Duke's Lacrosse Team Fiasco

This is incredibly predictable. The next prediction: Don't expect anyone to apologize to the Lacrosse players - nobody will. The next step is that they will be further dragged through the mud for making alleged racists comments toward the strippers and others. Further, the DA will still go forward with charges against the players and they may face civil suit action. They may even still be convicted with no evidence and an almost all-black jury.
Kaptain Poop said:
They may even still be convicted with no evidence and an almost all-black jury.

Yes, very true.Will someone question the results of the DNA samples? They could have been handled by a Mark Fuhrman wannabe.

If more people would read the posts on this site, they'd know gang rape is almost exclusively a black and Mexican pastime.
I just heard that there was no DNA at all found on or inside her- if that's true, she wasn't raped. Period. Despite this, the idiotic talking heads were claiming that, while this was "good for the defense"(!), rape charges could still be brought if there was "other evidence." The media has too much invested in this contrived fairy tale story to just let it go. I agree that, at the very least, these poor players will be charged with some kind of "hate crime" for the alleged racial slurs.
Poacher said:
Just look at all of the damage this drunken black bimbo has caused; Duke cancelled its entire Lacrosse season, the coach stepped down, the team endured death threats and for what? NOTHING! That's what.

She didn't cause it by herself. She had much more powerful accomplices in the media and all the professional race agitators who hate whites with a passion.

Just breeze through the "Crimes, Anti-Social Behavior and Buffoonery" section of this site and (with a little reading between the lines) one sees that this kind of situation occurs all the time, except that it's always black males abusing white females. And that's just among privileged black athletes; just imagine what happens in society at large.

Black-on-white violence has been epidemic in the U.S. for 40 years, and the media will never acknowledge its existence. There have been literally millions of whites killed and injured by blacks in the U.S. since the late '60s, and the toll will only mount as hispanics, like blacksnurtured their entire lives on hatred of whites, join in the fun at everincreasing rates. Edited by: Don Wassall
I think this issue might die. Couple reasons. The woman is to skanky to convince anyone. And the kids are rich so they can get good legal help. Also there are a lot of them and the weight of testimony will be on their side.

Don is right that there are others driving this issue and I think they may decide that it's gone as far as it can go. another advantage to dropping it is that it can be brought up again and again in the future since it will never be disproved, all due to the effect of white privalege and racism.
Don Wassall said:
Poacher said:
Just look at all of the damage this drunken black bimbo has caused; Duke cancelled its entire Lacrosse season, the coach stepped down, the team endured death threats and for what? NOTHING! That's what.
Black-on-white violence has been epidemic in the U.S. for 40 years, and the media will never acknowledge its existence.
I don't mean to get off-topic here, but you're right.

I'm only now just aware of the infamous zebra killings that took place just 30 years ago.



Southern Knight said:
Did anyone else hear the 911 call, which the jewsmedia constantly referred to as being disturbing?

As you might guess, the call was neither disturbing nor even believable.

The caller was an obviously-White woman who said (in a relatively calm tone), "Uh...I really didn't know who to call but I was driving around with my black girlfriend in front of this house, and someone yelled "hey, ******"...I am very upset and I just didn't know who to call..."

No mention of rape or sexual assault, no hysteria, just an idiotic White feminist looking out for her "black girlfriend" (who may well have been just that, given the predilictions of many of the Duke "womyn").

Great site regarding that..


In the first of the two 911 calls released by police Tuesday, a woman tells a 911 dispatcher that she and a friend were "driving down near Duke's campus" when a man standing in front of a wall yelled "n!gger" at she and a friend.

"There's like a white guy by the Duke wall and he just hollered out n!gger at me," she said.

After the dispatcher asks the woman for her location, she describes the incident a second time but with minor differences.

"I saw them all come out like a big frat house and me and my black girlfriend are walking by and they called us n!ggers," she said.

The woman goes on to tell the dispatcher that she wasn't harmed "in any way" but that she was offended by the incident, and then describes the incident a third time.

"It's right in front of 610 Buchanan. I saw them coming out of this frat house ... 610 N. Buchanan, I'm sitting in front of it right now."

