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"THEIR" propensity for senseless violence never ceases to amaze AND anger me:

Another article:

Negro thieves attempt armed robbery on white woman, who has no money, so instead they shoot her baby in the head and kill the baby before fleeing with no money.


Negro Armed Robber, Baby Killer


Apparently the baby was actually racially mixed. Regardless, this is a horrible crime aside from the race of the victim. This is very sad and a shame.

I'm happy to say that I agree fully with Islamic Law in this instance, and had this crime occurred in Iran or Saudi Arabia under Sharia Law. The criminal would receive public beheading/stoning. That is the only thing that can bring justice here and that would be the best possible outcome from here on.
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The baby looks white to me.

Could the Indian-looking Hispanic be the child's stepfather?

The woman also lost a teenaged son some time ago by murder.

Yes, I agree. The baby also looks full white to me.

However, in some articles Ive read, it has been stated that the baby is in fact racially mixed. Looking at the hispanic husband-figure (who is rather dark skinned), its hard to imagine that this baby is actually his child. As you suggest, perhaps he is an adopted or step parent, or perhaps the woman had the baby with another white man outside of the relationship. It is also possible that it is his biological baby, sometimes mixed babies take after one race more than the other.

Anyways, in my mind it doesn't matter whether the baby is full white or half white. This is a terrible crime, and the baby is young, innocent, and doesn't deserve this. It's very sad and such a shame. To kill a baby like this is just horrible. I feel sad for the baby and the family.

The Negro savage that killed the baby no doubt assumed the baby was full white. When I read about particularly savage crimes like this, it just re-enforces my opinion on things like intelligence level being largely hereditary, and that blacks genetically gravitate to crimes like murder because of their documented smaller brain size, documented impaired mental ability, and hormonal imbalances lending to aggressive behaviour.

The following researches go a long way in explaining why blacks are genetically driven to commit more violent crime than any other race (even concerning nonwhites) irrespective of environmental factors;,_Evolution_and_Behavior Research of London, Ontario, Canada professor Mr. J.P. Rushton (who recently died unfortunately) which seeks to define, evaluate, and explain evolutionary differences between races. Topics covered include brain size, intelligence levels, basic hormonal composition, and behavioural norms across races. Research of various American academics, professors, and scientists which observes the relationship between wealth creation and distribution within a society and the notion of intelligence being largely hereditary and passed on from parents.
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Karimah Elkins, Katrina Elkins Arrested In Shooting Of Antonio Santiago, Georgia Baby

Karimah (L) and Katrina Elkins have been charged with making false statements to police.

SAVANNAH, Ga. -- The mother and aunt of a teenage suspect in the fatal shooting of a baby in his stroller have been arrested on charges that they lied to authorities, police said Tuesday.

After their arrests, both women gave police new information that helped lead investigators to a small saltwater pond where they found a handgun, Glynn County police Chief Matt Doering said. He said the gun was being tested to determine whether it could be matched to the slaying last week of 13-month-old Antonio Santiago.

The new arrests targeted relatives of 17-year-old De'Marquise Elkins, who is jailed on murder charges. The slain child's mother, Sherry West, says she was pushing her baby in his stroller Thursday near their home in Brunswick, 80 miles south of Savannah, when a gunman shot the child in the face and wounded her after she refused to give money to him and a younger accomplice.

Elkins' mother, 36-year-old Karimah Elkins, and his aunt, 33-year-old Katrina Elkins, were booked Tuesday morning at the Glynn County jail on charges of making false statements to police, a misdemeanor. Jail records show both women were released after posting bond.

"We arrested them last night and brought them back to headquarters, where we afforded them the opportunity to make additional statements," Doering said Tuesday. "They did, and that information led us to other witnesses ... (who) led us to an area where the gun was disposed of."

Doering would not say what false statements either woman made. The slaying suspect's aunt told The Associated Press and other media outlets after his arrest that her nephew couldn't be the killer because he was at her house for breakfast Thursday morning and then ran errands with her family when the baby and his mother were shot.

