Former NY Giant rapes 16 year old girl

One problem for the state is if she can't keep her story straight how can they get any teeth into a conviction. This looks more and more likely to the minimal sentence and if she was of age probably just a citation.
bigunreal said:
Thanks, whiteathlete33. It's even worse than I thought- THIRD degree rape? "Patronizing a prostitute?" Why no statutory rape charge? And since when does an underaged girl, who in any other case would be both a "victim" and a "runaway," become referred to as a prostitute by not only the jock sniffing media, but by our own legal system?

This is about as shameful as it gets, and the unequal system of justice we have has never been more obvious. If he even goes to trial, there is only a minute chance LT will be convicted by ANY jury. If that extremely unlikely event happens, what would the maximum penalty be for THIRD degree rape, anyhow? But that's a moot point, because we all know that every celebrity gets the special reserved just for them, on the rare occasions when charges against them aren't dropped, and they are convicted of something- suspended sentence and/or community service.

I'm still waiting for the women's and child advocacy groups to chime in on this. Every pervert in America should henceforth use this case as a precedent, because apparently if you're the right kind of person, then sex with a minor is no big deal.

I see that this already dubious and perplexing "case"Â￾ now changes entirely"¦again. I suppose the original report filed by the first officers to "hit the scene"Â￾ was utterly artificial, right?

To me, what occurred is all too apparent. The Corporate Swine paid her $300 for some sort of sexual act. A few days ago, the girl even said that the condom "got stuck inside her,"Â￾ and that LT, the romantic hunk, "pulled it out"Â￾ for her. Shakespeare would be hard-pressed to appropriately capture this young love into a sonnet.

LT, in harmony with his corporate lawyers and his corporate dollars, are now offering this young "prostitute"Â￾ (yeah, a 10th grade runaway is being referred to as such) a handsome payoff to modify her story"¦.and at this point, her story has changed so considerably that no repercussions will derail LT from continuing his ultra-privileged, affirmative action existence.

And why wouldn't this young girl take the payoff money? What would she have to gain if the case went to trial? The media hounding her morning, noon, and night? The DWF's calling her a lying gold digger? Her face jammed onto every newspaper, internet article, and loathsome celebrity gossip magazine? The butt of Jay Leno's late night jokes? The adult white males who'll refer to her as a "prostitute"Â￾ on national TV and radio for years to come? The American citizens play their roles to perfection"¦all so that a previously admired black person cannot be seen for the fraud he is, and has always been.

You'd think that this obvious back-tracking would be transparent"¦but nobody questions anything, ever.
IMO the victim will (if she hasn't already) be offered a large monetary settlement if she asks for the charges to be dropped and/or refuses to help the prosecution which would make a conviction difficult.
I think it's funny how she said she didn't know it was LT and doesn't want to ruin his reputation. Black skin privilege sure is an advantage these days. The number of blacks who have gotten away with serious crimes is sickening. OJ, Snoop Dogg, Donte Stallworth, and countless others have been either found not guilty or given sentences that the average person would receive for a very minor crime.
Although as I stated I think prostitution should be decriminalized in the fashion I stated, the age to work as an escort should be 18. I hear in Australia and some Euro countries as well as in Canada and Rhode Island it is legal to pay a 16 year old or older for sex if there is no clear use of manipulation or intimidation involved. Of course this doesn't apply to people in a position of authority where basically every non third world country has set the age in that circumstance at 18.

So what is the deal with LT? It seems the stupid media is now making it out as if he was manipulated. What a joke. The girl looked very young, but her uncle? forced her to work as a prostitute and made her lie about her age to LT.

If LT did even so much as get rough with this girl (even if he didn't literally punch her or rape her) this clown certainly belongs in jail. There is nothing worse than a 50 year old large framed man physically assaulting a woman due to lustful rage (especially considering she's not even an adult yet).
Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
This case is now being virtually ignored by the mainstream media. It isn't even drawing much interest on this forum. It's a tremendously important case, and one that eptiomizes how surrealistic things have become in Don King's America.

I believe the media has chosen to bury this story, because a high profile black "legend" is being accused of something the same media, and loud public pressure groups, have established as the most heinous crime one can commit. A "legend" of LT's status just is not going to be permitted to be publicly disgraced in this manner; brutally assaulting underaged girls is something only "crazy white boys" do.
TJR, yes age of consent in holland is 16 but I think not many people know it , I think if you would ask people on the streets if it is allowed for a men to have sex with a girl of 17 or 16 , 90% would think that it is not allowed. For example french soccer star Ribery had sex with a 17 year old girl( age of consent in france is 15) but people where shocled and even newspapers tought he would maybe get locked up.He is even under investigation , when it is allowed but i would think lawyers know the national rules!!!
bigunreal said:
This case is now being virtually ignored by the mainstream media. It isn't even drawing much interest on this forum. It's a tremendously important case, and one that eptiomizes how surrealistic things have become in Don King's America.

I believe the media has chosen to bury this story, because a high profile black "legend" is being accused of something the same media, and loud public pressure groups, have established as the most heinous crime one can commit. A "legend" of LT's status just is not going to be permitted to be publicly disgraced in this manner; brutally assaulting underaged girls is something only "crazy white boys" do.

57 posts so far. What do you consider an appropriate level of interest?
bigunreal said:
This case is now being virtually ignored by the mainstream media. It isn't even drawing much interest on this forum. It's a tremendously important case, and one that eptiomizes how surrealistic things have become in Don King's America.

I believe the media has chosen to bury this story, because a high profile black "legend" is being accused of something the same media, and loud public pressure groups, have established as the most heinous crime one can commit. A "legend" of LT's status just is not going to be permitted to be publicly disgraced in this manner; brutally assaulting underaged girls is something only "crazy white boys" do.

