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Ha ha. They tried the same thing here. The yellow bike program. Ride one where you want, then drop it off for the next person. They put a bunch of them out to TV and newspaper coverage. The young lady who organized it, bless her heart, was beaming for the cameras.

Next day all the bikes were gone. I never saw a single one. Nor the young women for that matter. David Copperfield couldn't have made them vanish any quicker. In our case it wasn't "teen" or "youth" "basketball Americans" (good one Pamela) who were the perps. It was meth addicted tweakers who were the culprits.

Bicycle theft is one the few industries left in this town.

Liberal ideas can be very naive.
No way! The perps are black? Get outta here! Gotta love the names, though, I think I'll change mine. What sounds best, Jakyren, Kheyonte, or Jaderricc? Oh, and I just love the cool eyebrow treatment that "Kheyonte" has.

The more comically bizarre their names become the more out of control they are.

L-R: Mean, Emptyheaded, and Just Downright Stupid.
Anyone who doubts that negroes are the most violent and racist people on the planet just needs to read this article. Young negro buck of 18 steals white womans purse at shoppping center, then returns to her home that same evening with the address on her license, attacks her son with a blunt object, and then steals her car and backs it out the garage door.
Calgary boxer rearrested in U.S. lotto scam


Calgary boxer Albert Onolunose is one of two people charged in connection with an alleged lottery scam. Onolunose, 34, and Abeba Girma, 25, were arrested after police executed a search warrant at a residence on Glamis Drive S.W.

Onolunose won the Canadian middleweight championship on the professional boxing circuit in May of last year in Calgary.
Police say while officers were searching the premises, the two suspects tried to flee by jumping from a second-floor balcony. They were caught after a short foot chase.

Investigators believe the two were involved in a lottery scam in which victims received letters in the mail stating they had won a lottery.
"Prior to receiving the money they were asked to send percentages of that money, so varying percentages of that money based on taxes calculated and administrative fees, said Staff Sgt. Kristie Verheul.

Police found credit card information, mail with counterfeit postage and mailing lists inside the Calgary residence.
According to police, Canada Post located more than 5,000 letters with the same counterfeit postage which were addressed to people across Canada and the United States.

Onolunose is charged with five counts of possession of credit card data, one count of fraud over $5,000, using mail to defraud and counterfeiting stamps.
Abeba Girma is charged with one count of identity theft. They will appear in court later this month.

In 2010 Onolunose was charged
with numerous fraud and money-laundering offences, also in connection with a fake lotto scam.
SHIELD actor Michael Jace in court for killing his wife

Jace's father-in-law called 911 as he drove to his daughter's home after receiving a message from Jace about the shooting. "My son-in-law called me and texted me and said come get the kids because he shot April, our daughter," he said in a recording released by the Los Angeles Fire Department. "At this moment, the motive of the murder is believed to be domestic violence," a police statement a day after the killing said.

Two children were in the Hyde Park-area home when their mother was shot, Vinluan said.
Investigators have found no reports of domestic violence between the husband and wife at their residence, another Los Angeles Police Department detective said.

A woman described as a close friend of Jace's first wife said in a sworn statement that she witnessed Jace physically abusing his wife in 1997.

The declaration was in court records from Jace's 2005 custody case concerning his son with Jennifer Bitterman.
Jace "choked and hit" his wife and "slammed her against the wall while (their infant son) screamed in his crib next to her," Maria De Le Vegas said in the sworn declaration obtained by CNN.

Jace "was raging and out of control, and seeing the extent of his anger was one of the most terrifying things I have ever seen," she said.
Jace appeared to suffer severe financial strain in recent years, according to court documents obtained by CNN.

The actor filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy in March 2011, citing $500,000 in debts and an annual income of around $80,000 from residuals from his TV and film work, the documents said.

Jace had defaulted on the $411,000 mortgage on the south Los Angeles home where his wife died, according to the documents.
He married April Jace in June 2003, a year after divorcing his first wife, with whom he shared a son who is now a teen.

Michael Jace
played a Black Panther in the movie Forrest Gump.
Negro thug punches pregnant white woman:

Negro thug punches pregnant white woman:


Jesus Christ, that "man" belongs in a zoo. This is as impulsive and vicious of act as I've seen.

This video was shown on HLN, a major American news channel but the victim's face was purposely blurred (probably done to lessen the obvious racial contrast, or to censor the fact she is white).

Surprised this even made the news as usually black on white crime is censored entirely.
Crime pays? They didn't commit the crime in question. **** like this puts CF in a negative light.


You didn't even read it, but you must have seen on your tv how their latest trayvon martin stinking super-heroes were sweet and innocent honor students framed by racist cops and an evil white girl who just pretended to be gang raped and a hair's breath away from being beaten to death and then left for dead in the park.

