Genocide of Whites in South Africa

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
I've been reading some horrific stories about what blacks are doing to whites in South Africa, especially to the Boer farmers.

Boer leader murdered in his bed

For example, in a store in Pretoria recently, negro gunmen entered and murdered 9 unarmed white people.

This is horrific

It's been getting worse lately. Are we getting close to an all-out genocide?
Parody, genocide is exactly what is happening to the Whites in SA. That first story was posted in the Black Leadership: South African Style thread, but it deserves mentioning again.
We are headed down the same road. Another article on situation. Be sure to read the comments.

South Africa: Eugene Terre'blanche Martyred
Apr 4th, 2010 by Hunter Wallace

I just heard the news: Eugene Terre'blanche, a well known South African White Nationalist leader, was hacked to death by two negroes with machetes on his farm this afternoon. It involved a labor dispute over unpaid wages. The BBC isn't reporting the race of the suspects, but President Jacob Zuma's "appeal for calm"Â￾ telegraphs that this was yet another black-on-white murder. The Afrikaner Resistance Movement is claiming the murder was racially motivated.

Terre'blanche became a controversial figure in South Africa after founding the AWB in 1970 and opposing the end of apartheid in the 1990s. Since his release from prison in 2004, Terre'blanche had been advocating Afrikaner secession from the failed state of South Africa, the so-called multicultural "Rainbow Nation."Â￾ Back in October, Terre'blanche received some press coverage over his plan to petition the United Nations to recognize an independent Afrikaner homeland. I blogged about the story at the time.

Like many of you, I wish I could say that I am shocked and surprised. That's not the case. Whites are brutally raped and murdered all the time in South Africa. For years, South Africa had the sobriquet (a label it might still carry) of being known as the "rape capital of the world." It once had the highest rape rate on Earth. A woman is raped every 26 seconds in South Africa; 40% of those are children, 65% are gang rapes. It is commonplace for children and babies to be raped in the new and improved South Africa. Blacks even molest animals to avoid catching HIV. Under black rule, South Africa is also an innovator and world leader in murder, assault, robbery, and hijackings.

Black supremacy has gradually made the country unlivable for Whites. Since 1995, 800,000 of 4 million South African Whites have abandoned the country and moved abroad. In fact, the level of White emigration out of South Africa is "at a pace consistent with the advent of widespread disease, mass natural disasters or large scale civil conflict."Â￾ The majority of White South Africans are victims of negro violent crime themselves or have a close friend or relative who has been victimized by "people of color."Â￾

Young Whites are crushed under the weight of affirmative action. Many White families in South Africa now live in poverty. They don't have the resources to escape. Last year, Canada granted asylum to a White South African man who fled the country to escape persecution. He had been stabbed three times by blacks. The South African government denounced the ruling as "racist."Â￾ Whites live in fear of South Africa going the way of Zimbabwe. Blacks have threatened to drive Whites out of the country after Nelson Mandela dies: the most likely endgame for the world's first "post-racial"Â￾ society.

South Africa is a case study of what Whites in the United States can expect once we lose our majority status: wealth redistribution, institutionalized racial discrimination, epidemic levels of violent crime, endemic poverty, historical revisionism, destruction of cultural symbols, rule by racial grievance groups, gated communities, economic stagnation and decline, environmental degradation. White women in South Africa wear an anti-rape device in their vaginas that cuts off the penis of their black attackers. Under non-White rule, White technological ingenuity might find similar outlets in America. The home security industry will undoubtedly flourish. (snip)
Edited by: Bart
An article entitled "Exodus of thousands of white South African farmers could be near."

White farmers in South Africa are the most target populations for racially motivated violence in the world. 3,000 farmers and their family members have been murdered by blacks.

The ANC has been seizing their land to give away to it's black supporters. Farmland already confiscated now lies in ruins. New black farmers produce little, if anything, of the confiscated lands. Now the ANC is working on plans to seize another 30% of white owned farmland.

Facing violent genocide, and state sponsored persecution, plans for a mass exodus to the Republic of Georgia are in the works.

White farmers were driven out of several other African nations, which confiscated their lands. Each time, economic collapse and starvation followed. In Zimbabwe, a few thousand white farmers fed the entire nation with enough left over for exporting. The were forcibly expelled. Today the farms lie in ruins, with all of the modern machinery rusting away. Zimbabwe is in a perpetual state of mass starvation and relies on foreign aid and charity from white nations to survive.
Since assuming command, Black South African leaders have always spoken candidly with concern to their encouragement of Boer / Afrikaner genocide. Bet it Mandela, Mbeki, Motlanthe, or the odious Jacob Zuma.

This clip, for instance, features Nelson Mandela and members of the terrorist group "Umkhonto we Sizwe"Â￾ singing about killing "Ama Bhulu"Â￾"¦which, in Xhosa means "A lot of Boer."Â￾

Behold, the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize winner, in the flesh"¦

That little "white"Â￾ hemorrhoid standing next to Mandela is communist / guerilla terrorist / anti-white activist / murderer / genocidal maniac, Ronnie Kasrils. Naturally, he's a Latvian Jew.

