Floyd Mayweather vs. Ricky Hatton

Hatton has a good chacne at pulling the upset. He has to go to Floyd's body. When Floyd is hurt he will panic. Then it will be all over.
This is the biggest caste fight for us since Liddell/Jackson. This is probably even bigger since MMA is still disrespected as a sport in some circles. A Hatton win would be absolutely huge for us. If Zab Judah could hurt Mayweather to the body, I certainly think Hatton will.
HBO replayed Mayweather/ De La Hoya and Hatton/ Castillo last night. I saw the last few rounds of the former, and I thought it was interesting how stiff and awkward Mayweather was. Of course he has good reflexes, covers up well, hard to hit, good hand speed, etc. But far from the stereotype of the "graceful" black athlete. Not graceful at all.

As for the other fight, whenever Castillo landed on Hatton, my thought was, "Well, if Castillo can land that, what's Mayweather going to land?" Castillo is much slower than Mayweather at this point. And the fight ended so abruptly, it would've been nice to see Ricky operate over a longer period of time.

I go back forth between thinking that this is a bad match-up for Mayweather, and a bad match-up for Hatton. I guess both. Mayweather fights at such a slow pace, but he's so hard to hit. Hatton is excellent on the inside, but Mayweather can counter-punch and cover up. When Hatton gets on the inside, and/or backs Mayweather into the ropes, he's going to have to be as good or better than DLH, but with more energy/ stamina. And he's going to get hit... a lot. Both fighters can make it a very awkward fight for the other one. We'll see who wins that chess match.

Who knows. Talk is cheap. It's almost time.
Colonel_Reb said:
I am really looking forward to this fight. I will try to find an internet feed, but if I can't could someone do a round by round update?

SOPcast will probably have an internet feed. I'm sure there will be a round by round update on Eastside Boxing.
Amren.com said:
Colonel_Reb said:
I am really looking forward to this fight. I will try to find an internet feed, but if I can't could someone do a round by round update?

SOPcast will probably have an internet feed. I'm sure there will be a round by round update on Eastside Boxing.

Amren.comHow do you get the address the fight is going to be on for Sopcast?
guest301 said:
This is the biggest caste fight for us since Liddell/Jackson. This is probably even bigger since MMA is still disrespected as a sport in some circles. A Hatton win would be absolutely huge for us. If Zab Judah could hurt Mayweather to the body, I certainly think Hatton will.

It's the biggest caste event in the sport of boxing for a couple of generations. Mayweather is the last surviving unchallenged black superman in boxing. If he goes down to defeat there is almost nothing left for the pro-black media in boxing. Mayweather is a hero to them and one of the few links to a bygone era.

I wish the best for Hatton of course but I cannot see him winning on foreign turf to someone the system has so much invested in. If he does it will be seismatic and will probably move boxing to the back pages as the cultural marxists will have no reason to cover it any more.

Hatton, like Pavlik, can be considered "western" and under the influence of the propaganda makers, unlike the Russians/East Europeans who are seen as some kind of robotic zombies by the media as they come from a very different culture.

Hatton speaks English, grew up in the early years of the disposession of his people from their native land and was subjected to the programming that was supposed to negate any chance of his defeating a non-white. He has fought against great odds to stand upon the pinacle he currently occupies. Either he seizes the crown for his people or we wait for another day.
whiteathlete33 said:
Amren.com said:
Colonel_Reb said:
I am really looking forward to this fight. I will try to find an internet feed, but if I can't could someone do a round by round update?

SOPcast will probably have an internet feed. I'm sure there will be a round by round update on Eastside Boxing.

Amren.comHow do you get the address the fight is going to be on for Sopcast?

I just google searched "Sopcast" and signed up so I could get their feeds. It doesn't take long to sign up. I just hope they actually show it there.

Jaxvid, the crowd is supposedly very pro-Hatton, but I realize that doesn't neutralize the disadvantages that Hatton has in fighting here. I sure hope he beats Mayweather down. George Foreman also is behind Hatton and wants him to win.
jaxvid said:
guest301 said:
This is the biggest caste fight for us since Liddell/Jackson. This is probably even bigger since MMA is still disrespected as a sport in some circles. A Hatton win would be absolutely huge for us. If Zab Judah could hurt Mayweather to the body, I certainly think Hatton will.

I wish the best for Hatton of course but I cannot see him winning on foreign turf to someone the system has so much invested in. If he does it will be seismatic and will probably move boxing to the back pages as the cultural marxists will have no reason to cover it any more.

Then Hatton needs to knock him out or have Mayweather's pretty face so pulverized that not even corrupt judges can give the decision to Mayweather. Nothing would suprise me tonight except for a Mayweather KO of Hatton. That's not going to happen unless a referee turns a slip into a KO! We have seen that before and the typical black fighter headbutt whenever they are losing. So a preliminary stoppage with Mayweather ahead on points wouldn't suprise me either.
Sorry for the bad editing above. Not sure what happened. The 1st paragraph is Jaxvid's qoute, the closing one is mine.
whiteathlete33 said:
Amren.com said:
Colonel_Reb said:
I am really looking forward to this fight. I will try to find an internet feed, but if I can't could someone do a round by round update?

