Duke's Lacrosse Team Fiasco

Here are a couple of articles that report the actual stats on rape and race. Tell them to people you know if for no other reason than to shut them up:

link 1

link 2

My favorite stat is quoted below:

"The NCVS tells us that interracial multiple-offender offenses are even more lopsidedly black than interracial crime as a whole. In fact, whereas blacks committed 10,000 gang-rapes against whites between 2001 and 2003, the NCVS samples did not pick up a single "white" [including Hispanic]-on-black gang rape."

Why is absolutely no one repeated these stats in the media? Even the ones who defend the Duke players are afraid to bring up these stats. If it were the other way around the stats would be plastered on billboards.

Edited by: Kaptain Poop
Kaptain, it's an obvious and often repeated question; Who runs the media?

Look at their history with whites. While I think the grip is slipping, it's still
going to be a powerful weapon for a while longer. They hate us, and they
created the caste system.
The New Black Panther Party is planning a protest outside Duke University tomorrow, to demand justice for the black stripper. They're to be joined by members of the city council and other prominent 'citizens.' They will not rest until the victim sees justice. So spake Muhammad Abdullah Malik Shabaz or something or other.

I think that black jurors are more and more going to find blacks not guilty of crimes, no matter how overwhelming the evidence. This has happened in a few public cases, but I think it is going to become more mainstream and one more issue that is going to fan the flames.
At Vdare.com, Steve Sailer has a lengthy piece on the Duke Fiasco, comparing it to Tom Wolfe's Bonfire Of The Vanities. I know that Sailer isn't always popular on this Forum, but he points out that "Three (!) minority football players have been accused of assault and rape JUST IN THE LAST WEEK."

One of them plays the glamour position in college football, USC quarterback. Sailer says that "the MSM is totally uninterested."
things that make you go hmmm...
This not the first time our African Princess has said she was gang
raped. Back in the nineties she reported that she had been gagn raped
by three men one of them her boy friend att he time of the rape which
she said had occured three years prior.

The Creedmore ,NC police Dept. dropped the case brcasue 1) It is hard
to find eveidence that a rape occured after three years and she could
keep her stoy straight enough to allow them to establish a time line.

"This not the first time our African Princess has said she was gang raped."

The word is out - this b!tch is a habitual liar. Except that lying about criminal acts is, in and of itself, a crime.

How long do we have to wait for criminal charges to be brought against our Nubian goddesses? (remember, the "second stripper" changed her story 180 degrees, which is also a crime - obstruction, false swearing, etc.)

What is so disheartening about this entire episode is that Nifong -- if he could ever channel his inner White man -- could be instrumental in blowing-up the entire Judeo-Marxist, radical multi-racialist hegemony by turning his department's investigation onto the only criminals involved, i.e. the filthy, lying, whoring scum-of-the-earth negro!d peelers and their apologists, the Judeo-feminists, je$$e "affirmative action" jackson, and the kosher media. But Nifong would rather win an election than assist hundreds of millions of his racial kin. Pathetic.
[url]http://abclocal.go.com/wtvd/story?section=local&amp;id=41365 42[/url]
(05/02/06 -- DURHAM) - A Duke lacrosse players is breaking his silence exclusively with ABC11 Eyewitness News.
<DIV =setTextSize id=Text>It is the first on-camera interview with a Duke lacrosse player since the story of the alleged rape broke. The player, who did not want his identity revealed, said there was no rape at the March 13 party and is defending the coach and the team.
<H5>Says Duke officials abandoned team</H5>The player says Duke University officials turned their backs on the team.

"From the get-go, we've only had each other to fall back on," he said. "We've been convicted in the media. Our university turned its back on us...They didn't stand up for us, and we feel neglected and that our loyalty wasn't reciprocated."

He said the allegations have brought players closer together.
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"We've stayed strong for this, and we still have each other. We'll be best friends for life," he said.
<H5>Coach 'was forced out'</H5>The team was on its way to the national championship when the rape investigation began and Coach Mike Pressler resigned.