It takes a while for a case to come to trial, especially one that will be strongly contested. It appears this one will be.
If this happened in Rhode Island- LT might get off scot free if there was no evidence he assaulted the girl. In Rhode Island they could only bring charges against LT, if they showed he was using a pimping/escort service to solicit sex from an underage girl. It is legal in the U.S in Rhode Island as well as some other countries to solicit sex from someone 16 or older if manipulation or intimidation isn't involved- if it is a private transaction without a pimping service involved, which leads me to believe the media will minimize this scummy behavior by LT. Still F-ed up no matter where this happened, but I predict LT gets off scot free with a good lawyer now that this girl has changed her story due to being "star struck" by LT. Her uncle? or whoever this pimp was- is a complete scum bag, so at least he might go to jail.
Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
waterbed said:
TJR, yes age of consent in holland is 16 but I think not many people know it , I think if you would ask people on the streets if it is allowed for a men to have sex with a girl of 17 or 16 , 90% would think that it is not allowed. For example french soccer star Ribery had sex with a 17 year old girl( age of consent in france is 15) but people where shocled and even newspapers tought he would maybe get locked up.He is even under investigation , when it is allowed but i would think lawyers know the national rules!!!

Yeah- speaking of not knowing laws, I didn't even know the age of consent was 14 up here in Canada until I heard Bill O'Reilly talking about how he was disgusted with the Canadian law on the Factor. I think probably a lot of Canadians don't even know the law like I didn't used to.

I'll tell you one thing- even though a middle aged man wouldn't do jail time in Canada for consensual sex with a girl that young- people would be disgusted with him and he would completely lose his reputation and many of his friends- and might get his ass kicked by the girl's dad. I assumed the age of consent was 16 up here- since I heard when discussing with a friend- that most countries in Europe had set the age of consent at 16 and in Australia you are actually considered an adult at 16. Also, I know that some clubs near where I used to live by Toronto and also where I currently reside (in St. Catherines) allow you to get in at 16, but you have to be 19 to drink.

One of my uncles who lives up here didn't even know prostitution was legal up here. This is because the access to it is low because it is illegal to solicit on street corners and also illegal to technically pimp by taking earnings of a hooker for running the prostitution ring or brothel.

Often times it is the perverts who know about liberal laws so they can take advantage of it. I actually had no idea about the Canadian age of consent or the Rhode Island 16 year old legal stripper stuff until I heard it on the O'Reilly Factor. I'm sure more pervs took advantage of these liberal laws after O'Reilly reported it. I guess what society doesn't know can't hurt it lol.
Just googled this case, and found no stories on it since May 7. Certainly, ESPN has given it the "big freeze," to steal a phrase from the immortal Barney Fife.

Yep, no double standard here.
Posted: 06 May 2010 at 3:53pm
It's always only a matter of time for these black guys to get themselves in some sort of pickle. This is no big deal though. He'll get out of this seemingly fine. But it's only about letting out a bit more rope for him to hang himself. Which of course, he'll do, all in good time.

Tom Iron...


Sir, all in good time. lt is done and on his way to the slammer, and or gutter. It just takes a bit of time. Sometimes sooner, sometimes later.
A grand jury indicted Taylor today on the charge of rape. All of the major internet news sources are reporting it.
I have a feeling Sir Lawerance will revert back to downing cases of beer (18 cans) within three hours, you know like the "old days" "What! I am not an alcoholic I only drink beer."
Westside said:
I have a feeling Sir Lawerance will revert back to downing cases of beer (18 cans) within three hours, you know like the "old days" "What! I am not an alcoholic I only drink beer."

...and "chasin'" it with a few lines of blow!
Let's see if this turns out to be a fair trial. It seems that there is little to have faith about in the American legal system since the late 1960s/early 1970s, but sometimes people involved in legal matters get what they deserve. Hopefully the "star struck" mentality won't effect the case like it often does.
Taylor is being charged with THIRD degree rape, which is absurd. Any other middle aged man (and many males as young as 18), would be charged with statutory rape in the identical circumstances. As is being reported, Taylor faces a maximum of FOUR years in prison if convicted. Yeah, no double standard there.

I tried not to laugh as I typed "if convicted."
Taylor plead guilty for statutory rape today. He will see no jail time. But will have to register as a sex offender. I am sure some DWF fathers will still allow their sons to have posters of LT or keep theirs.
I suspect at the next executive card game(Sopranos episodes) he will be the butt of the jokes not Diamond Dave's hair or arrest for marijuana possession.....
If memory serves, Tony Soprano called Taylor "Sir Lawrence" at the poker game, probably the only time Tony deferred to anyone in such a manner.
Yeah, I remember that Soprano Card game episode. It was funny. During the game, other real life players were Sinatra Jr., David Lee Roth and future sex offender.
Well, what a shocking "sentence." Once again, an athlete is granted the celebrity special- probation, and they didn't even make him "serve" the other half of that special- community service (you know, where you have to host a golf tournament, or sign autographs for adoring fans, etc.)

Somehow, I think if we researched the average punishment doled out to 51 year old men who are caught having sex with 16 year old girls, we'd find that it is a lot harsher than this "sentence." Once again, the mainstream media (and the prosecutor!) refer to this admitted Bronx runaway as a "prostitute" repeatedly in news reports about the "sentence." I can predict with certainty that, the next time we hear of any middle-aged non-celebrity male, discovered having sex with an underaged girl, that she will never, ever be referred to as a prostitute, no matter how much money exchanged hands. And, if an establishment press organ, or any prosecutor, dared to use that term to describe any other teeanged runaway, you can bet that the predictable women's "rights" groups would go nuts about it.

This is another sad example of our vaunted injustice system.
American Freedom News