Floyd Mayweather vs. Ricky Hatton

waterbed said:
I have the feeling that whites are on average stronger than blacks(at the gym i see that whites lift at average like 20% more weight).

Whites are physically stronger than blacks. They usually win the weight lifting and strongman competitions. Someone mentioned that Polynesians are even stronger than whites but since there are relatively few of them they don't win many competitions.
JD1986 said:
Hatton's arms are 6" shorter - that's quite a reach advantage Mayweather had!

Yeah, at 26 inches, his reach is the same as Pavlik's at 6'2", longer than Taylor's at 6'1", and significantly longer than Wright and Hopkins (23") at 5'11" and 6'1", respectively.

Edited by: JD074
I don't know who confirms the accuracy of these measurements but I have Pavlik at 6'3" and 75" reach and Mayweather at 5'8" and a 72" reach.

If those stats are accurate, and I'm not 100% sure they are, that would mean that Mayweather could easily, and I mean easily, fight at light-middle anyway.

I think the only way to accurately measure reach is to measure from the chest to a clenched fist.
JD1986 said:
nevada said:
Floyd Mayweather is small and weak, and can't even beat other small guys
like Pavlik or Calzaghe. So to prove how great he is, he took a match
against a boxer that was...even smaller than him.

Not only would Mayweather not defeat a bigger fighter like Calzaghe or
Pavlik, he would have trouble with a prime age world-class fighter his
own size, like Cotto, Margarito, or Cintron. Hatton's arms are 6" shorter -
that's quite a reach advantage Mayweather had!

Mayweather is pretty much a natural WW. I wouldn't expect him to easily
beat any super middle weight who is world class.Cotto, Margarito and
Cintron don't stand much of a chance though. PBF is better than all of
them.De La Hoya is bigger than Mayweather.

Size matters ..it's why we have weight classes.I don't expect Mayweather
to beat a super middle anymore than I'd expect Calazaghe to beat a
cruiser weight.
Kukulcan said:
Aussieaussie31 outstanding post. Negros here for
the most part are lazy and always fall back of history of thier slavery as a
'reasons' for their lack of progress in everything except sports. They pull
the race card everytime they are in a jam. There are always exceptions,
however, for the most part they are nothing but entitlement grabbers.
This is a primary reason why I could never be an enabling Democrat. This
party lives for giving entitlements to these bums, to maintain a voting

Remember Katrina. The hordes of blacks wondering aimlessly looking for
help then later handouts. I distinctly remember all of the 230 lbs black
women and obese children. These people are not poor, just lazy, how
does one become that fat by being poor? Answer, you don't, its called
welfare for all of these babies mommas and the loser fathers who claim
'disabilities'. In essence, we, responsible Americans finance their
dysfunctional behavior. The few black men who have ambition turn to
drug sales. Once they accumalate some money, spend the rest of thier
days chasing dumb white women. The reason for this is that they can't
stand themselves nor have the courage to bring their race up to par. They
lack the skill in creating a stable family

This part of the reason I wanted Hatton to beat PBF. To demonstrate to
the world and negros who don't have PBF talent that this behavior will
lead to failure. Now I look to Pavlik to beat a good black fighter and
person in Jermain Taylor. Taylor is an exception to most black males, but
he is few and far between.

This post has nothing to do with boxing save for a paragraph. I don't get
wrapped up in race and sports.Superiority speaks for itself. I heard a
saying that speaks volumes "lies are shouted about loudly whilst the
truth is spoken quietly".
Granted my last post has only a paragraph about boxing. I consider myself a learned person on the sport, view my other posts. The rest was just venting soaked in truth. I am not shouting, and what I have stated are not lies. The truth was written and not spoken!

Your right, superiority speaks for itself, which I have attempted to explain on this site.

Race and sports are weaved like a bread basket, where have you been?
Let me clarify... I certainly wasn't speaking to your words when I stated that
saying. It's just always stuck by me since I heard it and I realize that the
humility and class that some athletes show stems from an internal
confidence that manifests through their actions.

I love seeing superiority at work. I was once skeptical of Calzaghe but he's
redeemed himself nicely.Pavlik is a stud and an all around lunch pail kinda
guy with high work ethic and heart.

Boxing is stepping in the right direction with new blood.
JD1986 said:
Werewolf is a strong supporter of white boxers, and I commend him for that. However I also support white boxers, yet I still maintain a membership at several other sites that he has been banned from.


