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An article entitled "White man nearly killed by Latinos after LA Giant's game."

Once again we catch the ultra-left wing San Fransisco Chronicle twisted the details of a racially motivated crime against a white person.

Two Latino men beat a white father of two nearly to death in the parking lot of the LA Giants' stadium. If the races had been reversed, the SF Chronicle would be screaming "racially motivated hate crime!"Â￾ Instead they claim the man was attacked for supporting the wrong team.
you just have to "love" diversity at university campuses ... Final Four loss cause riots at Virginia Commonwealth University.

Riot police were called in when upset fans took to the streets after the loss of Virginia Commonwealth University's men's basketball team on Saturday, according to the Richmond Times-Dispatch. The team lost 70-62 to Butler University in the National Collegiate Athletic Association Final Four tournament.

After the basketball game, students gathered on Broad Street in Richmond. There were reports of violence and property damage to a police vehicle, glass bottles were thrown from balconies and small fires were started, the Richmond Times-Dispatch said.
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The Richmond Police Department and Virginia state police used smoke and pepper spray to suppress the crowd after some violence broke out. But crowds appeared to be more celebratory than violent (emphasis added by JC ... can you imagine what it would've looked like had it been "non-celebratory violence?
), according to the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

According to The Washington Post, police anticipated celebrations and were ready to contain the crowd after last Saturday's celebrations when VCU beat Kansas State University 71-61 to claim a spot in the Final Four tournament.

Other fans broke bricks and threw them at police along Laurel Street, the Richmond Times-Dispatch said.
this link provides video of the riot. you'll note that even the multi-culti-loving Whites were acting like the third-worlders they adore so much. pathetic.

can you imagine Butler's student body acting like this if they win (or lose) tonight? wow. diversity ... it's good for you!
Michael said:
An article entitled "White man nearly killed by Latinos after LA Giant's game."

Once again we catch the ultra-left wing San Fransisco Chronicle twisted the details of a racially motivated crime against a white person.

Two Latino men beat a white father of two nearly to death in the parking lot of the LA Giants' stadium. If the races had been reversed, the SF Chronicle would be screaming "racially motivated hate crime!"Â￾ Instead they claim the man was attacked for supporting the wrong team.

A follow-up to this story is here in this article:,0,2828165.column

This tragedy appears to have triggered a lot of feedback that Dodgers stadium is essentially a haven for latino gang-bangers and other thugs from south of the border and elsewhere who are creating a dangerous environment. Of course, while some are readily pointing to the elephant in the room, others are quick to condemn any "racist" commentary.

I think the bottom line is simple here. As the latino invasion continues to grow, large parts of Southern California and the Southwest will slowly start to resemble Mexico in the coming years, both demographically, as well as socially. So people down there better get used to more crime, violence, declining living standards, and overall march to turd world status while celebrating the wonders of diversity and multiculturalism.
Simi Valley is still co sidered one of the safest cities in America. However, I have noticed an increase in illegal imagrants from Latin America shuffling about. There are also new "mercados" catering to these illegals. With only 129 miles secure from a nearly 2000 mile border with may~he~co, no wonder they keep slipping in. Thanks Barack
Also, Dodger games are still relatively inexpensive to attend. Its not like a Laker game where the nose bleed tickets are a small fortune. The illegal immagrants or Hispanic who beat this man are guys in a gang or blue collar thugs that can afford 10 to 15 dollar tickets.

Everytime I go to a Laker or Dodger game I am packing heat.
Westside said:
Also, Dodger games are still relatively inexpensive to attend. Its not like a Laker game where the nose bleed tickets are a small fortune. The illegal immagrants or Hispanic who beat this man are guys in a gang or blue collar thugs that can afford 10 to 15 dollar tickets.

Everytime I go to a Laker or Dodger game I am packing heat.


Jim Murray, the late sports columnist, wrote a memoir in 1993 in which he briefly discussed this subject. Murray wrote that the LA Coliseum had become a dangerous place for fans at Raider games because the gangs were Raider fans. He said a fan wearing Steeler colors had been beaten up.

