Deontay Wilder: The Great Black Hope

I just watched a replay of the "highlights" and marveled at how apoplectic the announcers were with orgiastic praise for black sTAR each time he landed a reaching, feeble, off-balance blow to the club fighter known as Molina.

You would have thought these menorah mongering creeps just witnessed the dawn of man, or were present when the cosmos were created the way they practically soiled themselves on the few occasions when black sTAR actually landed a punch.

The fraud that is black sTAR is a glass-jawed, over-hyped, great black bum that on at least two occasions last night almost got knocked-out by an even bigger bum than himself!
I just watched a replay of the "highlights" and marveled at how apoplectic the announcers were with orgiastic praise for black sTAR each time he landed a reaching, feeble, off-balance blow to the club fighter known as Molina.

You would have thought these menorah mongering creeps just witnessed the dawn of man, or were present when the cosmos were created the way they practically soiled themselves on the few occasions when black sTAR actually landed a punch.

The fraud that is black sTAR is a glass-jawed, over-hyped, great black bum that on at least two occasions last night almost got knocked-out by an even bigger bum than himself!

Why do you think he's been so protected his entire career! His best win was a slow and obese Stiverne, tailor made for black tar Wilder. He will fight another bum before eventually having to fight Povetkin.
I see this as a wasted opportunity for Molina. It (victory) was there if he had the right conditioning and more importantly coaching. If he hired Roach, Bloodworth or the black guy that trains Ward. Another fight outcome. A fight he could have won. His condition was off point. He should have come in a lean 230 lbs with a emphasis on cardio. It always amazes me that fighters do not realize the opportunity they have if they bite down hard and get in the best shape of their lives. Oh well, good effort in the ring by Molina. Black star is going to get his ass busted by Povetkin.
Molina did very well to last as long as he did, congrats to him on a great effort. Based on the fact that Arreola KO'd Molina in 1 round, and Molina has never beat any real contenders, many people, myself included, thought this fight would have been over much sooner. This was a very poor performance by Wilder, who struggled badly with a very limited opponent in front of him. Povetkin will easily take Wilder out.
I see this as a wasted opportunity for Molina. It (victory) was there if he had the right conditioning and more importantly coaching. If he hired Roach, Bloodworth or the black guy that trains Ward. Another fight outcome. A fight he could have won. His condition was off point. He should have come in a lean 230 lbs with a emphasis on cardio. It always amazes me that fighters do not realize the opportunity they have if they bite down hard and get in the best shape of their lives. Oh well, good effort in the ring by Molina. Black star is going to get his ass busted by Povetkin.
Watching that fight last night was a comedy of errors..:biggrin1: You know the Showtime crew had their ear pieces on and were told to stay positive watching two Special Olympians boxing in the gold medal match.....:biggrin1: It's a sad thought that Wilder may be ducking blow hard Shannon Briggs. He had a fat pudgy limited athlete go 9 rounds with him and then was wobbled when the hot dog vendor landed his only meaningful combo of the fight. Al Haymon is going have to dig up another ESPN level opponent for short money so that Wilder can hold on to the title until he loses it to either Povetkin or the Klitschko vs Fury winner.
Watching that fight last night was a comedy of errors..:biggrin1: You know the Showtime crew had their ear pieces on and were told to stay positive watching two Special Olympians boxing in the gold medal match.....:biggrin1: It's a sad thought that Wilder may be ducking blow hard Shannon Briggs. He had a fat pudgy limited athlete go 9 rounds with him and then was wobbled when the hot dog vendor landed his only meaningful combo of the fight. Al Haymon is going have to dig up another ESPN level opponent for short money so that Wilder can hold on to the title until he loses it to either Povetkin or the Klitschko vs Fury winner.

Rosenberg, who goes by the pen name Scott Gilfoid on Boxingnews 24 writes a minimum of four Deontay Wilder articles a day. His claim is that Wilder purposely carried Molina and allowed him to last 9 rounds. We all know the magic negro could have knocked him out in 30 seconds if he wanted to.
Rosenberg, who goes by the pen name Scott Gilfoid on Boxingnews 24 writes a minimum of four Deontay Wilder articles a day. His claim is that Wilder purposely carried Molina and allowed him to last 9 rounds. We all know the magic negro could have knocked him out in 30 seconds if he wanted to.

He writes that "Fans think that Wilder kept Molina around." He shouldn't put a lot of stock in those comments considering they're probably being made by the same idiots that think Wilder is the guy to knock off Wlad.

That "writer" gets taken apart in Facebook comments below that article and the web site comments.
Why did Molina back off the times that he had Wilder in trouble? He did not follow up at all. Even the shill announcers were commenting on his failure to follow up. Some (Stasis) are saying that he did so because he knew that he was supposed to lose. I don't know. He seemed to be trying very hard EXCEPT at those times. I don't know, but it wouldn't have been Wilder's first fixed fight. There was his pal Malik Scott last year. I'd like to see the fight again. Is the full fight available online any place?
Why did Molina back off the times that he had Wilder in trouble? He did not follow up at all. Even the shill announcers were commenting on his failure to follow up. Some (Stasis) are saying that he did so because he knew that he was supposed to lose. I don't know. He seemed to be trying very hard EXCEPT at those times. I don't know, but it wouldn't have been Wilder's first fixed fight. There was his pal Malik Scott last year. I'd like to see the fight again. Is the full fight available online any place?
He may have been paid to lose, while appearing to put up a good fight for Wilder's home show in Alabama.