Those black monsters were most certainly NOT wrongly convicted - they all laughingly admitted their guilt in the gang rape and attempted murder of the poor white girl - "it was fun" they said - plus brutally beating other white people they found in Central Park that night - and they made these admissions on camera in the presence of their own parents!

What the Media Won’t Tell You About the ‘Central Park Five’, by Ann Coulter
April 24, 2014

"All five confessed to assisting the attack on the jogger, but none to raping her themselves. That’s enough for a rape conviction.

In Antron McCray’s 34-minute videotaped statement, for example, he said:

“Everybody started hitting her and stuff. She was on the ground, everybody stompin’ and everything. … I grabbed one arm, some other kid grabbed one arm and we grabbed her legs and stuff. Then we all took turns getting on her, getting on top of her. … I just like, my penis wasn’t in her. I didn’t do nothing to her … I was just doing it so everybody … Everybody would just like, would know I did it.â€

There was other incriminating evidence, all of which is currently being ignored by the media and PBS documentarians."

The mayor of NY - he uses an Italian name but his real name is Wilhelm - most likely Jewish. He's married to a Congo pygmy who is also a lesbian. Here they are with their mulatto offspring. He's the one that pushed through this abomination.

These guys are also guilty then. They confessed after all.

Isn't it funny how the five central park "rapists" never ratted out the actual rapist? They ratted on the other four "rapists" but not the actual rapist. Makes perfect sense, a bunch of blacks covering for a hispanic rapist.

They might be guilty but the absence of DNA evidence along with Reyes saying he acted alone is enough to exonerate under any definition of the law.
More on the abomination, from Incogman's website:

Crime Pays: Central Park Rapists Get 40 Million

Posted on June 20, 2014 by INCOG MAN

From Nicholas Stix
Lefty NYC mayor, Bill de Blasio, doesn’t care one lick about the taxpayer (INCOG).

I thank the reader who sent me this story last night, minutes after it appeared online, exclaiming, “A TRAVESTY AND A DISGRACE, MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE, A SICK JOKE.â€
For once, all caps was the way to go.
There are some stories I’ve covered, where I felt like I could’ve and should’ve done more. This is not one of those stories. I did everything humanly possible, crossed all my T’s and dotted all my I’s, but still the bad guys won.
The five attackers are not entitled to one penny of taxpayers’ money. Their entire argument is that police and prosecutors engaged in misconduct against them. However, even Manhattan DA Robert Morgenthau, when he applied to get their convictions vacated, denied that any police officers or prosecutors had engaged in misconduct.
In 1990, prior to the two split trials of the five attackers, Justice Thomas Galligan spent over seven weeks on a “Huntley Hearing:†to determine whether the attackers’ confessions should be thrown out. He ruled them all admissible, as did the appeals court later.
The $40 million ghetto lottery the attackers just won is due to the evil of:
Lefty ******, Ken Burns, would never have done it for any White guys (INCOG).

New York City Mayor Bill Wilhelm de Blasio;
The New York media; and
What I call the Burns Gang, of alleged documentary director Ken Burns, his daughter Sarah, and her husband, David McMahon.
De Blasio wanted to rob New York’s white and Asian net taxpayers to give to the attackers, not in spite of their being guilty as hell, but because of it. De Blasio hates whites, and loves black and Hispanic criminals.
Though the New York media initially did a decent job covering the crime, that 25 years ago, and newsroom politics have gotten even more racist since then. Look at the New York Times article below. Even the headline is a lie: “5 Exonerated [sic] in Central Park Jogger Case Will Settle Suit for $40 Million.†The attackers were never exonerated, and that’s not simply my opinion, but a legal fact. Their convictions and sentences were vacated. In order for the attackers to have been exonerated, they would have had to have an evidentiary hearing, and a new trial, neither of which happened.
In the fairy tale concocted by Dwyer and main author Benajmin Weiser, the whole case rested on a phony story concocted by racist, crooked cops and prosecutors:
The initial story of the crime, as told by the police and prosecutors, was that a band of young people, part of a larger gang that rampaged through Central Park, had mercilessly beaten and sexually assaulted the jogger.
That wasn’t a “storyâ€; that was what happened. The Central Park Five may or may not have raped Trisha Meili, but they certainly did sexually abuse her, and they accused each other of having raped her. It’s not the fault of police and prosecutors for having believed them.
That Jim Dwyer gets credit for working on the Times story is no surprise; he was a major accomplice of the Burns Gang.
Which brings us to the Burns Gang. Ken Burns admitted that his motivation in making his propaganda movie, The Central Park Five, with his daughter and son-in-law, was to get the attackers a(n undeserved) windfall. His daughter, Sarah, also wrote a book with the same name. The movie and book are both works of race fiction, which re-write history, to promote the racial fairy tale of police and prosecutorial abuse concocted by the attackers’ lawyers.

