Genocide of Whites in South Africa

It's truly amazing to see how gullible and brainwashed most white people are. Judging from a few dozen comments I've seen online (not to mention all the official and celebrity responses), you'd think Mandela is the greatest human who has ever lived.

Morons, incapable of independent, critical thinking, and will do and say exactly as they are told.

Yeah I just had enough so I cut off my twitter account because I realized most of the celebrities I followed were truly morons. **** them.
What's most annoying is the white idiots who concede that South Africa is a ****hole but absolutely refuse to blame any of that on Mandela. It's like Detroit on a massive scale.
Some of the negro leaders in South Africa have been saying they were waiting for the death of Mandela to begin their genocide of whites. I wonder what will happen now?

Terrorist and killer of innocent whites, including women and children, Nelson Mandela is finally dead.
His crimes were ignored by our media. The media people liked Mandela for killing innocent white goyim and so made him out to be a hero.
All that most people know about Mandela is what they hear in the news and through the media. Since Mandela was a commie leftist, he would always get preferential treatment, even without the anti-"apartheid" angle. Ask most anybody what South Africa is like, and they'll tell you that it's a wonderful country of equality, because of the heroic Nelson Mandela.

Very, very few know the truth about South Africa.
I am happy that the old terrorist is gone from this earth but frightened for the safety of our white brothers and sisters in South Africa. #SaveTheBoer
Nothing is more disgusting then the hero worship of obvious and proven dirt bags like Mandela, MLK, Muhammad Ali, Al Sharpton. This world can't even take the few black people of accomplishment and praise them, instead they have to pick the worst of the bunch.

Mandela's crimes are common knowledge, it's not like MLK where they managed to lock up the worst of the evidence. You know the world is a sick place when people who are truly evil are made up to be heroes. And the silence from "good" people about it is deafening.

The fact is that even Amnesty International refused to take on Nelson Mandela’s case because they asserted that he was no political prisoner but had committed numerous violent crimes and had had a fair trial and a reasonable sentence.​
Nelson Mandela was the head of UmKhonto we Sizwe, (MK), the terrorist wing of the ANC and South African Communist Party. He had pleaded guilty to 156 acts of public violence including mobilizing terrorist bombing campaigns, which planted bombs in public places, including the Johannesburg railway station. Many innocent people, including women and children, were killed by Nelson Mandela’s MK terrorists.​
South African President P.W. Botha had, on a number of occasions, offered Nelson Mandela freedom from prison, if he would only renounce terrorist violence. This Mandela refused to do.
He might have been lauded to the hilt by the useful idiots & sheeple of this jaded, bass ackwards, fallen ol' world....BUT he's now (very likely) getting his just due (at "home") in hell.

Aparteid was 1 of the best things for S.A. That common (good) sense policy allowed the nation (built by the White man) to thrive. Similar to "America 1.0", South African society was 100x better with das untermenschen in their proper place. Mandella was an architect & agent of South Africa's downfall (at best), & a murdering, terrorist commie (in actuality). Good riddens to bad rubbish.
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It's wall-to-wall Mandela worship across the world. On TV, websites, blogs, and newspapers, they can't get enough of their manufactured saint and hero.

Prepare to hear about the evils of apartheid for the next few days, as more sheeple get brainwashed with false propaganda. It's also a great opportunity to inject some fresh white guilt into these mindless drones.

The facts are clear. Whites settled and then built South Africa into a first world nation. What contribution have the blacks made, other than crime, mayhem, and violence? SA would be another African hellhole if white people had never set foot there. Apartheid was necessary for the protection of the whites. In hindsight, they should have formed a small, seaside state in the west, with Cape Town as its capital and cede the rest to the black tribes, and watch it turn into Zimbabwe. The western nations, led by Britain, sold out the Boers, and eventually they had no choice but to give it all up.

I wish the SA whites the best, but things aren't going to get better, I'm afraid.
Nelson Mandela was the head of UmKhonto we Sizwe, (MK), the terrorist wing of the ANC and South African Communist Party. He had pleaded guilty to 156 acts of public violence including mobilizing terrorist bombing campaigns, which planted bombs in public places, including the Johannesburg railway station. Many innocent people, including women and children, were killed by Nelson Mandela’s MK terrorists.
What's really sad about the news today is that a terrorist like Nelson Mandela lived to be age 95 while so many good men die young.
It's wall-to-wall Mandela worship across the world. On TV, websites, blogs, and newspapers, they can't get enough of their manufactured saint and hero.

Prepare to hear about the evils of apartheid for the next few days, as more sheeple get brainwashed with false propaganda. It's also a great opportunity to inject some fresh white guilt into these mindless drones.

The facts are clear. Whites settled and then built South Africa into a first world nation. What contribution have the blacks made, other than crime, mayhem, and violence? SA would be another African hellhole if white people had never set foot there. Apartheid was necessary for the protection of the whites. In hindsight, they should have formed a small, seaside state in the west, with Cape Town as its capital and cede the rest to the black tribes, and watch it turn into Zimbabwe. The western nations, led by Britain, sold out the Boers, and eventually they had no choice but to give it all up.

