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Just to prove that we "ain't racists", here is a nice little story, the action having taken place in the classy surrounds of Albion Park Rail (doubtlessly in good old public housing
), several minutes drive from my street (groan).I assume that the perpetrators were white (there is unfortunately no shortage of unevolved white scum around here), but as the geezer who was sentenced is from Nowra, he may very well have been a coo.., er, Aboriginal.
There's no stopping the slack-jawed plebeians - to think that my tax dollars pay for the upkeep of such knuckle-dragging specimens...

Callous tattoo revenge attack

A Nowra man who attacked a mentally impaired teen with a baseball bat before tattooing "DOG" on his forehead has been sentenced to more than 14 years' jail.

Jason Allen Tattersall, 35, lured the defenceless teen to an Albion Park Rail home on February 23, where he and his mates subjected the 18-year-old to seven hours of brutal violence.
During the ordeal Tattersall broke the teen's ankle with a baseball bat, before walking him outside and letting his mates punch him to the ground and kick him in the ribs.

The group later returned to the kitchen, where the teen was forced to lie on the floor while Tattersall forcibly tattooed "DOG" on his forehead in green ink.

They continued to use violence to coerce the teen into signing ownership of his Daihatsu Charade over to Tattersall.

The callous, calculated assault was revenge for the teen having started a sexual relationship with Tattersall's girlfriend while he was in jail.

Tattersall had only been released from custody for three days before going on an ‘‘ice'' binge and tracking down the teen.

Yesterday he stood silently in the dock as Wollongong District Court Judge Paul Conlon sentenced him to a minimum 11 years behind bars for the sickening attack.

Tattersall had shown ‘‘gratuitous cruelty'', telling the teen he would be overdosed on heroin and left to die, the court heard.

‘‘His conduct in committing this offence displayed a viciousness and callousness not often seen,'' Judge Conlon said.

‘‘When giving evidence, I did not detect any feeling of sympathy for the victim's suffering during the offence or indeed empathy for the continuing psychological damage the victim will experience in the future.''

The teen is now blind in his left eye and has undergone extensive surgery to his ankle as a result of the attack.

He has since grown his fringe long and taken to wearing caps as a way of concealing the tattoo on his forehead.

‘‘I cannot get a job. The tattoo has left me unemployable,'' he told the court in a victim impact statement.

‘‘The shock on people's faces doesn't describe it. Job interviews just don't go any further.''

Not only had the attack scarred him physically and emotionally, but it had torn his and his mother's life to shreds, he said.

The court heard that during the ordeal, the 18-year-old was detained by Tattersall at the Albion Park Rail home with the help of a number of friends.

He only received help after Tattersall ordered two of his mates to drop him off at hospital.

‘‘This is what you are going to say: you got bashed by five or six wogs in a park,'' Tattersall told his victim.

‘‘I will kill you and come after your family if you tell the cops [anything different].''

Tattersall's cousin Shaun Burne last week was sentenced to five years and three months' jail for his role in the attack.

Nowra couple Nadia Donn and Ben Thomas, both 30, were also given custodial sentences.

Matthew Bool, who lived in the home where the teen was attacked, was jailed for a maximum two years.

His defacto partner Stephanie Ireland was released on a good behaviour bond after pleading guilty to disposing of the tattoo gun after the fact.
An article entitled "Muslim Suicide Bomber Hits Stockholm"

Sweden has suffered greatly from Muslim immigration. Malmo, the third-largest city, has been afflicted with the usual Islamic hostility toward authority: for example, firefighters and emergency workers need police protection when entering the mostly Muslim neighborhood of Rosengard. Diversity immigration has also brought Sweden a Muslim Rape Wave, indicating multiculturalism has not been a big success (particularly for women).

So it's perhaps not a big surprise that Sweden experienced its first suicide bombing, where the Muslim only managed to kill himself, although two bystanders were injured. Why should the West continue Muslim immigration at all? What's the benefit?
An article entitled "Man fights off racially motivated attack."

