Duke's Lacrosse Team Fiasco

Wow! after reading that article, i don't know where to begin. how do you refute such a bogus argument? it would be like yelling at a retarded kid because he wrote an s backwards. unreal!
No doubt the grand jury will be comprised mostly of blacks and/or liberal whites. These guys will be charged no matter what. The racial extortion coalition has far too much invested in this for these kids to walk. I hope their parents find the best lawyers they can and don't go down without a fight.
screamingeagle said:
every exotic dancer I have known has always been accompanied by a driver/bodyguard. He is there to keep things under control. The fact that she was alone is very suspicious. I think this is a hoax.

Another black committing a Hate Crime Hoax?What are the odds?It's only been 10 years now,since they started all this,with the church burnings.
how is it that white on black crime is always considered a hate crime, while the reverse, and exponentially more common, black on white crime is just crime?

btw, personally i feel that "hate" crime is about the dumbest idea anyone has ever come up with. ever. who cares about someone's motivation for commiting an illegal act? the act is what breaks the law, not the person's political feelings on the matter.
I'm watching the Nancy Grace show. You can see a replay at 10pm ET and 1am ET on Cnn Headline News. She has to be seen to be believed. Miss Grace thinks Duke is sweeping it under the rug. She says the suspects are getting preferential treatment, and demands an immediate arrest. Miss Grace is looking forward to the trial.
They have aired portions of a police tape, recorded that night when the "crime" was first reported by the stripper. The officer declared that the "victim" was in a vehicle in a parking lot, with two males, and didn't seem to be traumitized at all. The police officer did state that she was falling down drunk. Hmmm. This is so obviously a Tawana Brawley type hoax that a 10 year old could figure it out. Compare the absolute refusal of the "racist" white media to scrutinize this character's magic-bullet-like story, and her own apparent past criminal record, to the way they treated the white girl who claimed Kobe Bryant raped her. In that case, her name was all over the internet in short order, and the mainstream media aired report after report of her supposed multiple sex partners, her alleged description of Kobe's sexual organ, etc. That girl had a very strong case againt Bryant, yet the media portrayed it as a "he said, she said" affair, with the charges being made by a loose woman of dubious credibility. In the Duke case, all the focus has been on the alleged perpetrators. We know next to nothing about the "victim," except that she was a stripper, and thus someone most reasonable people might suppose to have had at least as many different sex partners as the poor girl Bryant assaulted. This case exemplifies all that is wrong in Don King's America. Unlike the Tawana Brawley affair, this fiasco will not go away, no matter how obvious the hoax is. We didn't have "hate crimes" back when Tawana made her absurd accusations, and thus when her lies became apparent to everyone, the media simply stopped carrying the story. You can bet that the Duke players will, at the very least, face "hate crime" charges. Guaranteed. The university will never apologize for wrecking their program and destroying their reputations, before they'd even been charged with anything. Their coach will never get his job back. Why would they fire him? What did he do wrong- did this alleged rape occur during a game or at practice? No- so why would he possibly be blamed for anything? The university owes that coach a public apology and they should give him his job back immediately. They also should show some courage and stand pubicly behind the players. The DNA evidence, combined with the hilarious police report about the condition of the "victim" when she reported the "rape," should be enough for them to publicly proclaim their faith in the innocence of the players.
sport historian said:
I'm watching the Nancy Grace show. You can see a replay at 10pm ET and 1am ET on Cnn Headline News. She has to be seen to be believed. Miss Grace thinks Duke is sweeping it under the rug. She says the suspects are getting preferential treatment, and demands an immediate arrest. Miss Grace is looking forward to the trial.

Yes, Nancy Grace is a complete idiot. Between her and ESPN's "coverage" on sportscenter I don't know who is worse. I had to turn off the television to maintain my sanity. It reminds me of Planet of the Apes where Taylor screams, "It's a Madhouse!". The world has turned upside down. This country is getting to be unlivable. I'm ready for the fall.
KG2422 said:
The world has turned upside down. This country is getting to be unlivable. I'm ready for the fall.

I don't mean to divert this thread, but I justby chance happened upona video, circa 1986,by a long-forgotten group called "Mike + The Mechanics" of a song called "Silent Running" and it's kind of appropriate considering how things in this once-great nation seem to be moving rapidly to a boiling point. Mike + The Mechanics was an offshoot of Genesis, Phil Collins' band. "Silent Running" is a pro-revolution song, though like the 1988 movie "They Live" its meaning is subject to different interpretations. It's one of those extremely rare pop culture artifacts that actually provokes thought rather than meaningless consumer mind fluff.


