Earthquake in Haiti

Okay, here's the letter. Notice, the use of the word "educators." We have to try to use the enemies "buzzwords" as much as we can so as to be givena chance to get our points across.

Use Haiti history as teaching tool
February 5, 2010

This is an excellent time for our educators to take the opportunity to teach our students just why the scale of death and damage was so extensive in Haiti.
Any country built on a foundation of extreme savagery, indolence, corruption and superstition as Haiti is, is bound to experience much more suffering than a normal society that undergoes the same type of natural disaster.

Tom Iron...
Good article/post Tom! I've written commentary in my college paper when I was a student (regarding the "ban" on Colorado for their stand against sodomites). I also post on the from time to time, and most comments are "allowed". It's good to try and educate those who aren't totally sheeplized zombies!
DixieDestroyer said:
Matra1 said:
DixieDestroyer said:
Looks like the racially-castrated, cultural marxist induced "do-gooders" were so anxious to score "PC brownie" points (whilst betraying their race) that they're now in hot water.

U.S. "Christians" Arrested For Snatching Haitian Kids

I'd like to see those Baptists rot in a Haitian jail.

10 (White) American Baptists Charged With Kidnapping Haitian Kids

Looks like the race traitors might get off the hook...

Haitian Judge Recommends Release of Missionaries

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
I do feel bad for this poor country who was unlucky enough to be struck by an earthquake. But today I had to sit through a 30 minute assembly at our school with a Haitian "Doctor" babbling about why we should donate. That was my tipping point. Haiti was and has been a sh*t hole for some time. Now they expect the white world to pitch in money for the "earthquake" gimme a break. He kept saying that $200 a year would pay for a kids education. Yeah and what happens after that money is up? Come begging to us to pay for more? They need to overhaul the whole country, so giving them my money is pointless. If anything I'll donate clothes.
Anyways, I chose not to donate. After sitting through a sad slide show, the last slide says god will help these people and so can you. It was such a guilt trip.
Why would God help them? Didn't he just send an earthquake. He could've helped them by not sending the earthquake. I don't think God likes them.
Why do whites always have to help blacks? They should be self sufficient. While the population of whites in Europe and all over the world is decreasing constantly I'm supposed to send money to save the black man. There are plenty of poor whites all over the world and I would help them first.
CDB15, glad to know you didn't fall into that "White guilt" propaganda & shell out your $ for the untermenschen. You are wise beyond your years partner!

Are any of your school peers aware that this assembly "speech" is bogus propaganda, or do most of them fall for that hogwash?
White volunteers have clearly not done enough! White racism is surely to blame! White people send more money and supplies immediately ... and then go die, racist pigs that you are. but wait until after you helpout blackie, of course.

Cholera outbreak hits rural Haiti ... at least 142 dead.
American Freedom News