Crime Thread

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w2 said:
Generalizing a whole race on the actions of certain individuals is ignorance at it's finest. There are savages of all races. I was hoping that this site wasn't racist because it makes good points about certain athletes (Peyton Hillis and Danny Woodhead), but with threads like this it makes itobvious.

Tell you what -- you post all the instances you can here of Whites acting like savages, and others will continue to post instances of black savagery. Then you might understand why this thread exists, and why Americans who don't understand the dynamics of crime in this country are often unnecessarily and tragicallythe victims of it.
w2 said:
How can I refer my friends to this site with stuff like this up? They'll just label it another racist website.

Would your friends refer to the news in big cities with a large amount of blacks racist? because I lived in New Orleans and there are horror stories every day on the news. Murders, rapes, robberies, etc, most unsolved. If you have any information you can call a hotline and get money for information, yet they still go unsolved. Black reporters, black policemen, black criminals, a lot of crime. Big difference in the news when I moved to a white area for a while. I was surprised that people don't get killed, raped or robbed every day. And it is usually only the black on black crimes reported. Many of the black on white crimes go unreported (I am guessing the negative effect on tourism, the main way New Orleans makes money). Everyone hears of New Orleans and thinks "mardi gras" or "bourbon st" "drink all hours of the night and see titties", yet they don't realize that if they get drunk, wander about 4 or 5 streets the wrong way (about a 10 minute walk at the most ), they will wind up in the Iberville projects and the surrounding neighborhoods, they will at least get robbed, much worse can happen, especially if it is a woman. You would be surprised of how easy it is to wind up in this area and have something bad happen to you. It is a violent area, the only way for something not to happen to you is if you are a known junkie looking to score, even then you could get robbed.

If you are going to let one thread that simply documents criminal acts stop you from visiting a site that talks about great white athletes, then you will be missing out. It looks like you have been here for a while, but few posts, so I am guessing if you invited your friends, it would be a while before they found this so called "racist" thread. White athletes with bad behavior have been talked about on here as well, with opposing views from different members, such as Matt Jones, Big Ben and Brett Favre. If whites did some of the things that are mentioned on this thread, it would probably be on national television, such as Jena 6, where white kids supposedly hung a noose as a threat.
Edited by: snow
w2 said:
Generalizing a whole race on the actions of certain individuals is ignorance at it's finest. There are savages of all races. I was hoping that this site wasn't racist because it makes good points about certain athletes (Peyton Hillis and Danny Woodhead), but with threads like this it makes itobvious.

w2 - Mate, this thread (and, for that matter,the entire forum) deals with facts. Have a butcher's at the article to which the site administrator provided a link in the second post on this page - those statistics aren'tfabricated. Yet the mainstream media won't bringsuch "politically incorrect" informationto the attention of the populace. Instead, the said media delights in telling White Americansthat they are the "racists" who constantly "discriminate" against and "persecute" benign blacks...

I don't know where You reside, but how about this? If You (and Your friends) believe that black behaviour is essentially identical to that of Whites (with the exception of the supposedly occassional black "bad apple", the equivalent ofwhich "is found in everynation / ethnicityon the planet") feel free to test the theory by leisurely strolling about an all-black neighbourhood anywhere in the U.S. You can engage the locals in affable conversation about, let's say, rap "music". I wonder what the blacks' reaction shall be? Go on, mate, give it a go - after all, there's nothing to be afraid of, is there?

If, for some mysterious reason, You are reluctant to do so, You can alwaysattempt the same exercise in an all-black neighbourhood in England, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, et cetera. If You are interested in such a tour of the "ethnically enriched" Afro-Caribbean areas of England, I can recommend a few particularly choice areas in east London or Birmingham which shall definitely maximise the eye-opening experience.

This shall probably surprise You, but we also have plenty of violent non-white crime here in Australia. Melbourne and Adelaide have quite serious problems with Somali gangs (comprising those poor, starving"refugees" who wish for nothing but safe asylum and to live peacefully in honest toil ...). Sydney and Melbourne are loaded with Middle Eastern gangs - just like in Europe, Arabs generally have zero respect for Whites and constantly target Australians in assaults, robberies and rapes.As with blacks, one never seems to see an Arab walking the street alone - they always roam in packs (oooh, aren't they brave...).