The aunt, booked at the jail under the name Katrina Elkins, told The AP and others that her last name was Freeman. Her jail mugshot showed her to be the same woman.

"He was with us the whole time," the aunt told The AP on Saturday, and she said she gave police the same account of her nephew's whereabouts. "There is no doubt in my mind that he is innocent."

Nobody answered calls to Katrina Elkins' home phone or cellphone Tuesday. No working number for Karimah Elkins could be found. It was not immediately known whether either woman had hired an attorney.

West, the baby's mother, has said she and her son were walking home from the post office, a few blocks from her apartment, when they were approached by two youths asking for money. She said she told them she had none, and an older teenager drew a handgun and asked her: "Do you want me to shoot your baby?"

She said the gunman shot her in the leg, and another bullet grazed her left ear, before he shot her baby in the face. West and the boy's father had just celebrated Antonio's first birthday in February.

West identified De'Marquise Elkins as the shooter when police showed her a photo lineup of 24 faces, she said.

Police also arrested 15-year-old Dominique Lang on murder charges. Lang still needed an attorney appointed to defend him when he made his first appearance before a judge Monday.

West has said she's certain Elkins was the shooter. She said the younger boy mostly hid behind him.

Kevin Gough, a public defender representing De'Marquise Elkins, said Tuesday that defense attorneys are looking closely at possible alibis for the suspect. Gough also said it's tough to persuade a jury with an alibi defense in a small city such as Brunswick. Elkins' aunt lives less than 2 miles from the crime scene.
just look at these conditions in prison that deter these criminals from a life of crime

a video of opp

drug use, gambling, drinking some beer etc. Yeah looks like a major deterrent. Thats just some of the footage, I think there is over an hour of it that came out where a judge was watching it during a trial about a White kid dying in there.
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In the video the anchor says it was a black man who came out of the van.

That's the thing though, most people just read the article. In the article they name the color of the van but not the color of the perp.
I would never send my kid to a school in Philadelphia, all the big universities seem to be in the worst areas. I seriously think they want white kids to experience forced diversity even if it means getting assaulted in the process.

Anyone see this? It's a shame the CMs won't address this as a reason why the 2nd amendment is vital to protect law abiding citizens. I love how the one black shoots his black brotha in the

That store owner showed some real balls fending that animal off with a stick as he kept getting shot at. Both him and the other guy in the store who fought back should go to congress and tell them why Guns are needed especially in gang owned cities like Chicago.
I was driving through central PA on Monday morning on a long trip headed to a job site, when I heard the story featured below via radio. The gay little “DJ,” like an honorary Media Yid, read through the story so quickly and never mentioned the race of the victims or the still-at-large suspects. But then again, did he really need to? Ten seconds of searching online revealed the All-American Archetypal “armed robbery story.” That is, a gathering of white students in an apartment are randomly robbed at gunpoint by several feral Negroes. One white girl was violently beaten and sent to the hospital...

SELINSGROVE - Police here are continuing their search for two black men armed with a pump-action shotgun and semi-automatic handgun who robbed 12 Susquehanna University students at an off-campus apartment early Saturday morning and hit a female in the head with one of the weapons.

Borough police said the 12:20 a.m. robbery in the 100 block of South Market Street forced officials to lock down the university campus for several hours. Police reported a resident of the apartment told them two males wearing ski masks or other coverings over their face ordered the victims to the floor before taking their wallets and cell phones.

The suspects encountered three female visitors in the bathroom of the apartment and forcibly robbed them. Police said the suspect toting the shotgun struck one of the females in the head with the butt of the weapon, causing injury. The victim was later treated in the emergency room at Sunbury Community Hospital before being released.

Police said the suspects fled the apartment to Market Street and were last seen running east on East Bough Street.