"That's all part and parcel with where we're going with this whole case," said attorney Butch Williams, who is representing one of the accused lacrosse players, "that a lot of these allegations that have been made never happened."

Williams said another inconsistency lies in the five times the woman on the tape states the location of the house.

"I've been out there," he said. "And [the house number] doesn't show from the street."

A reporter from The Herald-Sun visited the house at 610 N. Buchanan Blvd. and could not see the house number from the street, the sidewalk or the front and side lawns of the house.
Haha, what a bunch of bull.Edited by: Deacon
In light of the lies and the unsympathetic victim (stripper with a criminal record), the jewsmedia will simply shift focus from the rape allegations to the racial slurs, which -- let's be honest -- are the real story here.

Predictably, the players will be forced to make public apologies for their lack of sensitivity, in order to avoid expulsion. The school will find their actions to have violated some Orwellian speech code. And the judeo-fiminist rallies will continue ad nauseum because "light has been shed on a pervasive problem that persists among privileged White males at this bastion of elitism"...blah blah blah.

What SHOULD happen is that the players should shove their way in front of every newscamera they can find and call for this negress's head, and they shouldn't let up until charges are brought against her. But they won't. Like all White crime victims -- and that is what the lacrosse players and coach are -- they will forgive the transgressor and fade into the background, missing a huge opportunity to turn the tables on the bastards that had it out for them from moment one.
When I went to the University of Minnesota in the early 90's, the U actually had the policy of exspelling anyone who was accused of using a racial slur against blacks. Yes, just being accused - one complaint from a black student was enough. I don't know if they still have that policy.
Tawana Banana
I saw the Nancy Grace show last night. She took the position that the case isn't over yet, "you get rape convictions without DNA," she said.

Regarding Don's comment above on black on white crime, Nancy Grace's fiance was murdered by a somewhat retarded black man. The murderer had been fired from a construction job that Nancy's fiance, Keith Griffin, also worked on. Griffin apparently stopped to give the man a ride and was shot dead for his trouble.

Miss Grace has been criticized for "exaggerating" the story of her fiance's murder. Actually, neither she or her critics tell what really happened.
Doubted this story from day one since I find it hard to believe that some spoiled rich kids would even touch a run of the mill black woman. I'm not saying that a group of drunken idiots could not have done this, but the college age kids I have known have nearly all thought that black women might as well be of a different species.
I am sure the players will be the focus of negative attention for many moons to come. They will never let it go. I heard some black jock-sniffing radio host last weekend talking about how lacrosse is in between football and golf in its agression and social status and that it is a "lily white" sport. He thought these combinations made it a perfect breeding ground for something like that to happen. He also talked about the location of Duke and made disparaging comments about the South. Even though this event never happened, these idiots think something like that could only happen in the South, like there is some kind of prejudice/racial barrier with lines drawn around the borders of the South. I don't know his name, but he had to be a freaking Yankee Jew.
I am f'ing pissed by this whole thing. And mostly I am pissed at white people who don't do a friggin' thing but turn our backs on our own time and again.

I have an in-law who got all steamed at me at a family gathering last Sunday because I actually said we might want to wait to prove these guys did this before people string them up. And yet, most of the family got on ME, like I was an ogre or something! And these are white folks who supposedly take "pride" in their Irish heritage.

For the life of me, I don't know what it's going to take for our kind to stand up to this crap. The illegal immigration "protests", the outright anti-white media crucifiying these kids, never mind sports which is why I got on this site to begin with.

