Dirk Nowitzki

jaxvid said:
Steve Sailer's got a good column about Nowitski titled "Basketball's de facto discrimination against whites" on the vdare.com homepage.

I also note that the articles I have read about the win by the Mavs indicates that the Heat are disliked across the country. Why, according to the MSM just about everybody HATES the Heat, especially Lebron James. Why then, I wonder, does he have such HUGE endorsement contracts??? I'm guesssing black amerika does not hate the Heat, in fact they really like them. I think it's just more revisionist b.s. put out by the media to mislead.

I think Sailer keeps an eye on this site.
Dirk is clearly a top 20 player all time especially after getting a ring last night. The comparisons to Bird are very unfair as Bird is arguably the best NBA player of all time.
Westside said:
Guys, I think there is a 'debbie downer' cloud over CF. Some act like Dallas is down two zip. Like I said, if Dallas is able to steal the next game, series is "back on" with three games in Dallas.

white lightning said:
Good point guest301. I really believe the biggest key is to do two things tonight and the rest of the series. One is to slow down Wade a little. You can't stop him but he gets far too many layups and dunks. Two is to limit the turnovers and sloppy play. I think their shots will start falling soon. Dallas has too many good shooters to keep missing the whole series. The key is to make the most of your possesions and scored points. That along with hard defense will be the key to the win.
<div> </div>
<div>I guarantee a victory tonight. You heard it hear first. I am positive that they will win.</div>

Congrats to Dirk on getting a ring, the Finals MVP Award, and leading his team to an NBA title! It is way overdue!

Today I read that Jason Terry AKA the Black JET, told everyone in training camp that they would win the NBA 2011 Championship. He backed it up by tatooing the trophy on his right bicep. He told Dirk if we lose I will have it removed. Incredible confidence and prophecy!

The Best!
Don Wassall said:
James' attempts to show humility in the aftermath are laughable as he is incapable of being humble.  But then again, that's not just a "black thang"; when was the last time a White public figure showed genuine humbleness?  White athletes are generally modest, but not politicians and "business" leaders; anything but.  Most are psychopaths, the only personality type that can and is willing to fight their way to the top in the American madhouse. 

VERY well said!
Don are you saying Donald Trump and his sporty hornet nest hair do is a psychopath?
I think it's pathetic how Wade and James tried to make an excuse for theirmocking Dirk. Typical brutha mentality. Dirk winning the championship was great but the look on the face of Pig James was priceless.

Cleveland fans were very happy that James lost. Just wait for the articles to start showing up how the "racist" Cleveland fans hate James.
It was irritating to see Mavs coach Rick Carlisle pay homage to Caste Dogma as soon as thepost-game mic was put in his faceby claiming "We're old school. We don't run fast or jump high." I suppose the Mavs are "old-school" in that they can shoot the ball, utilize good ball movement, and are fairly unselfish. Also,you might say their star, Dirk, doesn't stand out as freakishly athletic. But he isprobably more athletic than many NBA stars who don't get tagged as unathletic. Also, JJ Barea looked like the fastest and quickest player on the court during this series and I doubt there are many (if any) in the league as quick or fast as him. He's also a great leaper as hecan dunk at his height (whichis speculated to be around 5'9 though I'd guess shorter). There have been blackteams that won championships with less athletic ability than the Mavs that weren't thrown under the bus by their owncoach.

Brian Cardinal has said that Barea is respected around the league as "someone who has maximized his abilities". Ah ha, the old "all those players heblows right by areactually faster than he is, they just haven't reached theirpotential yet" line of thinking.

ABC commentator and former Knicks coach Jeff Van Gundy also gave us onethose (about Cardinal); "What he lacks in athletic ability, he makes up for in...(insert relevent caste platitude here)." To be fair, Brian Cardinal doesn'trepresent the height of white athletic ability but he is perfectly suited athletically toplaythe role he does. Again, comparable black players aren't dogged by such sentiments.

While it's great to see a white superstar lead his team to a championship with alot of help from other athletic white players, thesecomments serve as a stark reminder thatthe success of white athletes and predominately white teams, no matter how consistent,convincing,or dominant is seen by many (often even the playersand coaches themselves) as a victoryover their own limitations rather than a victoryover their black rivals. Edited by: Latspread
I often refer back to the comments by Darryl Dawkins regarding the differences between the white and black styles of basketball:

"Black basketball is much more individualistic," he says. "With so many other opportunities closed to young black kids, the basketball court in the playground or the schoolyard is one of the few places where they can assert themselves in a positive way. So if somebody makes you look bad with a shake-and-bake move, then you've got to come right back at him with something better, something more stylish. And if someone fouls you hard, you've got to foul him even harder. It's all about honor, pride, and establishing yourself as a man."

Once the black game moves indoors and becomes more organized, the pressure to establish bona fides increases. "Now you're talking about high school hoops," says Dawkins. "So if you're not scoring beaucoup points, if your picture isn't in the papers, if you don't have a trophy, then you ain't the man and you ain't nothing. Being second-best is just as bad as being last. And if a teammate hits nine shots in a row, the black attitude is, 'Screw him. Now it's my turn to get it on.'"

