It’s not staged at all… I’m sure by now you’ve seen the raw footage.That photo looks staged and fake as hell.
The setup was perfect for this assassination to succeed. While I don’t believe the shooter was a government asset, the SS and others basically looked the other way and allowed him to take the shot. This way, they have plausible deniability. Based on everything we know so far, this appears to be an inside job. It was allowed to happen and it’s simply a miracle that Trump is still alive.How did a 20 year old redditor get past the Secret Service.
This is my take too. A planned security breach. No govt agency can be trusted with pushing any agenda besides that of securing power for the deep state.The shooter is being reported as 20 year old Thomas Matthew Crooks. He has the look of a scummy leftist.
View attachment 4539
There is an image being shared around of him dead. View at your own discretion:
My early take. Real event, with a real shooter. The conspiracy is how he was allowed on a nearby roof. Someone, or the higher ups who plan the Secret Service security detail for the event, allowed an obvious threat location to be unsecured. Everything was set up perfectly. The shooter just failed, even after the 7 or 8 clean shots he was allowed to get on Trump.
Baring another hit, I think today secured the election for Trump. Support for him will increase even further (he was already ahead in all key polls) and the margin will be too great no matter how many fake ballots they truck in.
Not exactly a reassuring sight. You see more and more of them as police "on the beat" as well (the "ponytail brigade" as some have dubbed them). DEI (DIE) takes precedence over everything now, including the Secret Service and law enforcement in general.
lol long live the gynocracyCheatle wants 30 percent of SS to be twats. Lol clown world indeed.
Augusto’s Helicopter Tours on Gab: 'Can you organise a Security detail for me? Sorry …'
Augusto’s Helicopter Tours on Gab: 'Can you organise a Security detail for me? Sorry President Trump, best we can do is the Diversity Hire Crew from the Police Academy movies. ... The main focus of Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle? Diversity-hiring. '
Damn shame. Rest in peace indeedThis man immediately shielded his family when the shooting started and saved them but paid with his life. RIP
Report: Corey Comperatore Identified as Victim Killed at Trump Rally
A former Pennsylvania fire chief, Corey Comperatore, was reportedly shot and killed when a gunman attempted to assassinate former President
A great family man, pillar of the community and first responder (firefighter) killer by a leftist scumbag who wouldn’t have matched this man’s contributions if he had 5 lifetimes.This man immediately shielded his family when the shooting started and saved them but paid with his life. RIP
Report: Corey Comperatore Identified as Victim Killed at Trump Rally
A former Pennsylvania fire chief, Corey Comperatore, was reportedly shot and killed when a gunman attempted to assassinate former President
Media is running with the “shooter is a registered Republican” narrative. He was a leftist and supported and donated to far left groups.
He registered as a Republican, as advised by Democrats, to try to siphon votes away from Trump in the primary.
If anyone wants to see just how sick these white liberal pigs are watch this. Be warned, it will make you very angry!
Watch: Leftist records herself having a breakdown because shooter missed Trump
Media is running with the “shooter is a registered Republican” narrative. He was a leftist and supported and donated to far left groups.
He registered as a Republican, as advised by Democrats, to try to siphon votes away from Trump in the primary.
They're still around, I don't know how many as there are lots of high schools in the metro area, but the good suburban school districts tend to be more "old school" about things like that.One report says he didn't make the shooting team in high school.
I wouldn't think a rifle team was still a thing. Then again I understand the further one gets away from Filthadelphia the more redneckish it gets.
Is that so Don? That's your neck of the woods so to speak.