Both suspects are between 18 and 28 years of age. One of the men is 6-foot-1 or 6-foot-2 with a medium to muscular build and was wearing a dark or camouflaged shirt or jacket and light colored pants. He was armed with a dark metal pump-action shotgun. The other robber is between 5-foot-10 and 6-foot tall with a medium to slender build. He was wearing a dark shirt/jacket or hoodie and green camouflaged paints. He was toting a dark metal semi-automatic handgun.

Police, who have not identified the victims at this time, request anyone with information about the robbery to contact them as soon as possible at 570-374-8655.

At least, for once, no whites were raped or killed…and another “positive” is that these twelve “future white Marxists of America,” and their friends and family, likely received a much-needed inoculation in racial reality. This incident was probably for the best.
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the All-American Archetypal “armed robbery story.” That is, a gathering of white students in an apartment are randomly robbed at gunpoint by several feral Negroes

Typical crime from the usual suspects.

At least, for once, no whites were raped or killed…and another “positive” is that these twelve “future white Marxists of America,” and their friends and family, likely received a much-needed inoculation in racial reality. This incident was probably for the best.

I totally see your point, and in a natural order of things, your logical assumption would be correct but in my own real-life observation it doesn't usually work like that for white liberals. More often than not, I would say the opposite of what you are implying is the truth.

I personally know a family (not friends, just acquaintances from my residential neighbourhood, I went to high school with the victim's sister) who had a male white child that was murdered by a couple of Negroes on a drug deal gone wrong. It's very tragic and everyone involved was only like 16 at the time. Now, I have his sister on facebook so can see what she posts and her family. The family is all like posting these pictures at the kid's school, the family with other black kids mourning the death. Its disgusting. On some level, I would say its almost like his family is indirectly saying "we don't blame black people for murdering our son", by posting all of these family pics with all kinds of black kids and pro-black statements on their facebooks.

I also know of many cases in the media, for example boxing commentator Max Kellerman (who is a white looking Jew) who had his older brother, Sam Kellerman, violently beaten to death by a Negro, and yet Kellerman still consistently praises black boxers as supreme athletes (when we know in boxing this is profoundly not the case) and consistently degrades white boxers. This caste speak is coming from a man who's own brother was murdered by a Negro, think about that for a second.

Ive also seen cases, can't recall the exact names or particulars right now, it's just off my memory. But Ive seen cases where whites are murdered by blacks, and the white family goes on TV a few years later and shakes the black killers hand and says "we forgive you" and "it's not your fault".

These white liberals are god damn lost causes in my opinion. Nothing surprises me with these white liberals, they're black supremacists, simply put. They hate themselves. They hate other white people. And even when Negroes murder, rob, and assault them, they will actually find some sort of perverted way to blame it on themselves or other whites (ie white oppression of blacks, white police officers didn't respond fast enough, , Negroes robbed us cause our house wasn't alarmed properly, Negroes assaulted us cause we were walking in a bad part of the city so its actually our own fault etc).
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Typical crime from the usual suspects.

I totally see your point, and in a natural order of things, your logical assumption would be correct but in my own real-life observation it doesn't usually work like that for white liberals. More often than not, I would say the opposite of what you are implying is the truth.

I personally know a family (not friends, just acquaintances from my residential neighbourhood, I went to high school with the victim's sister) who had a male white child that was murdered by a couple of Negroes on a drug deal gone wrong. It's very tragic and everyone involved was only like 16 at the time. Now, I have his sister on facebook so can see what she posts and her family. The family is all like posting these pictures at the kid's school, the family with other black kids mourning the death. Its disgusting. On some level, I would say its almost like his family is indirectly saying "we don't blame black people for murdering our son", by posting all of these family pics with all kinds of black kids and pro-black statements on their facebooks.

I also know of many cases in the media, for example boxing commentator Max Kellerman (who is a white looking Jew) who had his older brother, Sam Kellerman, violently beaten to death by a Negro, and yet Kellerman still consistently praises black boxers as supreme athletes (when we know in boxing this is profoundly not the case) and consistently degrades white boxers. This caste speak is coming from a man who's own brother was murdered by a Negro, think about that for a second.

