Thanks, whiteathlete33. It's even worse than I thought- THIRD degree rape? "Patronizing a prostitute?" Why no statutory rape charge? And since when does an underaged girl, who in any other case would be both a "victim" and a "runaway," become referred to as a prostitute by not only the jock sniffing media, but by our own legal system?
This is about as shameful as it gets, and the unequal system of justice we have has never been more obvious. If he even goes to trial, there is only a minute chance LT will be convicted by ANY jury. If that extremely unlikely event happens, what would the maximum penalty be for THIRD degree rape, anyhow? But that's a moot point, because we all know that every celebrity gets the special reserved just for them, on the rare occasions when charges against them aren't dropped, and they are convicted of something- suspended sentence and/or community service.
I'm still waiting for the women's and child advocacy groups to chime in on this. Every pervert in America should henceforth use this case as a precedent, because apparently if you're the right kind of person, then sex with a minor is no big deal.