We are totally screwed. Real men didn't stand up to tyranny in the 60s, and since then its gotten out of control. Those of us born after 1980 didn't really have much of a chance. The old timers just sit up on their high horses, and shake their self righteous heads at us. Our children's future looks very, very dark, and hopeless.
When I was a young political activist, we were sometimes angry at the old-timers for letting us down, and when those old-timers were young they asked those before them how the country could have been so easily subverted. The American Republic and those who love and cherish it have been the victims of purposely applied gradualism for over a century (some would argue much longer than that), instituted with ever-increasing high technology combined with the basic tenants of subversion of an ancient methodology the roots of which can be traced back thousands of years.
There's been only a small number of Americans over the past century who have been able to think outside the box
and also cared enough to try and change the direction of things, and always in vain though many made great personal sacrifices. There was an impressive America First movement in the 1930s, which was hundreds of times larger than anything that exists today. Polls after war broke out in Europe taken in 1939-'41 showed that 80 percent plus of Americans wanted the country to stay out of WWII. But then Pearl Harbor conveniently happened (as so many events have conveniently happened through the years that "magically" benefitted the desires of the U.S. government to engage in war), and Americans instantly and overwhelmingly reverted to their default mode of "rallying 'round the flag."
The aftermath of WWII has seen the near utter ruination of Western, Christian society, which is where we find ourselves today. Perhaps the greatest flaw of the American "melting pot" which achieved the notable and previously unthinkable feat of successfully melding the various European tribes together as a functioning and prosperous society, is that in doing so almost all White ethnic and racial memory and the lessons of history were eliminated, which is why American Whites are so dumbed down today into effortlessly manipulated DWFs, dittoheads and "Christian Zionists," and also "liberals," "anti-racists," etc.
It's easy to point at the young and ask, "How can the vast majority of you be so brainwashed when so much is now out in the open?" but that's just as pointless as pointing the finger of blame at the older generations for not "revolting." When the average working class and middle class people don't have leaders that represent them and look out for their interests, we end up where we are. The U.S. has a closed political system, and the government, media and educational establishment for all intents and purposes are now the same "unitary" totalitarian organism.
We still have the freedom to meet, speak, write, distribute literature, run for office, and myriad other options, even though the system also constantly trys to intimidate many into inaction. The internet has both opened up information but also made it way too convenient not to go beyond computers into real life activism. That to me is the major obstacle that aware Americans face today -- whether or not to leave their "safety bubble" and have the fortitude and courage to engage the system because the system itself through its many problems and its crimes against God and Nature has created a pre-revolutionary environment that isn't far away from a revolutionary environment given the right circumstances.