Actually, oddly enough, I don't seem to be banned from too many places at the moment, at least not places I've been to recently. Even that idiotic thing we were on before has unbanned me, not that that's anything to be proud of. I must be going too easy on them! Also, I always use the same name on these boxing forums, so the wigs can squeal and race for the ban button!


wwEdited by: werewolf
Amren.com said:
Kukulcan said:
Ameren.com. I appreciate your extensive research. I, however, will support a party that is most logical, ie: The Republican Party.

If you're going to vote Republican, vote for Ron Paul in the primaries.

Sure we have our problems like uncontrolled spending, lack of securtiy at the borders and lack of fair trading with other countries(China). However, that last time I checked we weren't attacked by Jews flying airplanes into our buildings. Sure alot of Jews are calculating and look out for their own. Whites should be more of the same.

Jews were probably behind 9/11. Go do some research. They were definitely behind the attack on the USS Liberty in 1967 where they attacked one of our ships in the hopes we would blame it on the Arabs and go to war with them. They were also behind the 1965 Immigration Act which is directly responsible for turning America into a Third World country.

You need to do some research friend. Start here.


There is no way in hell I could support the Democratic Party as it stands today.

I wouldn't support them either. However, neither major party represents the interests of white people.

Jews are talented and hard working. Whites should take some cues from them.

Fine. Jews are highly ethnocentric (racist if you're a white person). Let's emulate them.

Look at Oscar De lay Hoya, he took total control over his career and dumped Bob Arum, who was undoubtly unfairly profiting from his fights. Last time I checked its the fighters who risks thier health when stepping into the ring. Oscar now has one of the most successful promoting firms for fighter. PBF has seen the light and is doing the same. These are all conservative values, making your own way and taking risks. These intelligent fighters are controlling their own fates and not letting Jews dictate their lives, bravo!

Okay, good for them.

So what if Murdock has a bunch of Jews working for him. Is this a reason to embrace Democrats and their nonsense as well understand the Muslims misguided anger towards the West. No way.

I hate the democrats and hope a republican wins in 2008 only because of court appointments and not just Supreme Court appointments. Other than that, the republicans are pretty useless.

As for "Muslim anger", the main reason they hate us is because we prop up hated governments in Saudi Arabia and Egypt and support the Israelis blindly.

There ya go! Educate them, brother!

Yesterday Ron Paul collected more money from donations than anyone ever has before in one day in US history - and none of it was from the fat cat moneybags and the AIPACS - it was all from those that the fat cat moneybags and the AIPACS hate the worst - THE PEOPLE!!!

"Jews were probably behind 9/11."

There's no probably about it. 911 was a joint Israeli Mossad-Bush crime gang false flag attack. Arabs didn't have the slightest thing to do with it, except to serve as the fall guys, the patsies.

Don't get me f'ing started - exposing the 911 hoax is my specialty and I've been doing it since day one. It's of much more interest to me, and far more important, than the corrupt sport of boxing.


wwEdited by: werewolf
Seahawker71 said:
Kukulcan said:
Aussieaussie31 outstanding post. Negros here for
the most part are lazy and always fall back of history of thier slavery as a
'reasons' for their lack of progress in everything except sports. They pull
the race card everytime they are in a jam. There are always exceptions,
however, for the most part they are nothing but entitlement grabbers.
This is a primary reason why I could never be an enabling Democrat. This
party lives for giving entitlements to these bums, to maintain a voting

Remember Katrina. The hordes of blacks wondering aimlessly looking for
help then later handouts. I distinctly remember all of the 230 lbs black
women and obese children. These people are not poor, just lazy, how
does one become that fat by being poor? Answer, you don't, its called
welfare for all of these babies mommas and the loser fathers who claim
'disabilities'. In essence, we, responsible Americans finance their
dysfunctional behavior. The few black men who have ambition turn to
drug sales. Once they accumalate some money, spend the rest of thier
days chasing dumb white women. The reason for this is that they can't
stand themselves nor have the courage to bring their race up to par. They
lack the skill in creating a stable family

This part of the reason I wanted Hatton to beat PBF. To demonstrate to
the world and negros who don't have PBF talent that this behavior will
lead to failure. Now I look to Pavlik to beat a good black fighter and
person in Jermain Taylor. Taylor is an exception to most black males, but
he is few and far between.

This post has nothing to do with boxing save for a paragraph. I don't get
wrapped up in race and sports.Superiority speaks for itself. I heard a
saying that speaks volumes "lies are shouted about loudly whilst the
truth is spoken quietly".

that "lies are shouted..." quote is great. any idea who its from?
Seahawker71 said:
JD1986 said:
nevada said:
Floyd Mayweather is small and weak, and can't even beat other small guys
like Pavlik or Calzaghe. So to prove how great he is, he took a match
against a boxer that was...even smaller than him.