Then there are the Aboriginals and, quite possibly the worst of the lot when it comes to violent crime, the Pacific Islanders. Here's a nice little story (not made up, mind You...), from a couple of days ago:

Sydney bashing: teen thrown off bridge

A teenager is in a coma after he was thrown off a bridge in Sydney's south-west before being savagely bashed by five men.

The 18-year-old was walking with a friend, aged 19, across a bridge from Mawson Street to Cabramatta Avenue at Miller about 8.20pm yesterday when he was approached by the group, police said.

Police said the men argued before starting to fight.

During the fight, the 18-year-old man was thrown off the bridge, which is about three metres high, and into Cabramatta Creek below.

He made his way back to the bridge, before he was again punched and kicked, police said.

The alleged attackers then fled.

The victim was taken to Liverpool Hospital with swelling to his brain and fluid on his lungs. He has been placed in a coma and is in a serious condition.

A police spokeswoman said it is not known the nature of the argument or if the men knew each other.

Police said the attackers were of Pacific Islander appearance and aged in their early 20s.

Acting Superintendent Steve Corry said the teenager fell three metres off the bridge but it is believed the water broke his fall.

"It definitely was a vicious attack," he said.

"The argument started between himself, a friend and five others. The young man was then pushed over the bridge.

"At this stage we are not sure of the motive," Superintendent Corry said.

"It appears to be a random attack."

Superintendent Corry said the teenager's friend, who was suffered minor injuries in the attack, was now giving a formal statement to police.

This is quite typical - a group of Islanders bashing people just for fun. But I guess that they are a "small minority" of "bad apples", eh?

Put it this way, mate - before You condemn the Caste Football members as racists, rednecks and all-rounddrooling rubes, have a look about and investigate some of the things which are mentioned on the site. If the members make good points about Peyton Hillis, well, maybe the other points which they make may, upon deeper examination, also be quitevalid and "good". That's the beauty of the Internet - You can access all points of view and consequentlymake up Your own mind.
W2, what exactly is your definition of racist? I'd love to hear your answer. Do the facts posted earlier show you a clear picture of what is taking place in this country? Spend one day, maybe even a few hours, in one of New Jerseys wonderful diverse cities(Camden, Irvington, or Newark) and I guarantee you will have a better picture of what "racism" really is.

First thing, welcome to the site.

Sir, whether or not the site is racist isn't relavent. It's whether or not the comments are accurate that matters. In my opinion, the comments are extremely accurate.

One more thing about this use of the word "racist." It's apparent, the use of this term is an attempt to make ones own ideas seem superior to others and therefore end all discussion. Of course, that comes from an inability to discuss the subject, so therefore the person (yourself in this case) tries to shield themselves from any in depth thought/conversation on the topic.

I'm not trying to be insulting Sir, but that's the way I see it. Stay with us and maybe you can learn something, or maybe you'll teach us a thing or two. We don't run from ideas here.

Tom Iron...
w2 said:
How can I refer my friends to this site with stuff like this up? They'll just label it another racist website.

If you have intelligent, truth-seeking friends, at least some of them should see the desperate need for a place like CF where people speak openly and honestly about not only racism against whites in sports, but also the truth about the never-ending wave of crime perpetrated by blacks that the MSM all too often avoids.
w2 said:
Generalizing a whole race on the actions of certain individuals is ignorance at it's finest. There are savages of all races. I was hoping that this site wasn't racist  because it makes good points about certain athletes (Peyton Hillis and Danny Woodhead), but with threads like this it makes it obvious.

I urge you to personally research the ghastly and vicious nature of black-on-white crimes in South Africa, Rhodesia, Zimbabwe, Haiti, etc.

I imagine you'll lift your veil of media-contrived naivety once you discover the customary Rape-Torture-Kill phenomenon. I do hope you have a strong stomach, though, Mr. Anti-Racist.Edited by: Thrashen
Check this article out about a black affirmative action supervisor trying to hit a white guy with her car. If that isn't enough check out the comments the black she-male made as well.