"He didn't resign. He was forced out," the player said. "The notion that he quit or resigned is ridiculous."

The player talked about the ad-hoc committee's report, released Monday, that detailed issues with the team's culture.

"As the report shows, there was a clearly a disconnect between student affairs and the athletic department and [Pressler] took the fall for a lot of things he didn't know about. All the incidents he knew about, he dealt with."

<H5>Certain that rape didn't happen</H5>The player said he was 100-percent certain that a rape did not happen.

"From the beginning, it was rape and these guys did this and this definitely happened, but only now do you see that there are two sides of the story," he said.

He said the day two players were arrested was the "most emotional day of my life."

The player believes the lacrosse team will come back strongly next year and make another run for the national championship.
Once again, the American people show us just exactly how stupid and morally bankrupt they are- this despicable Nifong won the Democratic primary, and is thus assured of re-election. How can any reasonable, intelligent group of citizens give their support to this corrupt buffoon, instead of chasing him out of town with tar and feathers? Now that he has been given a mandate by his constituancy, Nifong will never give up. He will fight this all the way, and get the case to a jury. The jury will be packed with blacks. Even if it was all-white, it would be packed with women. Either way, a guilty verdict is assured. When you have concrete, time-stamped proof that you weren't even at the scene of an alleged crime, and that's not goog enough to trump the ridiculous accusations of a stripper with a criminal track record, you might as well skip any pretense of a trial and go right to a public hanging. What a travesty of justice.
I don't know, I was thinking if he won the election he might drop the charges.
Not likely. To drop the charges now would essentially amount to an admission of prosecutorial misconduct and an abuse of his office.

No, as long as this bastard continues his persecution of the Duke boys he will be a jewsmedia darling. And if ever secures a conviction in the cases, he'll get a congratulatory face-f*ck from Alan Dershowitz.

Here are some guide lines for spotting Democrats in North Carolina.

1. Are they black?
2. Are they a homosexual or a lesbian?
3. Is she a feminist?
3. Are they an EDUCATOR ( NAE member)?
4. Are they a Lawyer?
5. Are they a Social Workier of Psychologist?

SO basically the Democratic party hates Non-gay white males so of course Nifong won the Democratic primary.
Grasping at straws.

[url]http://www.upi.com/NewsTrack/view.php?StoryID=20060508-01534 1-6488r[/url]

DURHAM, N.C., May 8 (UPI) -- A North Carolina judge reinstated an alcohol charge against a Duke University lacrosse player Monday that had been deferred by prosecutors.

Dave Evans had been charged with having an open container of beer in the passenger seat of a car, and for a noise violation at the team house, before a March 13 house party at which an exotic dancer claimed she was raped by three men.

Prosecutors had given Evans a deferred prosecution agreement, putting him on probation, working community service and under orders to stay out of trouble. In exchange, the state agreed to dismiss the charges.

However, District Court Judge Ann McKown agreed with the prosecutor that the party where underage people drank alcohol was not "good behavior," and lifted the deferred prosecution status of the earlier charge, the Raleigh (N.C.) News and Observer reported.

Although Evans faces no charges from the party, McKown fined Evans $100 on the alcohol charge, and will hear the noise violation charge on another date.
Duke released a report explaining that they didn't react to the accusations quickly because the police said she wasn't a credible witness because she changes her story from claiming 20 White men raped her to 3 White men raped her. Duke said they didn't know the "racial aspect" of the case or they would have step-n-fetched for their PC masters.
Some fascinating information on the case. Including the name of the accuser which is now all over the internet.