Murray wrote that a strong police presence had never been necessary in the heyday of the Rams (who left the Coliseum in 1980), but was with the Raiders.

Murray also wrote that Dodger stadium was still a place "you could take your daughter." Maybe this was true in 1993.
An article entitled "Did OJ style jury aquit black man in feces attack?"

A 69 year old black man allegedly lured a white female victim out of her apartment at a public housing project and then threw a bucket of his own feces, urine, and vomit on her. The man has a previous conviction for domestic violence.

The victim lives in a South Seattle Public Housing Project where most of the residents are black.

When police arrived, they found a traumatized victim and a disgusting trail of the substances leading back to the alleged perpetrators' front door. The alleged perpetrator also had a history of harassing the woman. The liberal Seattle press has been censoring the fact that the alleged perp is black, and no information on the racial makeup of the jury is being given out either.

Now, in what seemed like a slam dunk case, a jury has returned a "not guilty"Â￾ verdict.

Seattle websites are buzzing with people outraged over the verdict. However few even know about the racial angle, since the media has done such a good job censoring information.
Is that some more of the black "mans" "swagger" that we hear about so often?
Doctor gets six years for sexually abusing 36 women


STOCKTON â€" Former Tracy plastic surgeon Peter Chi heard the fury of his victims today in court before a judge sentenced him to spend six years in state prison and register for life as a sex offender.

"He mutilated not only my body but my spirit,"Â a woman who identified herself as Renee told the judge. "I feel sorry for your wife and children."Â

Chi pleaded guilty in December to sexually battering 36 women, many under anesthesia at his office, Beauty Renewed, in Tracy. He also worked from an office in Stockton.

Chi said nothing in court. Upon hearing the judge's sentence, a bailiff placed him in handcuffs and escorted him away. He will be taken to the San Joaquin County Jail and then Deuel Vocational Institution, a state prison near Tracy.

STOCKTON -- A Livermore man was sentenced Monday to six years in state prison and will have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life for molesting three dozen female patients under his care.

The sentence for Peter Chi, who was the medical director of Beauty Renewed Laser Skin Center in Tracy, was part of a plea deal with the San Joaquin County District Attorney's Office. In December, he pleaded guilty to 36 counts of sexual battery, one count for each of the victims. He originally faced a 67-count indictment.

According to court records, in many of the cases, the patients -- who lived in San Joaquin County and around the Bay Area -- were under various states of anesthesia when the abuse occurred.

Chi was first charged in February 2009 after eight women filed reports with Tracy police. The number of victims rose to 36 patients after the investigation became public. The former patients, including one who was 15 at the time, say the incidents occurred between May 2007 and January 2008.

A San Joaquin County grand jury indicted Chi in 2009 on 51 counts of sexual battery by fraud, 15 counts of sexual penetration with a foreign object while the victim was unconscious, and one count of a lewd act upon a child.

Those grand jury transcripts remain sealed pending the result of a June hearing.

At Monday's sentencing -- where two victims spoke and the prosecutor read a letter from a third -- one victim told the court she didn't go forward with charges initially because three of Chi's staff members were in the room at the time of the molestation.

"I figured it was four to one," she said. "The odds were not in my favor." 

Another victim said she commended the first woman who came forward, which gave other women the courage to do the same. She said she not only is physically scarred from the procedure she originally had done but emotionally from the molestation. She said she is afraid of male doctors and the incident has eroded her trust in others.

The victims were not the only ones who suffered, she said, adding that she feels sorry for Chi's wife, who was present at the hearing, and his children.

"I wish you no harm, only justice," she told Chi.

The women are not being named by Bay Area News Group because they are victims of sexual abuse.

Chi made no statement in court. The former ear, nose and throat doctor began specializing in general cosmetic surgery in 2001. He had medical offices in Tracy and Stockton, but neither were accredited for outpatient surgery, according to a complaint filed by the state Attorney General's Office.