If young black players usually cherish untrammeled creativity, white hooplings mostly value more team-oriented concepts. "White basketball means passing the hell out of the ball," says Dawkins. "White guys are more willing to do something when somebody else has the ball â€" setting picks, boxing out, cutting just to clear a space for a teammate, making the pass that leads to an assist pass. In white basketball, there's a more of a sense of discipline, of running set plays and only taking wide open shots. If a guy gets hot, he'll get the ball until he cools off."

What we just saw in this series was the triumph of white basketball. Great coach, a bona fide superstar, and a solid supporting cast.
Last evening was yet another abysmal, Jew-Quivering moment for the Caste System and it's disciples to endure.

An authentic white superstar (Nowitski) from Germany, in conjunction with a team of white role players (Barea, Cardinal, Stojakovic) and non-threatening blacks (Kidd, Terry, Chandler, Marion, Stevenson) conquests the most touted basketball team in NBA history"¦a squad featuring the pinnacle of Afro-narcissism, LeBron James.

As for JJ Barea, it's obvious that he has entirely white ancestry"¦light-brown hair, blue eyes, light skin and entirely white facial features.


Edited by: Thrashen

They "glued" Peja to the bench (very unfortunate).. as for DeShawn Stevenson, there are black people and there are Ns. I wonder which it is that he looks like? Do I need to post pictures?Edited by: Deadlift
"Pig" James has now been in the league for 8 years and he still doesn't have an NBA title. So much for his little "Dream Team" of Bosh, Wade, and himself. He expected his team to run over teams all season long but his team lacks one thing: heart. The best thing that could happen is the pig goes his entire career without an NBA title. He's only 26 though and has a head start on everyone since he came straight out of high school into the league. Karma sure is a b-tch.

That's a great quote from Darryl Dawkins. Sounds very true. Well, "real basketball" won.
LeBron has that mentality that Dawkins talked about. All about the selfish ego, style and flash.
Winning is secondary. I think LeBron is a very good player and a good athlete but he is VERY OVERRATED
as a dunker. Not up there with MJ, Dr. J, Dominique, or Blake Griffin even. He's more like Karl Malone or Charles
Barkley with one or two dunks. LeBron is more like Darryl Dawkins who has good size and atheleticism, but coasts on
his physical talents.

But damn, Duke, the Packers, Jimmer, Jacob Tucker, and Dirk and the Mavs. Been a good couple of years!
This is the most satisfying win for me ever. I couldn't be happier! Dirk has been my favorite athlete the last thirteen years and I feel like a proud uncle today whose nephew became a man and all his dreams came true last night. I am also happy for Terry, Kidd and Marion as well. Class acts all the way around.
Dirk scored 62 points in the 4th quarter throughout the series, Wade and Lebron combined for 62! And most of that was Wade. Lebron disappeared down the stretch, time and time again. Dirk and the Mavericks were finishers, that was the difference in the series. Congratulations, Dirk!
whiteathlete33 said:
"Pig" James has now been in the league for 8 years and he still doesn't have an NBA title. So much for his little "Dream Team" of Bosh, Wade, and himself.  He expected his team to run over teams all season long but his team lacks one thing: heart.   The best thing that could happen is the pig goes his entire career without an NBA title. He's only 26 though and has a head start on everyone since he came straight out of high school into the league. Karma sure is a b-tch.

In the postgame press conference for Lebron and Wade, I got the impression that Lebron was admitting that he doesn't have the hunger.. that he was essentially saying that he is content with his "money" and "lifestyle."

If there's not a RIFT in their locker room at present, it will be there soon.. because guys like D-Wade, Chalmers and Joel Anthony did bust their tails. Eddie House has always seemed like a "professional" baller as well.
Deadlift said:
whiteathlete33 said:
"Pig" James has now been in the league for 8 years and he still doesn't have an NBA title. So much for his little "Dream Team" of Bosh, Wade, and himself. He expected his team to run over teams all season long but his team lacks one thing: heart. The best thing that could happen is the pig goes his entire career without an NBA title. He's only 26 though and has a head start on everyone since he came straight out of high school into the league. Karma sure is a b-tch.

In the postgame press conference for Lebron and Wade, I got the impression that Lebron was admitting that he doesn't have the hunger.. that he was essentially saying that he is content with his "money" and "lifestyle."

If there's not a RIFT in their locker room at present, it will be there soon.. because guys like D-Wade, Chalmers and Joel Anthony did bust their tails. Eddie House has always seemed like a "professional" baller as well.

