Crime Thread

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As much as I try to be liberal here in certain situations I have to agree that most blacks play the victimization card. My huge problems with silly liberal Jews ( yes I am slightly Jewish ) is their friggin agenda of diversity though they seem to forget the NBA and NFL are 80% black. I can see why posters here get as angry yet a few get beyond belief in what they think to be true. Right thinking and appreciated but a few thing I think are a little paranoid and misplaced.
As much as I try to be liberal here in certain situations I have to agree that most blacks play the victimization card. My huge problems with silly liberal Jews ( yes I am slightly Jewish ) is their friggin agenda of diversity though they seem to forget the NBA and NFL are 80% black. I can see why posters here get as angry yet a few get beyond belief in what they think to be true. Right thinking and appreciated but a few thing I think are a little paranoid and misplaced.

Really, "most blacks play the victimization card"? Thanks for the memo, I missed it. Since you lead a sheltered life, and haven't been able to experience the wonders of the vibrant ones up close and personal, may I suggest that you lock yourself up for a weekend and watch WSHH, non-stop for 48-hours, and come next Monday, give us a report on what you think after that crash course in zoology.
I wish the problems with Jews was that they are just silly geeky neurotic Woody Allens. If only that were the case, oy vey.

Suspect charged in shooting deaths of patient, employee at Florida hospital


When population is taken into consideration, whites ate 25 times more likely to be the victims of black-on-white crime than blacks are to be victims of white-on-black crime.

Pakis, Iraqis, and Muzzies ganging up on a few white in Sheffield, England. One white had enough and pitched one of 'em to the moon with his car. You'll like this very entertaining video.

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Three "boys" beat the hell out of elderly deaf couple.

Deaf couple recovering after beating, robbery



If I were lucky enough to find those three rogues coming through my door, the 911 afterwards would be like this:

911 OP: Hello, 911, what is the emergency?

AM: There are three men in my house.

911 OP: What are you talking about sir? What are the three men doing?

AM: They're lying.

911 OP: Sir, what are the three men in your house doing?

AM: The three men are lying down.

911 OP: Sir, are you alright? What has happened?

AM: I'm alright. Inside those three men are three bullets.
‘Senseless act of violence’: 68-year-old man dies after road rage attack

Community Activist Karlin Chan added, "Mr. Tse measures about 5'5" and weighs about 115 pounds. He's a small man. For the assailant to hit him and blindside him so hard it's an act of a cowardice."

His assailant Cleamon Anderson, a Negro as if you didn't guess, is age 44 and about 240 pounds.

NYPD school safety agent accused of trying to cover up brother's assault of an older man after collision

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I kept waiting for them to give us a description of the perps on this vicious assault since they got away; but, of course, they never got around to mentioning it.

Well-Known Beverly Hills Physician Almost Beaten To Death In Violent Attack In Venice

I'm not the only one that noticed that gross omission, if the comments section is any indication (assuming they haven't turned it off yet).

I guess by omission, we can probably guess within a 90% certainty. But height and weight would help.
Former Wisconsin Badger and Denver Bronco RB, Montee Ball, arrested for battery.

UPDATE: I guess he was actually convicted and sentenced to 60 days in the can. Not sure that resume with "University of Wisconsin" is going to do much for him now; but you never know in Obama's Amerika. He may just commute his sentence to 30 days.
A couple of dindu's arrested after cold-blooded murder of "Good Samaritan" that helped them get their vehicle out of a ditch in South Carolina.

They look like the prototypical football players that the Gamecocks and other SEC and ACC programs like to recruit. I wonder if the 17-year-old received any offers.
A couple of dindu's arrested after cold-blooded murder of "Good Samaritan" that helped them get their vehicle out of a ditch in South Carolina.

They look like the prototypical football players that the Gamecocks and other SEC and ACC programs like to recruit. I wonder if the 17-year-old received any offers.

With a name like Chadwick Garrett, I thought the victim was a white guy. Apparently I was wrong as he is in fact black.
With a name like Chadwick Garrett, I thought the victim was a white guy. Apparently I was wrong as he is in fact black.
Tommy Sotomayor with a good take on it (as usual). Also, credit to TS for his respectable interviews with David Duke, unlike Alex Jones' hatchet job.

Also, love his "Where's Darren Wilson when you need him" t-shirt.
Mississippi police arrest man in killings of two nuns

Rodney Earl Sanders, 46, has been charged with two counts of capital murder in connection with the killing of two nuns in Mississippi.


The two nuns who were killed in Mississippi were by all accounts some of the most friendly, helpful people in town, cooking and caring for anyone in their poor community — making their slayings all the more puzzling.

Their car was found abandoned a mile away from their home, and there were signs of a break-in, but police haven't released any leads or suspects in the investigation.

The women, both 68 and nurse practitioners, were found dead Thursday morning when they didn't report to work at the nearby clinic where they provided flu shots, insulin and other medical care for children and adults who couldn't afford it.

They were identified as Sister Margaret Held and Sister Paula Merrill.


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