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Englewood DPW supervisor accused in attempted assault

<div ="datetimestamp">
Friday, November 12, 2010


<div ="storyauthor">BY GIOVANNA FABIANO</div>
<div ="editDetails">The Record</div>
<div ="storyaffiliation">STAFF WRITER</div>

<div id="story" style="clear: both; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-top: 0px;">

#printDesc { display: none; }

Department of Public Works supervisor has been charged with attempted
assault for allegedly trying to run over a subordinate with her
city-owned car, police said Friday.

Danette Adams is accused of
trying to hit John Cioffi, a city truck driver who filed a racial
discrimination suit against her in 2008.

The incident occurred
Oct. 28, but was not immediately reported to police, Detective Lt.
Timothy Torell said. Adams was formally charged Tuesday with the
second-degree crime.

"The allegation is that Ms. Adams tried to
hit Mr. Cioffi with her City of Englewood vehicle that she drives as she
was coming into the DPW yard, on DPW property, on company time,"Â Torell

Adams will be suspended pending "disposition of the
charges,"Â said Assistant City Manager Robert Gorman, who heads the Human
Resources Department.

"It will be a suspension without pay until
the criminal charges are finalized by a court,"Â Gorman said, declining
further comment.

Adams' supervisor, DPW Director Clyde Sweatt, was on vacation and could not be reached.

has not yet been formally arrested. She told police she would turn
herself in to headquarters Friday afternoon, but as of 6 p.m., she had
not shown up, Torell said.

Cioffi's attorney, Robert Tandy â€" who
is representing him in a new lawsuit against the city â€" said Adams was
still at work Wednesday, two weeks after the incident, despite his
client's complaints to supervisors, including Sweatt.

"This was a
complete and utter failure by the city of Englewood, the DPW and
management and officials to conduct any investigation as to Mr. Cioffi's
claims or to discipline Ms. Adams in any way, especially here when
there was a violent assault perpetrated by Ms. Adams in front of a
witness,"Â Tandy said.

"This has been a pattern of practice to
allow certain supervisors down there complete control and discretion,
and when Mr. Cioffi's complaints were not addressed by the city, he had
no other choice or recourse than to file a criminal complaint,"Â he said.

Cioffi's racial bias suit claimed Adams, who is black, discriminated against Cioffi because he is white.

suit alleged that Adams snapped her fingers at Cioffi, whistled and
yelled, "Come here, white boy, come here, white boy,"Â and that she
referred to the white men she supervised as "pet dogs."Â

The suit was settled in 2009; the details of the agreement were confidential.

latest lawsuit â€" filed Nov. 2 in state Superior Court â€" claims
officials' failure to investigate Adams after an attempted assault has
caused him to suffer emotional distress and fear of further harassment
and physical abuse.

According to the suit, as Adams was pulling
into the DPW yard on Oct. 28, Cioffi attempted to remove three traffic
cones blocking the entrance. As he removed the middle cone, Adams
allegedly accelerated, forcing him to jump out of the way and missing
him by "one to two feet."Â After the incident, Adams allegedly started
laughing and "clapping her hands"Â while staring at Cioffi, according to
the suit.

The lawsuit, which claims Cioffi has been subjected to
racial discrimination, a hostile work environment and retaliation as a
result of his previous suit, names Adams, Sweatt, the city of Englewood
and the Englewood DPW.

Cioffi is suing for punitive and compensatory damages and legal fees.


<div id="story" style="font-size: 14px;">

ENGLEWOOD â€" A Department of Public Works supervisor has been
charged with attempted assault for allegedly trying to run over a
subordinate with her city-owned car, police said Friday.

Danette Adams is accused of trying to hit John Cioffi, a city
truck driver who filed a racial discrimination suit against her in 2008.

The incident occurred Oct. 28, but was not immediately reported
to police, Detective Lt. Timothy Torell said. Adams was formally charged
Tuesday with the second-degree crime.

