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Negroes abduct couples (presumably white) at gunpoint, raped women, force boyfriends to watch...

[/h]Detroit police seek men who robbed couples, raped the women:


Police in Detroit are searching for men who allegedly robbed two young couples at gunpoint in separate attacks two hours apart and gang-raped the women while forcing the male victims to watch. The men reportedly forced the couple behind a nearby business where they were robbed and stripped of their clothes.

“It’s horrifyingâ€, police Deputy Chief Charles Fitzgerald told reporters Friday.

Police said when the rapists fled, they also took the couples’ clothing.

Detroit Police Department A sketch of one of the six suspects that dragged a man and a woman behind the back of a Detroit building, before stripping and robbing them. Cassandra Lewis told the Associated Press.

Suspect one in Thursday’s incidents was described as a 5-foot, 8-inch-tall male in his early 20s, with a medium complexion, mustache and goatee.
“One of the suspects produced a gun, pointed it at both victims and advised them to go to an alleyâ€.

“The male victim was forced to watch the female victim get sexually assaultedâ€.

Four men ordered them to the ground and then took took turns sexually assaulting the woman, forcing her boyfriend to watch, WWJ reported.
Police said the attackers might have been spotted near a blue Ford-model auto before or after the assaults.

Just hours later, at 2:40 a.m. Friday, another couple was attacked.

According to investigators, the rapes might be connected to a third incident on July 11 in which two armed men robbed a couple and raped the woman.
Meanwhile, people from the area are terrified of the recent attacks with even the police officials asking people to avoid staying out late and in general to be cautious. After the attack was over, the nude victims ran to a nearby liquor store for help.

‘You are public enemy No. 1, ‘ Zeek of community group New Era Detroit told WJBK.


Another Miscegenation Tragedy

This should be national news because 8 people were killed including six children by one shooter. 8 people dead are more than other nationally covered spree shootings. I had to here it on local news because the family is supposedly from my area. David Conley (black) shot six (mixed kids) and his ex-ho (White) along with her current pimp/common law husband (black).

I just know we saved millions in future welfare roles and the cost of criminal justice. That's harsh but it's the truth.
This should be national news because 8 people were killed including six children by one shooter. 8 people dead are more than other nationally covered spree shootings. I had to here it on local news because the family is supposedly from my area. David Conley (black) shot six (mixed kids) and his ex-ho (White) along with her current pimp/common law husband (black).

I just know we saved millions in future welfare roles and the cost of criminal justice. That's harsh but it's the truth.

The aweful incident caught on film during a live broadcast...


The white camera man (Adam Ward, 27) and white female news reporter (Alison Parker, 24) were murdered in cold blood by a black former co-worker named Vester Flanagan (AKA Bryce Williams). Flanagan allegedly penned a lengthy manifesto/suicide note claiming to have been a lifelong victim of “racismâ€￾ and “homophobia,â€￾ and inferred that this killing was “retributionâ€￾ for the Charleston Shootings several months ago. He praised the Virginia Tech shooter and the Colombine shooters, and he’s sued past employers for “racismâ€￾ and has been terminated from multiple news stations throughout his career.

The victims...

The suspect (committed suicide)...
The killer released his manifesto and admitted it was a reaction to the charleston killings. He outright claimed that his actions were racially motivated which would lead to this being a hate crime.

The comments I have read on yahoo lead me to believe more whites are waking up and seeing that blacks carry grudges against white people and think murder is one of their rights because they are "oppressed". Still waiting to see if anything related to black history is going to be banned and attacked. The left and the media get exposed more and more everyday for their hypocrisy as they continually craft their false narrative of black victimhood.
Since he was gay and black, there ought to be a couple of things we can ban. How about the rainbow flag? Better yet affirmative action should be banned immediately. That's what caused this man to go off the deep end in the long run. He probably felt entitled, although he seemed unfit for his positions.
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In the early hours of the incident people were saying it was obviously a white man or actually looking at the screen grab from the video showing him walking by the camera and insisting it was a white man because he was overexposed and his skin looked white. Hilarious...
That sodomite sicko was (AA) HIRED because he was a colored homosexual. He obviously belonged in an asylum or (as will be) pushing up daisies. What kind of a gutless coward goes about shooting down unsuspecting, innocent folks?!

Furthermore, the coloreds really should NOT want any "race war", as they'd be on the losing side (even with so many "White" cream puffs these days). There's still a few (real) White men out there.
Stop being fooled by these hoax shootings.

Ok, so it didn't happen, huh? The reporter and cameraman, and the assailant are all hanging out now laughing, right. It never happened like Sandyhook didn't happen, and like holograms hit the Towers on 911, right?
Do we know he was gay? It hasn't said anything about that.

Also in the letter, which he at one point refers to as his 'Suicide Note for Friends and Family', Flanagan lists grievances including racial discrimination at work as well as sexual harassment and bullying.

He writes that he's been attacked by black men and white women as he discusses the difficulties of going through life as a gay man of color.

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