Are we doomed or what? I am a Christian and am generally an optimist, but I don't know, getting a bit disheartened. Josh
It's over Josh. The Marxist control of the media academia and Hollywood is too much to overcome. White people have become vitually paralyzed. If anybody here knows of another country where I can live ,let me know. White Americans have become a pathetic lot.
ironfist, that defeatist attitude is the very thing that got white people in this mess in the first place.
giving up never does anything except put you at the bottom of the pile. there is honor and pride in standing up for what is right, even if you're on the losing end of things. and who knows, when you stand up for yourself, you may be surprised at what you can do in a fight. you'll never find out, though, if you turtle.

again, i say white flight is for pussies.
Last night Nancy Grace suggested that the defendants be charged with a "Hate Crime," as well as rape, because of the supposed slurs. The Durham DA went to the local black college and announced that despite the lack of DNA, "it isn't over." Next week, a Grand Jury will be convened, he said.
Jimmy Chitwood said:
ironfist, that defeatist attitude is the very thing that got white people in this mess in the first place.
giving up never does anything except put you at the bottom of the pile. there is honor and pride in standing up for what is right, even if you're on the losing end of things. and who knows, when you stand up for yourself, you may be surprised at what you can do in a fight. you'll never find out, though, if you turtle.

again, i say white flight is for pussies.
Any white person who merly stands up for himself and has pride is branded a racist. The leftist vermin in this country have done a great job in it's quest to destroy white America. Look at boxing and the NBA. How many white American stars do you see? I say this is the result of years of brainwashing that says you can't compete with blacks so don't even try. Tell a big lie over and over again and it becomes the truth. Obviously this big lie has not made it's way to eastern Europe.
As for this case, it's just another pandering white D.A.. Did you hear him talking to a mainly black audience. How pathetic. This nothing but a witch hunt.
I think Tawana the stripper should be charged with a hate crime. Indeed, anyone perpetrating a hate crime hoax should be charged with a hate crime.
I came across this article by Christine Brennan of USA Today from March 29. She condemns the Duke lacrosse team for displaying evil "unity" because they did not come forward and admit to crimes they did not commit and point the finger at teammates for crimes they didn't commit.

Note how this piece of hate propaganda utilizes Mike Eruzione, the captain of the 1980 U.S. Olympic hockey team, to drive home its message that the lacrosse team is guilty as charged and that they continue to add to their shame by not admitting it.

Richard Lapchick, the Caste System's Minister of Propaganda, as J.B. Cash dubbed him, is also quoted.

Anyone with common sense and awareness of the nature of interracial crime in this country would at the least give these guys the benefit of a doubt, especially in view of the many "hate crimes" hoaxes that are perpetrated by the alleged "victims." How diseased in the soul most whites have become.
Wrong time for team unity in Duke probe
<DIV =intro-copy>For decades, coaches in all sports have been looking for the kind of team bonding and all-for-one, one-for-all camaraderie that the Duke men's lacrosse team has mastered this month.