"The allegation is that Ms. Adams tried to hit Mr. Cioffi with
her City of Englewood vehicle that she drives as she was coming into the
DPW yard, on DPW property, on company time,"Â Torell said.

Adams will be suspended pending "disposition of the charges,"Â
said Assistant City Manager Robert Gorman, who heads the Human Resources

"It will be a suspension without pay until the criminal charges
are finalized by a court,"Â Gorman said, declining further comment.

Adams' supervisor, DPW Director Clyde Sweatt, was on vacation and could not be reached.

Adams has not yet been formally arrested. She told police she
would turn herself in to headquarters Friday afternoon, but as of 6
p.m., she had not shown up, Torell said.

Cioffi's attorney, Robert Tandy â€" who is representing him in a
new lawsuit against the city â€" said Adams was still at work Wednesday,
two weeks after the incident, despite his client's complaints to
supervisors, including Sweatt.

"This was a complete and utter failure by the city of Englewood,
the DPW and management and officials to conduct any investigation as to
Mr. Cioffi's claims or to discipline Ms. Adams in any way, especially
here when there was a violent assault perpetrated by Ms. Adams in front
of a witness,"Â Tandy said.

"This has been a pattern of practice to allow certain
supervisors down there complete control and discretion, and when Mr.
Cioffi's complaints were not addressed by the city, he had no other
choice or recourse than to file a criminal complaint,"Â he said.

Cioffi's racial bias suit claimed Adams, who is black, discriminated against Cioffi because he is white.

The suit alleged that Adams snapped her fingers at Cioffi,
whistled and yelled, "Come here, white boy, come here, white boy,"Â and
that she referred to the white men she supervised as "pet dogs."Â

The suit was settled in 2009; the details of the agreement were confidential.

His latest lawsuit â€" filed Nov. 2 in state Superior Court â€"
claims officials' failure to investigate Adams after an attempted
assault has caused him to suffer emotional distress and fear of further
harassment and physical abuse.

According to the suit, as Adams was pulling into the DPW yard on
Oct. 28, Cioffi attempted to remove three traffic cones blocking the
entrance. As he removed the middle cone, Adams allegedly accelerated,
forcing him to jump out of the way and missing him by "one to two feet."Â
After the incident, Adams allegedly started laughing and "clapping her
hands"Â while staring at Cioffi, according to the suit.

The lawsuit, which claims Cioffi has been subjected to racial
discrimination, a hostile work environment and retaliation as a result
of his previous suit, names Adams, Sweatt, the city of Englewood and the
Englewood DPW.

Cioffi is suing for punitive and compensatory damages and legal fees.



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  1. Saturday November 13, 2010, 12:12 PM - john222
    It's about time the pet dogs start biting back.

  2. Saturday November 13, 2010, 10:21 AM - Wayne__13965
    If Danette Adams were white, she would've been fired immediately.

  3. Saturday November 13, 2010, 8:46 AM - GoodNeighbor
    I wonder how fast that lawsuit would have been settled if a white supervisor called a black subordinate a "pet dog."

  4. Friday November 12, 2010, 9:30 PM - Karlos
    Sounds like a possible conspiracy between the two
    for the purpose of milking the golden cow (the town.) Great example of
    American Greed.

  5. Friday November 12, 2010, 7:48 PM - 1234
    Just raise taxes!

  6. Friday November 12, 2010, 7:08 PM - Quietstorm
    Fire both of them.
Man 'cut off de-facto's tongue, sliced mouth'

A South Australian man allegedly cut off his de-facto partner's tongue and sliced her mouth open during a vicious early-morning attack in her home.

