Former NY Giant rapes 16 year old girl

On a more serious note there is no way Joe Sixpack would get anything like this for a sentence. He would at least serve weekends in a minimum security prison. If not get house arrest during the week and only go to work with an ankle security bracelet. Having a million dollar law firm is a wonderful thing....Edited by: white is right
Posted: 06 May 2010 at 3:53pm
It's always only a matter of time for these black guys to get themselves in some sort of pickle. This is no big deal though. He'll get out of this seemingly fine. But it's only about letting out a bit more rope for him to hang himself. Which of course, he'll do, all in good time.

Tom Iron...

Excuse me Gentlemen for repasting this but I had to.

It is only a matter of time with these guys. It doesn't matter if they're a great plyer, medeocre or bad, the common denominator is they're black, not football. This was his free pass. Next time, and I assure you there's going to be a next time (the only unknown factor being just what he'll do - could be anything from arson to burglary, to molesting a giraffe, to anything under the sun). He'll do time.

Tom Iron...
Tom Iron said:
Posted: 06 May 2010 at 3:53pm
It's always only a matter of time for these black guys to get themselves in some sort of pickle. This is no big deal though. He'll get out of this seemingly fine. But it's only about letting out a bit more rope for him to hang himself. Which of course, he'll do, all in good time.

Tom Iron...

Excuse me Gentlemen for repasting this but I had to.

It is only a matter of time with these guys. It doesn't matter if they're a great plyer, medeocre or bad, the common denominator is they're black, not football. This was his free pass. Next time, and I assure you there's going to be a next time (the only unknown factor being just what he'll do - could be anything from arson to burglary, to molesting a giraffe, to anything under the sun). He'll do time.

Tom Iron...

Yeah Tom the problem with that is Lawrence Taylor has already had a "next time, and a next time, and another next time" he's been busted for drugs, vehicular crimes, etc. When does he actually do the time? When there's a body?
bigunreal said:
Well, what a shocking "sentence." Once again, an athlete is granted the celebrity special- probation, and they didn't even make him "serve" the other half of that special- community service (you know, where you have to host a golf tournament, or sign autographs for adoring fans, etc.)

Somehow, I think if we researched the average punishment doled out to 51 year old men who are caught having sex with 16 year old girls, we'd find that it is a lot harsher than this "sentence." Once again, the mainstream media (and the prosecutor!) refer to this admitted Bronx runaway as a "prostitute" repeatedly in news reports about the "sentence." I can predict with certainty that, the next time we hear of any middle-aged non-celebrity male, discovered having sex with an underaged girl, that she will never, ever be referred to as a prostitute, no matter how much money exchanged hands. And, if an establishment press organ, or any prosecutor, dared to use that term to describe any other teeanged runaway, you can bet that the predictable women's "rights" groups would go nuts about it.

This is another sad example of our vaunted injustice system.

The crude and wildly inappropriate term of "prostitute"Â￾ was even used on ESPN's "bottom ticker"Â￾ in describing this 10th grade girl. Her parents must be so proud of their pint-sized "working girl."Â￾ Then again, I imagine they were "paid off"Â￾ with LT's dirty, corporate money months ago. Why else would they sustain from seeking emotional damages in a court of "law"Â￾ against a 51-year old multi-millionaire"¦who, for whatever disturbingly perverted reason, decided to "use"Â￾ their teenage daughter for sex?

Ahh, to be an American Negro must be so very sweet. Go to college for free. Obtain athletic scholarships you did earn and aren't qualified for. Get any job you prefer due to Affirmative Action, or simply receive welfare checks for your entire life. Eternally worshipped by media, history books, movies, TV shows, magazines, etc. You're the most athletic. You're the biggest. You're the toughest. You're the strongest. You're the fastest. You're the best dancer. You're the "coolest."Â￾ You're the best in the bedroom. You're an "outlaw."Â￾ You're the most creative.

And because of these inherent characteristics of supremacy"¦you're being victimized and persecuted.
Thrashen said:
bigunreal said:
Well, what a shocking "sentence." Once again, an athlete is granted the celebrity special- probation, and they didn't even make him "serve" the other half of that special- community service (you know, where you have to host a golf tournament, or sign autographs for adoring fans, etc.)

Somehow, I think if we researched the average punishment doled out to 51 year old men who are caught having sex with 16 year old girls, we'd find that it is a lot harsher than this "sentence." Once again, the mainstream media (and the prosecutor!) refer to this admitted Bronx runaway as a "prostitute" repeatedly in news reports about the "sentence." I can predict with certainty that, the next time we hear of any middle-aged non-celebrity male, discovered having sex with an underaged girl, that she will never, ever be referred to as a prostitute, no matter how much money exchanged hands. And, if an establishment press organ, or any prosecutor, dared to use that term to describe any other teeanged runaway, you can bet that the predictable women's "rights" groups would go nuts about it.

This is another sad example of our vaunted injustice system.


The crude and wildly inappropriate term of "prostitute"Â￾ was even used on ESPN's "bottom ticker"Â￾ in describing this 10th grade girl. Her parents must be so proud of their pint-sized "working girl."Â￾ Then again, I imagine they were "paid off"Â￾ with LT's dirty, corporate money months ago. Why else would they sustain from seeking emotional damages in a court of "law"Â￾ against a 51-year old multi-millionaire"¦who, for whatever disturbingly perverted reason, decided to "use"Â￾ their teenage daughter for sex?

