Glenn Beck 8/28 rally

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
Glenn Beck is out at Faux Propaganda.

while i certainly had numerous issues with Beck (not the least of which was his racial pandering), he was (for lack of a better word) the "best" spokesman in the mainstream media on many issues related to the Constitution and Liberty.

i don't know, but if i correctly read between the lines on that article i linked, it seems the real reason for his parting of ways was two-fold: 1) calling out Obama on his afrocentric agenda, and 2) criticizing Israeli actions overseas ... both of which were exceedingly mild in my view, and both of which he quickly backpedaled on. even a racially neutered, oft-panderingpussy like Beck can't "expose" the truth of "the wondrous joys of diversity," lest he get the headman's axe. (for what it's worth, this is why i feel that being a "moderate" will never work for White people. it's all or nothing for our people.)

the Left, of course, is ecstatic with glee at the firing/quitting. i daresay the so-called "Conservatives" at Faux are equally as happy at his departure. i've posted a quote below that is likely a typical perspective from both Communists (i mean, Progressives), and Conservatives (i mean, Progressives without enough balls to admit it), although the quote actually comes from a leftwing nut.

"Glenn Beck's departure from daily Fox News programming is a win for all of those who have fought to improve the quality and civility of our public discourse," former Media Matters president Eric Burns, now with Bullfight Strategies, said in a statement. "Try as he might to spin the situation, Beck will no longer have a daily television platform with which to poison the minds of his audience with violent, hateful rhetoric and fringe conspiracy theories."


Nov 27, 2005
Outside North America
They just said on CNN he was getting 2 million viewers a day. Both Howard Kurtz and Anderson Cooper said that's an incredible number especially for a bad time slot. I can't help but be suspicious that this comes just over a month after Bill Kristol and a few other influential neocon publicly rebuked him.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
"Glenn Beck's departure from daily Fox News programming is a win for all of those who have fought to improve the quality and civility of our public discourse," former Media Matters president Eric Burns, now with Bullfight Strategies, said in a statement. "Try as he might to spin the situation, Beck will no longer have a daily television platform with which to poison the minds of his audience with violent, hateful rhetoric and fringe conspiracy theories."

Awesome post, JimmyC!

Glenn Beck, violent and hateful? Har har, that's too rich. Perhaps the writer intended to state that Beck is "violent"Â￾ towards all known enemies of Israel and "hateful"Â￾ towards racially-cognizant white Americans?

Beck, like all testicle-deficient white NeoCons, is "old-fashioned"Â￾ with regard to capital and utterly apathetic with regard to his own racial preservation.

Despite his many white-abhorring impurities, Beck was popular amongst the "clapping seal DittoHeads"Â￾"¦so it's rather surprising that Fox News no longer coveted his limp-wristed, anti-white, Jew-adoring, Nazi-bashing, blubbering NeoCon excretions. Perhaps Beck's yawn-inducing, incredibly dull "expose"Â￾ of globalist billionaire Jew, George Soros, put a dent in his "exciting"Â￾ reputation. Rest assured that Beck will be promptly replaced by the next racially-castrated p-ssy in "Team NeoCon's"Â￾ extensive stable of anti-white maggots.

Beck, a "Mike Huckabee-style"Â￾ Zionist, interviewing one of his yarmulke-headed girlfriends (Rabbi Lapin)"¦
Edited by: Thrashen


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
For those who are unaware, Media Matters is a group founded and funded by the vile, Globalist George Soros. Media Matters has stated it is their goal to "sabotage" Fox News. Guess it's radical left wiggers...I mean wingers 1 and phony conservatives 0.

As for my thoughts on this. I will not lose any sleep over the Alex Jones ripoff getting canned. Alternative media all the way for me with the exception of Stossel and Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
it's hilarious to see the race-pandering, inconvenient-history-rewriting, Zionist crybaby Glenn Beck twist himself into convoluted, self-imposed pussy pretzels to explain why John Stewart can get away with saying what he sayson the air ... in this case, it is Stewart making racially-stereotypical jokes about the affirmative action Republican Presidential candidate.

yep, Glenn. it's because Stewart is a "liberal." it hasNOTHING AT ALLto do with him being a tribesman.