Mohammed Tasleem Tahir appeared in Southport Magistrate's Court today, charged with torture, acts intended to maim and disfigure and grievous bodily harm, the <I has="2">Gold Coast Bulletin[/I] reports
Court documents reveal the victim, Catherine Cameron, moved to the Gold Coast from South Australia six months ago after ending her relationship with Tahir.
The 20-year-old changed her name and telephone number, with the intent of starting "afresh".
But police allege Tahir confronted Ms Cameron in her Surfer's Paradise unit around 1.30am on Saturday morning, telling her he wanted to "repair" their relationship.
Instead, he allegedly held her in a headlock while bashing her with an empty alcohol bottle.
He then pulled out a knife and cut her tongue and mouth. Ms Cameron was taken to hospital, suffering from a 4cm gash on the left side of her mouth and a 2cm gash on the right.
She also suffered a fractured eye socket and will need a metal plate to be inserted.
Tahir then allegedly tried to strangle Ms Cameron on her bed and only stopped when she feigned losing consciousness and went limp.
Neighbours called police when they heard commotion in Ms Cameron's apartment.
The case has been adjourned until November 27.

When will such naive White women ever learn, eh? "Ooooh, they may look different, but they are just like us..."

The subhuman piece of sh*t pepretrator'sname suggests that he is probably Pakistani or Afghan - I assume that he was imported via our wonderful immigration program, but he could also be one of our "native born", peace loving, so-called "Muslim Australians". I'm so bloody furious (on various levels)that I've had to pace about the room with clenched fists and teeth like some fecking psychopathin an attempt to calm myself down a bit...
The Hock - It's bleeding madness, isn't it? What the hell have our nations become?

Australian society is really falling apart apace. We are committing the same errors as the United Kingdom, western Europe and Scandinavia - viz. Muslim immigration. Weld that to the masses of Asians, Arabs, Islanders, Africans and other scum that are flooding into the country (and the Asian masseswhich have already been here for decades) and we are well on the way to oblivion because, unlike in the aforementioned areas of Europe, there are no "far-right", specifically anti-immigration parties to vote for. Our "established parties" aren't worth a pinch of the proverbial.The so-called "conservative" Liberals (one must love the terminology...) are an utter sham, while the clueless Labor Party, under pressure from the Greens, is moving further and further to the left (if such a thing is possible) - every second wordspoutedby our half-witted Labor Prime Minister, the unmarried, de facto-flaunting, Welsh-born Julia Gillard, is "global". Global this, global that. Screw Australia, let's talk "global" - listening to all sides of politics literally does one's head in.

Mate, when I walk about in Wollongong (about 50 minutessouth of Sydney) I could be mistaken in thinking that I'm in the U.K. - themajor difference being the much higher proportion of east Asians. There has been such an influx of Indians, Pakis, Afghans, Sri Lankans, Arabs, Iraniansand Africans over the last decade that the complexion of the city has completely changed.

Getting back to the crime in quiestion, this type of assault on gullible young White girls isquite common in the U.K. (well, England, at least). One would think that the Australian authorities / society in general would ensure that this did not happen here by barring these animals' entry into the country, let alone granting them residence and citizenship. But no, Australia is following the samebenighted path.
Of course, the Australian media hadly ever metion goings on in the U.K. (and certainly never mention black/Paki-on-White crime). But the really sad thing is thatthe average idiot wouldn't even care as long as there is beer to swill, Rugby League to watch, a TAB in which to gambletheir money away, and a tattoo parlour which will gladly cover their skin in green...
An article entitled "Black cop called N-word, Uncle Tom for helping white cop"

A white police officer in Dallas asked an undercover black cop to help him transport a man he had just arrested to jail, which he agreed to do. At which point a third person began calling the black cop an "Uncle Tom"Â￾ and a "house n*gger"Â￾, etc, repeatedly, for agreeing to help a white man.

The person calling a black cop a "house n*gger"Â￾ and "Uncle Tom"Â￾ for helping a white cop in need of assistance was"¦another black cop. A detective, no less. Ain't affirmative action wonderful?

And notice that the investigation appears to be concerned only with the language used, and the physical scuffle. Apparently the Dallas PD doesn't mind its black officers ridiculing each other for cooperating with white police officers. They just expect them to do it with a bit of decorum
Scumbag negro who attacked a 82 year old war veteran gets plea deal.

