Crime Thread

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I saw this case on my local news, and I thought it was going to the rare case of a White man killing his kid. It was a nice-looking neighborhood, but I know that there are some blacks that live in neighborhoods like that, as it didn't look especially pricey.

The news story starts with the 911 call from the wife's father, and, from his voice, he's clearly a White from the Northeast. Then, to my shock, they later showed the husband's father, a wide-nosed negro! WOW, another "interracial love story." They just keep on comin' - don't they?

Father to be charged in 4-year-old's death

I guess her father didn't mind that his daughter LITERALLY entered the primitive, dangerous jungle..? These mixed children kind of look Mexican.

Edited by: Deadlift
"A 911 call was placed around 12:30 a.m. from the home near the Durham-Orange county line, where Mitchell, his children, wife Christine and her father, Pete Perolini, lived."Â￾

Aww, "daddy"Â￾ even lived in the same house as his little Prostitute-Mudshark and her dirty spawn. Another wretch of a white "father figure."Â￾
Tales of the Ghetto #584,765 -- Ghetto Lynchin' and don't mess wiff my Brandy!!

The woman called police to report Austin had stolen her bottle of brandy. Officers responded to the call, but did not arrest Austin.

The woman then decided to take matters into her own hands, and coerced a group of her friends to attack Austin.

Witnesses said the group dragged Austin to the middle of the road, where they punched and kicked him.

Simmons said a woman used a taser gun to hurt him, as he struggled to stand up and flee.

Then some one in the crowd pulled out a gun and shot Austin at close range.

"The boy shot him right there in his back. It wasn't far off, it was close-up," said Simmons. "He put the gun to his back and 'pow-pow', twice over a half bottle of E and J and $10."

Honestly, the "victim" and the perp are all hideous-looking animals. This is a welcome addition to Tales of the Ghetto...

Edited by: Deadlift
Deadlift said:
Tales of the Ghetto #584,765 -- Ghetto Lynchin' and don't mess wiff my Brandy!!

The woman called police to report Austin had stolen her bottle of brandy. Officers responded to the call, but did not arrest Austin.

The woman then decided to take matters into her own hands, and coerced a group of her friends to attack Austin.

Witnesses said the group dragged Austin to the middle of the road, where they punched and kicked him.

Simmons said a woman used a taser gun to hurt him, as he struggled to stand up and flee.

Then some one in the crowd pulled out a gun and shot Austin at close range.

"The boy shot him right there in his back. It wasn't far off, it was close-up," said Simmons. "He put the gun to his back and 'pow-pow', twice over a half bottle of E and J and $10."

Honestly, the "victim" and the perp are all hideous-looking animals. This is a welcome addition to Tales of the Ghetto...

Unbelievable! Then people have to nerve to claim blacks aren't violent, it's just poverty that cause crime. West Virginia is among the poorest states and it's 96 percent white. You don't see this type of crap over there.
whiteathlete33 said:
Unbelievable! Then people have to nerve to claim blacks aren't violent, it's just poverty that cause crime. West Virginia is among the poorest states and it's 96 percent white. You don't see this type of crap over there.
Yes, the 4 percent play sports at the state's universities, recruited from elsewhere.....
From the website:

Two men walked into a Rite-Aid on Jackson Road in Ann Arbor on Thursday night, filled a duffel bag with bottles of liquor and left without paying, police said.

On their way out, the men shoved a 43-year-old male employee who attempted to stop them, police spokeswoman Lt. Renee Bush said.

According to Bush, the suspects left in a white Cadillac after the 8:50 p.m. incident. Bush estimated the value of the alcohol at more than $300.

Now guess the race of the perps, and don't be a racist about it!

Both were described as black and 40 years of age.
Born killas..?

Police: Teen Killed Man During Dice Game

19-Year-Old Charged With 1st-Degree Murder

POSTED: Thursday, September 23, 2010
UPDATED: 9:21 am EDT September 24, 2010

A comment:

I am going to thow away the yatzee game right now.... its too dangerous for me. I dont want no cap blasted in ma head.....



Police: Trucker Killed Business Rival

49-Year-Old Arrested In Shooting Death Of Man In 2008

POSTED: Friday, September 24, 2010

Another "jealous" negro.;_ylt=A2KIKvRFTp9MqdMAHFNv24cA;_ylu=X3oDMTNydjJkcXExBGFzc2V0Ay9zL2FwLzIwMTAwOTI2L2FwX29uX3JlX3VzL3VzX2hvdXNlX3BhcnR5X3Nob290aW5ncwRjY29kZQNtcF9lY184XzEwBGNwb3MDNgRwb3MDNgRzZWMDeW5fdG9wX3N0b3JpZXMEc2xrAzhzaG90M3N0YWJiZQ--

(Some great comments too after the story)

<div ="byline">

<h1 id="yn-title">8 shot, 3 stabbed, 1 dead at east LA house
party</h1> <abbr title="2010-09-26T00:02:35-0700" ="timedate">SunSep26,

LOS ANGELES â€" Eight people were shot â€" one fatally â€"
and another three stabbed Saturday after a fight broke out at a birthday
party, authorities said.

