Glenn Beck 8/28 rally


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Good analysis by Edwards, as always. The whole thing lost me when they gave an award to Albert Pujols. Huh? WTF? A rally in Washington to take back america and the athlete they honor is a foreign invader? As Edwards says Beck is clueless.

However, at least it showed some energy on the part of white people. I'll feel better when white people start busting things up. That's the sign that things are moving in the right direction.Edited by: jaxvid

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
Hunter Wallace sees it differently...


this post is not an endorsement of wallace's essay, it just gives a more optimistic perspective. my personal opinion is until people learn that conservatism is a hoax, WNism will only tread water. Edited by: C Darwin


Jan 19, 2007
Pacific NW
Glenn Beck strikes me as a maniacal, megalomaniac, entertainer that operates under the banner of God.A veritable pied piper of disinformation and a shill for our media masters.

Beck seems to have similar personality flaws and dis qualities that most in media/ politics posses, or are possessed with.


Apr 13, 2005
Generally, Beck is clueless and his act is just that -- schtick. In terms of the rally itself, it's no small feat to turn out half a million Americans who aren't your typical go-to-protest types.

Some of the shows he has done on the roots of "Progressivism" or leftism or whatever you want to call it have been pretty damn good (at least the few I have seen) and I am stunned to see criticisms of sainted leaders like Woodrow Wilson and FDR in mainstream media.

So, I'll give Beck a D and not an F.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
What I gathered from the rally are good. 1st, alot of pissed off white ppl showed an effort to really protest what the gov't is doing, in guise of a spiritual awaking. We all know it's the former. 2nd Beck told blk ppl and their enablers to f**k off by having the rally at the same place and date that phlanderer MLK had his.

On a side note when white ppl start "busting thing up" especially my stuff there is goi g to be problems!


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
I view the Beck rally "restoring honor" as a positive sign. As a Christian I am seeing signs of a national revival and a reawakening from the bottom up and that's where it needs to start. I look forward to the elections this November because I see the Dems losing at least 60 seats in the House and honestly I think it will be closer to 75 which would be a record and I also see them losing the Senate as well. Love Beck or hate him, he is the real deal, he has no secret agenda and schills for nobody. His television specials on the founding fathers and what FDR and Woodrow Wilson who Beck calls evil by the way have been priceless and have educated millions. I am honestly right now feeling quite hopeful and not nearly as depressed as I was when Obama got elected.


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
guest301 said:
he is the real deal, he has no secret agenda and schills for nobody.
I respectfully disagree. Beck's roll is to co-opt the Tea Party Movement. A movement that started with Ron Paul's Presidential run in 2008. A movement that Alex Jones and other countless Patriots have worked tirelessly to achieve since the 90's. How does Beck repay Paul for lighting a fire in America? Call Ron Paul supporters potential terrorists.

Beck IS exposing alot of truth and speaks the truth 90% of the time. However, he won't go all the way. He denies Bilderberg exists and any other global governing cabal (banksters, Goldman Sachs, etc). He simply blames Obama (puppet) and lower level "progressives". He still supports unconstitutional wars and will likely trump in our new Neo-con President in 2012 since Obama has run his course as globalist puppet.

I hope I am wrong about Beck as he could be a great ally in the freedom movement but I fear he is more Benedict Arnold than Thomas Jefferson.

[TUBE][/TUBE]Edited by: Freethinker


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Beck is helping to partially awaken some people to some of the real problems we face, but because he refuses to speak out (or speak correctly) about several other important issues, he is in essence keeping those same people from fully awakening. Therefore I usually tell his fans that he might be a good starting point to understanding how things are in this country, but that they need to check out some real paleo-conservative and/or White nationalists sites and writers. Then I provide them with links and articles to read that will help them wake up completely. I realize that if people change (and many don't), it takes time, so I regularly send out emails and links to articles that really get to the heart of the problems we now face.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Freethinker said:
guest301 said:
he is the real deal, he has no secret agenda and schills for nobody.
I respectfully disagree. Beck's roll is to co-opt the Tea Party Movement.

Some quotes from the article posted by TPC.