<div ="storyline4">
Plea deal averts new trial for man jailed in Clifton robbery

<div ="datetimestamp">
Wednesday, November 17, 2010


<div ="storyauthor">BY JOHN PETRICK</div>
<div ="editDetails">The Record</div>
<div ="storyaffiliation">STAFF WRITER</div>

<div id="story" style="clear: both; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-top: 0px;">

#printDesc { display: none; }

What was once a
life sentence for a local career criminal will now be 15 years behind
bars after an appellate court overturned Michael Stuart's 2006
conviction for robbing a Clifton stationery store in which he punched a
highly-decorated, 82-year-old war veteran.

The plea deal struck Wednesday will avert a retrial of the case.

highlight of Stuart's trial four years ago was the testimony of World
War II veteran Richard Hyle, who refused to give up his wallet at
Village Stationery on Valley Road during the Jan. 17, 2004, robbery.

Stuart punched the octogenarian in the face and fled the store after
Hyle defiantly told Stuart: "Get a job." Hyle fell to the floor bleeding
but was not seriously injured. Stuart was captured by police a short
time later after getting away with $250 turned over by store owner
Sandip Kapadia. Stuart threatened his victims with a fake gun hidden
under his coat sleeve.

Hyle died just a few months ago, not long
after the decision in April overturning the conviction. Wednesday's plea
was not only an occasion to resolve the case, but for the judge,
attorneys and even Stuart himself to reflect on Hyle's spunk.

sorry for Mr. Hyle's loss,"Â￾ said Stuart before state Superior Court
Judge Raymond A. Reddin in Paterson. Stuart said he never went to the
store intending to hit an old man. "Mr. Hyle surprised me,"Â￾ he said. "I
never made an attempt to do anything. I turned around - he was just ON
me. It was just a reaction."Â￾ He paused. "I just wanted to say that,
since he's passed."Â￾

Judge Reddin said he appreciated what the
defendant was trying to say, which was as much testimony to his own
remorse as it was a to Hyle's courage.

"This was a man who was
part of the Greatest Generation,"Â￾ said Passaic County Senior Assistant
Prosecutor Paul De Groot of the highly decorated World War II veteran.
"Mr. Hyle will be missed."Â￾

Stuart pleaded guilty to one count of
second degree robbery, that of Kapadia. Originally, he was convicted of
first-degree armed robbery and second-degree robbery by a jury seated
before now-retired state Superior Court Judge Ronald Marmo.

sentencing, Marmo said that given the state's so-called "three strikes
law"Â￾ that exposes repeat offenders like Stuart to extended sentences, he
had no choice but to send him to prison for life. Stuart had two
robbery convictions from Bergen and Passaic.

In its decision in
April, the state Appellate Division reversed the conviction based on
Judge Marmo's banning Stuart from the courtroom toward the end of the
trial. Marmo did so because, as he was about to start charging the jury
prior deliberations, Stuart disrupted the proceedings by pleading with
the jury to acquit him.

Later, defense counsel suggested that the
judge allow the defendant a brief cooling-off period and then ask him
if he wished to return to the trial. Instead of bringing the defendant
back to court, the judge heard a report from the sheriff's officers that
Stuart asserted he would keep talking if allowed to return.

Instead of consulting with his client or asking that his client be
brought back into the courtroom, defense counsel accepted what the
sheriff's officers' account. As a result, Stuart was absent from the
trial during the jury charge, read-backs of all of the most critical
trial testimony, and the verdict.

The appellate decision found
that the judge and defense erred in relying on sheriff's officers'
accounts without speaking directly to the defendant.


<div id="story" style="font-size: 14px;">

What was once a life sentence for a local career criminal will
now be 15 years behind bars after an appellate court overturned Michael
Stuart's 2006 conviction for robbing a Clifton stationery store in which
he punched a highly-decorated, 82-year-old war veteran.

The plea deal struck Wednesday will avert a retrial of the case.

