Crime Thread

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I watch these azzholes all the time when I see them, and look at them straight in the eyes. I like to see one of those chimps try that with me. He'd wished he hadn't. That QB should have gotten up off his feet and destroyed that chimp.
Absolutely disgusting video and completely par for the course. Social media will be a game-changer in the psyches of the zombified "DWF", as the blasé newspaper boilerplate loses more and more footing to on-demand clickbait and freelance internet scoops. Yahoo Sports probably broke this story* by accident, thinking there would be a sprint for the footage of black-on-white savagery. Their editors were mistaken, as ESPN and CBS, among others, have completely forsaken acknowledgement of this damning display.

*Apparently, the bar scuffle and ensuing blindside sucker punch happened three months ago, but the security footage was released only yesterday, thus the coverage. Yahoo published the video through its catch-all college football blog pen name "Dr. Saturday." The account is likely a team effort, so some co-writer would have had the clip OK'd by a co-editor. Sloppy journalism on their end to disseminate an unnecessary bit of anti-propaganda. :icon_wink:

Here's a link to last year's video of Michigan football prodigy and teenage genius C'sonte York (sic) smashing a white student in the back of the head outside of a campus bar:

CBS picked up the video after the apostrophe-haver was booted off the team (and out of school), also crediting the local news source. EKU (and Kentucky) have yet to acknowledge the footage, so no actual "news" exists yet.

Every summer for the past 4-5 years black violence seems to be increasing. I hope all of you are careful if you find yourself in urban environments this summer. The black community in this country is ridiculous yet they continue to be catered to because they have financial and media backing. I cannot believe white people protest with these racist ********. It's amazing how so many whites have been indoctrinated.
I truly feel for all the white police officers out there. Dealing with delinquent and animalistic negroes on a daily and nightly basis is a real hassle especially with the kiddy glove approach that the leftist scum have ordered them to follow.
From what I have read the black female mayor of Baltimore essentially enabled and allowed the rioting to occur. I hope the companies and people that were attacked file lawsuits against that dump of a city. It is truly a cespool if you go 2 blocks in any direction away from the Inner Harbor.
I'm surprised that some of the blacks haven't been shooting police and random White people.

There's no question the police have been ordered to stand down and not respond to any but the most extreme agitation. One of the videos shows a black guy with a burning trashcan who runs up close to the cops and throws it at them. In any normal circumstance -- including any White guy who tried that stunt -- he would have been shot dozens of times by several cops well before he could release his weapon in their direction.
Here is another story about a white tourist from Toronto being gunned down while walking back to his hotel with a friend while in town for the Kentucky Derby.

It also illustrates what happens when you hook up with a black sociopath.

This one hits close to home. The 18 year old rubynoggin was a good friend of my son a couple of years back in high school. He was a great kid and an honors student here in Missouri. Because of divorce and family issues, they moved to Kentucky. His sister goes mudsharking and now they are all going to spend a lot of time in the slammer.
Here is another story about a white tourist from Toronto being gunned down while walking back to his hotel with a friend while in town for the Kentucky Derby.

It also illustrates what happens when you hook up with a black sociopath.

This one hits close to home. The 18 year old rubynoggin was a good friend of my son a couple of years back in high school. He was a great kid and an honors student here in Missouri. Because of divorce and family issues, they moved to Kentucky. His sister goes mudsharking and now they are all going to spend a lot of time in the slammer.
The Victim:

The Victim:

There are other pictures as well. He had gone to Churchill Downs to check another thing off of his "bucket list", trying to live life to the fullest. Gunned down by a negro and two strung-out kids.
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