Crime Thread

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Racist attack by a black American with a machete in downtown Toronto:

When I saw this on a Canadian MSM website a couple of days ago they left out the racial remark.
Notice how our MSM is silent. If a White did this to a Black there would 24/7 media coverage and simultaneous buses and planes crossing the northern border to show 'em how we are so wonderful and march arm in arm with Blacks and libs and burn, loot, and demonstrate for "equality for all" because "Whites have been doing this to minorities for decades and it's just never reported", etc, etc, etc... All and more, with relentless energies spent, and of course to benefit "all people groups" and bring about "the greater good of diversity"...

(That is, IF the cause is Leftist engineered. And when it is, it has to be couched in Graduate School speech/gobbledeguke)

As I grow older, I appreciate plain, rudimentary and terse talk towards liberal leftists more than ever. Jesus Christ himself said things oftentimes for the very reason of offending the religious leaders of his day. He knew that was the only way to get their attention. He gave us an example in those instances to eschew and mock any form of "political correctness" and all the harm it brings. He was the King of doing that. We should follow suit.
[h=1]Three Young Black Women Beat a 51-Year-Old White Man to Death[/h]

I saw this. This had to be one of the most violent chimpouts I have ever seen. They weren't even charged with a hate crime. It's so ridiculous it's beyond belief.

And right in broad daylight. These thugs have been so conditioned from birth to hate Whites that there is no shame in them at all to carry out such heinous crimes. Rather, they "feel" it's totally justified and from the looks of their gangly ambush that it is an actual obligation to get rid of Whitey any way possible.
This is the thanks we get for being tolerant, PC, coddling, catering, compliant, self-loathing, collectively guilty, and worst of all: born White.
And right in broad daylight. These thugs have been so conditioned from birth to hate Whites that there is no shame in them at all to carry out such heinous crimes. Rather, they "feel" it's totally justified and from the looks of their gangly ambush that it is an actual obligation to get rid of Whitey any way possible.
This is the thanks we get for being tolerant, PC, coddling, catering, compliant, self-loathing, collectively guilty, and worst of all: born White.

I am surprised these POS didn't use the "perfect defense" of a racial slur directed at the young kid. That would have certainly got the drunk white liberals in their corner immediately. Sharpton would have then marched for these filthy animals!
I am surprised these POS didn't use the "perfect defense" of a racial slur directed at the young kid. That would have certainly got the drunk white liberals in their corner immediately. Sharpton would have then marched for these filthy animals!

Exactly. The justification now for anything from Black cretins or homos is the unforgivable "racial" or "homophobic":puke: slur. What a joke. However, the false narratives used by the Tribe are swallowed hook, line and sinker by the the younger generations due to years of government (public) schools and 24/7 media lies. White males AND females better wake up.
These are some of the Negroes who set this poor teen aged girl on fire. It was covered by the national media, but no photos of the scumbags were published except in the local media. So as far as the American public knows, they were white.

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Black privilege apparently even extends to beating up cops to the point of requiring hospitalization. Let's hope Johnny Manziel doesn't try this:

CSN Philly reports Philadelphia authorities won't make a decision on issuing arrest warrants in the LeSean McCoy assault case until next week. The longer McCoy goes without getting charged, the better. Beyond a potential one or two game suspension, McCoy's 2016 status doesn't appear to be under a cloud.
More "black magic" at work, and as always Rotoworld is relieved:

Giants DT Jay Bromley will not be charged with attempted sexual assault, according to his attorney Alex Spiro. Police investigated Bromley following an incident at a New York City hotel on January 30. He was cleared of any wrongdoing and now the case is closed. Bromley was never likely to be charged as the New York Post reported his accuser had "significant credibility issues." Now Bromley can focus on football again.
Married Swiss woman helps Syrian Muslim rapist escape from prison and runs away with him to Syria. She apparently converted to Islam as well. He was in prison for raping two Swiss females, one just 16-years old.

Some good comments at the end of that article.

Just another example of the mentality and traitorous nature of many contemporary White Western women.
These are some of the Negroes who set this poor teen aged girl on fire. It was covered by the national media, but no photos of the scumbags were published except in the local media. So as far as the American public knows, they were white.


Oh no! It is hard to believe that this girl would have a relationship with criminal thug. But this is the MTV world that we live in today.

Boyfriend indicted in Jessica Chambers case


A Panola County native suspected in another homicide has been indicted in the December 2014 burning death of Courtland teen Jessica Chambers.

Quinton Tellis, 27, originally of Courtland, was indicted on capital murder charges by a special grand jury in Panola County as he sat in the Ouachita Parish Jail in Monroe, La., where he is being held in the August death of a University of Louisiana-Monroe exchange student.

Tellis is believed to have been the last person with Chambers the night she was killed. The two had a relationship in the weeks leading up to her death, officials said.

Chambers and Tellis were eight years apart in age. They grew up in the same neighborhood and had gone to South Panola High School.

Further details of their relationship were not public prior to the Tuesday press conference.

Tellis was living in Monroe with a new wife when Monroe police arrested him in the stabbing death of Meing-Chen Hsiao, 34, of Taiwan. Hsiao had been missing for more than a week when her body was found Aug. 8 in her apartment.

Police said Hsiao's homicide appeared to be very personal.

Tellis has not been charged with her slaying, but according to jail records, he has been charged with three counts of unauthorized use of an access card and one count of possession with intent to distribute marijuana.

The police report says Tellis used a Chase Bank debit card belonging to Hsiao about 11 p.m. Aug. 7. On that transaction, he withdrew $.07. When it was used again Aug. 18, it was allegedly used at 10:35 p.m. for $500 and again at 3:04 a.m. for another $500. Police said he admitted to using the debit card on all three occasions. They added there were ATM surveillance photos of him using the card.

Authorities found a quarter-pound of marijuana in a bedroom of his house, packaged for sale.

Tellis' Facebook page indicates he married his fiancee on or around the day Hsiao's body was found.

MDOC records show he was sentenced to five years in prison in January 2010 for residential burglary. He was released on probation in August 2010, but his probation was subsequently revoked. He was sentenced again in December 2011 for residential burglary.

He was also sentenced to three years in February 2012 for residential burglary. He was released on probation in October 2014 and absconded supervision in August.

In May 2011, he had a case for simple assault and domestic violence-simple dismissed after his accusers failed to appear to prosecute. He had pleaded not guilty to charges of disturbance of a family, records show.

In July 2011, he was referred to the grand jury for burglary and grand larceny.

While he was incarcerated, MDOC records show various violations, including refusing to work, and staff said he made threatening statements toward them in 2014.

Read more here:

These are some of the Negroes who set this poor teen aged girl on fire. It was covered by the national media, but no photos of the scumbags were published except in the local media. So as far as the American public knows, they were white.


Apparently the white woman had several sexual relationships with Negroes.
According to the above article, her father tried to stop her from being with a certain black boyfriend. She was then gang raped and set on fire and murdered.

No one deserves this to happen to them, but this crime also points out that women enjoy the company of men who abuse them. That is why men who try and "help" or "save" women come off as being very unintelligent. She is an adult and can make her own decisions, to which she should be held accountable. I'm not saying she deserved what happened to her, no, I'm just saying that it shows a lot of women like men who abuse them.

The crime also illustrates a media coverup on black-on-white crime. What else is new? Even in Toronto, there was a black male who stabbed his white girlfriend to death, and I lived in Toronto, and the crime was never reported completely swept under the rug. There are by now, hundreds of examples of black-on-white crime that have been censored.
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