A phenomenon known as "happy slapping,"Â￾ when black thugs videotape a racially motivated attacks, has occurred all over the United States, England, and France. Often videos of the attacks are posted online. Many times black gangs try to gain credibility with other gangs by committing and videotaping the most brutal attacks. Many times the attacks are committed against white women, and in a few cases horrific gang rapes have even been filmed to show to friends.

However, one video is circulating the net of a racially motivated attack where the attackers are humiliated. A mob of black thugs attacks a lone white man in front of Mesquite High, in Mesquite, Texas. The school is only 31% white. The young man, who may be a student, repeatedly fights them off. The vicious attackers give up and a shocked black woman manning the camera congratulates the would be victim.
Michael tried to view you link of the video. But as always, F'ing YouTube pulled it. Can't let America see the animalistic/racist behavior of negroes can we. Thanks anyway for keeping us informed.
Colonel_Reb said:
whiteathlete33 said:
Guess I'll stick this in here. Negro basketball player attacks white ref.

TNB, and a lot of people would be better off if they understood the reality of racial differences in behavior. I'm glad the negroes' team lost by forfeit.

Colonel, they also showed this video on the local news in my area. After showing the video they showed an interview with the young savage in which he said he only did this because he's very "passionate" about the game. I'm sure the DWF's will accept that as nothing out of the ordinary. What sheep!
Edited by: whiteathlete33
wa33, you are correct about the sheeple, just a sleepin' on. Following this thug's logic, I guess all those drive by shooting's are just "world class upsiders" with a lot of passion for the fine art of trigger-pullery.
Michael said:
An article entitled "Man fights off racially motivated attack."

A phenomenon known as "happy slapping,"Â￾ when black thugs videotape a racially motivated attacks, has occurred all over the United States, England, and France. Often videos of the attacks are posted online. Many times black gangs try to gain credibility with other gangs by committing and videotaping the most brutal attacks. Many times the attacks are committed against white women, and in a few cases horrific gang rapes have even been filmed to show to friends.

However, one video is circulating the net of a racially motivated attack where the attackers are humiliated. A mob of black thugs attacks a lone white man in front of Mesquite High, in Mesquite, Texas. The school is only 31% white. The young man, who may be a student, repeatedly fights them off. The vicious attackers give up and a shocked black woman manning the camera congratulates the would be victim.

A lot of Mexicans and Asians (particularly filipinos/Viets/laotians) carry blades. White youths need to do the same.

Let's see how "mighty" sambo feels when he's bleeding profusely from a severed artery.
Here is a lovely story from the sinister cesspool that is Harrisburg, PA. Another kind-hearted Negro "celebrating"Â￾ Kwanzaa, I suppose"¦

"Harrisburg police say a 41-year-old woman was attacked, robbed and raped overnight in the 100 block of 14th Street before her screams were heard and a couple took her into their van and called for help.

The victim told police she left the Olympic Bar on Derry Street around 12:30 a.m. to walk to her home nearby when she was followed by a man who rushed up behind her and grabbed her by her neck and demanded her valuables. After she gave him $15 and her bank card, she told police, the man knocked her down behind a Dumpster and raped her. Police say the woman kicked him and got away as he walked off.

The attacker is described as a black man, tall, with a stocky to chubby build, dark complexion, acne, stubble, yellow teeth with some missing and bushy eyebrows, police say."

The attacker is described as a black man, tall, with a stocky to chubby build, dark complexion, acne, stubble, yellow teeth with some missing and bushy eyebrows

Harrisburg RapeEdited by: Thrashen
Typical holiday season in New Orleans, its not even close to New Years eve yet which is when a lot of murders happen here.