<div ="storyholder">
<div id="storymedia" ="story">
<div id="storytitle">Fast facts</div>
<div id="storytext"><ul>[*]Stuart, 37, of Paterson, is scheduled for sentencing on Dec. 9 before state Superior Court Judge Raymond A. Reddin in Paterson.[*]As part of his sentence, he will have to serve 85 percent of his 15-year term before he's eligible for parole.[*]Passaic County Senior Assistant Prosecutor Paul De Groot said
outside of court that the state offered Stuart the same plea deal
following his arrest but that he opted to go to trial.[*]The prosecutor also noted that Hyle's death was a factor. While his
testimony could have been replayed for the jury, he noted it would not
necessarily have the same impact as Hyle in court.[*]De Groot also said that the appellate division, in overturning the
case, noted in its decision that a 15-year sentence would be an
appropriate one in resolving the case.[/list]</div>

The highlight of Stuart's trial four years ago was the testimony
of World War II veteran Richard Hyle, who refused to give up his wallet
at Village Stationery on Valley Road during the Jan. 17, 2004, robbery.

Stuart punched the octogenarian in the face and fled the store
after Hyle defiantly told Stuart: "Get a job." Hyle fell to the floor
bleeding but was not seriously injured. Stuart was captured by police a
short time later after getting away with $250 turned over by store owner
Sandip Kapadia. Stuart threatened his victims with a fake gun hidden
under his coat sleeve.

Hyle died just a few months ago, not long after the decision in
April overturning the conviction. Wednesday's plea was not only an
occasion to resolve the case, but for the judge, attorneys and even
Stuart himself to reflect on Hyle's spunk.

"I'm sorry for Mr. Hyle's loss,"Â￾ said Stuart before state
Superior Court Judge Raymond A. Reddin in Paterson. Stuart said he never
went to the store intending to hit an old man. "Mr. Hyle surprised me,"Â￾
he said. "I never made an attempt to do anything. I turned around - he
was just ON me. It was just a reaction."Â￾ He paused. "I just wanted to
say that, since he's passed."Â￾

Judge Reddin said he appreciated what the defendant was trying
to say, which was as much testimony to his own remorse as it was a to
Hyle's courage.

"This was a man who was part of the Greatest Generation,"Â￾ said
Passaic County Senior Assistant Prosecutor Paul De Groot of the highly
decorated World War II veteran. "Mr. Hyle will be missed."Â￾

Stuart pleaded guilty to one count of second degree robbery,
that of Kapadia. Originally, he was convicted of first-degree armed
robbery and second-degree robbery by a jury seated before now-retired
state Superior Court Judge Ronald Marmo.

At sentencing, Marmo said that given the state's so-called
"three strikes law"Â￾ that exposes repeat offenders like Stuart to
extended sentences, he had no choice but to send him to prison for life.
Stuart had two robbery convictions from Bergen and Passaic.

In its decision in April, the state Appellate Division reversed
the conviction based on Judge Marmo's banning Stuart from the courtroom
toward the end of the trial. Marmo did so because, as he was about to
start charging the jury prior deliberations, Stuart disrupted the
proceedings by pleading with the jury to acquit him.

Later, defense counsel suggested that the judge allow the
defendant a brief cooling-off period and then ask him if he wished to
return to the trial. Instead of bringing the defendant back to court,
the judge heard a report from the sheriff's officers that Stuart
asserted he would keep talking if allowed to return.

Instead of consulting with his client or asking that his client
be brought back into the courtroom, defense counsel accepted what the
sheriff's officers' account. As a result, Stuart was absent from the
trial during the jury charge, read-backs of all of the most critical
trial testimony, and the verdict.

The appellate decision found that the judge and defense erred in
relying on sheriff's officers' accounts without speaking directly to
the defendant.



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<a name="comments"></a>
An article entitled "Outrage in SC over illegal alien who killed firefighter."

An illegal alien from Mexico was speeding in a van full of people [presumable more illegal aliens], and plowed into two firefighters putting out a brush fire on the median. One was killed, the other seriously maimed.

The immigration status of her passengers was not even checked. In fact, immigration authorities plan to release the perp until her deportation hearing. All she has to do to escape deportation is NOT SHOW UP.

Illegal aliens are killing thousands of American citizens on our roads and nothing is being done.
An article entitled "Anni Dewani wanted to experience the REAL Africa"

Another tragic tale of death by diversity.

The story speaks for itself. How people can become so brainwashed that they allow Political Correctness to trump their genetic instincts is beyond me. She was a beautiful young woman with an entire life ahead of her, until she took a vacation to Africa.