David McMahon, Sarah Burns, Ken Burns basking in the media attention of their anti-White propaganda film.
Ann Coulter's full article on the abomination:

[h=1]What the Media Won’t Tell You About the ‘Central Park Five’[/h] April 24, 2014 by Ann Coulter 43 Comments


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New York Mayor Bill de Blasio is demanding a quick settlement of the lawsuit brought by the five men convicted of one of the most sickening crimes in the city’s history: the attack on the Central Park jogger in 1989. The plaintiffs are demanding $50 million apiece — for going to prison for a rape that they committed, as detailed in Chapter 13 of “Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Destroying America.â€￾ Abner Louima got $5.8 million for a shockingly brutal police assault on him, and he was just an innocent bystander.
The “Central Park Five,â€￾ as PBS documentarian Ken Burns has dubbed them, aren’t exactly Emmett Till (as Burns would have you believe). Even if they were innocent of the Central Park rape, which they aren’t, the reason they were originally arrested was that they were rampaging through the park, assaulting people.
Even after they began denying the rape, the defendants continued to admit committing these other attacks. How’d you like to be one of the people badly beaten in the park that night watching your tax dollars go to pay your assailants millions of dollars?
All those convictions — on the rape as well as the assaults — have been vacated because an aging district attorney wanted a glowing obituary in The New York Times.
In 2002, the ancient Robert Morgenthau, Manhattan district attorney, issued a report recommending that the convictions in the Central Park rape case be vacated. Justice Charles Tejada (Fordham Law 2009 Hispanic Heritage Award winner!) granted his request.
Liberals are opposed to rape in the abstract, but when it comes to actual rapists, they’re all for them.
The D.A.’s report was based solely on the confession of Matias Reyes, career criminal, serial rapist and murderer. Reyes had absolutely nothing to lose by confessing to the rape — the statute of limitations had run — and much to gain by claiming he acted alone: He got a favorable prison transfer and the admiration of his fellow inmates for smearing the police.
While dumping on the police for screwing up the investigation, Morgenthau wouldn’t let the cops interview Reyes themselves, even though his “confessionâ€￾ was the sole evidence that he raped and brutalized the jogger by himself.
Not only were the police prohibited from interviewing Reyes or giving him a polygraph, but Morgenthau ordered other inmates not to talk to any police investigators about their conversations with Reyes. First the D.A. slimed the cops, then he ran interference for a rapist-murderer.
New York journalist Nicholas Stix reports that one inmate says Reyes told him he heard the jogger’s screams and raped her only after the “Central Park Fiveâ€￾ had finished with her.