One man, Steven </span>Lopez</span></font>, 22, died at the scene and
two other gunshot victims were taken to County-USC Medical Center with
critical injuries, police said.

A dispute at the late-night house party in the Boyle
Heights neighborhood escalated until several people pulled out guns and

The condition of the other five shooting victims was
described only as stable and there was no word on the condition of the
stabbing victims, but all the remaining victims were expected to

"I've never seen so many aggravated assaults in one
scene," Capt. Anita Ortega told the Los Angeles Times.

No arrests have been made. Ortega said that different
kind of shell </span>casings</span></font> at the scene suggested
multiple shooters.

The incident does not appear to be gang related,
authorities said.

"We have no indication that this was a gang site,"
Ortega said. "Only that it was a house party open to everyone with a fee
of $10 and a lot of beer."


Also, here's one from a couple of weeks ago in Denver, CO...along the same lines. Woman pulled from car and beaten. Note that these people were still partying at 6:20am:<div><div style="overflow: ; color: rgb0, 0, 0; : transparent; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; border: medium none;"><h1 id="articleTitle" ="articleTitle">Evans
cops: Family birthday bash turns into violent melee</h1><div id="articleByline" ="articleByline"><a href="" target="_blank">By
Kieran Nicholson
The Denver Post
</a></div><div ="articleer">



<div id="article" ="article">
<div ="articleViewerGroup" id="articleViewerGroup" style="border: 0px none;">






A woman drove a truck through a fence in Evans
this weekend, hitting and injuring another woman, before a crowd pulled
the driver from the vehicle and beat her, police said.

The incident involved at least 15 people - all extended family
members celebrating two September birthdays - and it happened at about
6:20 a.m. Saturday in the 4100 block of Denver Street, according to
Evans Police.

An alcohol-fueled argument escalated into a violent string of events
ending with several arrests, said Rita Wolf, an Evans Police Department

Sandra Flores, 31, is accused of driving a 1997 Dodge pickup truck
through a fence, injuring a 23-year-old woman, who is related to Flores.
Flores was then pulled from the truck

and assaulted by four people - two sets of couples by
marriage - who happen to be her cousins, Wolf said.

Flores and the woman who was hit by the truck were both taken to
North Colorado Medical Center. Flores remains in the hospital this
morning. When discharged, she'll be taken to the Weld County Jail and
booked on suspicion of attempted vehicular homicide, among other
possible charges, Wolf said.

Details on the injuries of the woman hit by the truck were not

Four people arrested on suspicion of assaulting Flores, according to
police, are: Arcadio Arias, 36; Isabel Luna, 32; Ezekiel Estrella, 31;
and Victoria Margarita Luna, 29.

Arias and Isabel Luna are married to each other, Wolf said, as is

Estrella and Victoria Luna. Isabel Luna's birthday
was Saturday; Victoria Luna's birthday was Sunday.


Must be the good family people that Jorge Bush said that just want to come here to do the jobs that Americans don't want to do.
An article entitled "More left-wing violence caught on tape."

A man attends a public event and is video taping the left-wing Governor of Washington. Two large thugs with nametags identifying them as members of the radical far-left "African American Alliance"Â￾ attack the man while he continues filming. The assault takes place right in front of the Governor, who ignores it and continues talking.
Enraged (Black) Man Kills Wife, 4 Stepchildren, then Kills Self

Dell seemed paranoid, a neighbor said, always thinking someone was against him. On Sunday, while he was at a club, he was asked to leave after making a drunken threat.

"He was talking about chopping up somebody," said neighbor Keisha Gordon, 30.

Gordon said she left the club with Dell and went to a nearby park, the last place Gordon saw him before the shootings.

Was he gettin' a little somethin' somethin' from the neighbor?..
Another "fragile" ego equals another fatal chimp-out, this time in Jersey. (black-on-black)

Arrest made in fatal shooting
East Orange man charged with murder of Seton Hall sophomore Jessica Moore

Negro criminal kills other criminals in Cali: A triple homicide; (Are these getting more common or what?..)

Teen (negro) robber killed in Oklahoma

Dey messed wiff the wrong convenience store. Always good to see savage primitives get their just deserts. Why this doesn't occur more, I don't know?
An article entitled "Black thugs torch restaurant to keep white politician out."

Hate campaign by Shreveport's black leaders and politicians end in racially motivated arson.