They say when the sh*t hits the fan down in South Africa, the Indians are way up on the list of the Africans to deal with. So it's not going to be just the Whites that get murdered.

If you study the sainted Gandhi, he had some real choice words for the blacks/Kafirs.

Tom Iron...
An article entitled "Florida: Immigrant Horse Killer Takes Plea Deal"

Animal lovers of south Florida have been sickened over the last couple years about the cruel slaughter of horses by strangers in the night. Families were shocked to find beloved family pets with their throats slit and cut into pieces.

The motive is money: the immigrants of the area â€" largely Cubans but also Haitians and Nicaraguans â€" like to celebrate their diversity by eating horsemeat and are willing to pay top dollar on the black market; up to $40 per pound has been reported. An adult horse can yield 400 pounds of meat, so a night of brutal slaughter can bring thousands of dollars to the killer.
An article entitled "Another White Student Stabbed"

Guess they didn't learn their lesson the first time. I hope that family has a lot of sons because they're going to lose "Luke"Â￾ if they keep feeding him into the public school meat grinder. The Black who stabbed their son could easily be out of jail before their son is out of the hospital.

A black stabs a White for no apparent reason? Could there possibly be a motive in there somewhere? How aboutâ€"ohâ€" black racism? Will this black be charged with a hate crime? Oh, I forgot, those laws apply only to Whites.

So this White student was only taking one class at the public school, and that was enough to get him stabbed by a crazed Negro who was wandering around the campus.
I swear I saw this happen on a Sopranos episode....
Men hold up NY pizza makers, flee with wrong dough

Module body

Tue Nov 23, 8:38 AM

By The Associated Press

NEW YORK, N.Y. - Police in New York City say thieves held up the owners of a pizzeria and then fled with a bag full of dough â€" the kind that crusts are made of.

Police tell the Daily News that Salvatore LaRosa was charged with robbery after surrendering to police.

According to court papers, LaRosa and an accomplice followed the owners of Brothers Pizzeria on Staten Island. After donning masks, the papers say, they pointed guns and demanded the men turn over a bag they believed held the day's proceeds.

But instead, the bag was full of pizza dough.

LaRosa was released on $1 million bail on Monday. His attorney, James Froccaro, declined to comment.
Good ole' Detroit. Anyone want to take a guess what the race of these two is?

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<h1 id="yn-title">Police: Man dies after punch by Burger King worker</h1>
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<abbr title="2010-12-10T07:15:07-0800" ="recenttimedate">7minsago</abbr>

DETROIT â€" Detroit </span>police</span></font> say a 20-year-old Burger King employee who was arguing with a customer punched the 67-year-old man, who fell and later died.

Police spokesman Yvette Walker says the older man was
reportedly causing a disturbance Thursday afternoon at the restaurant
on the city's </span>east </span>side</span></font>,
tried to hit the employee and the employee swung back. WJBK-TV reports
police say the punch may have caused the elderly man to choke on his

The man died at a hospital. Walker says an autopsy
will determine cause of death. Police say the employee was being held
Friday and information would be submitted to prosecutors for review.

Burger King spokeswoman Denise Wilson said Friday
that company officials were aware of the incident and the franchise
owner was cooperating with police.
Such a tragedy. A marine was murdered in the French Quarter apparently trying to defend the honer of his wife. Two suspects arrested.

Story and Video
Great comments below the story. This one looks as though it was written by a CF poster:

practicetruth said on December 10, 2010 at 11:17 AM
Marlon46 is an obvious insecure racist, hence the reason for his off-track comments when blacks are responsible for violent crimes committed against whites. He detracts attention away from the violent black perpetrator by saying something derogatory about the victimized white person. He is as see-through as a piece of clear glass to the intelligent mind. By the way marlon46, why didn't the stabber fight like a man instead of a coward? That being said, I am relieved that they caught the murderer who stabbed to death this Marine who was a brave protector of our country. He was a fine contributor. The stabber is a parasite feeding on society and should be executed for his crime.
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