After San Joaquin County Superior Court Judge Xapuri Villapudua announced the sentence Monday, San Joaquin County sheriff's deputies took Chi into custody. He had previously been free on $500,000 bail. While out on bail, he surrendered his passport and was prohibited from practicing medicine.
Sports Historian, back in 1983 I went to a Raider game at the colisem. I swear a fight broke out every 5 to 10 mins in the stands. It seemed alot of the fans came to witness these fights until their asses were being kicked. Most of the hooligans were Hispanics and Negroes . It was ridiclous. Now next homestand the LAPD will flood "Doyer Stadium" to keep the peace and life, all on Mr. McCord's dollar.
Westside said:
Also, Dodger games are still relatively inexpensive to attend. Its not like a Laker game where the nose bleed tickets are a small fortune. The illegal immagrants or Hispanic who beat this man are guys in a gang or blue collar thugs that can afford 10 to 15 dollar tickets.

Everytime I go to a Laker or Dodger game I am packing heat.

Packin' the heater is well advised these days. The groidian M.O. is bravery....only when they're armed...&/or have a "posse" of fellow thugs (otherwise they're mostly chicken$#1t.). Have heat, know how to use and (most importantly) ready & willing to use it.
"Queen LeBrown" James' mama busted (again)...

James on Mom Battery Bust: "You Have to Move Forward"

Gloria James arrested at Fontainebleau
Friday, Apr 8, 2011 | Updated 7:31 AM EDT

Gloria James in a photo taken by Miami Beach Police on April 7, 2011.

By Brian Hamacher and Julia Bagg

The mother of Miami Heat star LeBron James was arrested for simple battery and disorderly intoxication after a confrontation with a valet at Miami Beach's Fontainebleau hotel Thursday morning.

Gloria James, 43, was taken into custody after allegedly striking a valet at the posh hotel at 4441 Collins Ave. around 5 a.m., according a Miami Beach Police report.

According to the report, James had requested her vehicle from the valet who quickly brought it to the valet ramp.

The car was left running for 30 minutes as James talked to other hotel patrons, according to the report. The valet finally turned off the SUV and gave the keys to the valet cashier.

A short time later, James came looking for her car, saying "where are my f---ing keys?!" and yelling profanities at the valet, according to the report.

"Then, for no apparent reason [James] struck the victim with an open hand across the right side of his face and in the process causing herself to lose her balance and falling to the ground," the report states.

When police arrived, James was in the SUV with another woman behind the wheel, about to leave. When an officer asked her what happened, she refused to speak, according to the report.

The woman behind the wheel allegedly told the officer that James and the valet had a "verbal altercation" over how he retrieved her car and that they "got up into each others faces over the incident."

The valet was later identified by police as Sorel Rockefeller.

The report states James told the other woman not to give the officer anything.

James was arrested and placed in a patrol car. She had bloodshot eyes and a strong odor of alcohol on her breath, according to the report.

At the police station, James was "very uncooperative," according to the report. "I'm trying to trust you but I don't trust your kind," she allegedly told an officer.

After refusing to have her picture taken, James was released early Thursday morning to Heat exec Steve Stowe, who had no comment.

LeBron, however, addressed questions from journalists at practice Thursday.

"You have to move forward. It is my life. Just try to not let things be a distraction. I have a job to do," ESPN's Michael Wallace quoted in a Tweet. "It's very sensitive because it's your mother, of course. People around me are helping me, helping her."

It isn't the first time the mother of the NBA superstar has been involved with the law. She was arrested on DWI charges in Cleveland in 2006 while LeBron was with the Cavaliers.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
South African rugby player charged with axe murders

By Alistair Dawber

The accused, Joseph Ntshongwana, pictured in 2000

Joseph Ntshongwana, a retired top-flight rugby union player, appeared in a Durban courtroom yesterday charged with the brutal murders of three people, who he attacked with an axe.

Reports earlier in the week had suggested that Mr Ntshongwana carried out the attacks in revenge for the rape of his daughter, who, it was claimed, had been infected with the HIV virus. 

However, South African police said yesterday that there was no evidence that any rape had taken place. Instead, a police spokesman said that "the motive is evil-orientated. Rape has been ruled out."