SOPcast will probably have an internet feed. I'm sure there will be a round by round update on Eastside Boxing.

Amren.comHow do you get the address the fight is going to be on for Sopcast?

In the past I have either found it within an hour of the event starting on Eastside Boxing or searching the sports events of SOPcast. The "stream" will not show up until at least an hour BEFORE the event starting.Edited by: Amren.com
I believe the undercard starts at 7PM Mountain time. The Hatton fight will probably start around 9:30 Mountain time. Edited by: Colonel_Reb
jaxvid said:
It's the biggest caste event in the sport of boxing for a couple of generations. Mayweather is the last surviving unchallenged black superman in boxing. If he goes down to defeat there is almost nothing left for the pro-black media in boxing. Mayweather is a hero to them and one of the few links to a bygone era.

I wish the best for Hatton of course but I cannot see him winning on foreign turf to someone the system has so much invested in. If he does it will be seismatic and will probably move boxing to the back pages as the cultural marxists will have no reason to cover it any more.

Hatton, like Pavlik, can be considered "western" and under the influence of the propaganda makers, unlike the Russians/East Europeans who are seen as some kind of robotic zombies by the media as they come from a very different culture.

Hatton speaks English, grew up in the early years of the disposession of his people from their native land and was subjected to the programming that was supposed to negate any chance of his defeating a non-white. He has fought against great odds to stand upon the pinacle he currently occupies. Either he seizes the crown for his people or we wait for another day.

Awesome post!

However it plays out I hope it is clean with no controversy.

I was dead set on buying the PPV but at an unconscionable $54.95 I refuse to buy it.

Not really much for me to say at this point gents. So...


See you all on the board after the fight.
This is the biggest Caste event I believe since Holmes Cooney....Go Hatton...I have met him several times and he IS a credit to his race.
Ricky looked real cut at the weigh-in. He's ready to put on a good show. With his style, butts and cuts may well play into the fight at some point, and Ricky's at the disadvantage on that score.

All I can say is, 'it 'im in the slats, Ricky!
Hockaday said:
Ricky looked real cut at the weigh-in.

Yeah, he did. Where does he carry his weight? Although he and Mayweather differed by only two pounds, Ricky seemed to be quite a bit smaller in stature than his opponent.
I 've been around Ricky 3 times and the last time was at the Catillio fight...his trainer and team were on my floor at Caesars Palace....I gave Ricky a hug, and believe me it was like higging a statute...he is as hard as a rock.
Kukulcan said:
I am curious why not more members are into this fight like the Pavlik/Taylor fight?

I'm up for this fight, I'm just not sure if I want to pay $54.95 to watch Hatton get robbed in a decision, which is what I fear is the most likely outcome. I'm still debating right now whether I will order the fight or not.

Not to mention that the UFC is live on Spike TV tonight - for free. Edited by: White Shogun
Hey White Shogun, I am debating the same issue. Do I go and travel 20 miles, pay 15.00 dollars and watch it at a bar. Spend 8.00 dollars in gas, spend 20.00 dollars on beer and 10.00 dollars for a burger, plus tip or just order it in the comfort of my home with out listening to a few wiggers and negros tell me how Hatton is going to lose.

I am leaning toward staying home and watching on my 42 plasma and surround sound and eating some left overs and drinking the case of beer I spent 10.00 dollars on. I could do without the BS from wiggers and negros. I will make up my mind in the next 30 minutes.
i dont know where people are getting the idea that ricky is going to absolutely demolish floyd. there is a very real possibilty that ricky willfight his heart out and still getthoroughly dominatedby floyd. i believe ricky has a shot but im not naive enough to discount floyd's ability. he has put away some great, tough fighters anhd he's even embarrassed some decent fighters. hes a phenomenal pure boxer.

now having said that, i admit i hate his guts. i absolutely hate mayweather and i have lost way too much money betting against everytime he fights (i got $150 on hatton tonite). but i still bet against him because i hope one day someone will knock his ass out. again, i hate floyd mayweather. but i ask that u guys really think twice before u crown hatton BEFORE the fight. otherwise, if hatton loses, get ready to hear it from the black folk. it will be ten times worse then when floyd demolished gatti. i still get the f'ing gatti reminder from my black coworkers every time i mention floyd. having said that....

"theres only one ricky hatton

one ricky hatton.

walking along...singing a song

walking in a hatton wonderland!"

Don't bet more than you can afford. Boxing has a lot of screwy decisions and weird stoppages. One thing if you bet Hatton you shouldn't get robbed because if he wins he will either stop Floyd or leave no doubt with a wide points win.
Sopcast channel 33767 is working good for me.
Romanian HBO. Sweet.
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