Take the children and yourself
And hide out in the cellar
By now the fighting will be close at hand
Don't believe the church and state
And everything they tell you
Believe in me, I'm with the high command

Can you hear me, can you hear me running?
Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you?
Can you hear me, can you hear me running?
Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you?

There's a gun and ammunition
Just inside the doorway
Use it only in emergency
Better you should pray to god
The father and the spirit
Will guide you and protect you from up here

Can you hear me, can you hear me running?
Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you?
Can you hear me, can you hear me running?
Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you?

Swear allegiance to the flag
Whatever flag they offer
Never hint at what you really feel
Teach the children quietly
For some day sons and daughters
Will rise up and fight while we stood still

Can you hear me, can you hear me running?
Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you?
Can you hear me, can you hear me running?
Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you?

Can you hear me running (can you hear me calling you? )
(can you hear me) hear me calling you?
(can you hear me running) hear me running babe?
(can you hear me running) hear me running?
Calling you, calling you

Edited by: Don Wassall
For me, the guilt or innocence of the Duke lacrosse team has
become secondary. For the record: I hope that the stripper was
not raped. Having said that, I feel compelled to defend the
lacrosse team. The very real culture war that is occurring here
in the United States is forcing me to choose a side.
Unfortunately these lines that are being drawn are not for truth,
justice, brotherhood, progress, or for the general welfare. As I
see it, the lines are being drawn by race, and the goal is

And as for who is picking the fight? The minorities of this
country want what the upper class has. For the record: so do I.
From my observations, most minorities are unwilling to make
the sacrifices necessary to climb the "ladder" conventionally.
So these people will choose to use the race card to avoid the
life long concessions it takes to raise their children. And Jesse
Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Louis Farrakhan are all too ready to
take donations, receive grants and turn a profit off of black
vengeance. The tragic part is that some people are sympathetic
to the minority plight.

Well, if this is the case, I am ready to become a culture warrior.
If the stripper is a victim of a gang rape that is unfortunate, but
not my primary concern. To me, she is a casualty of war. I don't
see any evidence of a white supremacy cover up to keep the
brothaman down. What I do see evidence of is a lower class
town composed of minorities wanting to flex some political
muscle. The wealth and privilege of Duke University flies in
their faces every day. The capitalist system does not work
unless you pay your dues. Minorities seem to thing that politics
may be a better route. This situation is a political attack, and I
am ready to defend and fire back.
I agree with the comments about Nancy Grace. I caught a little bit (that's all I could take) of her coverage of the Duke story last night; her strident bias against the Duke players was amazing. She is truly scary, as she twists and contorts her face in such a nasty way. Our corrupt injustice system couldn't have a more appropriate spokesperson. The guest talking heads she had on were all on the stripper's side as well. As is now customary with all issues involving "race" (which just means blacks yelling and complaining about whites again), our mainstream media doesn't even pretend there is a debate. As recently as ten years ago or so, they were still providing token "conservative" opposition on these issues. No more- all "conservatives" are in love with "African-Americans" as much as anyone else now. It truly is amazing to listen to the call from the security guard that found this "victim" in a car, where she was lying in a totally drunken state, and from which she refused to move. Nancy Grace played this call, and the one that followed from the police officer, but instead of accepting the obvious fact that both calls were strong indications the "victim" was in reality just drunk and uncooperative that night, she kept attacking the policeman who reported she was drunk. One of her guests even stridently proclaimed, "she was not drunk that night." Amazing. I agree with those who mentioned revolution. Sooner or later, we are going to have to acknowledge that with the whole system (and 99% of the people) stacked against us, that is our only hope.
bigunreal said:
Amazing. I agree with those who mentioned revolution. Sooner or later, we are going to have to acknowledge that with the whole system (and 99% of the people) stacked against us, that is our only hope.

Something drastic needs to happen to turn the apple cart upside down. The system has been corrupted completely.
"Teach the children quietly
for someday sons and daughters
will rise up and fight
while we stood still."

Damn right. Every time I hear this song on the local 80's radio station I think of the plight of white America. It is incredible how well this song fits/ describes our current situation.