Ive also seen cases, can't recall the exact names or particulars right now, it's just off my memory. But Ive seen cases where whites are murdered by blacks, and the white family goes on TV a few years later and shakes the black killers hand and says "we forgive you" and "it's not your fault".

These white liberals are god damn lost causes in my opinion. Nothing surprises me with these white liberals, they're black supremacists, simply put. They hate themselves. They hate other white people. And even when Negroes murder, rob, and assault them, they will actually find some sort of perverted way to blame it on themselves or other whites (ie white oppression of blacks, white police officers didn't respond fast enough, , Negroes robbed us cause our house wasn't alarmed properly, Negroes assaulted us cause we were walking in a bad part of the city so its actually our own fault etc).

I guess you learn something new every day. I never knew Kellerman's brother was murdered by a negro. Yet he was supposedly a "friend" of Kellerman's and lived with him.
I guess you learn something new every day. I never knew Kellerman's brother was murdered by a negro. Yet he was supposedly a "friend" of Kellerman's and lived with him.
Yes Kellerman's brother took in James Butler and supposedly Butler was acting so crazy and violent that Sam Kellerman politely asked him to leave and was murdered that day. This is the same Butler that sucker punched a fighter after a fight was over and nearly killed him. Kellerman must have forgot that a caged tiger can turn on his master at any time and can never be truly trusted.
Yes Kellerman's brother took in James Butler and supposedly Butler was acting so crazy and violent that Sam Kellerman politely asked him to leave and was murdered that day. This is the same Butler that sucker punched a fighter after a fight was over and nearly killed him. Kellerman must have forgot that a caged tiger can turn on his master at any time and can never be truly trusted.

I'd love to hear of a few instances where a black helped out a white that was down on his luck and was then brutally murdered by the white. Just one. Any white idiot who takes part in this type of buffoonery is getting what he clearly deserves. I just don't understand how people can be so stupid.
I'd love to hear of a few instances where a black helped out a white that was down on his luck and was then brutally murdered by the white. Just one. Any white idiot who takes part in this type of buffoonery is getting what he clearly deserves. I just don't understand how people can be so stupid.
Kellerman used to pretend he was a Jewish guy from the hood and hangout in the NYC gyms. So he became blinded to the fact that boxing has too many street guys who are borderline homicidal maniacs who are one misstep away from committing a violent felony. Any right thinking guy would know to avoid a thug like Butler.
The latest installment of "negro's misbehaving" takes place in my current home of Brooklyn. Only in a diversity enriched inner city like mine can one hear a story this rich. A black Muslim teen and his posse harassed and taunted a Jewish man on the subway. When police arrive to make an arrest, the jungle on the train and platform erupts and the cops find themselves in the middle of a ruckus. Be sure to watch the video embedded in the article to truly experience black "culture".

This goes against everything liberals say. Only Whites are racist and "anti-Semitic". We're all one race. Blacks and Muslims are peaceful, law-abiding citizens. Blacks never create conflict with police, it's just the police racial profiling them. And the list goes on....
The latest installment of "negro's misbehaving" takes place in my current home of Brooklyn. Only in a diversity enriched inner city like mine can one hear a story this rich. A black Muslim teen and his posse harassed and taunted a Jewish man on the subway. When police arrive to make an arrest, the jungle on the train and platform erupts and the cops find themselves in the middle of a ruckus. Be sure to watch the video embedded in the article to truly experience black "culture".