On Thursday, December 23, 2010 at approximately 11:00 p.m., First
District Officers responded toan aggravated battery by shooting which
occurred in the1500 Block ofFrenchmen Street.Upon arrival the victim
was observed lying ont he kitchen floornsuffering from an apparent
gunshot wound to his neck. After further investigation, it was learned
the vitim was shot during and armed robbery.According toneighbors,a
gunshot was heard and then footsteps along the outdoor side walkway,
which leads to the kitchen. The victim could be heard calling for
help.It was statedthe victim wasshot by a black male.The victim
stated the perpetrator arrived at his residence at which time the victim
allowed him inside the house. Upon entering the house, the perpetrator
stated "gimme your money". The victim gave the perpetrator $11.00 at
which time the perpetrator shot him andfled on foot
.The victim is
listed in critical condition.Wanted: UnknownRace : BlackDark
complexion, 5'09 - 5'10, thin,short hair, tattoos on both handsEarly
20'sSex : Male

On December 24, 2010, at 5:55 AM, First District Officers
weredispatched to an armed robbery, at Lafitte Streetand North
Claiborne.Thevictim,stated he and friends were having drinks in the
French Quarters for several hours, andsomehow became separated. The
victim attempted to locate his friends vehicle, but was unable to locate
it and decided to walk. The victim stated he lived in Slidell, so he
decided to walk towards the interstate, eastbound. As he approached
Lafitte Streetand North Claiborne, he saw an unknown black male walking
towards him. Moments later, the unknown black male produced a small
silver handgun, possibly a .22 caliber, and demanded money. The victim
complied with thedemands, and handed over $48.00 from his pants
The subject then fled on Laffite Streetthen unknown. The
perpetrator was described as a black male, 5'7"-5'9", clad in a green
hooded sweatshirt and black jeans.This investigation is ongoing.

December 24, 2010New Orleans Police Department-Public Information
OfficeNOPD Homicide Division Re-books Michael Cameron with
Second-Degree Murder in Stabbing DeathNew Orleans, LA â€" The New
Orleans Police Department's Homicide Division has re-booked Michael
Cameron for second-degree murder, in connection with the stabbing death
of a 26-year-old Eric Roy. The offense occurred on November 29, 2010,
shortly after 3:00 A.M., at a local bar in the 800 block of South Peters
Street. According to investigators, the victim, two brothers, Michael
and Jeremy Cameron, were involved in a physical altercation when Michael
Cameron stabbed 26-year-old Roy in the head. As the bar's bouncer, a
33- year-old male, attempted to break up the fight, Jeremy Cameron bit
and severed the bouncer's ear. Several Orleans Parish Criminal Sheriffs
Deputies who were working a paid detail at the bar detained both Jeremy
and Michael Cameron until NOPD arrived. Emergency medical technicians
transported both victims' to a local hospital where Eric Roy was listed
in critical condition and the bouncer was listed in stable condition.
Shortly after the altercation, Eighth District Detective Michael Flores
placed Jeremy and Michael Cameron under arrest for aggravated by
battery. The suspects were transported to Central Lock-up and booked
accordingly.On December 21, 2010, Eric Roy died as a result of his
injuries. Subsequently, Homicide Detective Robert Hurst re-booked
Michael Cameron with (1) count of second-degree murder.The New Orleans
Police Department, under the leadership of Superintendent Ronal W.
Serpas, isengaged in a complete transformation in its approach to
ensuring that New Orleans is a safer place to live, work and visit.

<h5>Published: Friday, December 24, 2010, 3:53 PM Updated: Friday, December 24, 2010, 5:54 PM</h5>3 homicides occurring minutes apart. 6 total victims
Among the victims was Floyd Tapson,
50, of Slidell, who was shot in the head and was pronounced dead at
10:58 p.m., said John Gagliano, chief investigator at the New Orleans
coroner's office.
Officers responding to a report of a shooting found
Tapson in a pick-up truck on Almonaster Avenue near Liberty Terrace,
according to the New Orleans Police Department.
Detective Melanie Dillon is in charge of the Tapson investigation.
About 10 minutes earlier, Jonathan Hall, 27, was
pronounced dead after he was shot inside a residence at 1225 St. Roch
Ave., Gagliano said.
Hall lived in New Orleans but was believed to be from New York state, where his family lives, Gagliano said.
Detective Andrew Parker is in charge of Hall's homicide investigation.
Separately, Delmer Soto Arteaga, 25, was pronounced
dead at 11:10 p.m., after he was shot inside the residence at 1815 Allen
St., Gagliano said.
He was one of three people found shot inside the
Seventh Ward home, according to police. A 28-year-old woman and a
27-year-old man also suffered gunshot wounds to their bodies and were
taken to an undisclosed hospital, accordingto an NOPD news release.
Their conditions were not available.