Ahh, to be an American Negro must be so very sweet. Go to college for free. Obtain athletic scholarships you did earn and aren't qualified for. Get any job you prefer due to Affirmative Action, or simply receive welfare checks for your entire life. Eternally worshipped by media, history books, movies, TV shows, magazines, etc. You're the most athletic. You're the biggest. You're the toughest. You're the strongest. You're the fastest. You're the best dancer. You're the "coolest."Â￾ You're the best in the bedroom. You're an "outlaw."Â￾ You're the most creative.

And because of these inherent characteristics of supremacy"¦you're being victimized and persecuted.


I guess this case won't be "investigated" by Al Sharpton. I'm sure he got a cool million just to keep his mouth shut on this one.
Edited by: whiteathlete33
whiteathlete33 said:
Thrashen said:
bigunreal said:
Well, what a shocking "sentence." Once again, an athlete is granted the celebrity special- probation, and they didn't even make him "serve" the other half of that special- community service (you know, where you have to host a golf tournament, or sign autographs for adoring fans, etc.)

Somehow, I think if we researched the average punishment doled out to 51 year old men who are caught having sex with 16 year old girls, we'd find that it is a lot harsher than this "sentence." Once again, the mainstream media (and the prosecutor!) refer to this admitted Bronx runaway as a "prostitute" repeatedly in news reports about the "sentence." I can predict with certainty that, the next time we hear of any middle-aged non-celebrity male, discovered having sex with an underaged girl, that she will never, ever be referred to as a prostitute, no matter how much money exchanged hands. And, if an establishment press organ, or any prosecutor, dared to use that term to describe any other teeanged runaway, you can bet that the predictable women's "rights" groups would go nuts about it.

This is another sad example of our vaunted injustice system.

The crude and wildly inappropriate term of "prostitute"Â￾ was even used on ESPN's "bottom ticker"Â￾ in describing this 10th grade girl. Her parents must be so proud of their pint-sized "working girl."Â￾ Then again, I imagine they were "paid off"Â￾ with LT's dirty, corporate money months ago. Why else would they sustain from seeking emotional damages in a court of "law"Â￾ against a 51-year old multi-millionaire"¦who, for whatever disturbingly perverted reason, decided to "use"Â￾ their teenage daughter for sex?

Ahh, to be an American Negro must be so very sweet. Go to college for free. Obtain athletic scholarships you did earn and aren't qualified for. Get any job you prefer due to Affirmative Action, or simply receive welfare checks for your entire life. Eternally worshipped by media, history books, movies, TV shows, magazines, etc. You're the most athletic. You're the biggest. You're the toughest. You're the strongest. You're the fastest. You're the best dancer. You're the "coolest."Â￾ You're the best in the bedroom. You're an "outlaw."Â￾ You're the most creative.

And because of these inherent characteristics of supremacy"¦you're being victimized and persecuted.
 I guess this case won't be "investigated" by Al Sharpton.  I'm sure he got a cool million just to keep his mouth shut on this one.
With bufoons like that LT could have been breaking rocks at the state prison for years.
Plus if the minor was a mulatto Puerto Rican who is the White enemy to rail against.....
Well its official, 6 months probation and register as a sex offender. Which means in 18 months to 2 years he will offered lucrative endorsements and his life will be great again. Man, its great being a former HOF affelet. I can't wait to see him with Dan Marino pushing "slim fast" or whatever.
Westside said:
Well its official, 6 months probation and register as a sex offender. Which means in 18 months to 2 years he will offered lucrative endorsements and his life will be great again. Man, its great being a former HOF affelet. I can't wait to see him with Dan Marino pushing "slim fast" or whatever.

Westside, it's actually 6 years probation.
WA 33, I stand corrected So I guess, LT will be living off his NFL pension and living a spartan life of just getting by and foreclosing on his affeletic mansion.
white is right said:
Well he all but called the sports writers drunks again.....
Now I know why Reverend Al and Jessie Jackson didn't run to his aid. LT would stick his foot in his mouth for himself.......
Here is the ESPN story about this mess.....

Judging by this interview, Taylor illustrates absolutely no penitence whatsoever for his actions"¦even after the obligatory "slap on the wrist"Â￾ so customarily reserved for the "ultra-privileged black male"Â￾ class.

When this story first broke, the young girl described to police her sexual encounter with Taylor in great detail. She said that "the condom kept falling off inside her."Â￾ LT should probably switch to a smaller size rubber, huh?

I wonder if he'd consider prostitution a "crime"Â￾ if his wife had ordered an underage male escort?
Thrashen said:
white is right said:
Well he all but called the sports writers drunks again.....
Now I know why Reverend Al and Jessie Jackson didn't run to his aid. LT would stick his foot in his mouth for himself.......
Here is the ESPN story about this mess.....

Judging by this interview, Taylor illustrates absolutely no penitence whatsoever for his actions"¦even after the obligatory "slap on the wrist"Â￾ so customarily reserved for the "ultra-privileged black male"Â￾ class.

When this story first broke, the young girl described to police her sexual encounter with Taylor in great detail. She said that "the condom kept falling off inside her."Â￾ LT should probably switch to a smaller size rubber, huh?

I wonder if he'd consider prostitution a "crime"Â￾ if his wife had ordered an underage male escort?
I think if the shoe was on the other foot we would have an Othello type situation. Trust me LT is one sided when it comes to this. Plus the way he says it ordering prostitutes is similar to ordering pizza.......
There's no crime here. Much ado about nothing. 16 is legal age of consent in many states. The average African-American female starts having sex at age 14. $300 is a lot of money for a 16 year old - she would have had to flip burgers for week. The media loves to sell a salacious sex story and then act like they're concerned about the "victim". The State loves to prosecute morality and concern themselves with things that go on behind closed doors in private. I'm with LT on this one.
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