This goes against everything liberals say. Only Whites are racist and "anti-Semitic". We're all one race. Blacks and Muslims are peaceful, law-abiding citizens. Blacks never create conflict with police, it's just the police racial profiling them. And the list goes on....
Diversity training and other liberal nambi pambi crap put the officer's lives in potential danger on the train. It looked like the black females were just calling for badge numbers, but the passive controlling of the subway car left the arresting officers vulnerable to being bum rushed for their weapons. Civil review boards have made policing one step removed from being a mall cop....
[h=1]U.S. academic, 32, gang raped in Papua New Guinea by nine armed men who hacked off her hair with a bush knife and tied her husband naked to a tree[/h]
  • The woman was researching exotic birds in the jungle on Karkar Island
  • Walking with her husband and a guide when they were set upon by gang
  • Men ordered husband and guide to strip naked then tied them to trees
  • Then bound the researcher's hands and brutally raped her for 20 minutes
  • Follows murder of Australian man whose girlfriend was raped in country
PUBLISHED: 03:01 EST, 21 April 2013 | UPDATED: 05:24 EST, 21 April 2013

A U.S. academic has been gang raped in Papua New Guinea by nine armed men who hacked off her blonde hair and left her husband tied naked to a tree.
The 32-year-old woman, who was conducting research into exotic birds in a remote forest on Karkar Island, was walking along a bush track with her husband and a guide on Friday when they were set upon by the gang armed with knives and rifles.
Her husband and the guide were stripped and bound by the men, who then used a bush knife to hack off the woman's hair before raping her in a terrifying ordeal lasting 20 minutes.

'Act of animals': The U.S. academic, 32, was with her husband and a guide when they were ambushed by nine men armed with rifles and knives - she was gang raped and her blonde hair hacked off

The woman chose to speak out about the horrific attack - condemned by the country's prime minister Peter O'Neil as 'the cowardly act of animals' - to highlight the violence that women in Papua New Guinea experience.


The brutal gang rape came less than a week after an Australian man living in the central highlands of Papua New Guinea was shot dead and his Filipina girlfriend gang raped when a group of men broke into their house.
The U.S. woman, who posed for a photograph but did not want to reveal her identity, spoke to media in Port Moresby as she and her husband waited for a flight to leave the country.
'I was walking along a bush track with my husband and our guide when we were ambushed by nine men armed with rifles and knifes,' she said.

Relaying an ordeal that has sent shock waves throughout the country, the woman said the men first ordered her husband and the guide to strip naked before they were tried to trees.

Then they turned to the woman.

Her clothes were torn off, her hands were bound and her blonde hair was chopped off with bush knives. She was then raped one by one by the gang for a terrifying 20 minutes.

Her ordeal ended only when something in the forest startled the gang and they ran away.
The U.S. couple's guide managed to break free and released them, before they all ran naked along jungle tracks for several hours, determined to put as much distance as possible between themselves and the scene of the attack in case the gang came back.

Eventually they reached a remote village where they were given some clothing and from where they were able to raise the alarm.

Violence: The woman, who was on her fifth visit to Papua New Guinea, was conducting research into exotic birds and climate change on the remote island off the country's northern coast

Remote: The 32-year-old academic was working on remote Karkar Island during her fifth trip to Papua New Guinea when she was attacked

They later made their way back to Madang, on the northern coast of the mainland, before flying to the capital Port Moreseby.

A local photographer working for AFP helped the couple file police reports and organise a flight out of the country.

'This story should not come out just because I am white,' said the woman, who was on her fifth visit to the country since her first trip in 2010. She would stay for up to four months conducting her research into exotic birds and the impact of climate change on the forest.

'My story should come out in the hopes that it empowers Papua New Guinean women to stand up and say no more violence against women in this country,' said the woman, who did not want to reveal her identity.

'I hope my story can make a change.'

But senior police admit they have heard such calls before from tribal women all around Papua New Guinea.
Wives suffer extreme violence in some cases from their husbands over domestic issues, and brutal punishments are handed out to women accused of witchcraft, which is practised in remote parts of the country.

In February a 20-year-old mother accused of witchcraft was dragged from her village, taken to a rubbish dump, stripped and burned alive near Mount Hagen, in the centre of the country.

And earlier this month an elderly woman was beheaded with a bush knife after being accused of sorcery.

The U.S. woman's terrifying story has been reported to the US Embassy in Port Moresby, but a duty officer today gave no comment.

A spokesman for the police in Port Moresby said a statement had been taken but no arrests had been made.

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We need more immigrants from Papua new Guinea.
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