Crime Thread

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white is right said:
I suspect the delivery driver will get canned, but really he is a hero and probably saved his life and the managers. I couldn't imagine working a labourer job and delivery pizza in the evening and facing robbery at night. If the driver gets canned the NRA should donate some money to the driver. In Canada the driver would probably be facing manslaughter charges.....

Dumb and Dumber thought they were cruising - getting off by smacking around good people - and then a man arises out of his Trojan Horse, so to speak, leaving these two feral Rottweilers bleeding and dead. A true hero.

Quick, sweet justice. The comments under the article were absolutely beautiful.
True story a few years back a right wing city councillor in Toronto named Norm Gardiner had his bakery robbed by street thugs and he shot at them with his pistol. He faced a slew of charges and lawyers fees. He ended up beating the charges.
whiteathlete33 said:
Are the self defense laws different in Canada?
At it's core no. But the discharging of a firearm in public is seen as a very serious offense if you life isn't in imminent danger. He had a permit for a handgun, but the Crown Attorney felt that he was defending his property rather than his life. So he faced unsafe discharging of a firearm in public and some other charges. This might have also been political as he was a big police backer. Interestingly enough he is Jewish and owned a Jewish bakery in a northern end of the city which was heavily Jewish but is now in transition. I can't remember if the robbers were White or another race.
whiteathlete33 said:
Jamarcescia Price!! That name is priceless!

That one needs to go into the CF Hall of Names.
Wow, I believe it! You know, RC is a pretty good soft drink, imho.
An article entitled "Billionaire World Jewish Congress president arrested for underage prostitutes."

We see the relentless assault against the Catholic church coming from Hollywood and the national media. Ask yourself why crimes committed by Catholic clergy are national news stories, but never reported when they are members of certain other religious groups.

If the man arrested below had been Vatican official, this would be a major international news story. However, as a major figure in the largest Jewish organization in the world, the story is completely absent save for a few Jewish publications.

Why does Hollywood and the US media attack Catholics relentlessly, but actively protect the image of Jews?

Besides being one of the five regional presidents of the world's largest Jewish organization, Alexander Mashkevitch is also one of the richest men in the world. He owns mines all over Africa, as well as Russia and Kosovo. His corporation ENRC, made a $1.5 Billion profit last year and is valued at nearly $7 Billion on the London Stock Exchange.

The previous head of the WJC, Billionaire Edgar Bronfman, stepped down in 2007 after one of his aids was accused of stealing large amounts of money from the organization. Bronfman became a billionaire from liquor sales and his American media empire which published violent "ganster"Â￾ rap music and trashy hip hop aimed at teens.
The Catholic Church needs to purge it's homo leadership and wussy attitude and stop bending over for international jewry. If they truly believe in their religion they better get started battling for the heart and souls of their members. They got enough cash to take on the jews and they need to get started or the jews are going to bankrupt them with lawsuits, which are nothing more but a cash transfer from Catholic parishioners to jew lawyers.
Recently retired Glen Coffee arrested for having concealed weapon

By Chris Chase

When former San Francisco 49ers running back Glen Coffee(notes) retired from the NFL this summer at the age of 23, he said it was because God told him to leave football and enter the ministry. He didn't mention whether or not he was supposed to accept his higher calling while carrying an automatic pistol.

Coffee was arrested in Florida on Friday morning for carrying a concealed firearm, according to TMZ. Police found the weapon cocked in his center console during a traffic stop.

The former NFL player had been pulled over for speeding in his 2008 Cadillac and was soon discovered to be driving a car without insurance or registration. When police searched the car before it was to be towed, they found the loaded weapon.

[Related: MLB player leaves team in middle of playoffs]

Police arrested Coffee and charged him with a third-degree felony, which is punishable in Florida by up to five years in jail. The arrest came in Coffee's hometown of Ft. Walton Beach.

In his rookie season with the 49ers, Coffee ran the ball 83 times for 226 yards and one touchdown. He was a third-round pick out of Alabama, where he made first-team All-SEC in his junior season.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
An article entitled "Decapitation in Chandler, AZ. One Illegal Alien Arrested, Three Men on the Run"

A grisly murder happened over the weekend in Chandler, Arizona. A man was stabbed to death and then decapitated. His severed head was found several feet from his bloody corpse.