Nobody is really sure what it was even about. Beck, who is only famous because he has spent hours a day for the last decade ranting about politics, says it had nothing to do with politics, even though Sarah Palin was the keynote speaker.

It was about "restoring honor"Â￾ or something, whatever that's supposed to mean. Or it was a way of supporting the troops, depending on which day you talked to Beck.

Then it turned into a rally to reclaim the Civil Rights movement, and give it back to the people who Beck swears pioneered the Civil Rights movement, right wing conservatives. Yes, that's what Beck actually claims to believe. Leave it to Glenn Beck to make white-hating black columnist Leonard Pitts look sane and reasonable.

It also has something to do with honoring all those unsung heroes of the American Revolution, the numerous black Founding Fathers, whose existence (until Beck came along to set the record straight) has been covered up by "liberals"Â￾ who are trying to divide us by race. Yes, Beck actually says this, too.

And Palin? She was asked what Martin Luther King would've thought of the rally. This was a great opportunity to tell it like it is for all of America to hear. She could've said something like: "Martin Luther King? I'm white â€" why would I give a damn what Martin Luther King would've thought about this rally? At any rate, he no doubt would have disapproved, as he was a radical left wing socialist whose movement was all about increasing the size and power of the federal government, and using it to take rights and resources from white people and give them to non-whites. Hell no he wouldn't have approved, and I couldn't be more proud of that fact."Â￾

But did she say anything like that? Of course not. Instead, she talked about how she could "feel his spirit"Â￾ in this place that MLK's presence had turned into "sacred ground"Â￾ and that he would've heartily approved because the rally was all about "equality"Â￾, which is what he stood for. And "conservative"Â￾ National Review was so proud of her words they posted the video.


As it turned out, the rally was actually a huge revival meeting, in which Beck implored America to turn back to the god(s) of our Jewish-Christian-Muslim-Hindu-Mormon-Sikh-Zoroastrian heritage that made America great. He had over 200 members of the clergy on the podium, and he stressed that they were from "all faiths"Â￾ and it didn't matter which god we pray to, as long as we pray to something or someone, singular or plural. Just pick a higher power and go with it. In other words, it was the largest Alcoholics Anonymous meeting in history


Listen as Beck tells the crowd to "go back to your church, your synagogue, your mosque"Â￾ and get to work on "refounding America."Â￾



Your mosque?Ha ha ha.Your synagogues? Oh brother, what a total DOLT! Telling jews to go back to their synagogues and get to work on refounding America?!"

They have already been WORKING hard at "refounding America."

That is why we are so messed up. What a moron!


Oct 7, 2009
On the far Right
I think the Edwards pretty much sums things up although I thought it should have devoted as much or more time to the pantheistic elements of the rally as it did to the blindness to racial realities of the participants. I tend to agree with Russell Kirk that religion is the foundation of culture (the cult creates the culture). However, while culture begins with religion, it comes to encapsulate the shared experience of a particular people which in the real world typically is an ethnic group or a combination of groups mingled in antiquity or time immemorial.

I found the Edwards article at The Alternative Right website and was wondering if anyone here had checked that site out. I seem to remember Steve Sailer referencing Castefootball in one of his articles there.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Kevin MacDonald: Jonah Goldberg Loves Glenn Beck

Predictably, Jonah Goldberg has nothing but positive things to say about Glenn Beck's extravaganza (LA Times, "Glenn Beck's ecumenical moment"Â) Whereas we at TOO lament the fact that massive crowds of White people who are worried about their future are being lulled to sleep by this new Elmer Gantry, Goldberg shows his neocon heart by being thrilled that Beck isn't really trying to get at the real issues that are causing deep anxiety and anger among Whites:

While the crowd was preponderantly white, the message was racially universal â€" on the stage and in the crowd. When Reason TV's Nick Gillespie asked a couple whether as "African Americans" they felt comfortable in such a white audience, the woman responded emphatically but good-naturedly. "I'm not African, I am an American "¦ a black American." She went on to say "these people" Ã¢â‚¬" i.e. the white folks cheering her on â€" "are my family."Â

This is the dream of a multicultural America where everyone gets along just like one big happy family. It's the impossible dream that ignores racial realities, such as IQ differences that inevitably result in racial stratification in the absence of enormous, resentment-inducing government efforts. And it ignores the other results of research on the reality of multicultural societies: less social cohesion and increased social conflict; reduced contributions to public goods like health care and a general loss of trust.