People like Nancy Grace and Christine Brennan should be in jail for all of the harm they are causing our people. Constantly trying to drive a wedge between white men and white women. I get so sick of it I start to have bad thoughts.
Latest news flash: Reveren LeRoy... er... Jesse Jackson has promised to pay the college tution of the stripper, no matter what the verdict is. No word on how many lap dances the girl will be required to do.

The DA in this case is running in a close race with a black opponent. Election is May 2. Wonder if the stripper is a friend of the black candidate?
NBC sports is reporting two Duke players have been idicted: link

Two Duke players indicted by grand jury
Charges unclear in sealed indictments, defense sources say
NBCSports.com news services
Updated: 8:03 p.m. ET April 17, 2006

DURHAM, N.C. - A grand jury issued sealed indictments Monday against two members of the Duke University lacrosse team in connection with allegations that a stripper was raped last month at a team party, NBC News' Dan Abrams reported, citing two unnamed defense sources.

The charges against the two players are unclear, Abrams reported.

The grand jury adjourned around 2 p.m. Monday, handing up indictments a short time later to Superior Court Judge Ronald Stephens. A filing at the courthouse said the judge had sealed at least one indictment, citing a state law that allows an indictment to be "kept secret until the defendant is arrested or appears before the court."

A 27-year-old black woman told police she was attacked March 13 by three white men in a bathroom at a party held by the lacrosse team.

The racially charged allegations have led to near daily protest rallies. The school canceled the highly ranked team's season and accepted the resignation of coach Mike Pressler after the release of a vulgar and graphic e-mail that was sent by a team member shortly after the alleged assault.

Defense attorneys have urged District Attorney Mike Nifong to drop the case, saying DNA tests failed to connect any of the 46 team members tested to the alleged victim.

Nifong has said 75 percent to 80 percent of rape prosecutions lack DNA evidence. According to court records, a medical examination of the woman found injuries consistent with rape.

There were numerous conferences involving defense lawyers and members of the district attorney's office in hallways of the courthouse Monday morning. At several points during the day, Nifong declined to comment when asked about the case.

At Duke, the university's chief spokesman said the school knew little about what had taken place in court.

"We are aware that the district attorney made a presentation to the grand jury today, but we have no knowledge about the contents of his presentation," said John F. Burness, senior vice president for public affairs and government relations.

Earlier, the exotic dancer identified two players with 100 percent certainty and a third at 90 percent as having raped her at a party last month, ABC News reported Monday, citing what Durham County prosecutors told the players' attorneys.

ABC News also obtained an audio recording in which a female security guard, who possibly was the first person to see the alleged victim, said she did not mention anything about a rape and that there were no signs that a sexual assault occurred.

"There ain't no way she was raped â€â€￾ ain't no way, no way that happened," the guard purportedly tells a private investigator in the recording, ABC News reported. The guard had called 911, after which police found the alleged victim at a grocery store parking lot, where the guard was working.

The tape was recorded April 3, three weeks after the alleged sexual assault, ABC News reported. On the tape, the guard says she called 911 after a driver of a car entered the grocery store and said that a woman â€â€￾ the alleged victim â€â€￾ refused to get out of her car.

The guard said the driver said she picked up the alleged victim, whom she had never met, after hearing people yell racial slurs at her as she was walking down the street, ABC News reported.

The guard further says on the tape that she smelled alcohol on the driver , but not the alleged victim, and that the alleged victim was unable to talk, ABC News said.
Source: Grand jury issues sealed indictments against two Duke lacrosse players

By TIM WHITMIRE, Associated Press Writer
April 17, 2006

DURHAM, N.C. (AP) -- A grand jury issued sealed indictments Monday against two members of the Duke University lacrosse team in connection with allegations that a stripper was raped last month at a team party, a source close to the case told The Associated Press.

The source, speaking on condition of anonymity because the grand jury proceedings are secret, said he did not know which players were indicted or what charges they faced.


The grand jury adjourned around 2 p.m. Monday, handing up indictments a short time later to Superior Court Judge Ronald Stephens. A filing at the courthouse said the judge had sealed at least one indictment, citing a state law that allows an indictment to be "kept secret until the defendant is arrested or appears before the court."

A 27-year-old black woman told police she was attacked March 13 by three white men in a bathroom at a party held by the lacrosse team.