Not only would Mayweather not defeat a bigger fighter like Calzaghe or
Pavlik, he would have trouble with a prime age world-class fighter his
own size, like Cotto, Margarito, or Cintron. Hatton's arms are 6" shorter -
that's quite a reach advantage Mayweather had!

Mayweather is pretty much a natural WW. I wouldn't expect him to easily
beat any super middle weight who is world class.Cotto, Margarito and
Cintron don't stand much of a chance though. PBF is better than all of
them.De La Hoya is bigger than Mayweather.

Size matters ..it's why we have weight classes.I don't expect Mayweather
to beat a super middle anymore than I'd expect Calazaghe to beat a
cruiser weight.

do u think cotto would have any chance at defeating mayweather? i saw the mosely -cotto fight and i think cooto did pretty well when it cam eto nullifying shane's speed. i think he's the best hope for defeating mayweather. although, i do agree that its a long shot.
I think Paul Williams or Antonio Margarito may be the only ones. Shane Mosley lost a step. Cotto still has fatigue issues. And I still wonder about Cintron's heart. A person who is going to bring it Mayweather has to do it non-stop and bring a barrage of punches to overwhelm Mayweather and have a great chin. Both Williams and Margarito have that and would be the 2 who would bring it to Mayweather at 147.
Good article from Eastside Boxing:

Ricky Hatton vs. Floyd Mayweather (and Joe Cortez) In Perspective

ricky hatton18.12.07 - By Jim Dorney: Having seen the Hatton-Mayweather fight a number of times now, I keep coming away with the same feeling - That whilst Mayweather can't be blamed for this, Hatton was hindered by referee Joe Cortez at almost every turn.

I can imagine after reading this first sentence, a lot of fans on ESB are already scrolling to the bottom of this article getting ready to post a comment about what a piece of biased, pro-Brit rubbish this article is, but hear me out.

In the first round, Hatton came out quickly, as he usually does. Not long into the round, the fighters got into a clinch, which was forced by Mayweather. Referee Joe Cortez split them up almost immediately, and for a moment I thought I could see the cogs start to whirr in Mayweather's head - 'If we clinch, I get a breather'...Later on in the round, Mayweather was caught by a half-jab half hook, which rocked him back to the ropes. Almost immediately afterwards, as Hatton bored in to take advantage, Cortez split them up as Mayweather held in close.

Mayweather looked uncomfortable in those early rounds due to Hatton forcing him to work at a quicker pace than he's accustomed to. Hatton had his best rounds in those early rounds, but his frustration with Cortez was already beginning to show.

Hatton is a pressure fighter, and as such often wins fights by wearing out & outworking his opponents on the inside. Mayweather, to his credit showed a lot of skill when the two did fight on the inside, but I really believe that Cortez gave Mayweather a serious advantage by separating them both so quickly, for two reasons. Firstly, he largely prevented Hatton from fighting on the inside, which is his natural style. Secondly, by preventing inside fighting in the main, he forced Hatton to attack from the outside. Floyd had a 7-inch reach advantage over Ricky - and he knew how to use it.

What amazed me was when they did clinch, Hatton seemed to get told off more by Cortez than Mayweather did, which is ridiculous, because Mayweather initiated the clinches far more.

In the sixth round, Cortex took a point from Hatton for hitting on the back of the head. In my opinion Mayweather milked this a little by ducking way down under the ropes to accentuate the move (isn't it illegal to turn your back on an opponent anyway?)

That this was an actual foul I don't dispute. What does irk me, however, is that it came without a prior warning (at least I didn't notice one). Mayweather continually used his forearm & elbow against Hatton's head throughout the clinches. Cortez warned Mayweather about this a number of times, yet didn't take a point off. Somehow the 'I'm firm but I'm fair' tagline Cortez uses was ringing less & less true by the second.

After the point deduction, Hatton was visibly frustrated with the referee, and it was from this point onwards that the fight started to go downhill for him. I personally think he got so frustrated with Cortez that he gave up his gameplan (which he didn't follow as strongly as he probably could have anyway - more on that later) and, if you'll pardon the pun, went hell for leather.

What I don't deny is that Hatton wasn't winning the fight by this point in the sixth. I'm not saying that with a referee that allowed him to fight in close without breaking he would have been winning - but it's certainly more likely.

