Crime Thread

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Day by day we are becoming more like Afrikaners in South Africa with regard to how our people are being systematically beaten, robbed and murdered by the blacks.
Sorry if this has been posted somewhere on the site already.


Sorry if this has been posted somewhere on the site already.



That video enraged me so much. I really tip my cap to Flaherty for writing yet another book to expose the truth and what is really happening in this country. It disgusts me how the media covers it up and tries to perpetuate the myth of black victimization. I really liked the comments he had on the clueless hipsters - the first "colorblind" generation; At least through the internet more and more of these stories are coming to light rather than being covered up. I really hope the pendulum begins to swing the other way soon.
"I really hope the pendulum begins to swing the other way soon."

Don't we all!

The US media masters are now in the full time business of inciting blacks to riot and commit even more violent crimes than they already do while simultaneously totally censoring the pandemic of black violent crime. Likewise the occupational government, the thing that currently goes under the name "Barak Hussein Obama" and its tranny "wife" et al.

There's been 30+ murders in Baltimore since the riots. No outrage business as usual.

America's most wanted man after 'killing CEO, wife and son' in DC mansion was identified by DNA on pizza crust

The suspect, Daron Dylon Wint, 34, of Maryland, remains at large and the NYPD is following leads that he may be in the New York City area.

He has previous convictions for sexual assault and theft, and relatives describe him as 'arrogant' and 'hostile'

Investigators believe the family was held and tortured overnight


Just another typical piece of **** cancer on society.This story is the truth of racial violence in this country but it doesn't fit the false narrative the media have created. That's why it isn't even mentioned on yahoo nor will it be covered by the media in any meaningful way. No protests will occur calling out the vile black predators that run free like feral dogs in this country.
Just another typical piece of **** cancer on society.This story is the truth of racial violence in this country but it doesn't fit the false narrative the media have created. That's why it isn't even mentioned on yahoo nor will it be covered by the media in any meaningful way. No protests will occur calling out the vile black predators that run free like feral dogs in this country.

More and more I'm beginning to empathize with the Afrikaners. The explosion of these types of crimes in our country are covered-up, while hordes of feral dogs freely wreak havoc on unsuspecting Whites.
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Suspect identified in Grand Forks Walmart shooting

Perhaps Negroes shouldn't be allowed to own firearms?


Girlfriend of Marcell Willis Speaks Out on Grand Forks Walmart Tragedy

His girlfriend is a beautiful young white woman. What a waste.

Pathetic even mudsharks in North Dakota. Stupid skank.
Here are two incidents of white bus drivers being assaulted by negroes just in the past few days. These are only the incidents caught on tape, countless others occur on a daily basis.

Also, it looks like some "teens" decided to crash a gated community pool. A cop arrests one of the teens and is now being labeled a racist.
A disgusting war on Whites is going on and we must get in shape (physically/mentally), while being prepared to defend ourselves at a moments notice.

At least the negro in the first video used telegraphed, round house punches typical of what their undisciplined kind often throw.

Too bad Mr. bus driver didn't identify the threat early, and use a bit of the old Krav- Maga.

Hey the jews are good for something, even if they did steal many of the techniques used in Krav from other martial arts disciplines.
I don't care how old you are there is no excuse for not being able to fight. In the first attack you wouldn't need much skill to handle it, just some basic boxing or kickboxing fundamentals would be enough to handle that situation.
I don' t care how olld you are there is no excuse for not being able to fight. In the first attack you wouldn't need much skill to handle it, just some basic boxing or kickboxing fundamentals would be enough to handle that situation.

Personally, as a teenager I've had a few amateur boxing fights and I've probably spent a good 8 years training in boxing. So suffice to say I can probably fight better than a good 90% of guys on the street. Most guys have no competitive experience in fighting so the minute you step foot in a boxing or MMA gym you're way ahead of them.

However, I am not the biggest guy. I'm about 5'9", 160 pounds. So even with my expertise it can be hard if I'm dealing with a guy much heavier than me. So even with my expertise I usually use caution and avoid fights whenever possible.

When I was living in Toronto I had an Arab guy buddy who was a weightlifter and a "tough guy" who's brother was murdered in a fight at a nightclub (the murderer was Asian). Sometimes being tough can get you killed.

I think the best policy is to avoid fighting whenever possible .

In the 1st video it seems the bus driver pushed the black passenger? But why would you push if you're not ready to fight?
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"In the 1st video it seems the bus driver pushed the black passenger? But why would you push if you're not ready to fight?"

Indeed, the bus driver made many mistakes that could have ended his life.

He never should have got that close to the negro (or anyone else).

He never should have escalated the situation by raising his voice and moving toward the negro (or anyone else).

He never should have pushed the negro (or anyone else) as a first move. It was ineffective and opened-the door so to speak for retiliation by the negro (who, did warn him that he would "fight to the death.")

The driver could have used elbow, kness, head-butts or palm strikes, rather than simply pushing.

The driver continued to make horrible decisions once the negro started beating him.

He turned his back.

He used his free hands to hold glasses and hat, instead of using them to fight back.

Sadly, this was another example of one's bark being worse than their bite. It seems the only tool in the drivers box was tough talk, which he continued to use right to the end, albeit in a more subdued tone, "get off my bus, your done." Pathetic.
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