Former NY Giant rapes 16 year old girl

Every now and then a tough one like this comes up, for me anyway. Here's my problem. I like Taylor. I've followed the Giants my whole life and Taylor is, despite his drug problems and other issues, one of the good guys. His problems have always hurt himself much more than others, such as his drug & tax problems. And that hooker was destined to be with a guy that night whether it was Taylor or not.

He's a guy who, according to Bill Parcell's, played through immense pain and injury without complaint. I don't know anyone who didn't respect him as a football player.

I just wish he could get his act together and enjoy what should be a great life after football.
This won't change anyone's opinion of LT. He is an admitted "low-life" who has always enjoyed the world of drugs and hookers. There's a best selling book about his debauchery. Yet, still he gets endorsement deals, Dancing With the "Stars", and adulation from DWF's and the media. This would never be the case with a white athlete.
I had to laugh when I heard this off the TV, "Dancing with the Stars Contestant arrested for rape."
Sorry, GWTJ- have to strongly disagree. First, his toughness was no doubt aided by his constant cocaine usage. The same thing was responsible for that non-stop "energy" of his. Second, this was not a "hooker," regardless of whether she was forced to prostitute herself. She was a kid runaway, and obviously at the mercy of the low life scum who supposedly told her to lie about her age to the naive LT.

As with all celebrated black athletes, the fawning attention they receive from whites is always worse than the athletes themselves. Still, there seems very little to like here.
no way his cocaine used helped him on the field, he was just a bad man doesnt take away that douchebagginess tho and if he was willing to try all kinds of illicit drugs means he probably tried steroids or PED's.<div>Obviously hasnt had much of a conscience his whole life.</div><div>he was before my time so i guess it doesnt matter much to me what happens to him.</div>
bigunreal said:
Like drunk driving, which MADD and the mainstream media treat as a capital offense unless the accused is a pro athlete, sex with underaged girls is considered worse than murder by nearly everyone in our society, again unless one is a pro athlete. Oddly, pro athletes just happen to be unjustly accused of this offense on a frequent basis. Presumably, there are a lot of Lolitas out there willing to lie to these poor, unsuspecting multi-millionaires.

THERE ARE LOTS OF MALES SERVING LENGTHY PRISON TERMS FOR HAVING CONSENSUAL SEX WITH A 16 YEAR OLD WHEN THEY WERE 18. If LT was an unkown "troubled" middle-aged black man, he would be spending the rest of his life behind bars for this. But he is a black celebrity, and they "don't do prison." The sickening forces that run Don King's America will see that he escapes justice.

Sorry for this long post as it's almost an essay:
I wanted to state my opinions on how much I was disgusted by the American legal system and my experience with how different the social moral laws are up here in Canada compared to the U.S.

Strangely the age of consent here in Canada is 14- which I think is a problem. The Netherlands used to have an age of consent of 14 (if I'm not mistaken) before changing it to 16- which is what I think Canada should do. Spain has an age of consent of a ridiculous 13 years old, but in Spain a father would get a slap on the wrist for beating to a pulp a full grown man who had sex with his daughter that age- (as I would do myself- although I think the Canadian legal system is less forgiving of vengeful violence for crimes to ones family). I think Bulgaria and a few other European countries have an age of consent of 14, but the typical Euro age of consent as well as in Australia is 16.

Bigunreal, speaking of 18 year olds having sex with 16 year olds and getting locked up in the U.S, I think that is complete BS. I have little faith in the "police" state down in the U.S- after I was falsely arrested and roughed up by a very large cop (who thought I was high after I had a panic attack as he probed me with multiple questions and patted me down) simply for sleeping in my car in a parking lot after getting tired on my way home from a rough day at work- instead of being dangerous and continuing to drive (happened early last march).

The U.S currently locks up a higher percentage of its citizens (around 1%) than EVERY COUNTRY ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH (including those "crazy"Â￾ Muslim countries, or communist North Korea or China). The legal system is also so full of hypocrisy and money making off of petty offenses down there, it's boiled over to the point of a nuclear explosion. I am so disgusted by how I was treated in NJ by people and by the "police"Â￾ state that I don't think I'll ever set foot in the U.S again.

My cousin (who I think might have Aspergers), who I got very close to when I lived in my aunt and uncle's garage apartment- is a very nice guy with social difficulty and anxiety- like I used to have. He has been wronged in Jersey as much or more than I was. He was brought by some "friends"Â￾ for his 21st birthday down to Atlantic City for a drinking trip and to see a sex show with people being paid to have sex. Some of his "friends"Â￾ aren't literally friends and pick on him for being a virgin and after talking to him I can tell you he has had it rougher with getting picked on and with girls than even I did before I met my wife.