The racially charged allegations have led to near daily protest rallies. The school canceled the highly ranked team's season and accepted the resignation of coach Mike Pressler after the release of a vulgar and graphic e-mail that was sent by a team member shortly after the alleged assault.

Defense attorneys have urged District Attorney Mike Nifong to drop the case, saying DNA tests failed to connect any of the 46 team members tested to the alleged victim.

Nifong has said 75 percent to 80 percent of rape prosecutions lack DNA evidence. According to court records, a medical examination of the woman found injuries consistent with rape.

There were numerous conferences involving defense lawyers and members of the district attorney's office in hallways of the courthouse Monday morning. At several points during the day, Nifong declined to comment when asked about the case.

At Duke, the university's chief spokesman said the school knew little about what had taken place in court.

"We are aware that the district attorney made a presentation to the grand jury today, but we have no knowledge about the contents of his presentation," said John F. Burness, senior vice president for public affairs and government relations.
This is a travesty of justice.

The Marxist hypocrites (and you know who I'm talking about) just LOOOOOOVE DNA tests when they can be spun to "exonerate" career criminals and secure their releases from prison. Yet they are pushing forward with the public lynching of these young men from Duke despite the obvious almost-impossible lack of any DNA evidence. CHUTZPAH, it is!

As one veteran investigator pointed out, the "victim's" body was swabbed completely looking for any DNA evidence at all -- hair, skin, saliva, blood (wouldn't there be some if she was fighting against a rapist?) -- and they found N.O.T.H.I.N.G. Nada. Zilch. It is almost impossible that those boys ever touched her, much less raped her.

D.A. Nifong is a traitor and a fraud. He has deliberately chosen to humiliate these young men in order to bolster his chances for re-election in a city that is almost one-half black (and he is facing a black challenger in the Democratic primary). For my part, I hope the S.O.B. loses and he has to re-enter private legal practice. I'm sure his colleagues -- many of whom attended Duke law school -- will be most gracious toward him. Heh, heh.

April 18, 2006 â€â€￾When Brian Loftus heard his twin sons were not the two Duke lacrosse players indicted by a grand jury today, his first reaction was relief, the second despair...

"Both my sons vehemently, all they ever told me was, 'Dad, nothing happened. Nobody did anything,'" Loftus said. Loftus added that the "Blue Wall of Silence" was a myth, and that all the players were willing to cooperate with authorities.

"These kids were willing to take polygraphs. These kids were willing to take blood tests. They were willing to come down and give statements," Loftus said. "They did everything. They gave their DNA. We thought once we give that, that it was going to be over. ... But every night, every day, all we see on the TV is, we're hiding something. Obviously there's nothing to hide."

Loftus was one of the New York firefighters who responded to the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks. He said he was also bothered by media reports calling the lacrosse team a bunch of rich, white kids whose only possession greater than wealth was *******iness.
As with primitive,backward,3rd world lands, who believe that sacrificing a virgin into a volcano will please their "God",and keep the volcano from exploding,today's black racist-loving/fearing White Marxists and other lefties sacrifice innocent Whites,to please the "gods" of PC,and keep the volcano of black racist devil thugs from exploding.

The fact is,however,the volcano will explode anyway.So,if you want to not only keep the volcano from exploding ever again,but keep from exploding ever again,just blow the volcano to Kingdom Come!End of problem - forever!

Here's a tidbit that hasn't made the headlines about these "privileged" "spoiled" "rich White boys" -- one of the cars in the driveway of the players' off-campus house (just for fun, let's call it "Tawana's Playhouse") was a 10-year-old family sedan (probably a Honda Accord or similar vehicle).

Gee, sounds like those guys are rollin' in the big green, all the way to Fat City, USA, huh?

And, anyways, S.F.W. if those guys are all Rockefellers, DuPonts, and Vanderbilts. Does that make the D.A.'s case any less of a sham? Does it make the chit-faced, she-gro harlot's word any more credible?
My guess is that they are trying to get the boys to plea to a lesser charge that might include a hate crime (verbal assualt, or whatever)since they have no rape case. I hope the boys don't plea bargain and try to get completely exonerated as they should be.

I also wonder if the DNA tests revealed somebody else's DNA(perhaps the black boyfriend's)- I haven't really heard. Has anyone else?
the case gets more and more bizarre...check out the latest news: link

article excerpts follow...

