Crime Thread

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Don Wassall said:
Black member of Middle Tennessee State's girls basketball team murdered by her roommate, Shanterrica [sic] Madden.  The perp's first name gives just the slightest clue that this was a black-on-black slaying.
<div>MTSU women lose in first game after player's death</font></div>
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Let's see now, a female basketball player stabs a teammate to death, and the media treats it as a routine sort of crime? Still another sign of the times.
Hmmm, Shanterrica, eh? Sounds like my kind of girl.
Terribly offensive stuff. Awhile back, a poster (forgive me for not remembering his handle) was aghast that all that we posted here were crimes committed by darker-hued individuals, and that we didn't give similar attention to the horrific crimes by white perpetrators. We then challenged him to have at it, and start posting them. I'm still waiting......
Looks like the typical starting lineup of an SEC College football team as shown on CBS Sports on a Saturday afternoon.
..... or like the college basketball game on right now. They showed the starting line up for ORAL ROBERTS University and it's ALL BLACK. They are currently being pummeled by OAKLAND, a team which has two crackers in the starting lineup.
FootballDad, Oral Roberts if I remember correctly was a very respected University with high entrance requirements. No doubt affelets do not have to abide or show excellence in this area. White People I swear are the biggest dufuses and villians. I just lost my appetitite.
..But I'm sure that these affletes are all upstanding and fine citizens not requiring extra diligence on behalf of local law enforcement and that they obey all honor codes........
An article entitled "Raceless, Nameless, 13-Year-Old Convicted of First-Degree Murder, in Racially Motivated Stomping Slaying of White 81-Year-Old, George Leroy Baker III"

The first of the three black teenagers charged with stomping 81-year-old George Leroy Baker III to death on September 5 in Lynchburg, Virginia, has been convicted in juvenile court.
Thought I would post this horrific crime by a sistuh in Brooklyn. And just to think that she is only facing a two-year sentence for this ghastly murder!

Brooklyn sistuh murderer.
They had an interview with one of the mothers of the sixteen boys that raped the 11 year old in Texas, the mother tried to argue that it was consentual, which I doubt. Typical negro,don't hold anyone accoutable, I guess she thinks this is Saudi Arabia where an 18 year old can have sex with an 11 year old. I'll bet if this were sixteen white guys who raped a black girl we would be dealing with much more outrage from the black community. Where is Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton.
Shooting in SW Virginia yesterday. Only local reporting of it. Sounds fishy to me that two cops killed and two seriously wounded only gets local reporting. Seems a single rifleman did it. He was killed. Don't know his race, but if he was a rifleman, I think he'd be White. Interesting.

Tom Iron...
Look on the bright side. His activities will not produce a brood of brats to be supported by your and my tax dollars. Bur he must really be hard up to rape a REAL sow.
An article entitled "Rep. Ted Poe Calls for a Congressional Investigation over Agent Brian Terry's Murder"

The death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry in an Arizona gun battle with Mexican drug traffickers started to have the symptoms of cover-up early on. First there were rumors, later verified, that the Border Patrol officers were firing bean bags at dangerous gangsters. Then it was learned that Terry may have been shot with a gun that had been sent to Mexico under a hare-brained sting operation created by the ATF.

Rep. Ted Poe is known for his punchy one-minute speeches on the floor of Congress, ending with "And that's the way it is."Â￾ He was incensed that Terry and the other agents were reportedly required to use the non-lethal ammo in a lethal situation where their opponents carried AK-47s â€" supplied by the ATF.
An article entitled "Interracial love stories keep ending in murder for white women."

Black men are at least nine times more likely to commit femicide than white men. In fact, the figure seem to go up when black men are involved in interracial relationships. A huge study on femicide in the United States found that white women married to black men were 12.4 times more likely to be murdered by their spouse than white women married to white men.

Black men are the leading cause of death for all young blacks, both male and female.

Australian model murdered by Sudanese Boyfriend.
Apparently there is one black man in the world faithful to his true love.LOL

Horry County man convicted of having sex with a horse released on probation

A Longs man convicted of having sexual intercourse with a Conway woman's horse has been released from prison after serving 16 months in a state prison, according to records.
Rodell Vereen, 51, must serve two years probation and register as a sex offender, according to the state Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services. Vereen was released March 1 and will be supervised until Feb. 28, 2013.
Vereen pleaded guilty in November 2009 to buggery and trespassing after he was charged in July 2009, when the woman found him in her barn at Lazy B Stables in the Wampee community of Horry County, police said. The woman pointed a shotgun at him until police arrived.

Rodell Vereen

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At the time of his arrest on the charge, Vereen was on probation related to another buggery charge from a 2007 incident involving the same horse at the same stable.
"I'm sorry about what I've done,"Â￾ Vereen said during his 2009 sentencing. "I didn't mean to do it. It's my fault. I'm sorry for what I've done to myself."Â￾
Circuit Court Judge Larry Hyman sentenced Vereen to five years in prison on the latest buggery charge, but suspended it to three years in prison and two years of probation. Vereen also was ordered to undergo mental health treatment once he is released from jail and was told not to go near Lazy B Stables.
In July 2008, Vereen, who owns a landscaping business, pleaded guilty to the same charge after he was caught Thanksgiving Day of 2007 having sex with the same horse.
The woman told police she caught Vereen having sex with a 21-year-old female horse named Sugar. She told officers she had video of Vereen "having relations" with one of her horses on July 19, 2009, according to a police report.
Vereen also had prior convictions of burglary from 1991 and 1995. Vereen has been registered as a sex offender since pleading to the first buggery charge in 2008, according to the State Law

Read more:
You have to be a registered sex offender for committing beastiality.....
It almost makes the serial prostitute user Lawrence Taylor seem like St. Thomas Moore.......
Black football player actually charged with ethnic intimidation. Will miracles ever cease?

A football player at California University of Pennsylvania has been charged with ethnic intimidation and other crimes for allegedly assaulting another man off campus.

California borough on Tuesday charged 20-year-old Darnell Harding, of McKeesport.

Police say Harding, who is black, beat and kicked a 23-year-old white man who told police Harding had said he planned to mess with the first white person he encountered.
Michael said:
... " British Widow Saeeda Khan Jailed for Keeping Tanzanian Woman Mwanahamisi Mruke As ‘Slave'"

yep, news stories don't get much more "British" than this.

don't you just "love" the "wondrous joy" and "cultural enrichment" that diversity brings to every place that allows it?
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