Crime Thread

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I used to work as a doorman at a bar, and when I would see a fight about to escalate, I would notice about three or four camera phones being held up. We would usually break up the fight but, if a fight happened we would hear ******** yelling "Worldstar" and **** like that. It not that they are afraid to interfere, It is that they what to film the fight so they can post it on the internet.
The guys chose to film it rather than stop her because they want to get on websites like Worldstarhiphop. This is what our society is resorting to. I hope in 20 years that boy grows up and beats the **** out of that girl.

That is not a girl. That is a violent savage.

I wouldn't get too upset over things like this. You have to remember two things; most Whites are extremely brainwashed by the media when it comes to race. So not only are they firm believers in cultural marxism and equality but they're probably also completely disgusted by us and our views. Secondly, attacks like this by far the best way to wake up Whites and convert them to our way of thinking. Not only the person who gets attacked but anyone who watches the video or hears about the story. I imagine almost any non-black who watches this video would become sick to their stomach. And after seeing enough of these incidents they'd turn into "racists". That's actually what woke me up personally
I wouldn't get too upset over things like this. You have to remember two things; most Whites are extremely brainwashed by the media when it comes to race. So not only are they firm believers in cultural marxism and equality but they're probably also completely disgusted by us and our views. S
econdly, attacks like this by far the best way to wake up Whites and convert them to our way of thinking. Not only the person who gets attacked but anyone who watches the video or hears about the story. I imagine almost any non-black who watches this video would become sick to their stomach. And after seeing enough of these incidents they'd turn into "racists". That's actually what woke me up personally
Unfortunately I do. These types of events are all too common. Just look at how violent and upset blacks got over a young thug attacking a neighborhood watchman and then being shot in self defense.
Unfortunately I do. These types of events are all too common. Just look at how violent and upset blacks got over a young thug attacking a neighborhood watchman and then being shot in self defense.
look at like this, whites getting attacked by blacks is a necessary evil.
Most of our bravest and best men died in the two world wars. Our white gene pool was severely weakened.

The sad truth is, there's little hope for the white race.
Maybe there were no White men or White Latinos there as all I heard was ooh and hah for the punches thrown against the defenseless victim of the She Beast's rage. Blacks generally won't intervene against Blacks even if the victim is defenseless like this victim was. Still that is pathetic but I have given up for hope on most ghetto dwelling Blacks....:huh:
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If you want to be pro-active, i'd suggest getting involved in an MMA camp. The reality is it starts with you. If you want to be a fat lazy slob, you will be the victim and you will continue teach your kids to be the victim. By getting in shape and learning to fight, you are setting a positive example for your kids. I would also encourage you teaching your wife and kids how to fight. The fact that this woman could fight back in front of her kid is in a way an embarrassment.
It's not "Worldstar," it's "WURL STAH! WURL STAH!"
What you're saying is mostly true but things are much different now that we have the internet and social media. Jewish-Americans can no longer control all the information that we receive. White people with healthy racial views are no longer made to feel like lepers because they can read comments sections that have thousands of other people agreeing with them. That's the biggest reason why they always close comments.

But anyway it turns out that the white woman who was beaten by the negress is a mudshark with a mulatto offspring. As far as I'm concerned she got what she deserved. If I were there when it happened I don't think I would have done anything to stop the negress. Poetic justice at its finest.


Ferreira spoke Thursday from the living room of her city apartment. Her boyfriend, Malyk Green, and young Xzavion were by her side

That woman is not white, so I wouldn't count this as your typical black-on-white crime. She is either Puerto-Rican or Dominican, as best as I can tell. It's vermin against vermin, so let them fight it out. I would absolutely not have helped either.

On another note, being a Good Samaritan can be a dangerous proposition these days. It doesn't mean there aren't situations where I would probably step in and help someone in need, but you have to very careful.
That woman is not white, so I wouldn't count this as your typical black-on-white crime. She is either Puerto-Rican or Dominican, as best as I can tell. It's vermin against vermin, so let them fight it out. I would absolutely not have helped either.

On another note, being a Good Samaritan can be a dangerous proposition these days. It doesn't mean there aren't situations where I would probably step in and help someone in need, but you have to very careful.
I would have pushed the She Beast off of it looks like the Quadroon but not done much beyond that. I am a shade under 6 feet and weigh between 190 and 200 pounds depending on if I am dieting or not. I can't see myself applying a wrestling hold on the She Beast because a situation like this could happen... When things spiral out of control and somebody dies at the hands of a Good Samaritan racial politics can rear it's ugly head and you can get railroaded or be bankrupted and made a pariah like Zimmerman.
I would have pushed the She Beast off of it looks like the Quadroon but not done much beyond that. I am a shade under 6 feet and weigh between 190 and 200 pounds depending on if I am dieting or not. I can't see myself applying a wrestling hold on the She Beast because a situation like this could happen... When things spiral out of control and somebody dies at the hands of a Good Samaritan racial politics can rear it's ugly head and you can get railroaded or be bankrupted and made a pariah like Zimmerman.
I didn't see the whole film, but that happened not to far from where I used to live, and the three men who restrained Stingley had no charges filed against, because they did the right thing. Everyone agreed, it was a handful of black politicians and media people who tried to make it about race and failed. Stingley died largely because he continued to fight and got himself so amped up, that when they got him flat on his stomach he could no longer breath. Had he stopped resisting they wouldn't have had to use so much force to keep him down.
Pakistani couple's throats slit over marriage without parents’ consent