I wish the SA whites the best, but things aren't going to get better, I'm afraid.

Foobar and others here, I couldn't agree with you guys any stronger and I could hardly wait to get home and get online here at CF, one of the only sources of sanity I have online.
I was at work and every single radio station, even all the sports stations were praising and deifying this godless piece of murderous trash, non-stop. It was absolute disgusting worship on an unprecedented scale. A "hero" who was responsible for the murder and torture and rape of thousands of Whites, even children? It was unreal, but believable to hear from the cesspool of our media here. And for sports stations and sports tv networks to hail this scum as soooo noble and great is just beyond repulsive. I am totally my username tonight and will be for awhile. Remember our White brothers and sisters in your thoughts and/or prayers in the days to come. You can bet that our White liberal co-workers and even family members won't have nary a care in the world for them. They are clueless.
Mandela worship is a cancer that infects the farthest reaches of our society. I remember Congress several years ago passing a resolution honoring Mandela. The vote was a disgraceful 411 to 0 in favor. Even Ron Paul voted yes.
Nelson Who? The way the MSM is behaving in this area, you would think he was more important than this year's Gay Pride parade. Meanwhile, pray for the white people in SA.
Is anybody anywhere in the MSM dinosaur media offering any yeah buts on this orgasmic worldwide standing ovation for Mandela? Anyone? Anywhere? No?

As another poster would say, "weird, huh?"
In addition to being a Communist, a Marxist, a hardcore Black Nationalist, a racist, a violent, ruthless domestic terrorist and a mass murderer, Mandela was also a rabid adulterer, which was the reason that his first wife (of three) divorced the pie-faced little bastard.

Here is the Nobel “Peace” Price winner in action, singing aloud, in public (in his native Xhosa language), with his fellow terrorists, about “pledging to kill a lot of whites.” That little white-looking paramecium on the right is none other than Ronnie Kasrils (Cohen), a depraved Latvian Jew turned militant guerrilla terrorist and anti-Apartheid “activist”…


As Jaxvid mentioned, Mandela and Michael King have similar autobiographies and thus elicit a comparable brand of orgasmic extolment from the most racially-obtuse group of imbeciles in world history (Western whites).

In April 2014 it will have been 20 years since the fall of Apartheid. In what was the only semblance of civilization in this history of the Dark Continent, South Africa is now little more than the world’s premiere post-Apocalyptic milieu in which a person could be mugged, raped, tortured, and killed with the greatest of ease…but hey, at least Negroes are no longer forced to drink from a different water fountain, defecate in a different bathroom, and use different beaches. Those were truly tough times!
Is anybody anywhere in the MSM dinosaur media offering any yeah buts on this orgasmic worldwide standing ovation for Mandela? Anyone? Anywhere? No?

As another poster would say, "weird, huh?"

It's kinda scary. The cultural marxists power is so complete that not one single person in any area of public life can utter a single comment that is negative. Their power is so absolute that any mention of his murderous past is not only thrown down the memory hole, it never existed and if someone was to insinuate it did they would be punished by complete and utter public shaming. All forms of media are so uniform in the depiction of Mandela that it is shocking.

They are able to say: "YOU MUST WORSHIP AT THE ALTER OF MANDELA EVEN THOUGH HE WAS A MURDERING TERROIST AND ACT AS IF HE WAS A PEACE LOVING SAINT" And not one person in the MSM has the balls to do otherwise. It is almost like a test of faith.

I take some solace from the posters in the comments section after articles that feature non stop unquestioned fawning articles about that degenerate. What must the writers at conservative websites think when their regurgitation of the MSM party line on Mandela is met by a uniform howl of hypocrisy? All of their well educated readers are racist? Do they wonder if their views are misguided or is that all part of their plan?
Is anybody anywhere in the MSM dinosaur media offering any yeah buts on this orgasmic worldwide standing ovation for Mandela? Anyone? Anywhere? No?

As another poster would say, "weird, huh?"

The movie "Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom," released with much fanfare and advertising on November 29th, has through Dec. 27th grossed a puny $3.1 million, which means virtually nobody cares and nobody is watching it. It's a very tiny minority running things, albeit with a ruthless, ironclad control over the institutions of power. Their power wouldn't last half a day if there was a true free press.

BTW, great recent article by Pat Buchanan comparing Vladimir Putin and Russia to the agenda of the U.S. government and "Hollywood culture":

Is Putin One of Us?

And here's Jim Goad on Mandela, another important read:

Mandela: What the Obits Omit
A lot of good comments under that video, as well as the standard cursing and spitting by the back stabbing race traitors.
These people are nuts Italy needs to do whatever it takes to keep the from invading their country. They don't want to end up like France.
Jean Raspail foresaw the mass invasion of Europe by non-whites in his book The Camp of the Saints.
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