Lawyers for the 34-year-old former Blue Bulls player argued that he was mentally unfit to stand trial. The case was adjourned to allow for medical tests.

Mr Ntshongwana was arrested earlier this week when police found him at his home with an axe and bloodstained clothing. 

Residents of the Yellowwood Park, Lamontville and Umbilo suburbs of Durban said three men had been murdered last week. At least two had been decapitated with the head of one of the victims being found a mile from his body.

Khangelani Mdluli, a resident of Lamontville, said he survived an attack: "He stopped the car, jumped out with a plastic bag... I thought it was a gun." Mr Mdluli said the attacker was shouting: "You think I'm stupid? You infected my daughter with HIV."

As South African law protects the identity of suspects until they appear in court, Mr Ntshongwana's name was not released until yesterday. The killings had threatened to ignite racial tensions, with many in the predominantly black township believing that the suspect was white. Mr Ntshongwana is, in fact, black

It has been reported that he first claimed that his daughter was gang raped and infected with HIV.

It then emerged that Ntshongwana does not have a daughter.
An article entitled "Immigrant Mass Murder? Black Serial Killer? Or Just An African Immigrant "In Search Of Riches For His Impoverished Parents"Â￾ ?

There's a tendency to think that immigrants who come here in search of a a better life will get that better life by either becoming small shopkeepers, or getting jobs. (There's also a tendency to think that all serial killers are white, but that's another story.)

Immigrants will become small shopkeepers in America if they were the kind of people who were small shopkeepers at home. They will get jobs in America, if they were the kind of people who had jobs at home. And if they were the kind of people who committed armed robbery and murder at home"¦then that's what they'll do in America.

The crimes that Muziwokuthula Madonda is accused of are common occurrences in South Africa.
Anyone care to guess the race of these animals? I'll give you a hint, Chester is 75 percent black.

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9 shot at teen party in suburban Philly; 1 dead


<div ="datetimestamp">
Saturday, April 9, 2011


<div ="editDetails">Associated Press</div>
<div ="storyaffiliation">THE ASSOCIATED PRESS</div>

<div id="story" style="font-size: 14px;">

CHESTER, Pa. â€" Authorities in suburban Philadelphia say shots
rang out at a social hall where a teenage party was being held, killing
one person and sending eight others to the hospital, two of them in
critical condition.

Police in the city of Chester say a suspect was taken into custody.

Officers were called to the Minaret Temple No. 174 just before 11:30 p.m. Friday and said they found "numerous victims."

Police said nine people were transported to Crozer Chester
Medical Center, where one person died. Two others were listed in
critical condition and six were said to be stable.

Police said the hall had been rented for a party, and many teenagers were present when the shots were fired.

Detectives are investigating the cause of the shooting.


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#printDesc { display: none; }

CHESTER, Pa. â€"
Authorities in suburban Philadelphia say shots rang out at a social hall
where a teenage party was being held, killing one person and sending
eight others to the hospital, two of them in critical condition.

Police in the city of Chester say a suspect was taken into custody.

Officers were called to the Minaret Temple No. 174 just before 11:30 p.m. Friday and said they found "numerous victims."

said nine people were transported to Crozer Chester Medical Center,
where one person died. Two others were listed in critical condition and
six were said to be stable.

Police said the hall had been rented for a party, and many teenagers were present when the shots were fired.

Detectives are investigating the cause of the shooting.


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"Minaret temple" !!! the religion of peace strikes again!!
foobar75 said:
Mudshark gets stabbed to death, nearly decapitated by her boyfriend:

So many white women going for thugs and bad boys, and this type of outcome is often times very predictable. There will be not one ounce of sympathy from me on this one.

If only all mud-slut prostitutes would meet such a grisly fate"¦especially before releasing her pimp's hideous Satan-spawn upon the planet.


Edited by: Thrashen
Thrashen said:
If only all mud-slut prostitutes would meet such a grisly fate"¦especially before releasing her pimp's hideous Satan-spawn upon the planet.

You will get no disagreement from me on this one, harsh as it may sound.