All his "friends"Â￾ put money together and told him to get a hooker for his birthday. He got a hotel room with 3 of his friends and called a "so called" escort service and an undercover female cop showed up (I kid you not) at the hotel and he was arrested on his 21st birthday when he tried to solicited her for sex and was then roughed up by two male cops who showed up. What did these "friends"Â￾ do, they stood by and blamed all of this on him! Meanwhile the hardcore porn industry in California and the sex shows in Atlantic City (although much less so) make billions of dollars off of having lonely men (some of them virgins like my cousin) pay to watch these "studs" have sex while they can get arrested and beaten for the same thing (despite being underdogs and making no money off of dealing to addicts like the porn moguls do).

This is the DISGUSTING issue with the U.S, if the government can't make money off of some "minor" petty indulgence they will criminalize it so they can make money off of it legally (unless you're a corporation (making money off of addicts) or a politician or police officer doing the exact same thing). But when you count all the people getting locked up it hurts the economy in the long run. It costs money to pay for confinement of criminals and you don't come out a better person after going to jail and possibly "dropping the soap" in the shower there. The U.S is staunchly anti-Christian, anti-white, anti-male and anti-underdog more than any first world country I can think of- and that probably even includes Norway and Sweden.

It used to be that most men and women got married young and waited until marriage for sex, but those who didn't usually did the deed with a hooker. Now in this sex crazed materialistic age (in a sense you could say gold diggers and "playas"Â￾ are prostitutes themselves, just the "cool"Â￾ version) it's just the opposite- and those that don't follow this "norm"Â￾ are often picked on for being different until they "get with the program"Â￾.

And for you Christians that believe in the U.S; Even in the bible Jesus saved Mary Magdelin from being stoned to death for being a prostitute and forgave her. But the U.S is the least forgiving (western country) legal system that I can think of and by far the most hypocritical legal system IN THE WORLD.

Getting back to the age of consent in Canada thing, I researched the "supposed" reasons behind it. 18 year olds are sometimes in H.S at the same time as 14 year olds which is supposedly one of the reasons for decriminalizing what should be statutory rape. In most western countries- including the U.S- you are eligible to work at 14 and can be charged for serious crimes as an adult at 14. At 14 you start H.S and have the mental fortitude to study things like Geometry and Biology in school. The other study behind this was that supposedly at 14 it is "unlikely" that sex with a much older person would cause serious psychological damage such as causing the person to be suicidal and the person is old enough to reason their decisions. Still, I think for a middle aged man (or woman) to be able to have sex with a 14 year old and get off scot free is morally wrong and sets a dangerous precedent.

However, since I have no faith in police, jails or publicly revealed criminal records (which makes it very hard to find jobs) rehabilitating people- this is how I would change the law if I were Prime minister of Canada. Age of consent for 14 would be 12, for 15 and 16 would be 13, for 17- 14 and for 18 (the drinking age in some provinces)- 15 and for 19 (the drinking age in Ontario) and above- 16. First offense for an adult 18 or over who commits statutory rape of a person under 16 (15 for 18 year olds), but 14 or over would be given a sealed record misdemeanor for first offense with the goal of rehabilitation (a fine, community service, psychological evaluation etc.) and only second offense would they do any jail time.

I have little faith in the American legal system and the lock up state down there. After seeing me and my cousin- who I am close to and one of the nicest guys you could ever meet wrongfully arrested, I can tell you a liberal legal system is better than an outrageously conservative and radically hypocritical one.

Another problem is the crazy drug laws down south. It is theorized that "at least"Â￾ more than half (conservative estimates) of American adults over 18, born in 1950 or after have "puffed the magic dragon" (lol) at least once. In the U.S- they are now admitting that Marijuana is useful medicinally for some medical conditions, but they still lock people up for something that the majority of adults (and probably almost half the cops themselves) have tried. Making marijuana possession a crime- brings the price of pot up and causes crimes to be committed over marijuana due to monetary reasons. Only possession of hard core drugs should be criminalized, and even for these, you shouldn't go to jail for possession for "first offense"Â￾.

The legal system is so broken down in the U.S that I am appalled. I think the Canadian legal system in some regards is too liberal, but on marijuana and prostitution (the latter I think we're a little too conservative) we have stopped the EXTREME hypocrisy that goes on south of the border. Heck Hollyweird makes money off of marijuana movies that cops themselves quote for humour's sake. The hardcore porn industry makes billions of dollars and almost got a "bailout"Â￾ from Obama, yet (down there) 40 year old virgin porn addicts who buy sex even once can be arrested, beaten and locked up. That is unless you're in a position of power like the governour of NY, who prosecuted prostitution himself before getting off scot free for buying one. To me this is as bad as saying lets let dealers make billions of dollars off of dealing cocaine, but arrest and lock up an addict with even a gram of it.

