Crime Thread

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Black attempts "knockout game" on unsuspecting girl but gets crushed instead. ZERO FACKS GIVEN.

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Even then white people jump in to save the dindoo nuffin. You hear the (audio) concern from the White cucks about the would be knockout artists condition which is a 180 contrast from what you'd hear if the attack had been successful and had the narrator been one of the perps tribe.
A contractor working on Okinawa murdered a Japanese woman. Unsurprisingly he's black and it should come as no great surprise to CFers that most crime committed by "Americans" on Okinawa is black crime.


Any slack left is picked up by "Hispanics".
Black attempts "knockout game" on unsuspecting girl but gets crushed instead. ZERO FACKS GIVEN.

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They should have put the (collective) boots to that boy!
A 17-year old "Unarmed Youff" named Trevon Johnson (not to be confused with the other notorious, Florida-based dead thug, Trayvon Martin) was shot dead by a 54-year old woman (Gwendolyn Jenrette, not sure of her race) after climbing out of the window of her home following a burglary...

Local family and friends of the dead thief make some stunningly-ridiculous comments to local news in the video below. According to them, Unarmed Trevon was actually the victim and was merely trying to "get money to buy clothes for school." Isn't school out for the summer? Another causality of "institutionalized racism" who dindu nuffin, I suppose...

I haven't seen this story getting any national attention, which is unfortunate because the nation might've lost a future Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, an NBA player, a rap artist, or a token black actor to be paired with white women in TV commercials. A mugshot taken of Unarmed Trevon from a few months back after committing a different crime...

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White male infant abused by black male babysitter. Finally charged after two months only after social media outcry:

Unbelievably naive and culturally-brainwashed White couple from Oregon (of course), that allowed this to happen. Hopefully, this will be yet another wake-up opportunity for Whites to get their minds right and stop believing that these savages are in any-way-shape-or-form their "allies" or "equals" and take the necessary precautions.
What a disgrace that Americans have to so often, on the national scale, rely on this British publication, the Daily Mail, to find the truth about these racial atrocities which American national outlets are so afraid to publish, and when they do, do everything to hide the profile of the perp. Thank you Daily Mail!
Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! A stranger! A Man! A Black! The trifecta of stupidity!
Those pictures of that poor child brought tears to my eyes. That child was not just a victim of that babysitter from hell, but his brainwashed paint job theory, gender neutered, idiot parents. In a sane world those parents, along with Gorilla boys parents, would lose child custody for subjecting their children to jungle fever conditions.
Don, It's really hard in this instance to comply with CF racial slur policy, but comply I have, euphemistically.
What a disgrace that Americans have to so often, on the national scale, rely on this British publication, the Daily Mail, to find the truth about these racial atrocities which American national outlets are so afraid to publish, and when they do, do everything to hide the profile of the perp. Thank you Daily Mail!
Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! A stranger! A Man! A Black! The trifecta of stupidity!
Those pictures of that poor child brought tears to my eyes. That child was not just a victim of that babysitter from hell, but his brainwashed paint job theory, gender neutered, idiot parents. In a sane world those parents, along with Gorilla boys parents, would lose child custody for subjecting their children to jungle fever conditions.
Don, It's really hard in this instance to comply with CF racial slur policy, but comply I have, euphemistically.

I always find more about what's truly happening here in North America from "outside" sources.
There are a lot of White people in positions of authority who will one day need to be held accountable. I hold them in my greatest contempt even more so than the savages.
He didn't know the victim, and wasn't being addressed by the victim, just didn't like hearing the victim "run his mouth," so decided to sucker punch from behind with brass knuckles (knockout game?). They want to charge him as an adult which is good, but I'd go further in my America and call animal control to check if his breed is legal and if he's up to date on his shots. Euthanasia might be the most merciful thing to do for "society." His mother *shock* was another race traitor mud shark who squeezed this lump of coal out of her miscegenation factory. The mongrels can be worse than the pure Congolese due to the confusion of their identity. As usual young white girls seen cavorting with buckwheats begging the question; "Where the hell are their fathers?"
He didn't know the victim, and wasn't being addressed by the victim, just didn't like hearing the victim "run his mouth," so decided to sucker punch from behind with brass knuckles (knockout game?). They want to charge him as an adult which is good, but I'd go further in my America and call animal control to check if his breed is legal and if he's up to date on his shots. Euthanasia might be the most merciful thing to do for "society." His mother *shock* was another race traitor mud shark who squeezed this lump of coal out of her miscegenation factory. The mongrels can be worse than the pure Congolese due to the confusion of their identity. As usual young white girls seen cavorting with buckwheats begging the question; "Where the hell are their fathers?"