If I recall correctly, some players on the Heat actually cried like little bitches during the beginning of the season. They couldn't handle the fact that they were losing quite a few games. Imagine that, the "toughest, coolest, most athletic" race on the planet cried over a few meaningless basketball games.
Is it bad I took joy in watching the clip of Chris Bosh collapsing and crying on the way to the lockerroom after game 6?
I had a thought last night watching Dirk leave the court at the end of the game and thought I would float it past some of you guys at CF. Dirk says it was because he was emotional and wanted a private moment for himself which is probably true but I also think he didn't want to shake the hands of Wade and James who had disrespected him earlier by questioning his illness in game four. If that is the case, I have no problem with that because why should he show respect to those who disrespect him and his 13 years of accomplishments in the NBA. As Jeff Van Gundy said during the game, he didn't think Pierce, Allen and Kobe would have garnered such disrespect and didn't understand why Dirk would get such treatment. I think he knows why but didn't want to open that can of worms on national television.Edited by: guest301
Deadlift said:

They "glued" Peja to the bench (very unfortunate).. as for DeShawn Stevenson, there are black people and there are Ns. I wonder which it is that he looks like? Do I need to post pictures?

Mavs' blacks are blacks, not Ns. They dont complain, dont whine, they do what they are supposed to do, dont act like primadonnas, and they busted their ass off the entire playoffs.

Threevenson was big for the Mavs last night, and in games 4 and 2. 11 big points in game 4 which the Mavs won by 3. 9 points in game 2 which Mavs won by 2. 56 % from 3 in the Finals, thats a great stat for any player. After he began the season as a starter, he was relegated to the bench, and didnt even play during the failed Roddy Beaubois experiment. He didnt complain, kept himself in shape and did his job in the playoffs. Props to him and the other Mavs' blacks.

Peja unfortunately glued himself to the bench. He was great the first two playoff series, but then run out of gas. Carlisle replaced him with Cardinal, a great move. Cardinal provided great defense and hit the occasional 3 that came his way.

Dirk, he was amazing. Clutch after clutch after clutch after clutch perfomances the entire playoffs. Undoubtely the best player in the NBA right now.
guest301 -- you may be on the money with that theory. Our talk radio stations in Dallas were saying the same thing. And, they also agreed that if this was the reason, it was cool by them of Dirk not shaking the hands of Wade & James for their prior disrespect of him.
alln2 said:
Deadlift said:

They "glued" Peja to the bench (very unfortunate).. as for DeShawn Stevenson, there are black people and there are Ns. I wonder which it is that he looks like? Do I need to post pictures?
Mavs' blacks are blacks, not Ns. They dont complain, dont whine, they do what they are supposed to do, dont act like primadonnas, and they busted their ass off the entire playoffs. Threevenson was big for the Mavs last night, and in games 4 and 2. 11 big points in game 4 which the Mavs won by 3. 9 points in game 2 which Mavs won by 2. 56 % from 3 in the Finals, thats a great stat for any player.  After he began the season as a starter, he was relegated to the bench, and didnt even play during the failed Roddy Beaubois experiment. He didnt complain, kept himself in shape and did his job in the playoffs. Props to him and the other Mavs' blacks.Peja unfortunately glued himself to the bench. He was great the first two playoff series, but then run out of gas. Carlisle replaced him with Cardinal, a great move. Cardinal provided great defense and hit the occasional 3 that came his way. Dirk, he was amazing. Clutch after clutch after clutch after clutch perfomances the entire playoffs.  Undoubtely the best player in the NBA right now.

Sorry daddy, but I knew full well the narrative that was going to erupt if Dallas defeated Miami... Good blacks defeating the EVIL blacks (Classic SEC football mindset), but you got NOTHING on me in regards to DeShawn.


Maybe he could be your lovely neighbor in Romania?



Also, I find it very odd how Miami is suddenly treated as a team of ball-hogs when they've dished out a notable number of assists. In Game 6, going by memory, Lebron and Wade had 6 assists apiece and Chalmers had 7 assists! Oh, no, they are a team of "Kobes".. they are.. trust me.. they really are!

I'm almost glad that "das juden" will be making the documentaries about this NBA Finals and not you!! That's right. Yeah, and you took my specific view of DeShawn, and seemingly expanded it to every Mav of color.. lovely smear!

I strongly suspect that some of these posts will be deleted, but, let it be known, I didn't take this thread into the Twighlite Zone.
Interesting piece here..


DeShawn says:

"There's like 37 people that are acting like me on Facebook," Stevenson said. "I mean, if you look at me and look at all these tattoos, do you think I'd be sitting on the Internet and typing? C'mon, man. Sometimes you've got to look at a person. I would not be in my house on a computer typing nothing about anybody."

And more:

I guess tattooes are now a defense against cyber-bullying? Anyway, beyond that head-scratching explanation of who Stevenson is, Orlando Pinstriped Post's Evan Dunlap thinks Stevenson might not be on Facebook (or Twitter) because of that one time he flashed his credit card on MySpace while using slang terms for cocaine.

Frankly, that sounds more like the sort of thing I would associate with Stevenson's copious ink than an aversion to social media. And, to his credit, Stevenson added, "I can't get on there because I would say something reckless. That's why I don't have nothing on there. That's why really I can't have one."

Sorry to burst anyone's bubble..

Edited by: Deadlift
American Freedom News