The media proclaim those five rapists innocent based on their own over-excited reports that the DNA found on the jogger matched that of Reyes, but none of the others!
Yeah, we knew that. It was always known that semen on the jogger did not match any of the defendants. (“DNA Expert: No Semen Links to Defendants,â€￾ The Associated Press, July 14, 1990.)
Hallmark should have a greeting card: “Guess whose semen wasn’t found anywhere on the rape victim?â€￾ (Open card) “I’m so proud of you, son!â€￾
Prosecutor Elizabeth Lederer expressly reminded the jurors of the missing rapist in her summation to the jury: “Others who were not caught raped her and got away.â€￾ Now we know who “got away.â€￾
DNA wasn’t the evidence that convicted the “Central Park Five.â€￾ It’s hard to believe now, but in 1989 DNA was rarely used to convict anyone, so it wouldn’t have been carefully collected by police investigators. DNA identifications had only been invented a few years earlier and were not even permitted in New York courts until six months before the Central Park wilding.
This case was solved with old-fashioned police work. After the first 911 calls came in, the police arrested some of the thugs in the park that very night. Then they arrested those named as part of the wolf pack by the first detainees.
For example, one boy picked up in the park told the cops — without prompting — “I know who did the murder. I know who did the murder. I know where he lives and I’ll tell you his name.â€￾ He named one of the five convicted of the attack on the jogger, Antron McCray. (The night of the attack, no one expected the jogger to live.)
Of more than three dozen hoodlums brought in for questioning, only 10 were charged with any crimes, and only five of those were charged with raping the jogger. All those charged with the jogger’s rape gave detailed, corroborated, videotaped confessions, after full Miranda warnings, four of the five in the presence of an adult relative.
Recall that none of them — including the police — could have known whether the jogger would emerge from her coma and be able to identify her attackers. (She emerged, but blocked all memory of the attack.) All five confessed to assisting the attack on the jogger, but none to raping her themselves. That’s enough for a rape conviction.
In Antron McCray’s 34-minute videotaped statement, for example, he said:
“Everybody started hitting her and stuff. She was on the ground, everybody stompin’ and everything. … I grabbed one arm, some other kid grabbed one arm and we grabbed her legs and stuff. Then we all took turns getting on her, getting on top of her. … I just like, my penis wasn’t in her. I didn’t do nothing to her … I was just doing it so everybody … Everybody would just like, would know I did it.â€￾
There was other incriminating evidence, all of which is currently being ignored by the media and PBS documentarians.
Melody Jackson, whose brother was friends with defendant Kharey Wise, testified — reluctantly — that she talked to Wise by phone when he was at Rikers Island and that he told her that he didn’t rape the jogger, he “only held her legs down while Kevin (Richardson) f–ked her.â€￾ She originally volunteered this information to the police thinking it would be helpful to Wise.
(The District Attorney’s report that recommended vacating the sentences described the above exchange as: “Wise replied that he had not had sex with her, but had only held and fondled the victim’s leg.â€￾)
Other witnesses provided various corroborating details to the police, such as one who said Kevin Richardson told him, “We just raped somebody,â€￾ and another who heard Raymond Santana and another boy laughing about how “we made a woman bleed.â€￾
Two witnesses independently told police they saw several of the defendants walking from the 102nd Street traverse area where the jogger was raped. One said he realized the significance of that fact only when he saw where the memorial to the jogger in the park was.
When Raymond Santana was being driven to the precinct the night of the wilding, he blurted out: “I had nothing to do with the rape. All I did was feel the woman’s tits.â€￾ Wait! Who said anything about rape? The cops had not asked him about any rape.
Two of the defendants, Santana and Richardson, independently brought investigators to the precise location of the attack on the jogger, something only the perpetrators could have done.
The evidence against Richardson also included his vivid description of the attack — given on videotape, in the presence of his father — and a deep scratch wound on his cheek that he admitted was from the jogger. Oh, also — the crotch of the underwear from the night of the attack was stained with semen, grass, dirt and debris.
Contrary to media reports, there was hair, blood or semen on all five of the defendants.
In the opposite of a rush to judgment, two multi-ethnic juries deliberated for 10 days and 11 days, respectively, before convicting the five defendants of rape or sexual abuse — as well as the other assaults that night, mysteriously vacated by Justice Tejada — and acquitting all but one on the most serious charge, attempted murder.
But now de Blasio wants to hold down our legs while the “Central Park Fiveâ€￾ rape us, again.
Negro trades his one-year-old son for a pair of Jordan's sneakers

CHICAGO - A Chicago man has reportedly traded his 1 year old son for a pair of Jordan sneakers.

Jabari Collins, 32, apparently traded his son for a pair of shoes. Authorities are still trying to locate the child after Jabari finally revealed the name of the person whom he traded his son with.

After being asked why he traded his only son for only a pair of shoes, Jabari responded with “Man, they weren’t only a pair of shoes, they were J’s n*gga, ya’ll trippin”.

The shoes, named Air Jordan 7 ‘Hares’, were found in a baby crib in Jabari’s home, which is believed to have belonged to his son. Investigators believe Jabari treated the sneakers like his own son.

Jabari Collins and the other man whom he traded his son with, will both be tried for child Trafficking.
Here's the video:

And this YouTube video will likely be removed soon:

Even the most pious of beta males could push this woman off the victim. Is everybody so scared of dealing with the legal system in the United States that the only brave individual in the video is the 2 year old defending his mother? Ps thank god that the She Beast has some morals as she could have killed the 2 year old if she struck him like the mother. :huh:
Even the most pious of beta males could push this woman off the victim. Is everybody so scared of dealing with the legal system in the United States that the only brave individual in the video is the 2 year old defending his mother?
Most of our bravest and best men died in the two world wars. Our white gene pool was severely weakened.

The sad truth is, there's little hope for the white race.
Most of our bravest and best men died in the two world wars. Our white gene pool was severely weakened.

The sad truth is, there's little hope for the white race.

Here is another link. It looks like the victim is a "white" Hispanic. I hope they catch the black savage. The scum that videotaped this obviously didn't help her because she was a different color. Seems as if Big Momma is now on the run.
Here is another link. It looks like the victim is a "white" Hispanic. I hope they catch the black savage. The scum that videotaped this obviously didn't help her because she was a different color. Seems as if Big Momma is now on the run.
The guys chose to film it rather than stop her because they want to get on websites like Worldstarhiphop. This is what our society is resorting to. I hope in 20 years that boy grows up and beats the **** out of that girl.
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