Two strippers show up at a lacrosse party, where they are to be paid $400 each for a couple hours of dancing. They are 27 and 31---suprise on you, Dukies, you gets the dregs! The Dukies ask them if they brought any dildos (reasonable question, in my experience with call strippers they usually answer in the affirmative), and they say no. Dukies make a wisecrack about using a broom handle, the chicks decide they've had enough of this bunch of crackers and they will leave after about 5 minutes. Dukies get pissed, and the girls lock themselves in the bathroom. Dukies slip money under the door and try to get them to stay.

Several pictures are taken as the women leave, with timestamps. Around 12:03 or so, the women have apparently stopped dancing. The go into the bathroom for about twenty minutes, together. A photo timestamped 12:30 shows the accuser, Crystal Gail Mangum (the press insists on publishing mugshots of the accused, but protecting the accuser---I am not the press), outside on the doorstoop, smiling. 12:37 - she is lying on her side on the stoop, her ankle and leg are bleeding and her elbow is scraped. 12:41 - one of the Dukies is helping her get into a car.
Mangum is drunk as sh*t and has been stumbling the whole time.

Her pahtnah, Kim Roberts, hasn't been paid yet, she thinks she's getting scammed. As they're leaving, some racial comments are made ("Hey bitch, thank your grandaddy for my fine cotton shirt") and Roberts calls the police to report a racial slur.

They go to a local store, where Roberts tells a cop there is a passed out chick in her car. The cops agree---that is one passed out chick---and they take her to a clinic. Later, Mangum claims she was held down, beaten, strangled, and raped orally, vaginally, and anally. They do all kinds of rape kit tests on her.

The cops take over. They interview Mangum, and she gives them three first names, none of which are the names of men eventually indicted. They show Mangum a photo-lineup---MADE UP OF A POWERPOINT PRESENTATION OF PICTURES OF THE DUKE LACROSSE TEAM---and she picks out two guys, "100% certain."

They do DNA swabs on every Duke player at the party---except the black one, since the accuser only pointed the finger at honkeys. The DA talks about his excellent case.
DNA comes up negative---which is strange, considering they did tests on her only hours after the alleged attack. No DNA from anyone at the party is found anywhere on the woman. "They could have used condoms," says the DA.

Mangum made no claim of condoms. There is no trace evidence of latex or spermicide. There is no DNA from any of them under her nails or anywhere else on her. Maybe they covered their entire bodies with saran wrap!

But indictments came anyway. There's an election coming, we can't have those Dukies getting away with anything now. As NCCU student Chan Hall told Newsweek, "It's the same old story. Duke up, Central down." Hall said he wanted to see the Duke students prosecuted "whether it happened or not. It would be justice for things that happened in the past."

(PS Crystal Gail Mangum is an NCCU student).

So indictments come, and so then does the good stuff.

Bullsh*t stories

Kim Roberts went to a local attorney for advice after things got heated up, and he told her up front that he worked for one of the defendants. He asked her if she thought Mangum was raped, and she said "No." He asked her to sign an affidavit, and she said "Uh uh, I know what side my bread is buttered on." [paraphrased, embellished; might not be what she actually said].

She changed her story, and now says that Mangum was alone and could have been raped.

Interestingly, though, before the story change and because Kim likes rappa Lil Kim, she emailed Lil Kim's publicist with this query [this is an actual quote from the email, released to the media by the publicist]:

"Hi! My name is Kim and I am involved in the Duke Lacrosse scandal. . . . Although I am no celebrity and just an average citizen, I've found myself at the center of one of the biggest stories in the country. I'm worried about letting this opportunity pass me by without making the best of it and was wondering if you had any advice as to how to spin this to my advantage."

Kim admits she is in this for gain. She's worried that once her name and criminal record are public, no one will want to hire her. "Why shouldn't I profit from it?" she asked, according to the AP, who interviewed her. "I didn't ask to be in this position ... I would like to feed my daughter."

OK, as if her credibility wasn't bad enough, she was convicted in 2001 of embezzling $25,000 from her employer (which will be admissible in court to attack her credibility). She violated probation on that one recently, but thankfully DA Nifong has been kind enough to sign off on an order relieving Pahtnah Kim of paying bail-bond fees, because she is "no longer a flight risk."