But Molina appeared to be in poor physical condition, so due to his limited stamina was unable to follow through with a sustained attack.
He may have been paid to lose, while appearing to put up a good fight for Wilder's home show in Alabama.

But Molina appeared to be in poor physical condition, so due to his limited stamina was unable to follow through with a sustained attack.

If that was the case he almost did too good a job because it looked like he was on the verge of knocking the bum out a few times.

Those white shill announcers and the few other white people in and around the ring must have been pretty nervous because the "thousands in attendance" appear to have been almost all negroes.
Why did Molina back off the times that he had Wilder in trouble? He did not follow up at all. Even the shill announcers were commenting on his failure to follow up. Some (Stasis) are saying that he did so because he knew that he was supposed to lose. I don't know. He seemed to be trying very hard EXCEPT at those times. I don't know, but it wouldn't have been Wilder's first fixed fight. There was his pal Malik Scott last year. I'd like to see the fight again. Is the full fight available online any place?
I found a poor video quality version in Polish. It looks like Showtime won't put a copy online for this dreck. Even they know it could alienate the most casual of Wilder bandwagon jumpers......
Why did Molina back off the times that he had Wilder in trouble? He did not follow up at all. Even the shill announcers were commenting on his failure to follow up. Some (Stasis) are saying that he did so because he knew that he was supposed to lose. I don't know. He seemed to be trying very hard EXCEPT at those times. I don't know, but it wouldn't have been Wilder's first fixed fight. There was his pal Malik Scott last year. I'd like to see the fight again. Is the full fight available online any place?

Have you gotten in touch with your Jewish pal Jonathan Mehndelson since this fiasco ended? I wonder what kind of spin he can put on this garbage performance. His guy will not beat Povetkin looking like this.
It was a horrible performance from Wilder.

As I stated before the fight, Molina was rated 44th in the division going into this fight. So Molina is a top-50 heavyweight who had never beaten a single opponent of note and was knocked out by Arreola in round 1.

Wilder should have dealt with this caliber of opponent easily. Yet the fight made it to round 9, and Molina even managed to land some big punches. I cant help but think that if Povetkin lands those shots Wilder is going to get absolutely KTFO.

I'm sure his management team is aware of his shortcomings. But because Povetkin is the mandatory Wilder will have to fight him - or cowardly give up his belt (which would be an utterly massive duck, even worse than Quillin dropping his belt to avoid Korobov. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but I can't recall a heavyweight champ ever voluntarily vacating. Ali vacated I think when he refused to conscript. But that was different. This would just be a massive duck on Wilder ' s part).
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Have you gotten in touch with your Jewish pal Jonathan Mehndelson since this fiasco ended? I wonder what kind of spin he can put on this garbage performance. His guy will not beat Povetkin looking like this.

No, I haven't heard from Jon lately. I used to see his goofy posts on the Fightnews comments. Nothing new on his Facebook page either. He must be hard at work on some new flimflam scam.
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Wilder is fighting Johann Duhaupas on Saturday. Duhaupas is ranked 34 in the world. No disrespect to Duhaupas, but how does this Wilder idiot keep avoiding real fights?? There are a multitude of fighters out there with a much better resume then Duhaupas. It appears Wilder is the heavyweight version of Adonos Stevensen. Obviously he is openly avoiding big names. Hopefully Duhaupas can pull one out.
Streams to fight on my sig link below. It's supposed to start at 8:30PM ET/5:30 PT.

If the fight is legit -a big if, because I wouldn't be surprised if they paid Duhaupas to fall down asap, since the last tomato can their so-called world heavyweight champion fought came close to KO'g him before backing off - but if it's legit it could be interesting. I watched part of D. vs. Tepir and the guy is not bad. He moves around, takes a punch very well, and hits pretty hard. Rare to see a French athlete who's actually French too, though judging by his name he must be from elsewhere in Europe, but a Frenchman who's actually White, hard to believe!
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It's televised live on NBC. That's crazy. Never see the klitschkos on prime time network tv.
Had to shut off the sound because the talking heads on the USSSA ziovision are laying it on thick - "a truly great american champion...he has the charisma...bla bla bla".
These network fights keep catching me by surprise since I haven't bothered with the major networks for a long time now.

Youtube scouted the Frenchman. He has the basics down, overhands the right too much. Kind of a windmill effect. Maybe he'll catch Wilder with it, who knows. Would be nice and fit punishment for Wilder having the nerve (is he maybe not smart enough to know better?) THE heavyweight champion of the world. Ha ha ha.

The French guy is supposed to lose and a Wilder win doesn't prove much, unless he gets caught with a big punch and takes it well.

We'll see.
Ha ha. Watching the pre-fight locker room interview and at first I thought the media guy was wearing one of those round caps they wear, but on a closer look it just seemed to be the imprint of one.

Come to think of it, it is Saturday.
I noticed the despicable referee Jack Reiss was yelling at Duhaupas every time he went on the offensive and landed anything on Wilder.

Wilder hit Duhaupas on the back of the head several times and Reiss didn't say anything, but when Duhaupas hit Wilder with a legal punch, Reiss scolded him for hitting behind the head.

Duhaupas isn't a top 25 HW and that's why he was chosen (he lost to Pianeta and to Teper), but he gave it his best effort and won a couple of rounds on my card.
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