The pathetic thing is that Beck is leading the charge into this impossibly harmonious future under the banner of conservatism.

As a neocon Jewish intellectual, Goldberg is horrified at any suggestion that Whites will begin to define themselves as White and seek to advance their interests: "I confess, if Beck wasn't a libertarian, I would find his populism terrifying. But his basic message, flaws notwithstanding, is that our constitutional heritage largely defines us as a people, regardless of race, religion or creed."Â

In other words, Beck is fine because he believes in the proposition nation. That's the ticket to media success: There is a certain amount of leeway on acceptable attitudes, but don't rock the boat on the proposition nation thing. That's the litmus test of acceptability.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Paleocon, I check out the alternative right site from time to time. Richard Spencer puts some good info out. Bart, thanks for posting the MacDonald piece. I have a lot of problems with Beck that I won't go into here, but his stance on race sickens me because it diverts White people away from what they should be embracing, racial solidarity.


Nov 26, 2004
Maybe it's an improvement over the Promise Keepers. At least no white men were washing black feets to atone for racism.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Glenn Beck is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's (also know as "Micheal King"Â￾) most infatuated, most obsessed, most unrelenting admirer.

Beck is so love-struck with King's "triumphs"Â￾ over white America that he decided to allocate a large portion of last weekend' "Restoring Honor"Â￾ conference to the unconditional veneration of this mammoth charlatan.

After all, the date of this conference was deliberately chosen to take place on the 47th anniversary of King's "I Have A Dream"Â￾ speech. Other portions of the conference raised money for the children of deceased veterans, among other noble causes. However, the MLK circle-jerk burlesque show was ridiculously superfluous. Supposedly, all the Neocons in attendance were "cheering loudly"Â￾ for this vomit-inducing "dedication."Â￾

How "sweet"Â￾ of Beck to evoke the memory of this hostile advocate of violence against white Americans. An employer, purveyor, and notorious batterer of prostitutes. A womanizer. A "reverend"Â￾ who took part in sex orgies. A PhD plagiarist. A communist. An insatiable adulterer. An anti-conservative. An anti-white bigot. If King were watching this from his new home (Hell) he's likely laughing at Beck's creepy, unnecessary enthusiasm for a man who would have loathed him.

Beck and his team of professional researchers (who, I'll admit, usually do outstanding work on his Fox News program) always seem to overlook the hypocritical transgression of America's chubby little black-darling-angel-love-child. What's most disturbing is that they, in all likelihood, actually know the truth about King (but intentionally mislead the Necon Flocks in order simply to appear "race neutral"Â￾). Beck is as much an impostor as the Afro-Activist he so adores.

Like all politicians over the past 100 years, even political pundits are engaging in the epic "NeoCon VS. Liberal"Â￾ battle. These automatons are not white men, not any longer.Edited by: Thrashen


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Thrashen said:
Glenn Beck is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's (also know as "Micheal King"Â￾) most infatuated, most obsessed, most unrelenting admirer...

How "sweet"Â￾ of Beck to evoke the memory of this hostile advocate of violence against white Americans. An employer, purveyor, and notorious batterer of prostitutes. A womanizer. A "reverend"Â￾ who took part in sex orgies. A PhD plagiarist. A communist. An insatiable adulterer. An anti-conservative. An anti-white bigot. If King were watching this from his new home (Hell) he's likely laughing at Beck's creepy, unnecessary enthusiasm for a man who would have loathed him.

If that's not bad enough, I just found out John Hagee was one of the big (pun intended) speakers of the day. Just great.

So, a lot of angry White folks showed up in DC to do what exactly? Venerate MLK and the black founding fathers while pledging allegiance to Israel? A Neocon wet-dream come true.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I agree w/ Beck on a few points, but his aggrandizing of philandering, communist, apostate "St.MLK" is pure pandering. As a matter of fact, that's one issue I take with Dr.Paul. "Mike" King is NO hero or role model for (real) Americans.