Is there any more that you American Caste Footballers can do to speak out about these EXTREME double standards?
TJR, very well said- every word.

There is also the disturbing problem of police creating criminals even when they aren't comitting a crime. The entire "narc" concept- of undercover agents pretending to befriend some sap, and after gaining his trust, busting him for drugs, is at odds with a free society. This dishonest practice has spread not only to undercover femaies posing as prostitutes, as happened in the unfortunate incident with your cousin, but to a burgeoning pedophile industry, where middle aged cops pose on line as underaged boys or girls.

Think about it- how many pathetic souls are serving long sentences for not actually doing anything, but attempting to, at the behest of deceitful law enforcement officers. The "John," like your cousin, who is arrested for solicitation of a prostitute, of course did no such thing- there was no prostitute, only a cop masquerading as one. The same thing goes for perverts online, who are often targeted by aggressive officers pretending to be underage "victims." They are then busted for- what? Having an inappropriate conversation with another adult, who is being dishonest about who they are? No kids involved, no sex at all, and yet- another "sex offender" goes on the books.

TJR- you are correct- we have a disgraceful system of "justice."
We own the double standards argument. They can shout "racist" all they want in an effort to intimidate us, but we reached the tipping point long ago and now they just look more ridiculous by the day.
ToughJ.Riggins said:
bigunreal said:
Like drunk driving, which MADD and the mainstream media treat as a capital offense unless the accused is a pro athlete, sex with underaged girls is considered worse than murder by nearly everyone in our society, again unless one is a pro athlete. Oddly, pro athletes just happen to be unjustly accused of this offense on a frequent basis. Presumably, there are a lot of Lolitas out there willing to lie to these poor, unsuspecting multi-millionaires.

THERE ARE LOTS OF MALES SERVING LENGTHY PRISON TERMS FOR HAVING CONSENSUAL SEX WITH A 16 YEAR OLD WHEN THEY WERE 18. If LT was an unkown "troubled" middle-aged black man, he would be spending the rest of his life behind bars for this. But he is a black celebrity, and they "don't do prison." The sickening forces that run Don King's America will see that he escapes justice.

Sorry for this long post as it's almost an essay:
I wanted to state my opinions on how much I was disgusted by the American legal system and my experience with how different the social moral laws are up here in Canada compared to the U.S.

Strangely the age of consent here in Canada is 14- which I think is a problem. The Netherlands used to have an age of consent of 14 (if I'm not mistaken) before changing it to 16- which is what I think Canada should do. Spain has an age of consent of a ridiculous 13 years old, but in Spain a father would get a slap on the wrist for beating to a pulp a full grown man who had sex with his daughter that age- (as I would do myself- although I think the Canadian legal system is less forgiving of vengeful violence for crimes to ones family). I think Bulgaria and a few other European countries have an age of consent of 14, but the typical Euro age of consent as well as in Australia is 16.

Bigunreal, speaking of 18 year olds having sex with 16 year olds and getting locked up in the U.S, I think that is complete BS. I have little faith in the "police" state down in the U.S- after I was falsely arrested and roughed up by a very large cop (who thought I was high after I had a panic attack as he probed me with multiple questions and patted me down) simply for sleeping in my car in a parking lot after getting tired on my way home from a rough day at work- instead of being dangerous and continuing to drive (happened early last march).

The U.S currently locks up a higher percentage of its citizens (around 1%) than EVERY COUNTRY ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH (including those "crazy"Â￾ Muslim countries, or communist North Korea or China). The legal system is also so full of hypocrisy and money making off of petty offenses down there, it's boiled over to the point of a nuclear explosion. I am so disgusted by how I was treated in NJ by people and by the "police"Â￾ state that I don't think I'll ever set foot in the U.S again.

My cousin (who I think might have Aspergers), who I got very close to when I lived in my aunt and uncle's garage apartment- is a very nice guy with social difficulty and anxiety- like I used to have. He has been wronged in Jersey as much or more than I was. He was brought by some "friends"Â￾ for his 21st birthday down to Atlantic City for a drinking trip and to see a sex show with people being paid to have sex. Some of his "friends"Â￾ aren't literally friends and pick on him for being a virgin and after talking to him I can tell you he has had it rougher with getting picked on and with girls than even I did before I met my wife.

All his "friends"Â￾ put money together and told him to get a hooker for his birthday. He got a hotel room with 3 of his friends and called a "so called" escort service and an undercover female cop showed up (I kid you not) at the hotel and he was arrested on his 21st birthday when he tried to solicited her for sex and was then roughed up by two male cops who showed up. What did these "friends"Â￾ do, they stood by and blamed all of this on him! Meanwhile the hardcore porn industry in California and the sex shows in Atlantic City (although much less so) make billions of dollars off of having lonely men (some of them virgins like my cousin) pay to watch these "studs" have sex while they can get arrested and beaten for the same thing (despite being underdogs and making no money off of dealing to addicts like the porn moguls do).