What I AM saying is that I believe Hatton got unfair treatment from Cortez, who clearly favored Mayweather's style, in my opinion. I'm not even saying it was the most ridiculously biased refereeing seen in recent years (it would be hard to top Robin Reid vs. Sven Ottke when the ref actually gave Reid a telling off for hitting Ottke legitimately! - Funnily enough, another British fighter on the receiving end...), but it was a huge occasion & for me it spoiled the fight & left me wondering what might have been.

I stress once again that Floyd Mayweather was not to blame for this, and boxed a great fight.
Maple Leaf said:
I don't know who confirms the accuracy of these measurements but I have Pavlik at 6'3" and 75" reach and Mayweather at 5'8" and a 72" reach.

If those stats are accurate, and I'm not 100% sure they are, that would mean that Mayweather could easily, and I mean easily, fight at light-middle anyway.

I think the only way to accurately measure reach is to measure from the chest to a clenched fist.

That's what HBO does, and that's where the numbers that I mentioned (right or wrong) come from. If memory serves, Pavlik and Mayweather at 26" ("from the armpit to the end of the fist",) Taylor at 25", Hopkins and Wright at 23", and Hatton at 20".
jaygatsby said:
I find some of your attitudes toward Hatton disturbing, considering
the theme of your site that whites should support and celebrate
white athletes.

Okay, Hatton lost. One loss. To a bigger, stronger, more experienced
fighter doing battle at his natural weight. It would have been
surprising if Hatton didn't lose.

The way some of you write him off after his loss is terrible.

Had he won I'm sure many of you that now denounce him altogether
or pooh-pooh his importance would be calling him a legit "P4P"

I think Hatton will come back from this fight like all talented young
fighters do -- more experienced, and out to learn from his mistakes.

If you guys really believed in the white athlete you would support a
good white athlete when he loses just as you would support a good
white athlete when he wins. And NOT say "well he wasn't important
to begin with because we own the HW division."

That's weak.

Hatton has nothing to prove. He stood in front of Mayweather and
never backed down. He fought a battle that most of us would never
even countenance.

He didn't run. He waded in and came back for more. He looked in
the eyes of another man and knew he probably wouldn't win but
walked into the cannon anyway for himself, his family, his country,
his world. I respect that.

Do you?
How is Floyd bigger and stronger when he is only two inches taller and naturally weighs less then Hatton.

Hatton walks around at 180 and on fight night weighs around 154 .

Floyd walks around at 147 and has only once weighed more then 150 on fight night.

Floyd vs Hatton was not David vs Goliath
Turner said:
How is Floyd bigger and stronger when he is only two inches taller and naturally weighs less then Hatton.

Hatton walks around at 180 and on fight night weighs around 154 .

Floyd walks around at 147 and has only once weighed more then 150 on fight night.

Floyd vs Hatton was not David vs Goliath

Do you know for a fact that he "walks around at 180" or did you read that from another wigger like yourself? Hatton weighed 147 a month before the fight.

Hatton is a natural super lightweight and Mayweather at age 30 is a natural welterweight. Hatton's arms are 6" shorter than Mayweather's - that means he HAS to fight on the inside, but the referee wouldn't let him.

If you actually watched the fight, you would clearly see that Mayweather is the bigger man.Edited by: JD1986
I just watched the fight on Demand HBO replay. I have never seen a fighter allowed to throw elbows like Mayweather did - it was his most effective and maybe most often thrown punch of the fight. Cortez warned him throughout the fight but never took points. The point Hatton was deducted was absolutely ridiculous. In the same round Mayweather hit Hatton twice in typical rabbit punch fashion.

I think Hatton should have had a meaner attitude and threw an elbow back for every one he recieved. In his fight with Kosta Tzou, he recieved a low blow and promptly returned an obvious hard low blow of his own. That's the attitude he needed to have. Edited by: Kaptain Poop
I watched the replay. Cortez was jumping in way too much, wouldn't let Ricky work on the inside, which was Ricky's only chance. When Ricky got in close, Cortez wouldn't give Ricky time to work into position for his left hook to the body. Take that away and Ricky's just another tough guy with short arms, and that ain't gonna beat Floyd Mayweather.

Actually, the fight I wanted to see was Mayweather-Cotto, and Ricky pounding out a couple Jr. Welters. But Ricky had to go for the gold, God bless him.

Floyd could really add to his legacy with a win over Cotto, but so far it seems he gets ducky at the mention.