A young couple in Pakistan were tied up and had their throats slit by the girl’s parents after they married for love, police said on Saturday.

The 31-year old man and the 17-year old girl got married on June 18 in the Punjabi village of Satrah in eastern Pakistan’s Punjabi district, without the consent of their families.

The girl’s family was embarrassed by the marriage of their daughter, Muafia Hussein, to a man from a less important tribe, police said, according to Reuters.

The girl’s mother and father then decided to lure the couple to their house late on Thursday evening with the promise that they would give the marriage a family blessing.

“When the couple reached there, they tied them with ropes. He [the girl’s father] cut their throats,” said local police official Rana Zashid.
Pakistani couple's throats slit over marriage without parents’ consent

A young couple in Pakistan were tied up and had their throats slit by the girl’s parents after they married for love, police said on Saturday.

The 31-year old man and the 17-year old girl got married on June 18 in the Punjabi village of Satrah in eastern Pakistan’s Punjabi district, without the consent of their families.

The girl’s family was embarrassed by the marriage of their daughter, Muafia Hussein, to a man from a less important tribe, police said, according to Reuters.

The girl’s mother and father then decided to lure the couple to their house late on Thursday evening with the promise that they would give the marriage a family blessing.

“When the couple reached there, they tied them with ropes. He [the girl’s father] cut their throats,†said local police official Rana Zashid.

What kind of vile, warped sicko murders their own child?! Another example of the depraved savagery of the untermenschen.
I'll post this here, since this thread originally was intended to showcase criminal acts by our favorite football "heroes" that occur on almost a daily basis.

Univ. of Miami Football Players Accused of Sexually Assaulting 'Physically Helpless' Classmate

The race of the victim is not mentioned, but I'd wager $100 that it's someone a bit fairer-skinned.
That's why I started this thread:

Wanted to make sure athlete crime doesn't get lost in the shuffle of the everyday non-White crime which is so prevalent.
Absolutely no hope for the white race. Maybe this despicable widow can fulfill some of her dark chocolate fantasies and marry one of her husband's killers.

Jesus Christ. But then again not all that surprising.

This is exactly one of the reasons as a racially-concious white, Muslim male, all of my girlfriends/dates/sexual partners are middleeastern or west asian.

What a disgusting example of a white woman. Then again Im not surprised.

What a REAL woman would do is support the death penalty and her husband 100 percent.

She explains her forgiveness of her husbands black murderers through Biblical verses. In my own opinion Christianity can be very weak minded at times.

Two thumbs down, both for the woman and her Biblical verses.
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Jesus Christ. But then again not all that surprising.

This is exactly one of the reasons as a racially-concious white, Muslim male, all of my girlfriends/dates/sexual partners are middleeastern or west asian.

What a disgusting example of a white woman. Then again Im not surprised.

What a REAL woman would do is support the death penalty and her husband 100 percent.

She explains her forgiveness of her husbands black murderers through Biblical verses. In my own opinion Christianity can be very weak minded at times.

Two thumbs down, both for the woman and her Biblical verses.

Don't misunderstand what the Bible says about for forgiveness BS2. She may forgive these murderers, but that doesn't spare them from the punishment that fits the crime.

I believe as a Christian if the prosecutors seek the death penalty and get it, then they should be executed and Miss Kaufman should have no problem with it either. I think your misunderstanding what she is saying.

Let me explain, Jesus died between two criminals on the cross. One asked for forgiveness just before he died, "Then he said, "Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom....Jesus said, today you will be with me in paradise." Luke: 23; 42-43.

However, the other criminal hurled insults at Jesus in Luke 23:39.

Jesus didn't condemn or stop either execution, however, he forgave the criminal who asked for forgiveness. Both men died, but only one went to heaven.

Jesus forgives any sin if you ask and you're truly sorry, but that doesn't mean you'll be spared any punishment that fits whatever crime you commit.

Ask yourself, have I ever committed a sin? Of course, we all have. Christ will forgive you and save you, if you ask him to.

"If you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans; 10:9.

If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. I John: 8-9.

The difference between Christianity and all other "Religions," is what God(Christ), did for you, not what you have to do to earn salvation.
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