This is the DISGUSTING issue with the U.S, if the government can't make money off of some "minor" petty indulgence they will criminalize it so they can make money off of it legally (unless you're a corporation (making money off of addicts) or a politician or police officer doing the exact same thing). But when you count all the people getting locked up it hurts the economy in the long run. It costs money to pay for confinement of criminals and you don't come out a better person after going to jail and possibly "dropping the soap" in the shower there. The U.S is staunchly anti-Christian, anti-white, anti-male and anti-underdog more than any first world country I can think of- and that probably even includes Norway and Sweden.

It used to be that most men and women got married young and waited until marriage for sex, but those who didn't usually did the deed with a hooker. Now in this sex crazed materialistic age (in a sense you could say gold diggers and "playas"Â￾ are prostitutes themselves, just the "cool"Â￾ version) it's just the opposite- and those that don't follow this "norm"Â￾ are often picked on for being different until they "get with the program"Â￾.

And for you Christians that believe in the U.S; Even in the bible Jesus saved Mary Magdelin from being stoned to death for being a prostitute and forgave her. But the U.S is the least forgiving (western country) legal system that I can think of and by far the most hypocritical legal system IN THE WORLD.

Getting back to the age of consent in Canada thing, I researched the "supposed" reasons behind it. 18 year olds are sometimes in H.S at the same time as 14 year olds which is supposedly one of the reasons for decriminalizing what should be statutory rape. In most western countries- including the U.S- you are eligible to work at 14 and can be charged for serious crimes as an adult at 14. At 14 you start H.S and have the mental fortitude to study things like Geometry and Biology in school. The other study behind this was that supposedly at 14 it is "unlikely" that sex with a much older person would cause serious psychological damage such as causing the person to be suicidal and the person is old enough to reason their decisions. Still, I think for a middle aged man (or woman) to be able to have sex with a 14 year old and get off scot free is morally wrong and sets a dangerous precedent.

However, since I have no faith in police, jails or publicly revealed criminal records (which makes it very hard to find jobs) rehabilitating people- this is how I would change the law if I were Prime minister of Canada. Age of consent for 14 would be 12, for 15 and 16 would be 13, for 17- 14 and for 18 (the drinking age in some provinces)- 15 and for 19 (the drinking age in Ontario) and above- 16. First offense for an adult 18 or over who commits statutory rape of a person under 16 (15 for 18 year olds), but 14 or over would be given a sealed record misdemeanor for first offense with the goal of rehabilitation (a fine, community service, psychological evaluation etc.) and only second offense would they do any jail time.

I have little faith in the American legal system and the lock up state down there. After seeing me and my cousin- who I am close to and one of the nicest guys you could ever meet wrongfully arrested, I can tell you a liberal legal system is better than an outrageously conservative and radically hypocritical one.

Another problem is the crazy drug laws down south. It is theorized that "at least"Â￾ more than half (conservative estimates) of American adults over 18, born in 1950 or after have "puffed the magic dragon" (lol) at least once. In the U.S- they are now admitting that Marijuana is useful medicinally for some medical conditions, but they still lock people up for something that the majority of adults (and probably almost half the cops themselves) have tried. Making marijuana possession a crime- brings the price of pot up and causes crimes to be committed over marijuana due to monetary reasons. Only possession of hard core drugs should be criminalized, and even for these, you shouldn't go to jail for possession for "first offense"Â￾.

The legal system is so broken down in the U.S that I am appalled. I think the Canadian legal system in some regards is too liberal, but on marijuana and prostitution (the latter I think we're a little too conservative) we have stopped the EXTREME hypocrisy that goes on south of the border. Heck Hollyweird makes money off of marijuana movies that cops themselves quote for humour's sake. The hardcore porn industry makes billions of dollars and almost got a "bailout"Â￾ from Obama, yet (down there) 40 year old virgin porn addicts who buy sex even once can be arrested, beaten and locked up. That is unless you're in a position of power like the governour of NY, who prosecuted prostitution himself before getting off scot free for buying one. To me this is as bad as saying lets let dealers make billions of dollars off of dealing cocaine, but arrest and lock up an addict with even a gram of it.

Is there any more that you American Caste Footballers can do to speak out about these EXTREME double standards?
OMG I recall scene like this from the 40 year old virgin or Party Animal.
I will never understand the extreme police state views of the US. It's the one Western State with the least government interference in the economy, but the most in personal issues when it comes to this or narcotics. How many times do we need another Spizter, Clinton to see the hypocrisy of politicians. At least the bone smuggler Barney Frank got one thing right he liked the product so much he brought the company.......
( A Victor Kiam joke, he was the former owner of the Patriots commercial)Edited by: white is right
This is an example of what I was talking about...Prince of Pot ordered extradited, lawyer says

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1 hour, 36 minutes ago

By The Canadian Press

VANCOUVER - A five-year battle by Canada's self-styled "Prince of Pot" to avoid extradition to the United States on drug charges appeared to be over Monday.