Edited by: Hockaday
A lass, come on Guys let this fight go. Hatton should have been thrown elbows too. He should have continued to pound the body etc. Hatton's corner let him down, should conserved his energy for the last two round and went for broke. Stop making excuses. He weighted 147 lbs and what the f... is this excuse of Hatton's arms being shorter. He knew this from the get go.

Maybe the ref was a slight factor, but Ricky should have KO'd PBF instead, lets please move on. When we as members of this site give excuses we lose crediability!
Kukulcan said:
A lass, come on Guys let this fight go. Hatton should have been thrown elbows too. He should have continued to pound the body etc. Hatton's corner let him down, should conserved his energy for the last two round and went for broke. Stop making excuses. He weighted 147 lbs and what the f... is this excuse of Hatton's arms being shorter. He knew this from the get go.

Maybe the ref was a slight factor, but Ricky should have KO'd PBF instead, lets please move on. When we as members of this site give excuses we lose crediability!

It's the first time I've watched the fight. I think I'm allowed to comment on my first impressions without being accused of "dwelling."

Discussing the dynamics of how someone lost is as important as discussing how someone won. Why don't you people who continually post the "your just making excuses" stuff move on? That tired old line has been repeated since the day of the fight. We are here to discuss sports as we please and that's what were doing. If you don't like it post in a different topic.

And while your worrying yourself sick about our "credibility" why don't you buy a caste football T-shirt, donate money to the site, or write an article to support our "credibility?"
JD1986 said:
Turner said:
How is Floyd bigger and stronger when he is only two inches taller and naturally weighs less then Hatton.

Hatton walks around at 180 and on fight night weighs around 154 .

Floyd walks around at 147 and has only once weighed more then 150 on fight night.

Floyd vs Hatton was not David vs Goliath

Do you know for a fact that he "walks around at 180" or did you read that from another wigger like yourself? Hatton weighed 147 a month before the fight.

Hatton is a natural super lightweight and Mayweather at age 30 is a natural welterweight. Hatton's arms are 6" shorter than Mayweather's - that means he HAS to fight on the inside, but the referee wouldn't let him.

If you actually watched the fight, you would clearly see that Mayweather is the bigger man.
Yes Hatton does walk aroun at 175 180 this is widely known in boxing circles .Hatton is infamous for blowing up between fights and then training himself down to fighting weight.

Where do you think the nickname Fatton comes from ?.

Hatton even has a shirt with the name Fatton on it as a joke.

Hatton weighs in around 154 on fight night.

Floyd walks around and weighs in at around 147 on fight night.

Floyd is a mere two inces taller then Hatton.

The only significant physical advantage Floyd has is reach.

significantly bigger is something like Hopkins vs DLH or Lewis vs Tyson Not Floyd vs Hatton.

Floyd is at best slightly bigger then Hatton.

I guess anyone stating facts not to your liking must be a ''wigger''
The only significant physical advantage Floyd has is reach.


Yep, and that's exactly why they made a specially built huge ring and hired a referee to prevent Hatton from fighting on the inside.

Boxing is the most crooked sport there is and that's saying something. Those judges and Cortez were in Mayweather's pocket. Some of us were saying this about NBA officials during the Heat and Mavs Final. Now that is obvious too.Edited by: KG2422
Turner said:
How is Floyd bigger and stronger when he is only two inches taller and naturally weighs less then Hatton.

Hatton walks around at 180 and on fight night weighs around 154 .

What difference does it make if Hatton balloons to 180 or 280? Often after dieting and training for months fighters will stuff their faces with all the foods denied them. Nobody claims Ricky looks goodat 180. Why do you suppose they call him Fatton?His body structure simply doesn't allow him to carry all that extra weight and look good. Ugly Boy Floyd has a bigger frame than Ricky. If he weighed 180 he most likely wouldhandle the weight much better than Hatton.
Kukulcan said:
A lass, come on Guys let this fight go. Hatton should have been thrown elbows too. He should have continued to pound the body etc. Hatton's corner let him down, should conserved his energy for the last two round and went for broke. Stop making excuses. He weighted 147 lbs and what the f... is this excuse of Hatton's arms being shorter. He knew this from the get go.

Maybe the ref was a slight factor, but Ricky should have KO'd PBF instead, lets please move on. When we as members of this site give excuses we lose crediability!

i agree with you kukulcan, but realistically, this fight's never going to die. some people here are going to argue about it until floyd finally loses and even then, that event will only serve to support the conspiracy theories.

btw, dont mention the "credibility" argument. its not worth the flack you'll get.
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