A white politician running for office in majority black Shreveport, LA was openly denounced by black leaders simply because he is white and campaigned in black neighborhoods. Black leaders in Shreveport urged blacks to vote exclusively for black candidates, while denouncing Wooley as a "racist."Â￾

Then when Wooley organized a rally in a restaurant on Martin Luther King Street with free hamburgers and limo rides, black thugs burned the venue down to try to cancel the event.

The event was aimed at older residents participating in an early voting program.
This thread reminds me of the World tabloids news stories. So fantastical you would swear they aren't true.....
white is right said:
This thread reminds me of the World tabloids news stories. So fantastical you would swear they aren't true.....

I think I know what you mean... All the "Honor Stoodint gunned down on porch"... "Honor Stoodint gunned down at bus-stop"... Honor-stoodint killed over pork ribs/fried chicken" stories...

Pretty surreal.
When I used to shop at midnight back in the late 80's to early 90's I would read the World while waiting for the clerk to ring up my groceries. The World had headlines like man eats neighbourhood children for 20 years. These stories really aren't much less shocking. Well at least they don't have stories about Zsa Zsa Gabor getting blood transfusions so that she can live forever.....
Edited by: white is right
An article entitled "Blacks riot, brutally attack white people at Paris festival."

An annual festival in Paris France was ruined when mobs of blacks rioted and attacked white people at random. Numerous whites were attacked and had to be treated by paramedics. Several white women were sexually assaulted.

Imagine if the races had been reversed. A story like this would be the biggest news story in the world. However, since it is blacks attacking whites it is censored, buried, and blacklisted by the "mainstream"Â￾ press. Race riots and vicious racially motivated attacks are being carried out by blacks all over the western world and the media does everything it can to hide it from the public.
Michael said:
An article entitled "Blacks riot, brutally attack white people at Paris festival."

An annual festival in Paris France was ruined when mobs of blacks rioted and attacked white people at random. Numerous whites were attacked and had to be treated by paramedics. Several white women were sexually assaulted.

Imagine if the races had been reversed. A story like this would be the biggest news story in the world. However, since it is blacks attacking whites it is censored, buried, and blacklisted by the "mainstream"Â￾ press. Race riots and vicious racially motivated attacks are being carried out by blacks all over the western world and the media does everything it can to hide it from the public.

It is shocking the number of black people in Paris on that video. I thought it was France, not Africa! It reminds me of what Johannesburg looked like in the opening segments of "The Gods Must be Crazy" movie made in the 70s. And we all know what SA looks like now.

It is well known that whenever large groups of blacks are together various forms of crime are guaranteed to happen, even with a large police presence.

Now I do believe a small percentage of blacks are civilized and capable of living in Western Society in Canada and the U.S., but why on earth do they even allow Africans to move to Europe? It makes no sense to me. No immigration from Third World hell holes should be allowed in Europe or the U.S.! In Europe they really need to reform their immigration policies ASAP lest their countries turn into Rhodesia or Kenya.
Ol' Leroy gets some hot lead for his troubles.

DeKalb homeowner, 84, shoots intruder, 2 arrested

By Larry Hartstein and Kristi E. Swartz

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

DeKalb County police have arrested two men who tried to break into the home of an 84-year-old man.

Keyon Mangham and Gabriel Fordham, both 20, were arrested for trying to break into the Stone Mountain home late Wednesday night, Dekalb police said.

An 84-year-old homeowner awoke late Wednesday night to the sound of someone breaking through his basement door.

As a burglar came upstairs, the homeowner grabbed a pistol from his nightstand. He fired three times at the intruder â€" Mangham -- hitting him once in the leg, WSB Radio's Richard Sangster reports.

The incident happened around 11:30 p.m. on Meadowbrook Chase in Stone Mountain.

Mangham left a trail of blood in the house as he ran away, according to WSB. While seeking treatment for his wound at Grady Memorial Hospital, he was taken into custody by police. He was charged with burglary and later transferred to the DeKalb County Jail.

Police later arrested Fordham and also charged him with burglary.

Authorities have not released the name of the homeowner.


Edited by: DixieDestroyer
An article entitled "Police say dozens of brutal racially motivated attacks on white men have recently occured in Champaign, IL."

America is gripped in an epidemic of brutal racially motivated attacks against white people. The so called "mainstream"Â￾ media does everything possible to censor, blacklist, and hide stories about black violence in which the victims are white. Imagine for a second that the races were reversed in the story below. THIS WOULD BE THE LARGEST NEWS STORY IN THE ENTIRE UNITED STATES FOR WEEKS!

Black men commit more violent crimes against white people than other blacks. However, you would never know that from the "mainstream"Â￾ media.
I suspect the delivery driver will get canned, but really he is a hero and probably saved his life and the managers. I couldn't imagine working a labourer job and delivery pizza in the evening and facing robbery at night. If the driver gets canned the NRA should donate some money to the driver. In Canada the driver would probably be facing manslaughter charges.....
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