The federal justice minister has ordered Marc Emery surrendered to American authorities, the final step in the legal process.

Emery, who was charged in the U.S. in 2005 in connection with his Vancouver-based seed-selling business, had turned himself in to sheriffs earlier in the morning to await the federal justice minister's decision.

Within an hour, his lawyer received an answer.

"The justice minister has surrendered Mr. Emery for extradition," lawyer Kirk Tousaw said in an interview.

"I imagine there's some paperwork that needs to be shuffled and arrangements that need to be made. My anticipation would be (Emery would be sent to the U.S.) relatively soon, within the week possibly."

A spokesperson for the minister's office said he does not comment on extradition decisions.

Emery has been out on bail since last fall, when he was released from custody while the federal justice minister made his decision.

He made a plea deal with U.S. prosecutors last year, agreeing to plead guilty in return for a five-year prison sentence.

Earlier in the day, Emery called himself a "great Canadian" and told reporters he's spent his life advocating for the legalization of marijuana. Then he walked into the B.C. Supreme Court building and presented himself to sheriffs.

"I think of myself as a great Canadian â€" I've worked my whole life for individual freedom in this country, I've never asked for anything in return," Emery told reporters outside B.C. Supreme Court in downtown Vancouver, with his wife by his side and a throng of supporters carrying "Free Marc" signs.

"And now I will be possibly handed over to the United States for a five-year sentence for the so-called crime of selling seeds from my desk. I'm proud of what I've done, and I have no regrets."

American prosecutors allege he has sold about four million marijuana seeds through his magazine and website, and that 75 per cent of those went to customers in the U.S.

Documents obtained by Emery's lawyer reveal that a U.S. undercover agent posing as a marijuana seed buyer worked in Canada to secure the criminal charges filed against Emery in Washington state.

The undercover operation is described in a briefing memo to Justice Minister Rob Nicholson dated Feb. 10, 2010, outlining the case against Emery.

The memo said numerous mail order purchases were made by U.S. undercover agents between March 2004 and March 2005 and an undercover U.S. Drug Enforcement agent was then sent to Vancouver.

The memo said the agent was under the supervision of and working with the approval of Vancouver's police department.

Allegations against Emery include that staff at his Cannabis Culture store in Vancouver counselled the agent on how to smuggle seeds across the border and how to grow the marijuana.

"It is alleged that (the store employee) told (the agent) that border inspectors do not conduct strip searches of females, so she should hide the seeds somewhere on her body," the memo stated.

The documents say the DEA agent made several deals to purchase marijuana seeds in exchange for cash and that Emery knew she was going to smuggle the seeds over the border.

The information was obtained under the federal Access to Information Act by Kirk Tousaw, a lawyer and former Marijuana Party campaign manager.

In addition to his seed-selling business and marijuana paraphernalia store, Emery is the president of the B.C. Marijuana Party.

He was originally charged with conspiracy to manufacture and distribute marijuana and money laundering. Two of his Cannabis Culture employees were also accused, but charges were dropped as part of the plea agreement.

The minister's memo states the federal government has received more than 2,700 letters about Emery and virtually all of them ask that Nicholson refuse to extradite him.

Emery said he has public support on his side.

"I feel it will be very politically unpopular if (the minister) proceeds with the extradition because, let's say five to seven million Canadian's use marijuana ... I have the support of hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of Canadians."

If he is extradited to the United States, Emery hopes he'll be allowed to return to Canada to serve out his jail sentence.

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The law in Canada on prostitution states that no employer can live off the wages of a prostitute (anti-pimping) and that prostitutes can't be solicited in a public setting (ie. Hookers on the corner). Using the phone, internet or a face to face transaction to pay for sex is perfectly legal though as long as you meet in a place where she is not employed (outcalls- no brothels). In Toronto and Montreal, there are multiple internet escort and phone services. The "pimps"Â￾ have gotten around being prosecuted for saying that the money they are taking is for running their site and for advertising only. Personally, I like the no soliciting on the corner law, but I think that they should get rid of the anti-pimping law as it doesn't work to keep hookers or customers safe (it's basically just there to cut down the access to prostitution). I have heard they have prosecuted some pimps in Vancouver for openly advertising that their escort service is for sex. In Toronto and Montreal, some of the sites state that it is for prostitution, but they have not been prosecuted. I think brothel laws should be left up to the province, county and municipality and that "pimps"Â￾ shouldn't be allowed to legally take more than a third of a hooker's earnings. I also think that the penalty for physical abuse of a hooker by a customer or pimp should receive an even steeper penalty than other simple assaults since this happens too often in this line of work. If need be, they could even pass a law that female escort services should be run only by females and Deuce Bigolo male Gigolo services lol (these are almost unheard of) should be legally run only by males.