D.A. plans to charge 3rd Duke lacrosse player
Seligmann, Finnerty accused of raping, kidnapping stripper hired for party
Updated: 3:39 p.m. ET April 18, 2006

DURHAM, N.C. - Two Duke University lacrosse players were arrested early Tuesday on charges of raping and kidnapping a stripper hired to dance at an off-campus party, and the district attorney said he hopes to charge a third person soon.

The indictments, unsealed Tuesday, did not indicate what possible evidence or arguments led the grand jury Monday to indict Reade Seligmann, 20, and Collin Finnerty, 19. District Attorney Mike Nifong would not discuss the evidence.

Seligmann is "absolutely innocent," said his attorney, Kirk Osborn. "He's doing great." Asked what led to the indictments, Osborn said: "Apparently it was a photographic identification. And we all know how reliable that is."

Finnerty's attorney, Bill Cotter, said, "We're surprised that anybody got indicted, quite frankly."

Bill Thomas, a defense attorney representing one of the team captains, said Tuesday that neither Seligmann nor Finnerty had any contact with the woman that night. "We are ... actually shocked," he said. "We always thought she would pick out someone who at least had a conversation with her or paid her."

Thomas said "multiple witnesses and a commercial transaction" indicated one of the charged players wasn't at the party. And defense attorney Robert Ekstrand, who represents other players, said neither Seligmann nor Finnerty was at the party "at the relevant time."

In a statement, Nifong said he hopes to charge a third person, "but the evidence available to me at this time does not permit that. Investigation into the identity of the third assailant will continue in the hope that he can also be identified with certainty."

"This is probably the worst miscarriage of justice I've seen in 34 years of practice," said another Seligmann lawyer, Julian Mack.

Another attorney, Robert Ekstrand, who represents dozens of players, said neither Seligmann nor Finnerty was at the party "at the relevant time."

The indictment represents "a horrible circumstance and a product of a rush to judgment," Ekstrand said.

--- unbelievable! they charge two guys, one of whom wasn't even there, and the other who never so much as spoke to the woman. wow! and nifong "hopes" to charge a third player? WTF?!? what happened to doing his job without passion or prejudice? i guess that's no longer a requirement in election years.
I think these guys have a black lawyer, can anyone confirm?
Bear-Arms said:
I think these guys have a black lawyer, can anyone confirm?

I think its a smart move on their part, if so, to have at least a token black lawyer on their side. It will help when the black-female stacked jury convenes to hear this mockery of justice trial. If you think they can't be convicted, just remember there was a jury of 24 who found at least reasonable evidence to indict.
To add salt to the wound:

Although a not guilty verdict will spare these boys jail time, it will not prevent the press and populi from vilifying them everyday. Anything but a guilty verdict will no doubt be because they're "white and rich", not because there isn't enough evidence for a conviction.

This case appears to be the exact opposite of the OJ Simpson trial. In that case, they had DNA evidence; he was found not guilty. They had blood in his vehicle, proved he was there, and other circumstantial evidence but still, OJ was not guilty. The blacks on the jury DELIBERATELY and KNOWINGLY exonerated OJ because he is black.

In this case, there is no DNA evidence. The accused were not at the party or had no contact with the 'victim.' But they will be found guilty. The blacks in this trial will DELIBERATELY and KNOWINGLY convict these boys because they are white.

I will be very surprised if they do not enter a plea or are not found guilty of 'something.'
If I were these guys, evidence or no evidence, I would be worried. When they walk into that courtroom and see that jury box full of blacks and a couple of wimpy whites they will know just what kind of trouble they are facing.

Truth does not matter to our enemies, only power. Sheer, unmitigated power. Nifong knows that all he needs to do is get enough blacks on the jury to intimidate the others into a guilty verdict and he will win. That's why he is rolling the dice and prosecuting with little or no evidence to speak of. Anyone know the racial make-up of the grand jury? I say it was at least 50-60% black. All the members of a grand jury do not need to agree for charges to be brought...only eight need to think that there is sufficient evidence. And what is that evidence? DNA? no. Failed polygraph? no. Witness other than the girl herself? no. The only evidence here is the word of the negress. That's it folks. There is nothing more to this case than that. Those poor guys are going to go prison for the better part of their youth because of this. We all have a right to be outraged.
American Freedom News