Liberal comedy? Jon Stewart gets special treatment when mocking Herman Cain. the link includes video.

it's almost unbelievably, tragicallypathetic that Beck's voice is actually the most intelligent on the mainstream airways ... i mean, wow.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Jimmy Chitwood said:
it's hilarious to see the race-pandering, inconvenient-history-rewriting, Zionist crybaby Glenn Beck twist himself into convoluted, self-imposed pussy pretzels to explain why John Stewart can get away with saying what he says on the air ... in this case, it is Stewart making racially-stereotypical jokes about the affirmative action Republican Presidential candidate.
<div> </div>
<div>yep, Glenn. it's because Stewart is a "liberal." it has NOTHING AT ALL to do with him being a tribesman. </div>
<div> </div>
<div> </div>
<div>Liberal comedy? Jon Stewart gets special treatment when mocking Herman Cain. the link includes video.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>it's almost unbelievably, tragically pathetic that Beck's voice is actually the most intelligent on the mainstream airways ... i mean, wow.</div>

Yes, in the squalid Mass Media Toilet, fully stocked with the most fetid of Heeb-nominated goy-turds"¦Beck has managed float to the very rim.

This already appalling actuality is further exacerbated by the fact that the vast majority of "sophisticated"Â MSM-devotees, even the ever-increasing litter of NeoCon kittens, actually think of Glenn Beck as a sadistic, racist, violent, homophobic, "right wing" (a wing that presently does not exist) political extremist.

I wonder what sort of vile beast they'd (most certainly) consider some of Caste Football's veteran posters"¦let alone some of the exceptionally faithful white civil rights activists I've encountered on other pro-white websites?Edited by: Thrashen


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I rarely watch or listen to Beck but I happened to stop on his TV show yesterday. First time I ever heard him mention the CFR. Too bad he's either ignorant about so much or silent about it.

Edited by: Colonel_Reb


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South

Ignorance abounds not only in the personage of Zionist Mormon Glenn Beck, but also in the writer of this article. What a joke! My comments are in parenthesis.

Glenn Beck stirred up controversy Wednesday with his pro-Jewish comments during the final event of his "Restoring Courage" tour of Israel.
"Conservative Christian (sic) commentator Glenn Beck capped a contentious visit to Israel Wednesday by hosting a rally next to a hotly disputed holy site in Jerusalem's Old City," the Associated Press reported. "But religious figures and left-wing politicians have come together in an unusual alliance appealing to Israelis to shun his embrace. Religious Jews are worried he is here to spread the Christian gospel (sic), while dovish Israelis reject Beck's support for West Bank Jewish settlements and his criticism of peace efforts." (What dovish Israelis?)

Earlier Wednesday, The Daily Beast published a piece that gives context to Beck's trek to Israel.
"For the last year or so," The Daily Beast reported, "Beck has been transforming himself from a political commentator to an unlikely religious leader, a Mormon who has mastered the style and idiom of evangelical Christianity (not quite, but evangelicals are more and more of a joke everyday anyway). 'Restoring Courage' marks the completion of his evolution into a messianic preacher. It's a multiday Israeli extravaganza set to culminate Wednesday evening with a rally beside the southern wall of Jerusalem's Temple Mount, all devoted to showing solidarity with the most hawkish elements in Israeli society."

The Deseret News published an op-ed article Monday by Mark Paredes, a former U.S. diplomat to Israel, which analyzes the significance of Beck's trip.
"Israel is not just a pawn on Beck's eschatological chessboard," Paredes wrote. "While the Mormons I know are not nearly as obsessed with end-times theology as many other Christians, Beck clearly believes that he has been called on a divine mission to enlighten the world before the end comes."


Feb 5, 2010
Buchanan is regularly on MSNBC, so Beck is not the most intelligent, or least idiotic rather, pundit on mainstream news channels. And I wouldn't ever say he's the best of the worst anyway because he's a dumbass pussy, a real slimeball.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Rabbi Glensaul Beckenstein. :hail: :kev: