggle this dope to see if he is real and was all that he claims to be or propaganda of the left. Incredible if this person is actually real, but maybe not considering how 11-5-2012 went.


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
The sheeple are really heaping onto the anti-gun movement while ignoring all the other facts - this country lacks enough bright, intelligent people to have any sort of thoughtful conversation about what the real issues are. Like everything else the mob mentality ensues.