Marijuana possession is legal in Canada (as it is in most of Europe). Transporting over 50 grams (might be 70) off your property could get you in trouble for dealing. Smoking in view of a public place will get you a ticket. I know a couple friends who I grew up with, who have one marijuana plant sitting right in their backyard and they haven't been summonsed for it. I've heard smoking on a school property, although I don't think this counts a college, will get you legally prosecuted and possibly jail if you are over 18. I have also been in parks near where I live and occasionally seen people smoking weed before. They just put it out if they see a cop.

As far as what kind of behavior should get people imprisoned, I think only something that is absolutely morally appalling or clearly dangerous or hurtful to others should get people put in jail. Most of the time- (although not always) these two things are mutually inclusive. People who are truly dangerous to society (and are comprehensive of their actions) belong in jail. For petty offenses the best way to cut down on these things is education- or someone who cares about a person criticizing them for their behavior or society frowning upon it. Misdemeanors shouldn't put people in jail- if it is a non violent first offense. Anyone who has gone to (or even worked in a) jail will tell you- they don't come out better people then when they went in. The goal for misdemeanors should always be rehabilitation to build a safe society and no employer that doesn't need a security clearance should have access to misdemeanor records. I also believe in first offense forgiveness policy for most smaller crimes. For these kind of crimes only repeat offenses should get you a publicly disclosed record (felony) and serious jail time.

Canada's economy is a little more conservative then most of Europe, but clearly left of the U.S (and other than socialized health care- which is a disaster up here- I think it's almost a perfect balance)- although with Obama running the show- the U.S could shift left of us. I read a poll- where people in 1st world countries were polled about how happy they are. Canada was number 1 in the poll. I think I remember that Australia was #2. I think the U.S was second last in this poll and there were around 40 countries polled. I have been SO much happier since me and my wife have returned to Canada- even though I'm not earning quite as much money and paying slightly higher taxes (unfortunately I commute a ways to work now and gas is more expensive here).

Me and my wife are looking into buying a house soon. Real estate and rent is much cheaper here in Ontario than back in Jersey. In most areas of Canada you can survive as a single person on minimum wage and you usually can get a small amount of government assistance (low income housing, medication discounts, food credits). You won't have much, but you can find happiness and probably even afford a basic cable package. Back in Jersey you simply can't house clothe and feed yourself on minimum wage unless you do tons of paperwork to get government assistance if you are living alone and trying to support yourself. I think this is part of why the crime rate is ridiculously high in Jersey, not to mention gang and other cultural problems. There aren't too many males in Jersey that have a high opinion of police.

Luckily my uncle is a lawyer and helped my cousin get out of legal trouble and did all the paper work for me over my wrongful arrest (I only had to pay another lawyer for appearing in court for me, as well as pay an impound fee and for repairs to my car and an ambulance fee when I was forced to go to the hospital for a drug test). The only way to get policy changed in the U.S is for people to get fed up and start speaking out, which is what I'm doing. I think there are way too many hurt people. My dad is American and moved to Canada when he met my Canadian mother on vacation and likes it much better, he's not very pleased, but I told him it's crossed my mind a few times to ask to give up my American citizenship. At this point I don't even want to visit the U.S ever again.

Sorry for ranting, but me and my wife had a few people REALLY wrong us in "rats in a cage"Â￾ Jersey. It has now brought us closer together though. As I writer- I want to educate as many people as possible so the same things that happened to me, my wife (out of respect to her- I won't post the circumstance on this forum) and my cousin don't happen to other nice people. I now understand why Jim Croce sung the song "New York's not my Home".
Does anyone know the race of this victim? I thought for sure she was black but with the very vague description that was given yesterday in my local paper she could possibly be hispanic.
The T.V. show "TMZ" treated the latest LT incident very lightly on their show yesterday. They actually joked about the girl's age, and made similar allusions to how easy it was to fool a man that ESPN jock sniffers and others have. This is really incedible. How many young guys are sitting behind bars, serving long prison sentences, for having sex with a girl who was only a few years younger than them? For those guys, the response is "Hey, the law's the law!" For black celebrities like LT, the response is to question whether the great afflete knew how old she actually was.

There are so many odious elements to this story. First, the media keeps calling this kid a "hooker" or a "prostitute." If the accused was not a black afflete, she would be described as a "victim," and what she was in the initial reports, a "runaway." Also, as I noted before, all references to LT assaulting her by punching her in the face have been dropped from the few meagher news reports.