Four men were involved but so far Crisantos Moroyoqui, 36, is the only one of them that has been apprehended and arrested. Moroyogui was identified by the Arizona Republic newspaper as an undocumented immigrant. He wasn't too difficult to find after the killing took place because he left bloody shoe prints that led to his apartment nearby. The police caught him while he was sleeping inside. His bloody tennis shoes were outside the door when the police arrived.

Many questions surround the incident but so far Moroyoqui has been uncooperative in giving answers. It was reported that before the killing Moroyogui was drinking beers on Sunday afternoon outside of the apartment with five buddies who were all day laborers.

So, did you notice what the police didn't say? Probably the most important thing of all of course: THEIR RACE! Most people could probably figure it out by their pictures or perhaps their names but why didn't the police state the obvious facts that are essential to identify these thugs before they get to Mexico? Perhaps the Chandler police shied away because the suspected killers are all dark skinned Latinos. That wasn't so hard to say, now was it?
From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:

Johnstown doctor guilty of 8th DUI

JOHNSTOWN, Pa. -- A Johnstown anesthesiologist has been sentenced to four months to four years in jail after apologizing and pleading guilty to his eighth drunken driving offense.

Fifty-six-year-old Dr. Ashok Padhiar told the Cambria County judge who sentenced him Thursday that he is "ashamed, humiliated and humbled."

The doctor was arrested Oct. 29 after he was unconscious in his parked vehicle with empty bottles of champagne cognac. His blood-alcohol content was three times the legal limit.

Records show the doctor has five DUI convictions in Ohio and one each in Michigan and Illinois between 1989 and 2002.

The Tribune-Democrat of Johnstown says the doctor is getting 67 days credit for time in rehab and will spend 12 months on house arrest after spending another 53 days in jail.

Do you think the rest of us would even get a chance at 8 DUIs?

If you read the article carefully, Indian Dr. Ashok Padhiar is only going to do 53 days more days in jail 'cause he gets credit for 67 previous ones in rehab, and then he gets to hang out at home for a year on house arrest.

He should have to do hard labor for that year for endangering the lives of so many people on many occasions and then he should be deported back to South Asia. Maybe he could use his knowledge of the U.S. there in a telemarketing job.
Appears to be yet another Prozac induced murder/suicide. SSRI's aren't just for White people.
This story is disgusting. Paterson is one of the many ghettos of NJ. Crime is so rampant that no one wants to live there. Here is another story about a black thug who rapes a 10 year old girl in broad daylight. Of course the bruthas and sistahs in the area don't want to cooperate with police because they don't want to be known as snitches. There is nothing like upholding your reputation in "the hood."
A bit of good news.

<div ="storyline4">
OJ Simpson appeal denied by Nevada Supreme Court

<div ="datetimestamp">
Friday, October 22, 2010


<div ="editDetails">The Record</div>
<div ="storyaffiliation">THE ASSOCIATED PRESS</div>

<div id="story" style="clear: both; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-top: 0px;">

#printDesc { display: none; }

Nevada Supreme Court refused Friday to overturn O.J. Simpson's armed
robbery and kidnapping convictions stemming from a gunpoint Las Vegas
hotel room heist.

The court said in its ruling that it concluded that all of Simpson's arguments for appeal were without merit.

The court ordered the conviction of Simpson's co-defendant Clarence "C.J." Stewart to be reversed and a new trial held.

63-year-old Simpson is serving nine to 33 years at a state prison. His
co-defendant, Clarence "C.J." Stewart, is serving 7 1/2 to 27 years at
High Desert State Prison northwest of Las Vegas.

Both men were
convicted of kidnapping, armed robbery, conspiracy and other crimes for
what Simpson maintained was an attempt to retrieve family photos and

The racial makeup of the jury and the conduct of the judge were key issues in the former football star's appeal.

County District Attorney David Roger has called the September 2008
trial contentious but fair, and the sentences just. He had urged the
justices to deny both appeals.

Simpson attorney Yale Galanter
characterized his client's conviction as prejudicial "payback" for his
1994 double-murder acquittal involving the 1994 slayings of his ex-wife,
Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend Ron Goldman in Los Angeles.

a previous hearing, Justices Michael Cherry, Mark Gibbons and Nancy
Saitta posed pointed questions about whether Stewart received a fair
trial alongside Simpson.