<TABLE =sidebar cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0>
<TD colSpan=4>
<TD rowSpan=2>
<TD rowSpan=2>
<TD =sidebar vAlign=top width=75>Christine Brennan wonders how much damage the lacrosse team's collective silence is doing to Duke University.</TD>
<TD rowSpan=2>
<TD vAlign=bottom align=left>By Chuck Liddy, The News &amp; Observer/AP</TD></TR></T></TABLE>
Police in Durham, N.C., where Duke is located, say that the team has refused to cooperate with their investigation into a sexual assault that allegedly occurred at an off-campus party March 13, giving us all a whole new definition of the word teamwork.
Perhaps if no one is found guilty of any criminal activity in this unseemly affair, the collective silence of the Blue Devils someday will be seen as admirable. For now, though, the sports world's vaunted concept of team is reaching a frightening extreme.
With the men's lacrosse team's season now suspended, with the Duke community in an uproar, with so many questions about the behavior of students who represent a university unanswered, a puzzling thought lingers: Is this really how a team is supposed to behave?
"There are degrees of protecting your teammates, but this crosses the line," said Mike Eruzione, the captain of the most famous and beloved team in U.S. sports history, the 1980 "Miracle on Ice" Olympic hockey team.
"To me, a serious crime has possibly been committed," Eruzione said in a phone interview Wednesday. "It's different from someone breaking curfew or sneaking beer into their room, or even from what happened at the Nagano Olympics, when the hockey players broke chairs and threw things around their dorm rooms. In those cases, everyone keeps quiet and you don't tell the coach. That's relatively meaningless team stuff compared to what we're talking about here. We're talking about an accusation of rape."
Heading into the 1980 Olympics, U.S. coach Herb Brooks brilliantly crafted a close-knit team by being so tough on his players that they bonded in their dislike, albeit temporary, of him. If anyone knows the true meaning of the word team, it's Eruzione and his 19 U.S. teammates. Armed with this knowledge, looking at the chaos at Duke from afar, Eruzione believes the loyalty and accompanying silence of the lacrosse team members who were not involved in the alleged assault is misplaced.
"Put it this way: I wouldn't want to be associated with a teammate who possibly committed a crime like this. Why would you want someone like that as a teammate? Why aren't kids speaking up right now? I'm surprised with something of this magnitude that they're not. It's one thing to have a code of honor with teammates, but that code of honor goes out the window with something like this. The team has to separate itself and say, 'Hey ... you did it. We can't protect you in something like this.' "
Eruzione said it would be logical to look to the leadership of the team's captains in these circumstances. However, the party, which involved a dancer who was invited to perform, occurred at a house where three of the four team captains live.
"Whether or not anything happened, just staging an event like that is a problem," said Richard Lapchick, chair of the DeVos Sports Business Management Program at the University of Central Florida. "They are representatives of their university and schools have an understood code of conduct, and these guys obviously thought they were going to get away with it and thought it wasn't a big deal. That is unacceptable."
Last week a judge ordered DNA samples from 46 of Duke's 47 lacrosse players. The 47th, the team's only black player, did not have to provide DNA because the dancer, who also is black, said she was attacked by three men, all of whom she said are white.
Once the legal issues are settled, assessments can be made as to the damage that will have been done to a very successful men's program at Duke; the Blue Devils made it to the national title game before losing last year.
"By seemingly trying to unite as a team," Lapchick said, "the general impression is that 46 lacrosse players were accused of sexual assault. By not talking, the whole team is taking a hit. There is no question this will taint the program. People often ask me to name the best men's basketball teams in terms of social and academic issues, and Duke always is one of the top three. Now, it's inevitable that this is going to be on the minds of people when they think about the school."
All for one, one for all, indeed.
This article is such total BS. THe idea that the team did not cooperate with the police is a complete lie. What these people mean by cooperating is admitting to a crime they did not commit. FACT: the team captains who organized the party spoke immediately with the police. FACT: DNA was voluntarily submitted. The right to remain silent is a useful one and all the more needed when there is a witch hunt going on. Don you are right, these white people have something wrong very deep in their souls.
I agree with the statement about white's souls. It's the disease of political correctness. It is infecting every aspect of our society and many our beings as well.
The good side of this is that the DNA evidence came back negative. That was a lot of egg in the face of all of these morons. More people are paying attention than it seems. The whole system is a house of cards built on lies. It will tumble down. We just need to get ready. I've noticed many of the people in positions of authority, like those lesbian/feminist professors protesting at Duke, are from that hippy degenerate generation. They will not change no matter what evidence they encounter that is in opposition to their feel-good, competitively altruistic, culturally suicidal attitudes. I think younger Whites that live in areas were they encounter non Whites on a regular basis (which is getting to be everywhere) are starting to understand that equality is modern mythology. Absence may make the heart grow fonder ,but exposure breeds contempt.
KG2422 said:
The good side of this is that the DNA evidence came back negative. That was a lot of egg in the face of all of these morons. More people are paying attention than it seems. The whole system is a house of cards built on lies. It will tumble down. We just need to get ready. I've noticed many of the people in positions of authority, like those lesbian/feminist professors protesting at Duke, are from that hippy degenerate generation. They will not change no matter what evidence they encounter that is in opposition to their feel-good, competitively altruistic, culturally suicidal attitudes. I think younger Whites that live in areas were they encounter non Whites on a regular basis (which is getting to be everywhere) are starting to understand that equality is modern mythology. Absence may make the heart grow fonder ,but exposure breeds contempt.

Great post, especially the part about the '60s generation. They're as set in their way of thinking as are the die-hard "dittoheads" who still believe the daily sermons of Rush Limbaugh and his many imitators.
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