The skids are already greased; the pathetic homie who procured the girl for LT has already been "persuaded" to say that he asked the girl to lie to LT about her age. The girl herself seems now to (shockingly) not want LT punished. Yeah, that has saved a lot of young white guys before, hasn't it?

As always when a black man is the suspect, there is total silence from feminists, rape victims' advocacy groups, and the myriad of groups and spokespersons devoted to exposing "sexual predators" who prey on underaged victims. Being a "sex offender," especially with an underaged partner, has become just about the most serious crime one can be accused of. Any other middle aged man accused of having sex with a 16 year old would be called a "pedophile" prior to trial and no jury would listen to his defense. Unless you're a black afflete, in which case you will never be called a "pedophile" by anyone, will not lose any luster from your glorious reputation, and will never, under any circumstances be allowed the public humiliation of a conviction.
Reports stated that LT requested a skinny latina type chick. Which probably means that the best the homie could procure is puerto rican with a heavy infusion of blackness in her.
I saw Jane Velez-Mitchell and her "femi" pals speak quite negatively about LT. They were also bringing up LTs past treatment of women, and his infamous arrogance.

There's this one soft-spoken Jewess, who surprised me, by speaking negatively about Tiger and then, now, LT! Sounds like she might have issues with men, but nonetheless, her "critique" of these typically arrogant, schauvenistic negroes, didn't bother me one bit. You go girl!
After a single day of somber reporting by the mainstream media, the "LT Raped a Young Girl"Â￾ story has inexplicably vanished, not unlike so many tales of Afro-Dysfunctionality. Yet the young woman in her early 20's who accused Ben Roethlisburger (with only anecdotal evidence) made headlines for weeks and weeks. Every element of the LT story, which has been covered exclusively through internet articles, has changed again and again. When the story broke last week, the girl was 14"¦then 15"¦and now I've read that "any guy would easily mistake her for an adult."Â￾ Last week, Taylor's DNA was found inside of a used condom (Taylor fully admitted that sexual intercourse did occur), and the girl's DNA was found on the outside of the used condom. This week, Taylor is saying that he never touched the girl, and that he only masturbated. What the hell is going on?

Suddenly, I find myself wondering if the fallen angel, LT, is actually the victim. And how that wicked 9th grader "hooker"Â￾ should have kept her mouth shut about this unfortunate incident"¦no, she should not even consider the incident to be "unfortunate,"Â￾ but rather the utmost honor to be one of the hundreds of loveless sexual acts purchased with LT's corporate funding (NY Giants, NFL Blitz, Nutrisystem, etc).

The Mass Perception created by the turd-breath media closely mirrors the "Bouncing Ball of Justice"Â￾ made infamous by "our"Â￾ judicial system. Whites, no matter how thoroughly they are wronged by a non-white, can never be true victims. Non-whites, no matter how thoroughly they have wronged someone (of any race), can never be true villains.

OJ beheaded his little white whore, and only recently went to jail for stealing his own sports memorabilia"¦Taylor may be even more respected amongst DWF-nation and the professional jock-huffers. Edited by: Thrashen
Thrashen said:
The Mass Perception created by the turd-breath media closely mirrors the "Bouncing Ball of Justice"Â￾ made infamous by "our"Â￾ judicial system. Whites, no matter how thoroughly they are wronged by a non-white, can never be true victims. Non-whites, no matter how thoroughly they have wronged someone (of any race), can never be true villains.
OJ beheaded his little white whore, and only recently went to jail for stealing his own sports memorabilia"¦Taylor may be even more respected amongst DWF-nation and the professional jock-huffers.

I cannot say how much I appreciate your fire, Thrashen. Some days, upon coming home from work (factory with &gt;90% White male workers on midnight) I am convinced that only the weak remain; then I pass by here and read posts by select members and the experience is reinvigorating.

My appreciation to you and the others who carry the flame.
bigunreal said:
TJR, very well said- every word.

There is also the disturbing problem of police creating criminals even when they aren't comitting a crime. The entire "narc" concept- of undercover agents pretending to befriend some sap, and after gaining his trust, busting him for drugs, is at odds with a free society. This dishonest practice has spread not only to undercover femaies posing as prostitutes, as happened in the unfortunate incident with your cousin, but to a burgeoning pedophile industry, where middle aged cops pose on line as underaged boys or girls.

Think about it- how many pathetic souls are serving long sentences for not actually doing anything, but attempting to, at the behest of deceitful law enforcement officers. The "John," like your cousin, who is arrested for solicitation of a prostitute, of course did no such thing- there was no prostitute, only a cop masquerading as one. The same thing goes for perverts online, who are often targeted by aggressive officers pretending to be underage "victims." They are then busted for- what? Having an inappropriate conversation with another adult, who is being dishonest about who they are? No kids involved, no sex at all, and yet- another "sex offender" goes on the books.