As a paleo-conservative, there's certain things I agree with the NeoCON'd on...less government, less taxes, border enforcement, etc. However, I draw the line at any/all appeasement of (precious) minorities & their champions ("St.MLK", etc.).

Edited by: DixieDestroyer

Deus Vult

May 6, 2006
From the first time I ever heard Glen Beck's radio broadcast -- maybe 7-8 years ago -- I wondered whether there was not some wager between broadcast execs, a la the rich old men in "Trading Places," over the theory that one could plug in any lightweight knucklehead behind a broadcast mic and have him spew meaningless boilerplate neo-con platitudes. The bet must revolve around the gullibility of talk radio listeners and Faux News groupies.

Deus Vult

May 6, 2006
John Derbyshire on that Beck rally:

On the one had, of course I was glad to see the Beckites/Tea Partiers out there in such numbers, and glad for the success of the rally. They jabbed a finger in the eyes not only of the left-liberal elites, but of the clueless and pusillanimous Republican establishment, who wouldn't touch Glenn Beck and his followers with a barge pole, other than to coo some sweet nothings at them when there are votes to be harvested. I hate liberals and I regard the Republican establishment the way Evelyn Waugh‘s friend regarded the modern world: "with calm despair." So put me down as, if not precisely pro-Beckâ€"still not knowing enough about the guy and his viewsâ€"quite definitely anti-anti-Beck.

On the other hand, as with most conservatism nowadays, I was left with the impression of a crowd of people marching east on the deck of a west-bound ship. The underlying concepts of Beckism are all liberal. They dare not be otherwise, or Beck would lose his TV show, his O'Reilly spots, his publisher and sponsors, Sarah Palin (and all his other links to official Republicanism), and be cast into outer darkness. To pursue the ship analogy, he would have jumped overboard. All public displays in our society, from 30-second TV commercials to Acts of Congress, are constructed on liberal premises. That's the direction the ship is sailingâ€"westward, to the left.

Hence Beck's extravagant praise for Martin Luther King, a radical leftist. Hence the failure to mention uncomfortable truths like, to take a random sample:

* the impossibility of continuing federal entitlements at anything like their present levels;
* the radical reduction in public services and public employment that would follow if tax rates were lowered to the degree Beck and his supporters claim to wish;
* the mad folly of giving settlement visas to a million foreigners a year when unemployment stands at ten percent;
* the doubleplus-mad folly of permitting illegal settlement of millions of Mexican and Central American peasants to form a permanent new underclass making huge new demands on government services;
* the gross and pointless squandering of public monies on crackpot schemes of education reform;
* the certainly and inevitably nation-destroying effect of permitting public employees to unionize;
* the impossibility of effective law enforcement without racial profiling;
* the absurdity of waging war not to crush and demoralize the enemy, but to transform his nation into 1955 Oklahoma.
* the infantile narcissism of believing that all life's ills have a remedy in law;
* the contradiction inherent in wishing for a health-care system that (a) has no socialist component, or only a modest one, while (b) providing every known treatment or level of care to every condition for everyone;
* the doubleplus contradiction inherent in the previous bullet point when the genome can be cheaply and rapidly sequenced.

Beck himself is a smart man who knows plenty of true things. Following Gates-gate last year, Beck said that Barack Obama nurses "a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture." That is certainly true: the truth of it shines out from every pageâ€"and even from the title!â€"of the President's autobiography. Unfortunately it is not a liberal truth, so Beck has been apologizing for it ever since in the most groveling, abject terms.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
In the coming days, the weeping, MLK-doting, WWII-loving NeoCon, Glenn Beck, will be supposedly devoting several episodes of his Fox News TV show to "completely exposing"Â￾ the Hungarian multi-billionaire, Z0G-elitist, György Schwartz (aka George Soros) and the identity of the "puppet masters"Â￾ lingering in the shadows behind this colossal globalist cretin.

Though I certainly cherish the nationally televised divulgence of this information to the everlastingly oblivious white MassMan"¦I'm absolutely positive that Beck will conveniently omit the sordid reality that Soros, as well as all of his NWO associates, are Jewish "men"Â￾ from around the globe.