Here are a few more details on this disturbing story. From the Greenwich Times:

This comment stands out:

I remember the time when she told us that she was going to date a black guy and we were all like "WHY? Don't you know that they are trouble?"Â￾

And then she got mad and called us racists.

Comment by Chuck â€" April 11th, 2011 @ 1:02 pm


And the main story:

Those who knew Coit were shocked to hear about the brutal stabbing Monday.

"I couldn't really believe it until I went online and saw her picture," said Malike Bennett, 27, a dog trainer from New York City who dated Coit more than a year ago.

"Honestly, she is the most beautiful person I've ever met. I love that girl. Me and her were very good friends."

I don't think we need to guess as to the racial background of Mr. Bennett.

So, Ms Coit very clearly had a love and exclusive preference for dark meat, which directly resulted in her untimely demise in the most brutal and savage way imaginable. This may sound bad, but I think we need a few dozen more incidents like this. Clean cut, good-looking, yet misguided White girls getting hacked to death and violently murdered at the hands of their negro "lovers" before the rest of them wake-up and realize their best bet is to stay with their own kind.
Anyone surprised at this? I'm not!

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Lawrence Taylor declared low-risk sex offender


<div ="datetimestamp">
Tuesday, April 12, 2011


<div ="storyauthor">BY JIM FITZGERALD</div>
<div ="editDetails">The Record</div>
<div ="storyaffiliation">ASSOCIATED PRESS</div>

<div id="story" style="font-size: 14px;">

NEW CITY, N.Y. - A New york judge has ruled that ex-pro football star Lawrence Taylor is a low-risk sex offender.

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Lawrence Taylor

Taylor, a former Giants player, pleaded guilty in January to
sexual misconduct and patronizing an underage prostitute. He was
sentenced last month to probation.

Rockland County Court Judge William Kelly said Taylor was not
targeting children. He also said Taylor is unlikely to ever commit the
same crime.

Taylor has said the girl told him she was 19. She actually was 16.

Prosecutors argued for a level 2 designation. Instead, the judge
chose the lower level 1 designation. The decision means Taylor's photo
will not be posted on the online registry of sexual offenders. The NFL
Hall of Fame member did not attend the hearing.


<div id="story" style="clear: both; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-top: 0px;">

#printDesc { display: none; }

NEW CITY, N.Y. - A New york judge has ruled that ex-pro football star Lawrence Taylor is a low-risk sex offender.

a former Giants player, pleaded guilty in January to sexual misconduct
and patronizing an underage prostitute. He was sentenced last month to

Rockland County Court Judge William Kelly said Taylor
was not targeting children. He also said Taylor is unlikely to ever
commit the same crime.

Taylor has said the girl told him she was 19. She actually was 16.

argued for a level 2 designation. Instead, the judge chose the lower
level 1 designation. The decision means Taylor's photo will not be
posted on the online registry of sexual offenders. The NFL Hall of Fame
member did not attend the hearing.</span>

What's disturbing about this video is the lack of help this man received from what looks like many white peoplelooking on!
The country formerly known as "Great" Britain is a shell of its former self, as the wonders of diversity and multi-culturalism have really begun to take their toll. Muslim/turd world immigration, coupled with feminist and politically correct policies sanctioned by courts and the government paint a very bleak picture for the future. The people in that video seem to have a complete sense of apathy about what's unfolding in front of their eyes. Imagine if a white man punched an old black man on a train in some African country. He'd be lynched and destroyed in seconds.

I believe for the British, there's no going back, but countries like France and Germany still have a slim chance to preserve their White heritage. But their time is fast running out, too.

It seems there are pockets of people waking up all over Europe and realizing that this "cultural enrichment" agenda is a pretty rotten, one way deal, in which the natives are forced to accomodate the needs and way of life of the invaders. Unfortunately, there are too many manginas, homosexuals, and feminists in positions of power, which means only a Middle Eastern style revolution in Europe and a full house cleaning can reverse the tide. I just wish more people in Europe take some cues from what's happening to their south and take action.
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