TJR- you are correct- we have a disgraceful system of "justice."

I agree with you mostly. One Dateline pedophile episode actually struck me as unfair. They had a female cop pretend to be a 15 year old virgin girl in a chat room. They enticed a 20 year old man to come to the "dateline house" after he had stated via PM to the supposed underage girl that "he wanted to have sex with a virgin because he is a virgin and he would make "breaking her in"Â￾ special for her". The guy who showed up at the dateline house was a 20 year old nerd who was barely an adult. He "claimed"Â￾ to be a strong Christian. He showed up with a condom in his wallet, but stated that he only planned to use it if the moment came up naturally and that he had no evil feelings toward the girl and pleaded not to be arrested and embarrassed anymore. He stated he is the type of guy that has always been picked on and just wanted to finally do the deed with a girl who would be less judgmental of him because of her youth.

Is this guy a pervert...certainly. A 20 year old guy shouldn't be trying to have sex with 15 year old girls. But I know a couple screw ups I grew up with in Canada who did this and my American cousin says he knows of a couple of his "friends" who have made a very similar age disregarding indiscretion. That is actually legal in the U.S in Colorado if I'm not mistaken where the age of consent is 15 until a person reaches 26. It is legal in many countries in the world. Yes this guy is a screw up, but does he deserve to be embarrassed on national television, for something he never did, but was simply enticed into "planning"Â￾. This nerdy man will probably never want to show his face again and may be unemployable because of Dateline and is more likely to now really go down a totally destructive path. Is this the kind of "strategy"Â￾ we want to keep a society "safe"Â￾. If Dateline really cared (other than for making good t.v) they would be ONLY going after the true pedophiles (not perverts), that are planning to take advantage of girls too young to have any chance of protecting themselves and avoiding manipulation and psychological harm. This would be adults who try to have sex with 12 or 13 year olds (grade school age and younger).

As I stated before- an age of consent of 14, like it is up here in Canada and a few European countries is too young. However as I said, I believe there is a big difference in maturity between 16 and 14 years old and the same can be said of 14 and 12 years old. At these ages kids grow up and start maturing fast. To me an example of a pervert is a guy like the aforementioned Dateline pervert. A pedophile is a full grown adult who tries to take sexually advantage of a person under 14 IMO. There's a big difference between pedophilia and ephebophila. With the latter, attraction is actually somewhat normal, where acting out on it is morally wrong. Both of these types, who act on it- need psychological help, but only the latter is a true threat to the safety of society.
Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
I only caught the tail end of a very brief (and an increasingly infrequent) report on the Taylor case yesterday. If I understood correctly, the 16 year old is now maintaining that she didn't have sex with LT. Also, it said that the charges against LT would be "rape" and "sex with a prostitute" or something. Hmmm. Again, this underaged girl- who would be called nothing but "victim" night and day if the accused wasn't a magical afflete- is relentlessly being referred to as a prostitute, even by the legal system! Also, why isn't the charge "statutory rape," since the girl is only 16 (actually, probably 15, as was initially reported)?

This has gone from an out of control 50 something man assaulting and punching a 15 year old kid in the face, then having physical sex with her, to rarely reported news snippets about the great afflete being accused of "raping a prostitute." While it was originally stated that LT's DNA was found in a condom at the scene, it has since actually been suggested (when it's mentioned at all), that LT could have masturbated into the condom!

At the rate this is going, soon both the media and legal system will just completely ignore the girl's age, say there is no evidence of rape and simply slap LT on the wrist for being a hapless "John" victimized himself by a wiley prostitute and her pimp (who will most certainly receive more than a slap on the wrist). I can already smell the Celebrity Special of suspended sentence and/or commmunity service.
Thanks, whiteathlete33. It's even worse than I thought- THIRD degree rape? "Patronizing a prostitute?" Why no statutory rape charge? And since when does an underaged girl, who in any other case would be both a "victim" and a "runaway," become referred to as a prostitute by not only the jock sniffing media, but by our own legal system?

This is about as shameful as it gets, and the unequal system of justice we have has never been more obvious. If he even goes to trial, there is only a minute chance LT will be convicted by ANY jury. If that extremely unlikely event happens, what would the maximum penalty be for THIRD degree rape, anyhow? But that's a moot point, because we all know that every celebrity gets the special reserved just for them, on the rare occasions when charges against them aren't dropped, and they are convicted of something- suspended sentence and/or community service.

I'm still waiting for the women's and child advocacy groups to chime in on this. Every pervert in America should henceforth use this case as a precedent, because apparently if you're the right kind of person, then sex with a minor is no big deal.
American Freedom News