Crime Thread

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If any of you guys have seen that video of the black reporter going ghetto after a fly went into his mouth, this is pretty much a non-comical and violent version of it. There's really not much of a difference between a black man wearing his pants sagging down and speaking in ebonics or one wearing a three-piece suit and speaking in perfect English, it's just the latter is able to restrain from exhibiting its TNB much longer.
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The killer released his manifesto and admitted it was a reaction to the charleston killings. He outright claimed that his actions were racially motivated which would lead to this being a hate crime.

The comments I have read on yahoo lead me to believe more whites are waking up and seeing that blacks carry grudges against white people and think murder is one of their rights because they are "oppressed". Still waiting to see if anything related to black history is going to be banned and attacked. The left and the media get exposed more and more everyday for their hypocrisy as they continually craft their false narrative of black victimhood.

Blagg Histry Munff should be abolished immediately :
I usually roll my eyes when people start calling a mass shooting a hoax, but in this case, a few things don't add up. First, if you watch the POV video, you can see the negro practically walk around his victims for a good 30-40s, including waving the gun right under the reporter's nose for a good 10s. How could no one see it? It was basically happening right in front of the woman being interviewed, and the reporter's peripheral vision would've caught it. Doesn't make sense.

Also, black people don't write 23 page manifestos, never seen that before. And like clockwork, the families of the victims are on TV talking about gun control, in this case the reporter's father.

And if true, remember what the media in this country stand for and what journalism schools produce these days. What do you think that reporter would say about this site? I may sound cold, but she was in all likelihood an Obama voting, leftist SJW, the sort of white person we routinely identify here as our biggest enemy, so no sympathies from me.
I usually roll my eyes when people start calling a mass shooting a hoax, but in this case, a few things don't add up. First, if you watch the POV video, you can see the negro practically walk around his victims for a good 30-40s, including waving the gun right under the reporter's nose for a good 10s. How could no one see it? It was basically happening right in front of the woman being interviewed, and the reporter's peripheral vision would've caught it. Doesn't make sense.

Also, black people don't write 23 page manifestos, never seen that before. And like clockwork, the families of the victims are on TV talking about gun control, in this case the reporter's father.

And if true, remember what the media in this country stand for and what journalism schools produce these days. What do you think that reporter would say about this site? I may sound cold, but she was in all likelihood an Obama voting, leftist SJW, the sort of white person we routinely identify here as our biggest enemy, so no sympathies from me.
It's not a hoax.

The Jewish supremacists who control the major media outlets would have no motive for this one. They always portray Negroes and homosexuals as victims, to create guilt in European-Americans and stir up anger in the Negroes.

When white Gentiles are the victims, the major media outlets usually either ignore it completely or at least keep the story off the front pages.
We'll just assume every incident like this is a hoax but when something happens that is real please let us know okay?
I know you're being facetious, but you are actually correct. You should assume EVERY national "news" event/story is a hoax, unless you have direct, personal knowledge. You should never trust the people who bring you these fairy tales. They are pure propaganda, mind-control, fear-inducing, agenda driven bull****.
This is not a hoax the Jews want us to think only heterosexual white men are the only ones who can go on rampages. This guy does not fit their profile.
The media is doing everything in its power to keep us from thinking his motive was race related. This dispite the fact that in his manifesto he does nothing but talk about how he was decriminated against by white people.
Now if the roles were reversed the media would not shut up about how the about thebrole of race in the shooting.
25 Americans killed every day by illegals -

Mexicans and other Central Americans are no doubt responsible for the majority. None of the victims will ever be as well known as Trayvon.

Some of you may remember the movie A Christmas Story directed by Bob Clark. What you probably didn't know is that Clark and his son were killed by a drunk driving "Latino" illegal in 2007. I just looked at his IMDB page. It says:

Died with his son, Ariel Clark, in a head-on crash with a vehicle that steered into the wrong lane (April 4, 2007); the driver of the other car was later charged with driving without a driver's license and while intoxicated.

No mention is made of the drunk driver's details.
Untermench vermin shaghai ambuses unsuspecting sheriff deputy (who was pumping gas). Typlical TNB cowardice.

The deaths of three white people murdered in cold blood by blacks has to waken more white people to what is going on in this country. The government and media are both accessories to both these crimes and propping up blacks as the poor down on their luck victims in society when in reality they as a whole are society's cancer.
Ivorian arrested for the murders of two elderly people in Sicily:

Mamadou Kamara, an 18-year-old from the Ivory Coast, allegedly slit the throat of Vincenzo Solano, 68, and then attacked his Spanish-born wife, Mercedes Ibanez, 70.Ms Ibanez fell to her death from a second-floor balcony, during a robbery that turned violent.

Mr Kamara is one of thousands of migrants and refugees living at a vast reception centre at nearby Mineo, in south-eastern Sicily.

The Germans are demanding that more illegals like this guy be spread out across Europe.
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