Detective Timothy Binder is leading the investigation.

Anyone with information on any of the homicides is asked to contact Crimestoppers at 504.822.1111.

So stay armed if in a poor black area, don't give them crap and shoot, because it seems you have a 50 percent chance of getting shot anyway. Btw, right outside the French Quarter there is the Iberville projects surrounded by other dangerous streets. You could get lost and wander 5 small streets the wrong way, less than a 10 minute walk and wind up in one of these places. Happens to drunk people all the time.

on one of the comment sections for one of the articles on these"LET ME SAY SOMETHING ONE OF THE VICTIMS IS MY SON AND HE WAS RAISED VERY

This was in response to this being black on black crime

Edited by: snow
An article entitled "Another horrific racially motivated attack in Detroit."

A woman was gravely injured and remains on life support after an alleged vicious attack by a large black woman. The woman arrested for the attacked is (get this..) named Sparkling Angel Boyd. There appears to be no other motivation other than sheer racial hatred. Sparking Angel told a judge that the white victim "gave me the wrong look."Â￾
Michael said:
An article entitled "Another horrific racially motivated attack in Detroit."

A woman was gravely injured and remains on life support after an alleged vicious attack by a large black woman. The woman arrested for the attacked is (get this..) named Sparkling Angel Boyd. There appears to be no other motivation other than sheer racial hatred. Sparking Angel told a judge that the white victim "gave me the wrong look."Â￾

Only 25,000 dollars bail for the obese black woman? What a joke. If the races were reversed the bail would have been much higher.
An article entitled "Notre Dame college student commits suicide as alleged rapist walks free."

Imagine if the races were reversed in this story. This would be the biggest news story in North America for a week straight. Instead it is completely swept under the rug.

Elizabeth Seeberg took her own life after allegedly being raped by Congolese immigrant Prince Shembo who plays football for Notre Dame.

Seeberg committed suicide nine days after reporting the rape. Authorities had been dragging their feet and at least one other Notre Dame football player had threatened her.

The prosecution now says that they will not move forward with charges since Seeberg took her own life. There can be no doubt that the national media would have made this the single biggest story in the US had the race of the victim and alleged perpetrator been reversed.
An article entitled "Why did the NAACP defend this violent monster?"

Remember the rape victim who was put through hell by her school. They ordered her to cheer for her own alleged rapist.

Did the school board order a cheerleader, Hillaire, to cheer for her attacker simply to appease the local NAACP bullies and keep their star basketball player? It seems hard to imagine, but appears to be the case

When other thugs began harassing Hillaire at school, the school officials simply told her to avoid the lunchroom and after school activities. The behavior of the white school officials can only be described as vile and despicable.

A mountain of evidence and eyewitnesses exist that say this cheerleader was brutally attacked by two black males, include Bolton, at a party.

When the victim's mother came to get her daughter, Bolton came out of hiding and allegedly threatened to murder her and eight other students.

Bolton was eventually slapped on the wrist with 150 hours of community service and a misdemeanor on his record.
whiteathlete33 said:
Michael said:
An article entitled "Another horrific racially motivated attack in Detroit."

A woman was gravely injured and remains on life support after an alleged vicious attack by a large black woman. The woman arrested for the attacked is (get this..) named Sparkling Angel Boyd. There appears to be no other motivation other than sheer racial hatred. Sparking Angel told a judge that the white victim "gave me the wrong look."Â￾
Only 25,000 dollars bail for the obese black woman?  What a joke.  If the races were reversed the bail would have been much higher.
If things take a turn for the worse the bail could be raised or revoked as charges will be upgraded. The water buffalo err lady must be using her stage name.....
Yeah, those crimes don't get any attention by the MSM. <?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
They have big stories to the Craig's List killer.
Ya know, that blond haired, blue eyed, white kid,genius, serial killer who murdered...1 person.
A&amp;E was all over that one tonight.

Edited by: Alpha Male
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