Four other men took plea deals and received probation after testifying for the prosecution.

Stewart, 56, is a former Simpson golfing partner from North Las Vegas.


LAS VEGAS â€" The Nevada Supreme Court refused Friday to overturn
O.J. Simpson's armed robbery and kidnapping convictions stemming from a
gunpoint Las Vegas hotel room heist.

<div ="storyholder" style="clear: none;">

<div id="storymedia" ="story">

<div ="photographer">

<div ="photocaption">
OJ Simpson

The court said in its ruling that it concluded that all of Simpson's arguments for appeal were without merit.

The court ordered the conviction of Simpson's co-defendant Clarence "C.J." Stewart to be reversed and a new trial held.

The 63-year-old Simpson is serving nine to 33 years at a state
prison. His co-defendant, Clarence "C.J." Stewart, is serving 7 1/2 to
27 years at High Desert State Prison northwest of Las Vegas.

Both men were convicted of kidnapping, armed robbery, conspiracy
and other crimes for what Simpson maintained was an attempt to retrieve
family photos and mementoes.

The racial makeup of the jury and the conduct of the judge were key issues in the former football star's appeal.

Clark County District Attorney David Roger has called the
September 2008 trial contentious but fair, and the sentences just. He
had urged the justices to deny both appeals.

Simpson attorney Yale Galanter characterized his client's
conviction as prejudicial "payback" for his 1994 double-murder acquittal
involving the 1994 slayings of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and
her friend Ron Goldman in Los Angeles.

At a previous hearing, Justices Michael Cherry, Mark Gibbons and
Nancy Saitta posed pointed questions about whether Stewart received a
fair trial alongside Simpson.

Four other men took plea deals and received probation after testifying for the prosecution.

Stewart, 56, is a former Simpson golfing partner from North Las Vegas.
More TNB from an ex-afflete...

Troubled ex-UGA QB Quincy Carter arrested after allegedly beating up girlfriend

By Christian Boone

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Former UGA and NFL quarterback Quincy Carter, whose football career was sidetracked by bouts with drugs and alcohol, now faces battery charges stemming from an alleged violent altercation with a 35-year-old woman at her Lawrenceville apartment.

The woman, who identified herself as Carter's girlfriend, told Gwinnett County Police the 33-year-old Decatur native repeatedly punched and choked her after she told him she was sick of him "being drunk all the time," according to the incident report, dated Oct. 6.

"He put both of his hands around her neck and started choking her," the report states. "He also punched her in the mouth and in face area several times. Before Quincy left, he punched her in the right eye."

The officer observed a scratch on the victim's neck, along with bruises and cuts on her arms and lips. A warrant was issued for Carter's arrest.

Nine days later, Carter was stopped on Duluth Highway and Atkinson Road for driving with an expired tag. After questioning Carter the patrolman discovered that his license had been suspended. The former Dallas Cowboy told the officer his license expired six years earlier.

He was arrested and charged with three driving violations and the outstanding battery charge. Carter, now living in Ellenwood, was released later that day from the Gwinnett County Detention Center, police records reveal.

The two-sport star first rose to prominence in 1995 when he led the Southwest DeKalb High School football Panthers to the AAAA State Championship. Carter signed a letter of intent to play at Georgia Tech in 1996 but ended up signing with the Chicago Cubs instead after being drafted 52nd overall in the MLB amateur draft.

Carter struggled with the bat, however, and in 1998 he enrolled at the University of Georgia, winning the starting quarterback job as a freshman. He declared himself eligible for the NFL draft after his junior season and was selected in the second round by the Cowboys.

After leading Dallas to the playoffs in 2003, Carter was released in 2004 for failing a drug test and attitude problems, according to the team. He started three games for the New York Jets in 2004 but more problems with drugs led to his release the following season.

Since then Carter has bounced around the Canadian and Arena football leagues and has been in and out of trouble with the law. He was cut by the Abilene Ruff Riders of the fledgling Indoor Football League in 2009 after a pair of arrests -- for DWI and failing to pay his bondsman.

Carter was also accused of making terroristic threats in May after a Duluth woman told Gwinnett police he threatened to kill her. Police spokesman Brian Kelly told the AJC late Friday night he did not know if charges were ever filed in that incident.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
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