White women need to be held accountable for their own actions (as do all women, and adults for that matter). A white woman's choice to reproduce with a Negro is completely her choice and no one is accountable for that except her. Implying that its her father's fault that she chose to breed with a Negro is like saying all adult women are innocent and child-like who can't make their own decisions and be responsible for them.

It has nothing to do with her father and ultimately it was her choice to be a race mixer.

Im against racemixing just like everyone else here (atleast white with Negro) but its not fair to somehow blame *her choice* on the white men in her life. She is a god damn adult and can make her own decisions for which she is fully responsible, just as would be expected of a white man of the same age.

She is a racemixer because that is her choice. The buck stops there.
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White women need to be held accountable for their own actions (as do all women, and adults for that matter). A white woman's choice to reproduce with a Negro is completely her choice and no one is accountable for that except her. Implying that its her father's fault that she chose to breed with a Negro is like saying all adult women are innocent and child-like who can't make their own decisions and be responsible for them.

It has nothing to do with her father and ultimately it was her choice to be a race mixer.

Im against racemixing just like everyone else here (atleast white with Negro) but its not fair to somehow blame *her choice* on the white men in her life. She is a god damn adult and can make her own decisions for which she is fully responsible, just as would be expected of a white man of the same age.

She is a racemixer because that is her choice. The buck stops there.
I wasn't implying anything as you're confusing what I said about the young girls seen in the video (one pushing in such a way the half-Breed as to seem like a girlfriend & the other at the end of the vid sitting on the picnic bench with her blue lips friend by her side) with the fully grown mama coal burner.
The grownup is on her own and however she was brought up---for better or worse---is on her.
The young girls though are still in adult custody, so if there's a father in the picture, it's on him to decide who his children associate with if he takes his responsibilities seriously.
When she's old enough to live on her own, and if she chooses to be a fool, then as you said "ultimately it was her choice to be a race mixer."
BoxingSpecialist2 said:
White women need to be held accountable for their own actions (as do all women, and adults for that matter). A white woman's choice to reproduce with a Negro is completely her choice and no one is accountable for that except her. Implying that its her father's fault that she chose to breed with a Negro is like saying all adult women are innocent and child-like who can't make their own decisions and be responsible for them.

It has nothing to do with her father and ultimately it was her choice to be a race mixer.

Im against racemixing just like everyone else here (atleast white with Negro) but its not fair to somehow blame *her choice* on the white men in her life. She is a god damn adult and can make her own decisions for which she is fully responsible, just as would be expected of a white man of the same age.

She is a racemixer because that is her choice. The buck stops there.

I wasn't implying anything as you're confusing what I said about the young girls seen in the video (one pushing in such a way the half-Breed as to seem like a girlfriend & the other at the end of the vid sitting on the picnic bench with her blue lips friend by her side) with the fully grown mama coal burner.
The grownup is on her own and however she was brought up---for better or worse---is on her.
The young girls though are still in adult custody, so if there's a father in the picture, it's on him to decide who his children associate with if he takes his responsibilities seriously.
When she's old enough to live on her own, and if she chooses to be a fool, then as you said "ultimately it was her choice to be a race mixer."

With your respective points, you are both correct. Woman is accountable for her self. Father is accountable for his children. No controversy here.
Police kill armed Negro child molester in Louisiana:

Alton Sterling was a registered sex offender, here's his photo on the website:

Some idiotic NFL affletes including the mixed krapernick going to twitter to display their idiocy (If I recall Krapernick was born to a white mother and black father who abandoned them and than was adopted by a white family but he obviously identifies as an oppressed black lol)
Some idiotic NFL affletes including the mixed krapernick going to twitter to display their idiocy (If I recall Krapernick was born to a white mother and black father who abandoned them and than was adopted by a white family but he obviously identifies as an oppressed black lol)
Krapernick is an ignorant POS. He really believes the big lie that blacks are the victims of endless white racism, all the time and that explains everything. It'll be even easier to root against this backup QB loser.
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