Kasrils, a monsterously hideous, malevolent, fascist Heeb bigot"¦

Kasrils the Jew-Girl, "playing army"Â￾ with his gay black lovers"¦
Edited by: Thrashen
thanks for sharing the truth, Thrashen. your knack of cutting to the heart of the matter and backing it up with vivid pictures and video is as incredible as the information is unsettling and horrid.
keep up the good work, sir. and may White people continue to wake up to the adder they've nursedin their beds.
I agree, a picture is worth a thousand words. Thrashen has a natural ability to cut to the chase and get the point across. Well done.

Man, that's one ugly tribesman. (talking about the Heeb!)
Kasrils is undoubtedly one of the strangest little Jew Pigs in modern history.

It is important to note that while Kasrils is a insatiable promoter, financer, participant, and architect of white South African genocide, a murderer, a guerilla terrorist, a black supremacist and a communist"¦he is not a Zionist (quite the opposite, actually).

Kasrils is utterly detested by Zionists, as well as Israeli citizens and the "Israel First"Â￾ NeoCons. He is a hardcore supporter of Palestinian civil rights, the destruction of Israel's sovereignty, and has referred to Israel as "baby killers"Â￾ and "Nazis"Â￾ and has identified their treatment of Palestinians as "reminiscent of the Apartheid."Â￾
Thrashen said:
Kasrils is undoubtedly one of the strangest little Jew Pigs in modern history.

It is important to note that while Kasrils is a insatiable promoter, financer, participant, and architect of white South African genocide, a murderer, a guerilla terrorist, a black supremacist and a communist"¦he is not a Zionist (quite the opposite, actually).

Kasrils is utterly detested by Zionists, as well as Israeli citizens and the "Israel First"Â￾ NeoCons. He is a hardcore supporter of Palestinian civil rights, the destruction of Israel's sovereignty, and has referred to Israel as "baby killers"Â￾ and "Nazis"Â￾ and has identified their treatment of Palestinians as "reminiscent of the Apartheid."Â￾

Now that's a strange paradox, isn't it? I've actually never heard of that smarmy looking creature.

Thanks for the education and some good research there. Just goes to prove that you can take the tribesman out of the tribe, but you can't the tribe out of the tribesman.
Kasrilis is a classic example of the self hating jew. I presume it is payback against his abusive parents.
It's long been said that there is a plan by many negro leaders in South Africa to kill all the whites once Mandela dies.

Nelson Mandela is dying.

FORMER president Nelson Mandela was on Sunday night in a critical condition in hospital, the Presidency said.

"The condition of former president Nelson Mandela, who is still in hospital in Pretoria, has become critical," said presidential spokesman Mac Maharaj in a statement.
The Media already has its talking points and propaganda ready for the day blacks start slaughtering Whites in South Africa

I can see Whites defending themselves and our media calling it "genocide of blacks" and bombing White South Africans like Serbia.

S. Africa evacuation plan: White Afrikaner group fears genocide upon Mandela’s death

A section of the white population in South Africa is preparing for the worst scenario in case aging former South African President Nelson Mandela passes away. The national evacuation plan over possible genocide was drafted almost a decade ago.

Since Mandela’s was elected South Africa’s first black president in 1994 after spending 27 years in prison for actively opposing the segregationist policies of apartheid in the country, Afrikaners say over 3,000 white farmers have been murdered in revenge for the suppression enforced by its own National Party. Afrikaners say the government has never shown much desire to investigate the deaths.

And now as Mandela is in and out of hospital at age 95, Afrikaners and their supporters are preparing for the worst upon his death.

The Suidlanders is a group spread across the country devising a national evacuation plan should violence occur.

“We have the guidance, love and mercy of an Almighty Father, who supports us in the execution of His mission,”
the group says on its website. “Therefore, the Suidlanders stand grateful, humble and prepared with faith, hope and love for our people, for a period of anarchy.”

They say they have thousands of groups meeting on a regular basis to support members “spiritually, emotionally and with practical assistance in preparing for times of emergency.”
What is happening to white people in South Africa is appalling. White liberals bear much of the blame.

Once I tried to raise awareness of what was happening by citing the case of Alice and Helen Lotter who were brutally tortured and murdered.

The responses of white liberals? They thought it was funny. They said the victims were racists implying they deserved what happened. They changed the subject.

White liberals have no compassion for the victims of black on white crimes. None.
Khalid Muhammed's final solution for South Africa "Kill 'em all!"

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What's going on in South Africa is sickening. If our country had any spine we would grant assylum to the Boer people and let them come live decent lives in our Nations heartland(Iowa, the Dakotas,Nebraska,Minnesota, and Wisconsin). Unlike other immigrants these people are talented farmers and would be valuable members of the community in some of our lower populated states.

On top of all this I just saw a commercial for the new Nelson Mandela movie. Absolutely sickening how the media has turned a blind eye to the white people since evil apartheid has ended.:angry:
The ONLY country I've heard of offering assylum to the besieged Boers is the ancient little nation of Georgia, and that I believe was limited to highly skilled farmers.
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Terrorist and killer of innocent whites, including women and children, Nelson Mandela is finally dead.
A turd dies and the world stops. Celebrities on twitter are parroting some delusional fantasy about this turd. Sickening.
It's truly amazing to see how gullible and brainwashed most white people are. Judging from a few dozen comments I've seen online (not to mention all the official and celebrity responses), you'd think Mandela is the greatest human who has ever lived.

Morons, incapable of independent, critical thinking, and will do and say exactly as they are told.
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