Quid pro quo.

But there's more! One of the 100% certain defendants, Reade Seligmann, has produced records showing that: between the time stamped 12:03 picture and the time stamped 12:27 picture---the period the assault allegedly occurred---he (or someone using his phone) made at least 8 phone calls between 12:05 and 12:24; at 12:19, a taxi driver confirms picking Seligmann up with a couple of friends and taking them to an ATM, where Seligmann swiped his card, then to a fast food restaurant and then home to his dorm, where his card swiped in at 12:46.

To quote Newsweek: "In other words, it would seem Seligmann must have committed a sex crime in less than two minutes or while he was on the phone."

The other 10000% certain defendant, Collin Finnerty (I love the Dukie names, straight out of The Great Gatsby), may have left the party before the dancing even started, according to his lawyers.


The DA in this case is running for reelection in less than two weeks. His consituents are 40% black. The city of Durham is not keen on Dukies, whom they view as elitist snobs who make lots of noise and look down their noses at townies. This is DA Nifong's first stab at election---he was appointed after his boss was given a judge job. He's running against two others: one a very popular ADA, who recently got a conviction in a high-profile murder case, and the other a black man. He needs the votes.

Nifong recently went to a NAACP meeting, and he's befriended accuser Crystal Gail Mangum's lawyer. That lawyer has been giving him advice about winning the black vote, taking Nifong to his baptist church, and urging that the DA is a "good prosectutor" and a "good man," and his people should vote for Nifong.

Jesse Jackson is in town and has offered to pay Mangum's tuition.

Meanwhile, the accuser is prepping her civil lawsuit against Duke and the Dukies. You go girl!
Very nice post, jaxvid.

It's utterly sickening that so much information is available (and so easily accessible) to the public, yet the "mainstream" (read: "jewish") media continues to present the story as though there is a real possibility of a crime here (I mean, other than the false swearing and slander by the nigresses, and the libel by every major news service).

I sincerely hope these guys sue the jew York Times, jewsweek, jew S. jews and World Report, etc.

This is the best summary of the case I have seen in or out of the media. Great job!

May Crystal Gail Mangum's name go down alongide Tawana Brawley's as one of the great racists and hate crime hoaxers of our time.
What's sad is that if you asked 100 people on the street who Tawana Brawley is, 70 would never have heard of her, and the other 30 would say she was a young girl who was attacked by skinheads in NYC.

Because of how the media works, Mangum will be remembered in the same way.
If you haven't heard some of the latest news, it is about the taxi driver, who supports one of the players alibis, being pressured to change his story. The have arrested him on an old misdameanor charge in which he actually helped catch a shoplifter. Is that a crime? The pressured the other stripper to change her story, dug up old charges on the Dukies, and now this! Unbelievable. Read Below:

Cab driver in Duke lacrosse case arrested on old warrant

Friday, May 12, 2006; Posted: 9:59 a.m. EDT (13:59 GMT)

Duke University
Sex Crimes
Crime, Law and Justice
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Manage Alerts | What Is This? DURHAM, North Carolina (AP) -- A cab driver who has supported an alibi offered by one of the two Duke lacrosse players charged with rape has been arrested on an old shoplifting warrant.

The warrant accuses Moez Mostafa of stealing five purses worth about $250 from a Durham department store in 2003, which he denies.

Mostafa told The News & Observer of Raleigh he helped store security locate a woman after he had picked her up from the store and drove her home.

"I am not responsible for what she did inside the store," Mostafa said. "I am just a taxi driver."

The woman pleaded guilty to larceny three months later, the paper said. Mostafa said he thought he was done with the case until he was arrested Wednesday.