The utterly noticeable "Jew"Â￾ detail is always absent from the "chalkboard"Â￾ whenever Beck "connects the dots"Â￾ with his matter-of-fact sassiness towards the privileged few.

I suppose that Beck's ever-extolled "common sense style"Â￾ is only deficient whenever the subject involves the sharing of any knowledge that is imperative to the continued existence of the white race (and the uncovering of our many enemies). Beck knows things about Zionists that he'd never dare to say.

Revealing "Jew-Boy George"Â￾ is a great start, but as always, I'd wish he'd take it farther. I hope that Beck proves me wrong with regard to Soros. I'll be watching closely.Edited by: Thrashen


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
When Glenn exposes Gyorgy Schwartz next week, especially with several shows dedicated to it, proves one thing. He and Foxnews are not beholden to the usual NWO-elitist suspects who control other media.

Thrashen, its for people like you and I to connect the dots that Glenn "forgets" to mention and let everyone with a brain know.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Driving home from work turned on the Glenn Beck Radio show. He said that Tuesday he will unleash an explosive expose on George "I'm so ashamed of of Jew name Schwartz" Soros. Looking forward to it. Yeah, maybe he won't mention that Gyorgy was an willing operative during the Holocaust, but I suspect he will identify him as a "persecuted Jew".


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
The first day of Beck's over-hyped "expose"Â￾ of George Soros was rather predictable. The same video clips, the same quotes from interviews, the same financial data linking Soros to several failed economies, the same influence upon U.S. Government legislation, the same funding connections to Democrats, Marxists, Zionists, Black Supremacists, Communists, and "left wing terrorists"Â￾ across the globe. How is this banality considered "explosive"Â￾ or "front page news?"Â￾

The most enraging portion of this "super-important special show"Â￾ was when Beck was attempting to paint Soros as an anti-Semitic Jew who helped those "odious,"Â￾ white supremacist Nazis in repossessing Jewish lands in Hungary, effectively sending them to the supposed "gas chambers."Â￾Beck kept mentioning the fact that Soros "doesn't even feel guilty about what he did to his own people."Â￾ Beck even stated that "I am more pro-Israel than George Soros!"Â￾ Hmm, I'll bet you are, little Mormon-Boy.

Beck is quite similar to the Politically Correct NeoCons of the past 100 years"¦they are "conservative"Â￾ with regard to everything (normally just money-related issues) accept for the preservation of the white race. I'd imagine that Beck would fundamentally loathe the concept of this very website.

Unfortunately, he's the best thing available to the naïve MassMen who still get their news from prehistoric, carefully-edited sources of media such as TV and radio.Edited by: Thrashen


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Thrashen said:
The first day of Beck's over-hyped "expose"Â￾ of George Soros was rather predictable. The same video clips, the same quotes from interviews, the same financial data linking Soros to several failed economies, the same influence upon U.S. Government legislation, the same funding connections to Democrats, Marxists, Zionists, Black Supremacists, Communists, and "left wing terrorists"Â￾ across the globe. How is this banality considered "explosive"Â￾ or "front page news?"Â￾
The only benefit that I see is that the "massmen" who listen to Beck's show are getting information on Soros that they would otherwise never hear about from the other mainstream media sources. The average person on the street has no idea who Soros is or what his big $$ influence is permeating the political spectrum. You and I might know quite a bit about Soros and look at Beck's show as "boring" and "predictable", but to the average Joe this is a revelation.


Jul 12, 2007
I can't stand Beck's daily Vaudevillian act. He has become increasingly more clownish each year.
The truth, though, is that Soros is a very dangerous person. He needs to be stopped. What difference does it make why people think he's bad? If Beck convinces all the rubes who watch him that Soros intends to kill all puppies, then I say let them believe whatever they want as long as they take action against him. I watched some of the Tuesday show and it was the equivalent of a sleeping pill. Part of that is the fault of Beck's natural tendency to speak in run-on sentences. He's just not very good at clarity and concision. Part two is on right now. His formula is a little improved because he has mostly abandoned the stupid chalk boards. But the Soros web of evil really is gigantic and byzantine by design. Such complexity is meant to thwart any attempts to see it in whole. I applaud Beck for trying. I hope Beck's viewers take the matter seriously.