Crime Thread

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Germany is not just toast, it's gone.

20 year old Muslim "migrant" rapes little German boy, gets convicted, then Liberal "Judge" overturns sentence. You won't believe why:

Disgusting. Merkel and all her cronies including this judge deserve the guillotine for their traitorous acts to their great historic nation! Islam is a plague.. Can't convict the goat fucker because can't prove the German boy didn't say "no don't rape me barbarian." Unreal.

...and Bull Connor was the 'bad guy'?

Solid right hand deals with punks & yogs but quick.

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Should have put the boots to the one he dropped.
Turns out that pretty blonde gal (Sherri Papini) out in CA was kidnapped by Mexrements & tortured + starved. This was supposedly done because one of the Sherri's old school 'friends' made a "racist" remark on some 'skinhead' web site (trashing the Mexcrements) using the (kidnapped) Sherri's maiden name.

This further goes to prove (once again) the savage, depraved nature of such untermenschen. When/if they catch those vile vermin, the need to receive some 'Saw' or 'Hostel' type "treatment"(before being finished off). :mad:
If you were driving down the road and witnessed this, what would you do?

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I won't tell you what I'd do, this is what I did: I chased the azzhole with my car, he dropped the purse and ran.
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