District Attorney Mike Nifong said the warrant for Mostafa's arrest was discovered during a routine rundown of information about witnesses in the case. There is no police unit in Durham charged with clearing old warrants.

Ernest Conner, a Greenville lawyer who represents Duke sophomore lacrosse player Reade Seligmann, said the cabbie's arrest amounted to intimidation in the rape case.

Mostafa has said Seligmann called for a ride at 12:14 a.m. on March 14, and was picked up five minutes later.

The defense has argued those times help establish that Seligmann left the party before having enough time to participate in the 30-minute assault described by the accuser.

Seligmann's attorney has also presented cell phone, ATM and dorm keycard records to help establish that timeline.

The accuser, a 27-year-old black student at a nearby university, told police she was raped and beaten by three white men at the party.

A grand jury has charged Seligmann, of Essex Fells, New Jersey, and Collin Finnerty, of Garden City, New York, with rape, kidnapping and sexual assault.

Nifong has said he hopes to charge a third person.

Edited by: Kaptain Poop
The DA also says he now has a partial DNA match to a third suspect and that he will probably get a third indictment Monday. Thprobably means that Nifong will try to exclude jurors with scientific backgrounds who can actually follow the testimony of the experts. This might be possible if the case is tried in Durham as I am sure he will move to exclude anyone who teaches at or attends Duke or works in any of the Duke hospitals. He will of course scream racism if the defense tries to exclude people affliated with North Carilina Central University where Ms. Mangnum attends. NCCU is a 'historically' black college. It is also presently a black college by yjr demographics of its student body. Five years ago the student body there tried to get the NC legislature to pass a bill making it once again a legally black college.
Tired Old White, from what I have heard that DNA match to the third player who may be indicted came from a broken fingernail found in the garbage can in the house. The DNA is not a complete match to that player - it only shows that there is a similarity. Everyone has loads of their own DNA in their own garbage - so still their is no DNA connection to any of the players.

I also heard one of the defense lawyers say this morning that they did find DNA of a male that she had sex with, but it did not match any of the lacrosse players. This story should be completely dead now and the accuser should be prosecuted, but in the bizzaro world we live the exact opposite will happen.
Here is the link to Fox.


Nifong is also trying to intmidate the cab driver who provides part of Seligman's alibi by bringing up a three year old charge and having him arrested. My guess is he plans to run for either Govenor of Attorney General in 2008 and this is a way to get lots of free media exposure and he does not care who he destroys in the process. But the story that WRAL.com a Raleigh. NC TV staion which is only about 30 miles from Duke did report Riday that Nifong was planning to use this to get another indictment. I guess we will see what he does Monday.
There is also a video report on Nifong's arrest of the cab driveron FOX.
CNN.com has the video of the Defense Attorney's statement.
If you have not already seen it you should go there. If guess Nifong thinks this information helps his case he is delusional. There was also DNA detected on a samples taken from Ms. Magnum's vagina that did id a specific individual but that individual is not a Duke Lacrosse player.
I now think that the Duke lacrosse players may be the most innocent accused individuals in the history of our injustice system. But, just as O.J. was probably the most guilty accused individual in legal history, but was not convicted, it is far from certain that these young men will escape the wrath of an irrational, majority black jury and/or corrupt judge. They have already been harmed by a biased, dishonest establishment press. If you can't be found not guilty when the accuser is a stripper with a criminal background, whose story has changed numerous times since her first accusation (while also accusing 3 men of raping her several years ago), and who was said to be extremely drunk and not raped by those who first encountered her that night after the incident, then how can anyone be found not guilty? If these guys can't get a jury to see "reasonable doubt" when they have time-stamped financial transactions and photos of themselves, along with the supporting testimony of a disinterested cab driver, how can anyone ever get a jury to see reasonable doubt?

Folks, this is a crucial battle in Don King's America; are we already on the verge of civil war, or are there still more than a handful of people beyond the cyber walls of forums like these who can think for themselves and reason?
American Freedom News